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Atvērtie faili

Latvijas Radio 1

No politikas līdz biznesam, par sociālo dzīvi un krimināldrāmām – pētnieciskais raidījums “Atvērtie faili” iedziļinās mūsu laika svarīgākajos notikumos. Katrs raidījums ir dokumentāls audiostāsts par procesiem un cilvēkiem, kas veido mūsu sabiedrisko dzīvi. Ja vēlies ar mums sazināties, raksti uz vai sūti balss ziņas WhatsApp vai Signal lietotnēs uz numuru 28001144.
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Join host Leonard Duncan, a seasoned Racer/Mechanic with over 30 years of experience in the ATV industry, as he shares his unparalleled perspective and invites your favorite motorsports heroes to engage in captivating discussions. Embark on an exhilarating journey through the episodes of this extraordinary podcast, where the thrilling storyline unfolds, exploring all things related to the world of motorsports.
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In this special two-part series, host Leonard Duncan takes the guest seat as Leon Spinden III dives into Leonard’s incredible journey through the ATV industry. From growing up as the son of a pioneer in the ATV phenomenon to developing a career that has spanned decades, Leonard shares stories of sitting on the shop floor in the 1970s, disassembling…
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Saeimā finiša taisnē nonākuši grozījumi alkoholisko dzērienu aprites likumā. Kopš likumprojektu pirmo reizi nodeva publiskajai apspriešanai 2021. gada jūnijā, diskusijas par tiem prasīja vairāk nekā trīs gadus un nerimst joprojām. Karina Zālīte, PVO pārstāvniecības Latvijā vadītāja: „Tas fons, kas ir Latvijā, tas vienkārši pieprasa stingrākus ierob…
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Pēdējo gadu laikā pārtikas cenas Latvijā jau ir pārsniegušas Eiropas Savienības vidējo līmeni. Benita, dzīvo Īrijā: „Cik parasti man iznāk uz Latviju aizbraukt, vienmēr šausminos par cenu augstumu.” Cenas atsevišķām produktu grupām ir tikpat augstas kā Ziemeļvalstīs. Elza, dzīvo Somijā: „Tagad es dzīvoju Somijā. Es aizbraukšu uz Latviju un tur es v…
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Keefer compares the two new Hondas and breaks down the differences out on the track. Is a 2025 CRF450R with re-valved suspension better than a RF450R Works Edition? Which bike is best for which type of rider? Is the 3000.00 mark up of the Works Edition worth It over the standard "R" model? Keefer and Eddie Laret break down these bikes and these typ…
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Welcome to Shop Talk with Leonard, an exclusive segment of ATV-TALK where seasoned ATV mechanic Leonard Duncan takes you into the heart of ATV maintenance, performance, and racing. After our Desert Prep episode, host Leonard Duncan felt inspired to dive deeper into the world of machine maintenance. In this follow-up episode, Leonard shares invaluab…
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Benzīns ar augstu sēra saturu, kuru Eiropā kā degvielu pārdot ir aizliegts, no Apvienotās Karalistes naftas pārstrādes rūpnīcām caur Eiropas sajaukšanas iekārtām nonāk līdz Nigērijai, kur tas izraisa smagu gaisa piesārņojuma krīzi. Otonje Ivorima, Lagosas iedzīvotāja: „Viņi mūs nogalina lēnām. Tas ir ilgtermiņa efekts.” Netīrās degvielas eksporta ķ…
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In Episode 320, we sit down with Ian Thomas, an ATV racer and content creator who is carving out his place in the ATV industry. Growing up in the northern United States, Ian began his journey on utility ATVs, eventually transitioning to sport quads as he moved around the country. Ian is more than just a racer—he’s a passionate advocate for mental h…
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Kris, Heather and Aden answer your questions. In this episode they discuss amateur motocross and where it's headed, why it takes more than winning to make it nowadays, podium etiquette, as well as a bunch of your bike tech questions answered. Strap in as this show gets a little passionate!
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Līdz pašvaldību vēlēšanām palicis pusgads un cīņa par Rīgu solās būt sīva. Reitingos nevienai partijai nav izteikta pārākuma. Tas liek uz krievvalodīgo vēlētāju orientētajiem domāt par apvienošanos. Lelde Metla-Rozentāle, politoloģe un RSU lektore: „Vēlēšanās ir svarīgs tas līdera saimnieka tēls, kuram tad tu uztici tās pilsētas atslēgas.” Saeimas …
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In this festive episode, we dive into the story behind Nick Gennusa’s Thanksgiving tradition: the Annual Turkey Derby, now celebrating its 10th anniversary. Nick shares how the idea for this one-of-a-kind event was born, how he built the track, and how it grew into a beloved tradition for racers and fans alike. Beyond the derby, we discuss Nick’s p…
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My buddy "Janky Mike" and I decided to go race the last AMA national Hare N Hound of they year in Lucerne Valley, Ca. In this episode we break down the event itself, how racing a factory Husqvarna went, why I got docked 5 minutes, why Mike got an anxiety attack, why you have to be crazy to get a holeshot on a bomb run, how tough these races are, wh…
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Pašreizējā Evikas Siliņas, un arī vairums iepriekšējo valdību pēdējo 15 gadu laikā, ir solījušas mazināt ienākumu nevienlīdzību Latvijā. Tomēr algu atšķirība par vienu un to pašu darbu Rīgā un reģionos šodien var sasniegt pat vairākus simtus eiro. Eva Selga, Latvijas Personāla vadīšanas asociācijas valdes priekšsēdētāja: „Šis nav taisnīgi, ja, it s…
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Former XC Pro Santo Derisi raced during the golden era of the TRX 250R, building a foundation of skills that would shape his future. Now retired from professional racing, Santo has channeled his expertise into Derisi Racing, a thriving business specializing in suspension development and machine preparation for XC racing. In this episode, Santo disc…
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Triumph had us out to their race facility in Culloden, Georgia to test out their 2025 TF-450 RC Edition. In this show we will go over what this bike feels like on the east coast clay, what it compares to on the track, how it would stack up against a Yamaha/KTM/Kawasaki, if the KYB suspension is as good as the YZ and A LOT of your questions answered…
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Ir pagājis gads kopš Rēzeknes domi vairs nevada tās ilggadējais mērs Aleksandrs Bartaševičs. Pašvaldībā tagad lēmumus pieņem pagaidu administrācija. Tā jau četrus mēnešus mēģina mazināt budžetā tēriņus, lai risinātu situāciju ar Rēzeknes parādiem. Guna Puce, Rēzeknes valstspilsētas pašvaldības pagaidu administrācijas vadītāja: „Parādsaistības ir mi…
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Kamēr citas Eiropas valstis pakāpeniski samazina jaudas, lai atkritumus izmantotu kā kurināmo un šādi no tiem atbrīvotos, Latvijā tikai gatavojas atvērt atkritumu dedzināšanas jeb reģenerācijas stacijas. Iedzīvotājiem, kuru tuvumā tādas grib būvēt, ir aizdomas, ka tās piesārņos apkārtējo vidi un apdraudēs viņu veselību. Diāna Josone, Silabriežu cie…
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The 2023 season was transformative for Josh Merritt, who added a dedicated mechanic and a few critical sponsors, setting him up for greater success. As he crossed the finish line, Josh knew he belonged among the XC1 Pros. Now, after winning a round in 2024 and securing 4th in the year-end points, he’s setting his sights on a title in 2025. Tune in …
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Matt Sirevaag, Darkside and Keefer recap the World Vet race at Glen Helen. From Matthes and Fireman Dave battles, off track shenanigans to fights almost breaking out in staging, we got you covered like you were there. An event that brings out all the fun and hatred for dirt bikes! There is NOTHING like World Vet Weekend!…
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Polijas iekšlietu un administrācijas ministrs nacionālo sankciju sarakstā iekļāvis Latvijā izveidotās kompānijas „4finance” meitasuzņēmumu. Poļi uzskata, ka iespējamās īpašnieku saites ar krievu kapitālu rada risku, ka kredītņēmēju dati var nonākt naidīgās valsts rīcībā. Ainars Latkovskis, Saeimas Nacionālās drošības komisijas priekšsēdētājs: „Šis …
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Welcome to Shop Talk with Leonard, an exclusive segment of ATV-TALK where seasoned ATV mechanic Leonard Duncan takes you into the heart of ATV maintenance, performance, and racing. With desert season upon us, we’re diving into all things prep for your first adventure! In this debut episode, Leonard shares essential tips on how to ready your ATV, ma…
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Keefer walks you through all of the media 450 shootout results as well as discusses each bike and why it may have ranked where it did. Keefer will also give his rankings then give you three must have modifications for each bike to make it better, then see if those mods will help that bike improve its ranking/results!…
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Jaunajai māmiņai ir vesels zīdainis un mīlošs vīrs, bet pēc dzemdībām viņa jūtas tā, kā nevajadzētu. Anna Āboliņa, jaunā māmiņa: „Es vienkārši iedevu zīdaini vīram un izgāju ārā pa durvīm, stāvēju pagalmā un raudāju, jo nevarēju saprast, kas ar mani notiek.” Kaut arī viņas jaundzimušo ierodas apskatīt ģimenes ārsts, un sieviete pati dodas vizītē pi…
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With a solid sponsor package fueling Chloe Harper’s race program, she’s pushing hard to make her mark in the WXC. Early season challenges arose from Chloe’s relentless drive to secure wins, but she’s finding her balance. Chloe Harper, now in her sophomore season, has already left a mark on the ultra-competitive WXC class, solidifying herself as one…
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Noslēgumam Rīgas pilsētas tiesā tuvojas maksātnespējas administratora Mārtiņa Bunkus slepkavības iztiesāšana. Prokurors apsūdzētajiem prasa bargus sodus. Rimants Kuzma, prokurors: „Uzskatu, ka sods Mihailam Uļmanam, Aleksandram Babenko un Viktoram Krivošejam ir nosakāms brīvības atņemšanas veidā.” Lai mēģinātu novilcināt laiku, viens no viņiem, vis…
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Hunter Hart, the #2 XC1 Pro in 2023, has faced a challenging 2024 season. Despite the setbacks, including DNFs and struggles, Hunter’s unwavering inner strength continues to shine through. He’s building his XC1 program for future success, learning valuable lessons from a tough year. Join us as we discuss how Hunter’s resilience and hard work will s…
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Keefer walks you through Honda's first Works Edition CRF250R and fills you in on the differences between the "R" and the "WE". Is the increased price tag worth it, can you feel the polished head work on the track, what exactly is "polishing" when it comes to head work as well as other tidbits about the new "WE" that you can't get anywhere else.…
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Azartspēļu reklāmas Latvijā ir aizliegtas. Taču realitātē to zīmoli rēgojas acu priekšā visur. Sporta pasākumos, influenceru ierakstos, kultūras norisēs. Nu jau arī uz ielām. Inese Braže: “Bet šis ir legāli? Signe Birne: Nu nē. Nē, tas arī būtu verams ciet.” Nozare likumus apiet radoši. Spēļu zāles vietā reklamē sporta bāru vai pat apģērbu veikalu,…
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In this episode, we sit down with David Schloss, a dedicated journalist whose passion for the ATV industry led him from being a fan to writing about his heroes. With roots in newspaper and magazine publishing, David shares his journey and gives an insider’s perspective on what it was like to cover the ATV world in the early 2000s—before the days of…
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Latvijā zāļu cenu veidošanās modelis recepšu zālēm, tostarp kompensējamiem medikamentiem, nav mainīts pēdējos 20 gadus. Līdz ar to šobrīd zāles nereti ir dārgākas nekā pārējās Baltijas valstīs. Sondra Zaļupe, mākslas projektu menedžere: „Tā pavisam aptuveni rēķinot, uz piecām reizēm es vienu reizi varēju ietaupīt. Tas ir - pērc piecas un saņem seša…
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Graduation day came and went, but Kinsey Osborn didn't slow down. She managed to build a life, plan her future, and secure her 3rd WXC title—all while preparing for what's next. In 2023, Kinsey started the season not knowing she was embarking on an unbeatable streak, and as we head into 2024, there's still no end in sight. In 2024, Kinsey Osborn gr…
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Par noziegumiem austrumu robežas būvniecībā iztiesāšanā ir septiņi kriminālprocesi, bet robeža tā arī nav pabeigta. Neviens politiķis par kavēšanos un jucekli desmit gadu garumā līdz šim nav uzņēmies atbildību. Rihards Kozlovskis, iekšlietu ministrs („Jaunā Vienotība”): „Toreiz pavisam savādāk bija, nebija tik vienkārši to izdarīt!” Politiķi, kas a…
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For Angela Moore, a love for riding ATVs quickly turned into an opportunity to race and conquer the competition. This episode dives into her journey as one of the most fearless and accomplished women in the sport. Explore Angela’s path as she built her reputation as a fearless competitor, racing in highly competitive women's classes and against the…
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Learn more about the 2025 KTM 350 SX-F and why you should think about owning one. Get the breakdown on what it's like to ride against a 250 as well as a 450. If you're a bigger rider, can a 350 still make you happy? Learn about "The Church" as well other 350cc topics in this episode.
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Kamēr politiķi domā, kā uzlabot demogrāfiju, ar cita veida grūtībām saskaras sievietes, kuras jau pēcnācējus radījušas, un nu vēlas atgriezties darbā. Maija (vārds mainīts), jaunā māmiņa: „Un tad tevi vienkārši tā salauž pa lielam.” Viņām pēc bērnu kopšanas atvaļinājuma uzņēmumā vairs vienkārši nav vietas – amats likvidēts, spēcīgāks izrādījies aiz…
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Latvijā pieaug no uzņēmumiem izkrāptās naudas summas. Telefonkrāpnieki par uzbrukuma mērķi izraugās tieši grāmatvežus. Ieva Ģerģe, Finanšu izlūkošanas dienesta eksperte: „Ja senāk likās, ka grāmatveži, tās bija retas reizes, ka bija tie, uz kuriem tiešām krāpnieki vērsa savas darbības, tad šobrīd tā ir tiešām kļuvusi kā regulāra tendence.” Grāmatve…
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In this episode, we sit down with Adam Ulrich, a rising star in the world of professional ATV racing. Fresh off his sophomore season, Adam has recorded his best finishes yet and is determined to continue his climb to the top. From rapidly advancing through the amateur ranks to preserving valuable resources for his professional career, Adam’s story …
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If you want to get smarter about your suspension this show with Ricki Gilmour of KYB is one you should listen to. Ricki is the guy behind Eli Tomac, Cooper Webb as well as Justin Cooper's Star Racing Yamaha's KYB suspension. His knowledge of suspension as well as chassis settings are something to be heard and he breaks down a lot of what us weekend…
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Latvijā pēdējos desmit gados par 1,45 miljoniem eiro no nodokļu maksātāju naudas ir izremontētas vairākas skolas, kuras drīz pēc tam slēdza. Sigita Mūrniece, Alūksnes novada Zeltiņu ciema iedzīvotāja: „Lietus ūdens kanalizāciju nomainīja par 11 tūkstošiem. Bija plāns par jumta sijām, durvju ailēm un pagraba balstu. Tad tika logi nomainīti.” Skolas …
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We sit down with Corie Barbee to talk abut the Triumph TF 250-X. We will cover suspension settings, modifications, mechanical tips/tricks, torque settings, as well as how the Triumph has been holding up on our end. If you're in the market for a new Triumph or have one, listen to this show.
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Braxton Grosse has flirted with XC racing for years, but in 2024, the stakes got real. As a determined West Coast contender, Braxton is taking on the challenge of proving himself on the East Coast, where competition is fierce. Building a career in ATV racing is tough—building a name is even tougher. But Braxton is up for the task. Creating a career…
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Shelby Cobrando, inspired by her father’s passion for cars, honed her riding skills at local MX tracks, constantly pushing herself to improve. Her nickname, inspired by the iconic Shelby Cobra, reflects her deep love for motorsports. Now, she's competing in the WMX nationals, striving to become the best among the best. Explore how Shelby's father, …
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Red vs. Yamaha, that is the battle. If you're looking into purchasing a 2025 Honda or Yamaha 450, listen to this show as it might make it easier for your purchase. Orrrr maybe you just need some direction on your new Honda or Yamaha? This show can help as well!
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Growing up on a farm instills a strong work ethic and adaptability—qualities that have been invaluable in Jon Stumf’s journey as a mechanic. Jon learned to build and repair machines on a farm with limited resources, guided by a father who taught him how to overcome breakdowns and challenges. Jon’s most valuable education came from working at a deal…
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Keefer and Eddie Laret go over the 2025 KX450 and why it could be a viable choice for you looking for a manageable 450cc power. Are there any flaws? Does the KX hold up over time? Is the 2025 that much different? What about you OG KX450 owners? Is the new 24/25 chassis better? Get the details right here!…
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Marshall Smith’s lifelong passion for racing has led him to where he is today—a professional ATV racer. Though he started his career in his 40s, Marshall’s journey proves that hard work and determination, not just speed, earn a spot among the pros. This sentiment was echoed by 8-time champ Chad Wienen, who told Marshall that showing up and putting …
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