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Un regard sur la politique internationale. du lundi au vendredi avec Pierre Haski. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Il podcast di Geopop sulla geopolitica che raccoglie notizie e approfondimenti di attualità. Ogni episodio si concentra su argomenti utili a capire cosa succede oggi nel mondo e fare chiarezza sulle cause e gli effetti.
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What Most People Think with Geoff Norcott

Geoff Norcot / Keep It Light Media

In an overwhelmingly Lefty comedic landscape, right-leaning stand-up Geoff Norcott is a rare beast. In WMPT he gets to the heart of what ordinary people think about social and political issues. Whatever the contentious subject – he’ll be honest and blunt, but without being a dick. Mostly. Guests come from across the social and political divide, including, Romesh Ranganathan, Jonathan Pie, Katherine Ryan, Andrew Doyle, David Baddiel, Konstantin Kisin, Owen Jones and many more. Geoff has appea ...
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Géopolitique Profonde décrypte l’actualité à travers des thèmes tels que la Débancarisation, la Finance, l’Or, l’Argent métal, les Cryptomonnaies, la Dédollarisation, la Multipolarité, le Pouvoir profond…La ligne éditoriale du site est strictement indépendante ce qui nous permet de traiter nos sujets avec une saine radicalité critique.Allez voir notre site internet pour en savoir plus :
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La Pause géopolitique

Anne Battistoni, Major-Prépa

La Pause géopolitique est un podcast qui permet de prendre du recul sur les grands événements géopolitiques contemporains. À partir d'un événement d'actualité, ce podcast propose de mobiliser des concepts de géopolitique pour donner des clés de compréhension sur le monde qui nous entoure. La Pause géopolitique est animée par Anne Battistoni, ancienne professeur de géopolitique en classe préparatoire, et proposé par Major-Prépa, le site de référence des étudiants en prépa économique et commer ...
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Zottis e Alexander

Toda história acaba em pizza. Apoie e escute episódios exclusivos! Escolha 1 das 4 alternativas de apoio: 1: Orelo: 2: Patreon: 3: Apoiase: 4: Pix:
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On Geopolitics

Centre for Geopolitics

With the new academic year comes a relaunch of the Centre for Geopolitics’ podcast, now called ‘On Geopolitics’. Regular hosts Ali Ansari and Suzanne Raine will discuss geopolitics issues within a historical context with guests from academia, government, science, and business.
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Un podcast nel quale la storia si mescola alla geopolitica. Le questioni più attuali affrontate da una prospettiva passata. Ogni episodio tratterà di argomenti di ampio respiro: politici, sociali e storici. La frequenza di upload sarà di un episodio a settimana. In aggiunta, la sotto-rubrica "L'attualità in 3 parole" avrà cadenza bisettimanale e si focalizzerà su tre notizie (una relativa all'Italia, due agli Esteri) che hanno avuto risonanza nel corso del mese. Il NUOVO libro di Nova Lectio ...
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Der US-Wahlkampf ist vorbei. Donald Trump wird wieder Präsident der USA. Doch welche Folgen hat das auf die geopolitischen Themen? Wird Trump wirklich den Krieg in der Ukraine beenden? Und was bedeutet die Wahl für die Beziehungen zwischen Amerika und Europa? Amerika hat entschieden. Jetzt wird sich zeigen, was diese Entscheidung bedeutet.
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In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and hard evidence related to UFOs, the paranormal, cutting-edge science, cover-ups, conspiracies, and big-time crimes. Original, groundbreaking conversations with government whistleblowers, spies, spooks, s ...
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Wie forsten ein paar Wölfe angeschlagene Wälder wieder auf? Was hat die Schweinsbratwurst mit der Flutkatastrophe vom Ahrtal zu tun? Weshalb zerstört unser Geiz unsere Böden? Wie sähe unsere Welt ohne wirkungsvolle Antibiotika aus? Der Podcast "Kettenreaktion" von und mit Dirk Steffens macht erstaunliche naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge verständlich. Sie verdeutlichen, warum eine Verkettung von Ursachen und Ereignissen oft in großen, manchmal globalen Konsequenzen mündet. "Kettenreaktion ...
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Le Géopolitique

L'équipe du Géopolitique

Le Géopolitique : votre regard sur le monde, un pays à la fois. Le Géopolitique est une émission hebdomadaire qui propose une dose de bonne humeur et d'analyses complètes. Le Géopolitique c'est VOTRE podcast de référence pour comprendre le monde qui vous entoure. Au programme, chaque Lundi à 9h, un épisode écrit par un de nos envoyés spéciaux sur la situation géopolitique d'un pays à l'international ; ou la chronique Hard Power d'Antoine ! Nous avons hâte de vous retrouver.
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Podcast P with Paul George

Wave Sports + Entertainment

NBA Superstar Paul George welcomes you on a journey of brotherhood, family, missteps and success with his new show "Podcast P". Alongside co-hosts Jackie Long and Dallas Rutherford, PG and his boys provide an Entourage-style glimpse into the life of an NBA star during the basketball season.
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Chaque semaine, Géopolis donne la parole à des chercheurs, diplomates ou politiques pour proposer un focus sur la situation d’une région du monde. Dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec l’Université de Nantes une partie de ces émissions sont enregistrées en public.
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Podkast Geopolityczny - Leszek Sykulski Podcast prowadzony przez nauczyciela akademickiego, doktora nauk społecznych w dyscyplinie nauki o polityce (specjalność: geopolityka i geografia polityczna), prezesa Polskiego Towarzystwa Geostrategicznego; twórcy pierwszych w Polsce studiów podyplomowych na kierunku geopolityka i geostrategia. #geopolityka #geostrategia #walkainformacyjna #wojnainfomacyjna #Rosja #Sykulski
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The Dr. Geo Podcast

Dr. Geo Espinosa

The Dr. Geo Podcast is a show that takes an integrative approach to men's health, prostate, and functional urology to optimize their health and help them live better with age. Visit today to learn how to live better with age.
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Talking Geopolitics

Geopolitical Futures - Geopolitics from George Friedman and his team at GPF

A non-partisan podcast brought to you by Geopolitical Futures, an online publication founded by internationally recognized geopolitical forecaster George Friedman. Geopolitical Futures tells you what matters in international affairs and what doesn’t. Go to for details.
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Weekdays 9am-11am on 92.9 ESPN - Geoff Calkins is currently the lead columnist for /The Daily Memphian/ and -- after 17 years of entertaining and challenging Memphians in print, on the radio and on TV -- a fixture in the Memphis community.
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Georges Lang vous embarque pour un véritable voyage musical, chaque vendredi et samedi, de 23h à 2h. Dans ses "Collections" (23h-00h), partez pour une heure de découverte, mêlant classiques et nouveautés. Suivies par les "Nocturnes" (00h-1h) avec le meilleur de la musique des années 60 à aujourd'hui. Enfin, de 1h à 2h, prolongez l'aventure entre Country américaine (Taylor Swift, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson) le vendredi, et les grands incontournables du soft rock le samedi.
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Former world champion George Groves is retired in his mid-thirties, so he's started a boxing club with his mate Dec. Guest episodes every Wednesday, and the club reviews the biggest fights on a Monday. Get in touch @ggboxingclub on the socials.
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AfriCan Geopardy

Dr Ifesinachi Okafor-Yarwood

AfriCan Geopardy was founded in 2019. It is a fun, witty, and authentic way of discussing African geopolitics and the oceans, with a twist of breaking stereotypes about Africa. We present topics in a way that tends to make good trouble, and we are grateful to have you as our audience. The podcast is hosted by Dr Ife Okafor-Yarwood.
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Hi! My name is George, currently living in Dubai. Although my main activity is writing articles about blogging and website building, I also share personal experiences, life hacks, write about cars and travel.
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George Moorheadus

George moorhead

These for sale homes in Redmond, WA, are just minutes away from Clyde Beach Park and the Overlake Golf & Country Club. To find out for yourself, click the link below.
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The Geopolitical Pickle


A podcast to decipher the complex world of geopolitics. Interviews with experts in the field and discussions on current world affairs. To find us on social media - For more information on Geopolitics why not look at the Geopolitics program at Charles University:
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New from the Washington Presidential Library, Leadership and Legacy invites prominent leaders and historians to reflect on their growth, challenges, and innovative approaches that made them the leaders that they are today, as well as how these questions can be informed by the past — in particular the lessons and legacy of George Washington.
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IGDLCC înseamnă Informații Gratis despre Lucruri care Costă! Totul ne costă dar mai ales timpul așa că am făcut această serie pentru a mă informa și educa alături de invitați din domeniile mele de interes. Te invit alături de mine în această călătorie. Mi-am propus să mă facă mai informat și mai adaptat la schimbările care vin. Sper să o facă și pentru tine.
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show series
Niarn er begyndt at sælge gammelt ragelse på en eller anden app, og Geo er blevet frisk nok til at afbryde igen. Niarn synes Geo har talt Irma kaffen op, og Geo synes at en afløsertjans som trommeslager, er det samme som at være lærervikar. Niarn ved ikke hvad kokain-politikken er i Lalandia, Geo har haft PTSD sammenbrud i børnehaven, og så ringer …
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In this episode Dr. Geo sits down with Dr. Stacy Loeb, a leading prostate cancer researcher and faculty member at NYU Langone Health. Renowned for publishing more scientific papers on prostate cancer than any other woman in the field, Dr. Loeb shares her expertise on the benefits of plant-based diets in preventing and managing prostate cancer. Dr. …
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Waldelefanten trampeln durch den Kongo-Urwald und schützen dabei unser Klima? Klingt komisch, ist aber so. Die Dickhäuter machen den zweitgrößten Regenwald der Erde artenreicher, resilienter und klimawirksamer. Warum ein Wald voller Waldelefanten viel mehr CO2 speichern kann, wie ein Dunghaufen zur Samenbombe wird und warum im Dschungel die Arschka…
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George is flying solo today as he chats with two fighters gearing up for big bouts this weekend. Chev Clarke is heading to Monaco to challenge Leonard Mosquea for European honours, while Lee Cutter takes on Stephen McKenna at the Exhibition Centre in Liverpool for the WBC International Silver super welterweight title. Learn more about your ad choic…
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Le 10 décembre 2024, Jean-Michel Vernochet, Frigide Barjot et Leopold Jimmy étaient les invités de Mike Borowski, sur Géopolitique Profonde! Jean-Michel Vernochet, journaliste et géopolitologue, est connu pour ses positions tranchées contre l’oligarchie mondialiste et son analyse rigoureuse des politiques européennes. Ancien grand reporter et auteu…
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TGP is back! After Disinformation Project we are back with our normal format and today we discuss BRICS. What started as an acronym used by economists in the West to name the upcoming economic powers in the early 2000s has transformed into a series of summits where economy and geopolitics go hand in hand. Is it the beginning of a cohesive counterba…
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➡️ If you enjoy this podcast and you want to help to make its existence possible, join our community of geopolitics enthusiasts on PATREON: Sign up to my upcoming geopolitics newsletter: Thank you Conducttr for sponsoring the podcast. Take a look at Conducttr's s…
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Le 10 décembre 2024, Nicolas Stoquer analysait l'actualité et la montée en puissance de Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, groupe djihadiste lié à l’assassin de Samuel Paty, qui menace directement la sécurité de l’Europe après la chute de Bachar el-Assad. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) dirige la Syrie et menace la sécurité mondiale La chute de Bachar el-Assad marqu…
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Offerta NordVPN: vai su e ricevi uno sconto esclusivo per il black friday + 4 mesi extra. Prova NordVPN Ultimate senza rischi grazie ai 30 giorni di prova soddisfatti o rimborsati Codice: novageo Il NUOVO libro di Nova Lectio, Instant Storia d'Italia Prima di Roma: Tutti gli altri libri di Nov…
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La caduta del regime siriano vista da Pechino, le manovre militari intorno a Taiwan più imponenti degli ultimi anni, aggiornamenti sulla crisi politica sudcoreana. Con Gabriele Battaglia. A seguire, con l'antropologo Matteo Aria, una riflessione sulla rappresentazione della Polinesia in Oceania2. A cura di Diana Santini.…
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durée : 00:03:13 - Géopolitique - Les orientations des nouveaux maîtres de la Syrie sont encore incertaines, mais les exemples des transitions en Irak, en Égypte, Libye ou Tunisie après la chute de leurs dictateurs, montrent les pièges à éviter. Sauront-ils y échapper ?על ידי France Inter
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Le 10 décembre 2024, Sylvain Ferreira, le Général Christian Piquemal et le Général Dominique Delawarde étaient les invités de Nicolas Stoquer et Raphaël Besliu, pour La Matinale de Géopolitique Profonde ! 00:18:00 : Sylvain Ferreira est un historien militaire français, spécialisé dans l’art de la guerre et son évolution de 1850 à 1945. Il s’intéres…
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"OpenAI to partner with military defense tech company" - AFP - 04 dic 2024 --- "OpenAI, Anduril partner on AI drone-defense plan" - Axios, com - 04 dic 2024 --- "OpenAI’s new defense contract completes its military pivot" - MIT Technology Review - 04 dic 2024
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A dedicated Bellevue Real Estate Agent simplifies buying or selling property in the region. They offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs, ensuring a smooth process from start to finish. With a strong understanding of market trends, they’ll help you achieve the best value for your transaction in Bellevue’s thriving real estate market.…
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Wie gelingt es den USA im Krieg um Mikrochips die Oberhand zu gewinnen? USA-Korrespondentin Marie-Astrid Langer erklärt im Podcast, was die USA unter Druck des Silicon Valley alles unternehmen, um im technologischen Wettstreit mit China, im sogenannten «chip war» die Nase vorne zu haben und endlich aus ihrer Abhängigkeit von Taiwans Chipindustrie z…
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Le 9 décembre 2024, François Martin, Sylvain Baron, Radjaa Abou Dagga et Mathias Leboeuf étaient les invités de La Grande Émission, animée par Mike Borowski, sur Géopolitique Profonde. Israël, acteur clé de la scène géopolitique, fait face à des tensions internationales et des critiques accrues sur sa gestion de la question palestinienne. À travers…
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Was delighted to welcome back the brilliant Matt Forde to lock horns over Labour's start to government. Matt also has some wise words about the rise of Reform and why some football fans see their team like the local council. And of course I shamelessly ask him to do some impressions. Order the PAPERBACK EDITION of my book:…
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Le 9 décembre 2024, Jean Claude Pascal était l’invité de Nicolas Stoquer sur Géopolitique Profonde. L’émission revenait sur la polémique autour de Notre-Dame de Paris et sa transformation en "temple de la bête". Jean-Claude Pascal est un ingénieur français spécialisé en thermodynamique, mais également reconnu pour son intérêt profond pour l’alchimi…
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durée : 00:03:32 - Géopolitique - Profitant de la chute du régime Assad, la Turquie, les États-Unis et Israël ont séparément mené des bombardements de cibles en différents endroits du pays, chacun avec son propre agenda. La reconquête de la souveraineté syrienne sera l’un des principaux défis des nouveaux maîtres du pays.…
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Le 9 décembre 2024, Claude Janvier, Ludovic Malot et Maître Di Vizio étaient les invités de La Matinale, animée par Nicolas Stoquer et Raphaël Besliu, sur Géopolitique Profonde. L’émission abordait les sujets de la réouverture de Notre-Dame de Paris et des manœuvres stratégiques au Proche-Orient. Claude Janvier est un écrivain et essayiste français…
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Într-un episod special înregistrat LIVE al podcast-ului IGDLCC, am adus în studio trei invitați excepționali care analizează cu luciditate ce se întâmplă sub ochii noștri în România și ce fel de istorie se scrie acum. Ioan Stanomir, Dumitru Borțun și Armand Goșu ne oferă perspective valoroase despre tensiunile din societatea românească, criza de în…
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Some growing concerns after this game. Eagles struggle against one of the worst teams in the NFL at home. What does mean, do we really have a grasp as to how "good" this team is? What is wrong with the passing game? Lots to discuss after this one. Eagles do come away with a win to bring their record to 11-2. Please like & subscribe. Thanks for watc…
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Quem foram os maiores GLADIADORES de ROMA? ⚔️ No século 2dC, um criminoso sírio chamado de FLAMMA foi jogado em um anfiteatro na presença de um LEÃO e de um GLADIADOR 🦁 Surpreendentemente, Flamma ROUBOU a adaga do seu oponente gladiador, MATOU o leão e o gladiador. O que deveria ser uma execução simples, acabou lançando Flamma na vida das arenas. P…
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Across Syria and the Middle East scenes of jubilation are beaming across the world as people celebrate the fall of the long-term dictator Bshar al-Assad. What couldn’t be achieved in 13 years, has now happened in just two weeks. Bashar al-Assad took a flight and fled as rebel forces reached Damascus. The end of the tyrannical rule of the al-Assad d…
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The boys are joined by George's fighter, Lucas Roehrig, who is gearing up for his professional debut this weekend. George talks about the qualities he sees in Lucas that remind him of his own journey through the professional ranks. Lucas explains why he’s ready for this moment and what fans can expect. And George admits he's feeling the nerves as h…
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Politicieni care jonglează cu fake news, problemele birocratice și decuplarea dintre liderii politici și realitatea cetățenilor. În stilul său franc, Iulian Fota analizează critic „meschinăria sistemului” și ne îndeamnă să reflectăm asupra unei posibile profesionalizări a politicii românești. Împreună, ne-am uitat la cum percep românii relațiile di…
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In their monthly roundtable, the Cognitive Dissidents discuss world events including the unrelenting imperial regime change operations around the planet (e.g. South Korea, Georgia, Romania), the bitcoin Trojan Horse to usher in the Algorithm Ghetto, the acceleration of the Soylent Green agenda, and more!Watch on BitChute / Brighteon / Rokfin / Rumb…
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A fost sau nu a fost o lovitură de stat? E întrebarea care ne arată limitele Constituției României care a fost forțată înainte și după primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale din 2024. Cine a călcat democrația României în picioare pentru a putea rămâne la putere. În acest episod al podcastului, am avut plăcerea să discut cu profesorul Dumitru Borțun…
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Acest episod al podcastului îl are ca invitat pe Ovidiu Țifui, poate cel mai bun inginer de instalații din România. Într-o discuție amânată de prea mult timp, vorbim despre eficiența energetică și avantajele instalării pompelor de căldură față de centralele pe gaz. Ovidiu a explicat avantajele pompelor de căldură sol-apă și aer-apă și cum acestea p…
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The Syrian government was overthrown, and Salafi-jihadist rebels led by a rebranded version of Al-Qaeda called Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) took power in Damascus. US President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu boasted of helping topple Bashar al-Assad. NATO member Turkey played a key role as well. Ben Norton explains how the West dealt a m…
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For the first time in Season 3, Story Mode is here. 3x NBA Sixth Man of the Year Jamal Crawford shares untold stories during his NBA career. How special was Blake Griffin? Why did it take seven years for Kobe Bryant to acknowledge Jamal Crawford? What is life like when Michael Jordan wants to mentor you? All of that and more. Learn more about your …
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