We bring you 5 stories that will get you up to speed and on with your day. Updates at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm Eastern, every weekday.
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You’ve been overwhelmed with headlines all week – what's worth a closer look? One Thing takes you into the story and helps you make sense of the news everyone's been talking about. Every Wednesday and Sunday, host David Rind interviews one of CNN’s world-class reporters to tell us what they've found – and why it matters. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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Todas as semanas, debate com Sérgio Sousa Pinto, Ana Sá Lopes e João Marques de Almeida - com moderação de Anselmo Crespo. Na CNN Portugal
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Join CNN Political Director David Chalian as he guides you through our ever-changing political landscape. Every week, David and a guest take you inside the latest developments with insight and analysis from the key players in politics.
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Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
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Each weekday, Dana Bash and a panel of well-sourced reporters bring you the most important political stories of the day. On the weekend, Manu Raju kicks off CNN's Sunday morning political programming with Inside Politics Sunday. Dana and Manu get answers from the people making headlines, explain the political stories that matter, and report on how the news will impact you.
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Te presentamos 5 historias para que estés informado todos los días. Escucha las 5 Cosas de CNN en Español, de lunes a viernes, a las 6 a.m., 12 p.m. y 6 p.m., hora de Miami, y los fines de semana con un resumen noticioso. 5 Cosas, un podcast de CNN en Español.
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Hear about news as it breaks—right in your podcast app. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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How about a break — for your ears? At CNN, we know the news can be a lot to take in. So each week, 5 Good Things offers you a respite from the heavy headlines and intense news cycle. Treat yourself to something fun and uplifting every Saturday as we share the bright side of life from all over the globe.
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Ένα podcast αφιερωμένο σε ανθρώπους που ξεχωρίζουν με τη ζωή και το έργο τους. Σε κάθε επεισόδιο, μια μοναδική προσωπικότητα μοιράζεται την εξαιρετική της ιστορία, προσφέροντάς μας μια ματιά στις εμπειρίες και τα μαθήματα που διαμόρφωσαν την πορεία της. Μέσα από τις αφηγήσεις τους, ανακαλύπτουμε τι σημαίνει να ζεις μια «μεγάλη ιστορία» γεμάτη έμπνευση και σοφία.
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Podrobný rozbor aktuálních událostí a témat s významnými postavami veřejného života. Stránka pořadu: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/k-veci Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima
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Nejdůležitější události dne analyzované ze všech úhlů pohledu. Pokud o nich mluvíte, my taky. Stránka pořadu 360°: https://cnn.iprima.cz/porady/360deg-0 Navštivte web CNN Prima NEWS na https://cnnprima.cz Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Wind Farms
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CNN's "Quest Means Business" brings you the business headlines, every weekday, after the closing bell on Wall Street.
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Debating about under water exploration vs outer space exploration Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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From Town Halls to Political Debates, CNN hosts open forums that give our audience the chance to hear directly from the people shaping their world. Politicians and newsmakers alike answer the tough questions from CNN's top anchors and political experts. Subscribe to get the full, unedited audio from these special events.
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This episode has information from CNN 10’s news
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This podcast talks about red pill content politics and current events from a conservative perspective Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/REDPILLMAN II/support
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CNN 10 is a 10-minute digital news show that serves a growing audience interested in compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom.
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Join HLN's Michaela Pereira for a limited series as she takes you on a journey back to the era of rollerblades, Blockbuster nights and dial-up internet. Discover what made the 1990s so special and the ways it still leaves its mark on us today.
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Marysabel Huston desde la ciudad de Atlanta y Javier Merino desde la Ciudad de México te presentan Zona Pop CNN, un podcast de CNNEspanol.com en el que no solo te enterarás de lo último en los temas relacionados a la cultura pop mundial, sino que también escucharás entrevistas con personalidades destacadas y un resumen de noticias con lo más importante de la semana.
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Uma perspectiva informativa e abrangente sobre o cenário internacional. Nesta produção da CNN Rádio, o analista sênior da CNN em Londres Américo Martins e a jornalista Camila Olivo apresentam um resumo de tudo que foi notícia pelo mundo ao longo da semana, com análises, entrevistas e relatos dos correspondentes da CNN abordando os principais eventos e temas globais. Novos episódios todas as sextas-feiras.
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InFocus by CNN Portugal contribui para uma reflexão mais aprofundada de áreas críticas para a economia e o desenvolvimento do país, da Europa e do mundo.
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تصور ما از یک قهرمان چیه؟ قهرمانها حتما باید لباسهای عجیب و غریب بپوشن و از افراد بیگناه در مقابل دشمنهای پلید دفاع کنن؟ شبکه خبری CNN اینطوری فکر نمی کنه! در این برنامه قهرمانهای CNN که در دنیای واقعی خودمون تغییراتی اساسی در زندگی هزاران یا حتی میلیون ها نفر ایجاد کردن را معرفی می کنیم. قهرمان های برنامه ما برندگان جایزه CNN Hero هستند. روزهای جمعه با ما همراه باشید و با این قهرمانها آشنا شوید.
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Vozes de todos os cantos e de todos os tons, que carregam todo tipo marca, vivência, conquista e conhecimento. A cada episódio, a jornalista Luciana Barreto convida os ouvintes a furarem suas bolhas. Neste espaço, ela escuta histórias e entrevista especialistas para tratar de temas urgentes, mas que muitas vezes acabam negligenciados no debate público. Questões de classe, gênero, raça e tantas outras reunidas na primeira temporada do Entre Vozes, um podcast da CNN Brasil.
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CNN Money é o podcast que ajuda você a tomar as melhores decisões. De segunda a sexta pela manhã, Thais Herédia e Priscila Yazbek apresentam um balanço dos assuntos do noticiário que influenciam os mercados, as finanças e os rumos da sociedade e das dinâmicas de poder no Brasil e no mundo.
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Os principais fatos do dia contados de forma simples e dinâmica. Direto dos estúdios da CNN Rádio, Camila Olivo traz as notícias mais importantes do Brasil e do mundo, com as palavras do time de repórteres, analistas e especialistas da CNN Brasil. De segunda a sexta, no final da tarde.
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The Community Nonprofit Network Podcast - aka The CNN Podcast - is a platform that shines the spotlight on nonprofit organizations, and the good work they do in the community. There are two goals of The CNN Podcast: 1. Create a global network of nonprofit organizations, to share information that will empower each other to do better and go BIGGER! 2. Share low-cost and free resources, understanding that many nonprofit organizations are founded on a shoe-string budget. Hosted by Ericka Scott, ...
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Zajímavé příběhy, zajímaví lidé, otázky na tělo. Epizody. Reportáže. Bonusy. Stránka pořadu: https://www.iprima.cz/porady/interview Sledujte CNN Prima NEWS na sociálních sítích: Facebook: https://facebook.com/cnnprima Instagram: https://instagram.com/cnnprima Twitter: https://twitter.com/cnnprima Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CNNPrimaNEWSCZ #CNNPrimaNEWS
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Este canal trata de difundir los audios de las entrevistas en CNN y eventualmente también del programa completo que se transmite en la "primera emisión de Noticias MVS". Este esfuerzo se realiza sin ningún ánimo de lucro, únicamente con la finalidad de difundir la información que genera y recopila esta extraordinaria periodista y su ya leyenda, equipo de trabajo. El programa de CNN se transmite por televisión de paga a las 22hrs y se retransmite al siguiente día en MVS Radio a las 5:30 hrs. ...
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Judge blocks USAID leave, winter weather warning, UK gold rush & more
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5:59A federal judge has temporarily blocked President Donald Trump from enacting a plan to put thousands of USAID employees on leave at midnight. The legal battle continues over Trump’s targeting of certain FBI employees. People in India are demonstrating in protest of Trump’s aggressive deportations. Hyperactive winter weather could bring piles of sno…
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A judge temporarily halts President Trump's offer of incentives for federal workers to quit. Republicans in the House and Senate are at odds over the best way to get Trump's agenda through Congress. Why Israel's prime minister gave Donald Trump a gold-plated pager. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Půta: Tlaku na odstoupení nechci vyhovět a nevyhovím. Délka kauzy je šílená, řekl Kubičko
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56:13„Tlaku na odstoupení nechci vyhovět a nevyhovím.“ To vzkázal liberecký hejtman Martin Půta (Starostové pro Liberecký kraj) politickým kolegům, kteří ho vyzývají k rezignaci poté, co byl ve středu částečně uznán vinným v korupční kauze. Podle komentátora Radka Kubička obecně platí, že trestně stíhaný politik by měl ze své funkce odstoupit. V Půtově …
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The ‘Long Road Ahead’ for Republicans
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25:37Time is ticking for congressional Republicans to get the ball rolling on President Trump’s big legislative agenda. But, so far, House and Senate Republicans can’t seem to agree on a strategy. CNN’s Chief Congressional Correspondent and Inside Politics Sunday anchor Manu Raju joins Washington Bureau Chief and Political Director David Chalian to prev…
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First: New reporting on how Elon Musk and his allies are inserting themselves into what seems like every facet of the US government. Plus: House Republican leaders meet with the president to hash out their plan to cut taxes and spend more money at the border. And: Why is Clarence Thomas swearing in so many Trump cabinet officials? Learn more about …
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Jurečku jsme nepodrazili, zdůrazňuje Kovářová. Kombinování funkcí nepovažuje vždy za špatné
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22:04Jsou určité veřejné pozice, které se dají kombinovat. Pokud je někdo třeba starostou a zároveň krajským zastupitelem, v práci mu to pomáhá. V pořadu K věci na CNN Prima NEWS to řekla místopředsedkyně Poslanecké sněmovny Věra Kovářová (STAN). Zároveň odmítla, že by Starostové v Senátu při projednávání návrhu na zvýšení platu politiků ministra práce …
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9:10 AM ET: US Postal Service will allow parcels from China and Hong Kong
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0:40The US Postal Service says it will continue to allow packages from China and Hong Kong. Listen for more details. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN
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Musk and Trump Take a Wrecking Ball to DC
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21:57Some federal employees are on edge as Elon Musk continues his work on behalf of President Donald Trump to overhaul the federal government in unprecedented ways. We examine just how sweeping his actions are and why resistance to them is growing. Guest: Zachary Wolf, CNN Politics Senior Writer Sign up for the CNN What Matters newsletter here. Learn m…
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Com políticos destes, siga a Marinha
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50:28O debate político com Maria Castello Branco, Sérgio Sousa Pinto e João Marques de Almeida, todas as sextas-feiras See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי CNN Portugal
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A Lunar New Year Ritual That Gets Messy (In a Good Way)
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15:58A 21-year-old piano tuner brought music and joy back to a busy airport. We’ll tell you how researchers are working to protect bees from pesticide poisoning. Tossing food in the air is a Lunar New Year tradition these chefs won’t miss. Scientists are studying a 1.2-million-year-old piece of ice to learn about climate change. Six months ago, a presch…
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Αλέξανδρος Κεντικελένης: Στην Ελλάδα μία ολόκληρη γενιά φέρνει επάνω της το τραύμα της κρίσης
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42:49Τον Αλέξανδρο Κεντικελένη, αναπληρωτή καθηγητής Πολιτικής Οικονομίας στο Πανεπιστήμιο Bocconi και μέλος της συμβουλευτικής ομάδας του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας, συνάντησε το CNN Greece, στο πλαίσιο της σειράς vidcast «The Greatest Stories». Στο vidcast περιγράφει τις πρώτες εντυπώσεις του όταν βρέθηκε στο Cambridge για το διδακτορικό του και εξη…
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Inflation fears, another hostage exchange, Super Bowl spots & more
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6:24Japan’s prime minister is the first Asian leader to meet with President Donald Trump. A new consumer survey shows that even Republicans are worried about price increases. We have details on the latest expected round of exchanges under a Gaza ceasefire deal. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says more than 90 people fell ill aboard a…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/07/25 12pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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DOGE engineers, birthright citizenship challenges, pig kidney transplant & more
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6:49Multiple lawsuits accuse the administration of violating privacy law, as DOGE engineers gain access to sensitive data. More lawsuits against President Trump’s bid to end birthright citizenship make their way through the courts. There's hope for the 100,000+ people on the organ transplant list. Los Angeles is one month on from devastating wildfires …
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2025’s first jobs report, ICE under pressure, Alaska plane missing & more
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6:49Fewer jobs were added in January than economists had predicted. Thousands of USAID workers could be put on administrative leave today if a court doesn’t weigh in. The White House wants ICE to make more arrests. A plane carrying ten people has gone missing in Alaska. Plus, Shohei Ohtani’s former interpreter has been sentenced in his sports betting c…
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USAID workers sue, NCAA transgender athlete ban, LG stickers & more
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6:46USAID staff are hoping a lawsuit can save their jobs as thousands are set to be put on administrative leave. The first jobs report of 2025 is out this morning. The US is sanctioning the International Criminal Court. The NCAA has banned transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports. Plus, we’ll tell you why LG is sending stickers to hundreds…
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Co vykládáte? Okamura tepal vládu za nefunkční ekonomiku. Nerozumíte tomu, namítl Kučera
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47:20Premiér Petr Fiala (ODS) žije úplně mimo realitu, roste u nás nezaměstnanost a obrovsky zdražily energie. V pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS to řekl poslanec a předseda opozičního hnutí SPD Tomio Okamura. Podle poslance Michala Kučery (TOP 09) ale Okamura nerozumí energetice ani dalším oborům a české ekonomice se blýská na lepší časy. See omnystudio.c…
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GOP on Gaza takeover, changes at DCA, parents’ phone habits & more
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6:40President Donald Trump’s plan to “take over” Gaza is garnering skepticism from Republicans. The Federal Aviation administration is slowing down air traffic in the aftermath of a deadly collision. Life-saving weather warnings are on the line as Trump targets America’s forecasting agency. New York’s governor is calling for criminal charges and arrest…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/06/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Trump’s ‘buyout’ paused, GOP tensions flare, kangaroo embryo discovery & more
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6:40Federal workers have been spared from deciding whether to accept President Donald Trump’s buyout offer by tonight’s deadline. House and Senate Republicans are on a collision course over how to accomplish Trump’s agenda. There’s controversy over Elon Musk’s approach to cut spending for the US Agency for International Development. We’ll tell you how …
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Vulnerable Americans impacted, winter storm disruption, millennial brands closing & more
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6:35The Trump Administration’s federal government remake is already hitting vulnerable Americans. Investigators are briefing lawmakers on what they know about the DC air crash. The start of a series of storms has caused major disruption in the Northeast. Thousands of bodies have been found on the streets of a city in the Democratic Republic of Congo. P…
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Resignation decisions, Netanyahu praises Gaza plan, Santorini’s big quake & more
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6:42Today’s the last day for federal workers to accept a so-called buyout offer to resign, or face being laid off. Israel’s Prime Minister is praising President Donald Trump’s plan for Gaza. Panama is disputing some claims from the US State Department. A deadly variant of bird flu has been discovered in herds of dairy cows. Plus, Santorini experienced …
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The federal workforce is reeling as President Trump and Elon Musk attempt to implement seismic changes to the government. Meanwhile, Team Trump is trying to downplay the stunning proposal to take over Gaza and move the Palestinian people out. Also this morning, what's been called a "counterintelligence disaster" after the CIA sent a list of names o…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/06/25 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Federal worker deadline, Indian citizens deported, NFL burglary arrests & more
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6:42The White House is defending and also walking back President Donald Trump’s comments on Gaza. The countdown is on for federal workers to accept a resignation package. Indian citizens are the latest to be deported by the Trump administration. Two men have been arrested in connection to a spate of high-profile burglaries. Plus, Thailand is trying to …
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Hřib: Udělejte coming out a řekněte, že jste nácek. Měl jsem přítelkyni černošku, namítl Turek
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31:25Europoslanec Filip Turek (za Motoristy sobě) by měl učinit coming out a přiznat, že je nácek. V pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS to uvedl předseda Pirátů Zdeněk Hřib. Podle Turka je však Hřib naprosto vedle. „Měl jsem přítelkyni černošku. Jsem pak rasista?“ opáčil. Hádka obou politiků ve studiu následovala v reakci na video Zdeňka Hřiba, na kterém s n…
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Thousands protest Trump, “weaponization” of the DOJ, ICE impersonators & more
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6:50A movement organized online under the hashtags #buildtheresistance and #50501 took to the streets today. President Donald Trump has banned transgender women from competing in women's sports. We'll tell you about the newly sworn-in attorney general’s plans for the Justice Department. Investigators are still working out how two aircraft collided in o…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/05/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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GOP support for Gaza takeover, CA atmospheric river, crackdown on cheap stuff & more
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6:30Some Republican leaders say US involvement in Gaza could provide stability. A second federal judge has blocked President Donald Trump’s attempt to end birthright citizenship. Heavy rain and strong winds are causing landslides and flooding in Northern California. We’ll tell you which country is the latest to say it’s pulling out of the World Health …
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Trump Provokes Global Gasp of Disbelief
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43:24First: We're tracking the world's stunned reaction after President Trump announced his new idea to seize the war-ravaged Gaza Strip, relocate more than two million Palestinians, and turn the area into "the Riviera of the Middle East." Plus: Democrats say they're ready to fight back against Donald Trump's and Elon Musk's efforts to dismantle the fed…
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Gazans reject Trump’s plans, migrants land at Guantanamo, China’s giant laser & more
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6:50Displaced Palestinians say they don’t want to leave Gaza even if their homes are destroyed. The US Postal Service has changed its mind about packages from China and Hong Kong. A US military plane carrying migrants has landed in Guantanamo Bay. We’re seeing the second peak of flu season and there’s still months to go. Plus, we'll tell you why expert…
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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First, we explore President Trump's proposal for creating a new Riviera in Gaza, including the possibility of using US troops to do it. Plus, concerns for national security are growing after buyout offers are sent to the entire CIA workforce and the FBI provides the names of thousands of agents who worked on January 6th cases. Meanwhile, as Democra…
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Trump’s Gaza grab criticized, widespread federal layoffs, $40,000 egg theft & more
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6:42Leaders in the Middle East are rejecting President Donald Trump’s comments about the US taking over Gaza. Widespread federal worker layoffs are coming soon. Pam Bondi is hitting the ground running on her first day as Attorney General. Police in Sweden are investigation the school shooting that killed ten people. Plus, thieves have stolen roughly 10…
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Krnáčová o Hřibově videu: Kdo se chová jako blb, je nejspíš blb. Bojuje o život, souhlasil Bém
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55:31„Kdo se chová jako blb, je nejspíš blb.“ Tak glosovala v pořadu 360° na CNN Prima NEWS bývalá pražská primátorka Adriana Krnáčová (tehdy ANO) nové video svého nástupce a současného náměstka pro dopravu Zdeňka Hřiba. Nynější šéf Pirátů v něm symbolicky seká hajlující umělou ruku. Hřib podle dalšího exprimátora ve studiu Pavla Béma (ODS) bojuje o živ…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/05/25 6am Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Trump wants Gaza, CIA staff offered buyouts, USPS blocks China packages & more
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6:44President Donald Trump says the US will take over Gaza, and he hasn’t ruled out sending American troops. The CIA is offering buyouts to its entire workforce, while USAID workers abroad are being told to come home. All 67 bodies have been recovered from the wreckage of last week’s DC plane collision. The Northeast is in for some blockbuster winter s…
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CNN 5 cosas 02/04/25 6pm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי CNN en Español
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Netanyahu at the White House, Trump’s plan to dismantle DOE, DeepSeek bans & more
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6:32Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the first foreign leader to meet with President Donald Trump since the inauguration. The Trump administration has a plan to start the process of eliminating the Department of Education. A Neo-Nazi was convicted yesterday of conspiring to damage Maryland’s power grid. We’ll tell you what’s so exciting abo…
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