Alright babes, Bimini is here with their very own podcast! Bimini is challenging the world around us and asking how the experiences we’ve lived have made us the people we are today. From pop stars to politicians, artists and activists, every week Bimini will be unearthing the moments that have shaped their guests’ identities, whilst exploring how the world today is impacting the people we are becoming. New episodes drop Tuesdays, from October 22nd.
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De los creadores de "No soy solo una cara bonita" llega: "Sí, soy solo una cara bonita". Samantha Hudson y María Barrier abordarán los temas más trillados y woke en bimboficadas. Todos los lunes en Spotify. Edición, sonido y cámara de: @junaked e @ikertorre. <3
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„BIM & Bier“ ist der Building Information Modeling Podcast von Formitas. In jeder Folge gibt es nicht nur nützliche Infos über BIM und interessante Gespräche mit Gästen aus der Bauindustrie, sondern es wird auch jedes Mal ein neues Bier präsentiert. Was hat Bier mit BIM zu tun? Beides sind prozessuale Themen, die sich durch kleine Veränderungen beeinflussen lassen und am Ende ein tolles Produkt ergeben.
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All the Tools, Systems and strategies you'll need as a full-time working parent to turn those dreams you have on hold into a reality.
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El Podcast sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar!
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TDH by BIMrras es el spin-off de BIMrras en el que semana a semana repasamos el tema que más nos ha llamado la atención en el mundo de la tecnología aplicada al sector de la construcción, o no. Un espacio donde cada uno de los BIMrras expone su opinión sin tapujos y con el auténtico estilo BIMrras.
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Rabbis Efrem Goldberg, Philip Moskowitz, and Josh Broide, from Boca Raton Synagogue, shmooze about contemporary issues. Every week features an unscripted and lively discussion, special guests, and a behind-the-scenes look at leading a large and dynamic Jewish community.
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Bringing weekly Jewish insights into your life. Join Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz, Rabbi Michelle Robinson and Rav-Hazzan Aliza Berger of Temple Emanuel in Newton, MA as they share modern ancient wisdom.
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En podkast fra Standard Norge og buildingSMART Norge. Podkasten vil ta for seg hvordan BIM bidrar til digitalisering av bygg-, anlegg- og eiendomsindustrien i Norge og Internasjonalt. Vi vil informere om utvikling som skjer innen det tekniske rammerverket som f.eks. Relevante standarder og hvordan BIM blir tatt i bruk i næringens verdikjeder. Dette vil vi gjøre gjennom å prate med sentrale aktører, og gjennom rapporter fra sentrale møteplasser.
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Bienvenido a BIMrras Podcast, Podcast sobre BIM en español. El Primer Podcast Colaborativo sobre BIM ¡El PODCAST sobre BIM que Chuck Norris no se atreve a escuchar! Donde 4 arquitectos BIMtrastornados discutimos sobre todo lo relacionado con el mundo del Building Information Modeling. Dirigido a todos los profesionales que intervienen en el ciclo de vida de una edificación o infraestructura, desde las primeras ideas o intenciones, pasando por las fases de diseño, construc ...
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BIM is a big part of the construction process that sometimes goes misunderstood. This podcast is to highlight the benefits of BIM and it's role within the construction sector. BIMTech is a company that works with some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, delivering time and time again. Listen and get to know the workings of BIM, hear from some of the biggest construction companies in the UK, meet the people behind BIMTech and see the culture behind our offices. This is The BIMTec ...
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El primer podcast sobre BIM en español
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Do you want to keep up to date with all the true crime news but you're too afraid to listen alone? Breakfast With Bimbos Is the true crime slumber party of your dreams! Audie, Danni, And Alysse, Sit down weekly to talk about true crime cases while laughing about, well, just about anything. from crazy stories to inside jokes you will be considered one of the girls listening to these episodes.
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Podcast v katerem se Matevž in Robert z gosti sproščeno pogovarjata o informacijskem modeliranju zgradb (BIM) in informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologijah v gradbeništvu.
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Podcast ini adalah rangkuman apa yang saya pelajari sehari-hari.
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Diskusi asik asik, segala hal yang bersifat random
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Un micropodcast diario sobre reflexiones del ámbito tecnológico y empresarial.
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Just some bimbo girls talking NONSENSE on a weekly basis.
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Silicon Valley is a one-stop engineering consultant provider, that delivers and assists its clients in providing all types of engineering services. The professed team of engineers, designers, and drafters are well-trained and experienced in providing architectural engineering consultancy services, structural engineering consultancy services, MEP engineering services, Civil engineering services, CAD services, in a single roof.
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BMW News, Reviews & Opinions that Matter
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bimabroadcaster communication and sharing, motivation, nice moment, song, poem Etc
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Bimbam means "Reflection". This show will have episodes about Science & tech, Nature & Astronomy.
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Introducing @bimbeads
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Selamat datang di Bimbel bersama Yesaya Ferdinand, Shuliya Ratanavara, dan Surya Laili! Di sini kita akan membahas isu-isu yang sedang hangat dibicarakan—even the most random things in life. We'll try to give you some perspective and insight through every day noises.
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ברוכים הבאים Bienvenidos a Bimah Digital.
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Pro bimers podcast
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On The Bimah (formerly known as Theatre Schmooze) is a monthly podcast where we chat with Jewish theatre makers from around the world about their art, Judaism, and vision for theater’s future. Hosted by Danielle Levsky, On The Bimah features one-on-one conversations with artists that will illuminate the heart, soul, and diversity of contemporary Jewish theatre. On The Bimah is an Alliance for Jewish Theatre program, produced by Danny Debner and Danielle Levsky. Our theme music is by Ilya Lev ...
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Sports Bimbo is a weekly combat-focused sports podcast providing lighthearted weekly commentary on the latest UFC & Boxing news from a female fan's POV.
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Un espacio para el encuentro de ideas y novedades sobre BIM, y la transformación digital de la industria AEC en Latinoamérica y el mundo.
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Podcast berisi banyak hal..
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엔지니어링 분야 podcast 방송(BIM, 컴퓨터 그래픽스, 소프트웨어 공학)입니다. 기존 Podcast 업체 서비스 종료(2011~2014.12)로, 해외 서버로 옮겨 다시 시즌 3(2015.4~)방송을 시작합니다.
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Introducción a los conceptos básicos de la metodología BIM y como ella ha impactado las diferentes formas de contrucción. Llega para innovar en Colombia.
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The unofficial podcast
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Welcome to the electrifying world of Bimbo Baux, the brainchild of yours truly – the unapologetic Kelsey Pennywinkle, aka Fawxy Baux. Brace yourself for unfiltered conversations with the coolest cats in town, where we dish out truths like it's nobody's business. I'm not just an amateur bimbo historian, adult film sensation, and plus-sized model – I'm your podcast partner in crime, infusing humor sharper than stilettos into every episode. Join me for a wild ride that feels like a night out wi ...
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Podcast FnB (Podcast Fira dan Bimo) tiap Selasa malam akan membahas tentang cinta, dari sudut pandang high quality single ibukota. Stay tune! Connect with us on IG @podcastfnb @squilliams @zhafirahfarina email:
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Une discussion à la cool avec des gens plein d’énergie qui font bouger les choses. Bim. Bam. Boom Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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O Segunda BIM é um evento mensal promovido pelo GT BIM da AsBEA-RS e patrocinado pelo CAU-RS. Seu objetivo é difundir a metodologia BIM por toda a cadeia construtiva.
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Just two girls interviewing the stonages of the world one bimbo at a time
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A series of BIM Podcasts, with which you will find many aspects of BIM. Charlton Recruitment introduces “BIM 2017 podcasts” a must-listen series for anyone involved in Government construction projects as BIM is still a major trend. Charlton Recruitment will train the market place by bringing BIM Industry experts who all give their opinion regarding their proper experiences.
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B.I.M.O Two belfast podcast pioneers just shooting the shit talking about local events and happenings as well as covering everything in-between from Paranormal to Sports.
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BIMM’s ITMI (Inside the Music Industry) podcast pulls back the curtain on today’s music business. Hosted by acclaimed best-selling author and industry legend Dr Jennifer Otter Bickerdike, ITMI discusses, challenges and answers the big questions in music.
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In Heiliger Bimbam dreht sich alles um die Fragen: Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Welchen Unsinn erlebe ich auf der Suche danach? Und können wir uns selbst und die Welt um uns herum eigentlich noch retten? Mir ihren Gästen spricht Rebecca Randak über Liebe und Beziehungen, über Geburt und Tod, Nachhaltigkeit und Aktivismus, aber auch über den ganz normalen Wahnsinn des Alltags und darüber, wie man in dieser Welt gut klarkommen kann. Auf Instagram findet ihr uns unter @rebeccarandak. Jetzt abon ...
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Bima Leap Insurance Broker is fully committed to provide you with first in class general insurance solutions that are fully compliant with IRDAI guidelines. We aim to protect all of our customers with their insurance needs. All insurance products provide customers with state-of-the art solutions, and come with the in-house support of a dedicated & professional team and insurers who are there for you ALWAYS.
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This podcast that focuses on the ever-expanding topic of building information modelling, digital workflows and integrated experiences. Doorway to BIM is brought to you by the ASSA ABLOY team behind the award-winning software solution - Openings Studio.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Creating awareness about BIM and Digital Transformation in AEC Industry has been our mission since inception. Since Covid hit, we started to create online content openly accessible in different forms like YouTube. Launching our Podcast ‘The BIM Student” is another effort in the same direction. Creating content in a for that is easily accessible and creating wealth of knowledge that can be used by anyone ...
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Herzlich Willkommen zum BIM TALK der Podcast für Architekten die sich für BIM interessieren und genauer erfahren wollen: > was sind die Vorteile und Herausforderung > was erwartet uns auf diesem Weg und einen Austausch mit Architekten und Experten wünschen. Hier geht es nicht darum eine Rosarotewelt darzustellen, sondern vielmehr die Vorteile und Herausforderungen klar auf dem Punkt zu bringen und eine Vision zu der Digitalisierung zu vermitteln. Du bekommst konkrete Tipps für die Projektbea ...
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Co-Founder of Claima and Former Nike Marketer, Bimma Williams interviews leading and emerging creatives and entrepreneurs of color about how they were able to build their own tables by turning their hobbies, side hustles, and ideas into thriving small businesses. From these stories, listeners will learn how to claim their dream careers by stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Featuring Melody Ehsani, Jeff Staple, James Whitner and more. Follow Claima Stories (@claimastories) and Bimma ...
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Insurance penetration in Kenya is quite low compared to the global benchmark. The same can be reported about Insurance distribution as well. In this podcast we seek to educate and empower Kenyans all over the world on the various Insurance brackets and key stake holders. This shall ensure we have an informed population and thus better the insurance uptake, thus reducing the cost of the same.
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In der neuesten Folge von „BIM & Bier“ diskutieren wir mit Tobias Ell von Carpus+Partner, wie sich die Baubranche durch Digitalisierung, KI, datengestützte Ansätze und kulturellen Wandel nachhaltig für die Zukunft aufstellt. Das Bier: Gelassenheit von Yankee & Kraut. Kontakt BIM & Bier Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail: Bewerten Sie…
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM En este episodio de BIMrras, metemos el dedo en la llaga de uno de los grandes dilemas del sector: ¿la innovación es la respuesta a la complejidad o solo un término bonito que usamos para impresionar a los clientes? Hablamos de ideas locas, fracasos inevitables y …
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Episodio 173 Innovación BIM con Javier G. Recuenco
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En este episodio de BIMrras, metemos el dedo en la llaga de uno de los grandes dilemas del sector: ¿la innovación es la respuesta a la complejidad o solo un término bonito que usamos para impresionar a los clientes?Hablamos de ideas locas, fracasos inevitables y egos difíciles de mover, porque si innovar fuera fácil, no estaríamos aquí despotricand…
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En norsk BIM standard er på vei ut i Europa - NS 8360
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I denne episoden snakker Steen og Sofie om standarden NS 8360 - BIM-objekter for byggverk. Steen Sunesen, daglig leder i buildingSMART Norge Sofie Ivara Nicolaisen, leder for markedsutvikling - Byggteknikk og kontrakter i Standard Norge.על ידי buildingSMART Norge
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Behind the Scenes of Teaching a SOLIDWORKS CAD Class online – Silicon Valley
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Silicon Valley's Podcast episode on the Behind the Scenes of Teaching a Solidworks CAD Services Class online. and to get more information about solidworks drawings and drafting do visit our website.
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Episode 7 | Safety First: From Industry Standards to BIM Innovations
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In this episode of The BIMTech Podcast, Matt McGuire sits down with Richard Oxley, Director of Kenmac Associates, to discuss the critical role of Health & Safety (H&S) in modern construction. They explore topics like the connection between BIM and H&S, strategies for effective risk management, building safety-focused cultures, and how technology is…
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Nueva edición del CES en Las Vegas y, por tanto, nuevo episodio sobre los gadgets más descacharrantes que hemos podido encontrar en noticias sobre la feria.¡Lo que daríamos por estar en las reuniones de producción de alguna de estas compañías tecnológicas que acuden al evento!על ידי BIMrras
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Rabbi David Aaron is a renowned spiritual educator, author, and speaker dedicated to sharing profound Torah wisdom. He is the founder and dean of Isralight, an international organization committed to inspiring a renaissance in Jewish life. Additionally, Rabbi Aaron serves as the Rosh Yeshiva of Orayta, a dynamic yeshiva located in the Old City of J…
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Princess Julia on the Blitz Kids, Fashion Statements & Never Staying In
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Don’t forget to subscribe and don’t miss new episodes of The Pieces every Tuesday! Follow The Pieces with Bimini Listen Now on Global Player Instagram: @thepiecespod TikTok: @thepiecespod YouTube: @thepiecespodעל ידי Bimini/W!ZARD Studios
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EP.5 Amber Hagerman - Amber The Girl Behind The Alert
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For the first and last time, Amber Hagerman's mother, Donna, details her daughter's shocking kidnapping and murder that to this day was never solved. she shares chilling documentary footage that captures the 9-year-old's final days; Amber's legacy is an alert system that has saved over a thousand children. . The tip line for the Amber Hagerman case…
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Building Confidence From Small Wins
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Sometimes, the smallest steps lead to the biggest transformations. In this episode, we explore how celebrating small wins can skyrocket confidence, keep you motivated, and help you achieve your biggest dreams. ✨ Discover how to break big goals into small victories that build momentum. Get Your Free Prioritisation Tool at https://anxiousfornothing.l…
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Reflexionamos, junto a Esther Boyarizo, sobre la muerte, pachamamismo, terapia, sertralina... 47:12 minutos de no dejar hablar a nuestra invitada. Lo sentimos Esther teníamos una mala semana.
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Shabbat Sermon: May the Memory of Our House Be for a Blessing with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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There is a new form of loss in the world, and it is spreading like wildfire. We know what it is like to lose a person we love. Our mother dies. Our father dies. Our grandparent or sibling or friend dies. There is a Hebrew word for that, and it comes from the Joseph story. After the brothers sold Joseph into slavery, older brother Reuben observes ha…
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Talmud Class: How is it With Your Soul?
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How is it with your soul?In her book on evangelical Christianity, Circle of Hope, Eliza Griswold shares the centrality of that question in helping people understand one another. How is it with your soul?Do I wake up angry and aggrieved, and spend my energy honking the horn, sending flaming emails, taking offense, looking for a fight?Do I wake up fe…
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Si es que al final, resulta que la Ciencia-Ficción va a ser una fuente de inspiración regulera en malas manos.¿Os acordáis del ejército de drones que asaltaban Naboo en el Episodio I de Star Wars, en La Amenaza Fantasma?Vale, pues unos listos están desarrollando drones similares, con aspecto humanoide, para un montón de fines... entre ellos el mili…
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From Boca Raton, Florida, This is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is joined by Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, Founder and President of the National Association of Chevra Kadisha and Director of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. Rabbi Zohn discusses the challenges and responsibilities of his role and explains wh…
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EP.4 Tonya Harding & Nancy Kerrigan
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Tonya and Nancy were both figure skaters competing for a place on the USA Olympic team. One of them decides to play dirty to make sure she wins and does everything in her power to not get caught. Resulting in one of the biggest cat fights the world has ever seen. . Follow us on Instagram! - @breakfestwithbimbos Twitter! - @Breakfastbimbos . Audie's…
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Say No to Say Yes: People Pleasers Please Assemble!
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Are you saying yes to too much? It’s time to prioritize what truly matters. In this episode, we explore the hidden toll of saying yes—learning guilt-free ways to say no to unimportant commitments so you can say YES to the things that align with your goals and values. ✨ Practical scripts for saying no without guilt ✨ How decluttering your time creat…
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TRANNY CHASER con SHANNIS - Bimboficadas 2x15
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¡Ya está aquí nuestro directo en Madrid! Shannis, Samantha y María se reúnen en El Palacio de la Prensa para charlar sobre Luigi Mangione, Madame de Rosa, Gay Twitter, los Chasers... Only dolls.
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Shabbat Sermon: Happy New Year? with Rabbi Michelle Robinson
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January 4, 2025
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Talmud Class: It's Not What Happens, it's the Story We Tell
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Earlier in the year, Taffy Brodesser-Akner wrote about her father's friend who was kidnapped at knife-point 50 years ago. It was a powerful piece--both for the thoughtful discussion of this original trauma and its impact on her and on her family friend. But the real story wasn't the kidnapping, nor the way the kidnapping re-ignited memories of her …
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157 Año nuevo, tecnología nueva.
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¿Agentes de IA, computación cuántica e interfaces humano-máquina?¡Todos estos temas en nuestro primer programa de 2025!על ידי BIMrras
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM Si eres de los que aún se preguntan cómo pasar del BIM bonito del diseño a la cruda realidad de la obra para vivir el ... Escuchar > La entrada 172 Construcción digital, con Ricardo Munguía (Ferrovial) se publicó primero en BIMrras PODCAST.…
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172 Construcción digital, con Ricardo Munguía (Ferrovial)
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Si eres de los que aún se preguntan cómo pasar del BIM bonito del diseño a la cruda realidad de la obra para vivir el sueño de la construcción digital, este episodio es para ti.Hoy nos acompaña Ricardo Munguía, un crack de la construcción digital y jefe del área de gestión de datos en Ferrovial. Vamos a hablar de cómo su equipo transforma proyectos…
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We're starting a new tradition on The Pieces as Bimini ends the year with their New Years message! Bimini is reflecting on their most significant moments of 2024 - from advocating for trans rights at the BRITs to launching their BONYX clothing line, launching The Pieces and their own journey towards self-acceptance. Thank you for listening to The P…
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EP.3 Ed Gein The Butcher Of Plainfield
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Ed Gein, Also known as The Butcher Of Plainfield, was convicted of killing 2 people and suspected of killing many more. What made Ed so sadistic wasnt how him killed his victims or even the graves he was robbing. It was what he did with the bodies afterwards. Have you ever seen "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"? This is the man who inspired the film. . Fol…
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#1: Why New Year Reflections Are Better
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Taking time this new year to reflect on last year rather than making new year's resolutions will ensure that you do not repeat the same mistakes. Join me to find out why, and you'll be so thankful this year. Subscribe to the Newsletter and Get your Free Simple 5-step prioritisation Strategy Tool at Make time…
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Shabbat Sermon: Living Legacy - It's Complicated with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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One of the most magnetic moments drawing us to shul is the observance of a yahrtzeit, the anniversary of our loved one’s passing, which offers us a precious opportunity to show up again for our beloved departed, to say a few words about them, and to recite Kaddish in their memory. Ordinary people who do not show up at shul all that much the rest of…
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¿Sabéis eso de que del cerdo se aprovechan hasta los andares?Pues cada vez más...על ידי BIMrras
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Jude Guaitamacchi on The Trans+ Solidarity Alliance & The Power of Social Media
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Jude Guaitamacchi has been fighting on the frontlines of trans rights for over a decade - becoming a crucial voice for underrepresented voices. A truly remarkable story, Jude grew up homeless and their teenage years were spent tackling addiction and discovering their trans-non-binary identity. Having initially worked for The Amy Winehouse Foundatio…
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JonBenet Ramsey was a 6 year old pageant girl who was kidnapped from her bed on Christmas night. Her parents Patsy and John found a ransom letter on the staircase the next morning. less then 6 hours later the 6 year old girl was found dead in the family's basement. Did her mother kill her in a fit of rage? Did her 9 year old brother feel over shado…
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EL PEOR CAPÍTULO DEL MUNDO - Bimboficadas 2x14
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Empezamos hablando de la Navidad pero ni María tiene familia ni Samantha las suficientes ganas de vivir como para fingir que les importa. Entonces buscamos un test de amigas y divagamos, es un capítulo horrible lo sentimos.....
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Shabbat Sermon: No Finish Line with Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz
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I have a thought experiment for you. In honor of Hanukkah, which begins Wednesday night, find a photograph of you lighting Hanukkah candles with your family from 25 years ago. Take a good long look at that old photo. How does it make you feel? For many of us, it can be complicated.On the one hand, there is a certain wistful beauty to it. Our childr…
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Talmud Class: The All-Powerful Recency Bias - What Have You Done For Me Lately?
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Immediately ahead are seven years of great abundance in all the land of Egypt. After them will come seven years of famine, and all the abundance in the land of Egypt will be forgotten. (Genesis 41: 29-30)Truer words were never spoken. Joseph’s interpretation of how lean years swallow up fat years, how bad times swallow up good times, how seventy ye…
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¿Te sobra un cuarto de millón de dólares para darte un capricho tecnólógico estas Navidades?En TDH tenemos lo que estás buscando.(No, no es un piso...)על ידי BIMrras
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Juno Dawson on Visibility, Tackling Transphobia & Doctor Who
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When it comes to becoming the representation you wish you had, Juno Dawson has ticked all those boxes. The literary powerhouse, Sunday Times #1 bestseller (with over 15 books published!) came out as a transgender woman in 2015, and documented her experience in Glamour magazine. Truly showcasing that her pen is mightier than a sword, Juno has fearle…
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In 1888 an unknown serial killer known as Jack the Ripper terrorized sex workers in West chapel, London. Jack the Ripper was the first "Viral" serial killer to be followed closely by journalists. due to his name always being in the paper Jack the Ripper made his name in history. without ever being unmasked. . . . Follow us on Instagram! - @breakfes…
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Y AÚN ASÍ ME QUEDÉ con LABLACKIE - Bimboficadas 2x13
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Nos reunimos con la única persona que existe en el mundo, LaBlackie, para tratar temas de gran relevancia como traumas, exs, daddy issues, pijas, María Rispa, vaginismo anal y un hijo en Atlanta. Stream La Favorita.
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I denne episoden av BIMpraten snakker Steen Sunesen og Thorkild Stray om POFIN. Hva er det, og hvorfor er det viktig? POFIN er et prosjekt som frem til våren 2025 skal utvikle et felles norsk rammeverk for åpenBIM. Rammeverket skal anbefale en minimumsløsning for bruk av åpenBIM i prosjekt og i forvaltning. Rammeverket vil bestå av veiledere, kravs…
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Este post es original de BIMrras PODCAST, visítanos si quieres escuchar hablar de BIM FC como formato de intercambio que nos permite una efectiva interoperabilidad en nuestros procesos BIM necesita, sin lugar a dudas, aplicaciones que nos permitan consultar toda la información que almacenan. En este episodio hablamos sobre visores IFC, esas aplicac…
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Un año más de episodios de BIMrras hablando de lo divino y lo humano en todo lo que tiene que ver con BIM, el sector AECO y la tecnología que tanto nos apasiona.Y con el bagaje acumulado a lo largo de ya 7 años de episodios nos lanzamos a presentar los primeros BIMrras Awards 2024, unos premios que tienes que tomar con una pizca de sal.Un año más d…
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Shabbat Sermon: This Is No Time For Zealots with Rav Hazzan Aliza Berger
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The volume of outrage in our world has hit a crescendo. All the time I hear questions like, “how can you bear to be around someone who voted like that?!” or “how can you stand working with people who are so anti-Zionist or who are so pro-Israel?” As if people who do not rage against those they disagree with are somehow condoning or supporting evil …
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Talmud Class: What Can We Do About the Ugliness and Hate Revealed by the Cheering of a Man's Murder?
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The murder last week of CEO Brian Thompson on the streets of New York in broad daylight inspired large-scale celebration. The article from the Times and social media posts show delight in his murder; the celebration of his murderer as a hero.What is wrong with us? How could thousands of Americans celebrate murder? There is an ugliness and hate in o…
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Parece que Google esté pediendo cuota de mercado en cuanto a tener el buscador más utilizado.¿Le estarán comiendo la tostada buscadores con AI tipo Perplexity?על ידי BIMrras
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From Boca Raton, Florida, this is Behind the Bima. On this week's episode, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz and Rabbi Josh Broide are joined by Danny Limor, a legendary Mossad operative. They delve into Danny's exceptional career, exploring his diverse missions, such as bringing Ethiopian Jews to Israel and undercover operations in host…
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Layton Williams on Self-Expression, Breakthroughs & Strictly Come Dancing
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Layton Williams career is a celebration of self expression, resilience and creativity - where one of the nation's most talented artists has constantly fought against the odds to achieve great success, on his terms. Having set the West End in his sights from an early age - from his first role in "Billy Elliot" and portraying Young Michael Jackson in…
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En standard alle bør ha på pulten sin - NS-EN ISO 19650
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I denne episoden snakker Lisbet, Øivind og Steen om hvor viktig NS-EN ISO 19650 er og hvorfor alle i byggenæringen bør gjøre seg kjent med den.על ידי buildingSMART Norge
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