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Discover how to avoid key running injuries, stay healthy and train correctly so you can run your best. Chartered Physio and Sub 4 minute miler, Sub 14 minute 5k runner Eoin Everard shares his insights with guests to give you the most informative information possible so you can stay healthy and run your best.
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Great Episode if you are coming into 2 weeks out from your Marathon. 0:00 What Training should you do in your Taper 6:43 Embracing Taper Tantrums 9:55 Sleep and Travel to Marathons 14:50 Should you Carbo-Load 16:55 Gels for the Marathon 25:45 Hydration 32:45 Dew Point and having to adjust your Pace 33:08 Warm up and getting to the line 37:07 How to…
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0:00 Dealing with Back Pain when Cycling 6:30 2 weeks out from a race what to do 13:12 Regardless of your level you need Carbon Fibre Shoes 23:36 Hard to PB in Half Marathon in a Marathon Block 27:19 Asymmetries between right and left sides 32:26 5 Running Zones
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70. I passi di Ana e Victoria_ concurs_2A2_Ita _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________…
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69. Il passo di Rosa_ concurs podcast_2A2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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Ascolta cosa ci racconta Asun nel suo passo all'EOI di Castellón Davvero una storia molto emotiva ed interessante! Se ti è piaciuto lascia un commento a questo episodio e tra poco apriremo le votazioni per il Primo Concorso di Podcast della nostra scuola Non pertetevelo! Dipartimento d'italiano Alunni Silvia, Lydia, Asun Anna Venuto ( insegnante)…
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El meu pas per l'eoi Primer concurs de Podcasting EOI Castellón més info en la web de l'escola oficial d'idiomes https://portal.edu.gva.es/eoicastello/eoicastello-va/activitats-va/eoiradio-cs/ A partir del 26/02 al 30/04 2024 eoiradiocs@gmail.com mediateca@eoicastello.es
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