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Rob Prsa, Owner of Kay Bahd Apparel, shares actionable advice on how to successfully run a profitable clothing brand.
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In The Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, Ana and Klas Kristiansson - apparel industry experts, authors, and speakers will discuss hands-on tactics touching all areas involved in running and growing a meaningful, successful apparel brand. Learn practical strategies about sustainability, design, product, marketing, sales, community, e-commerce, and entrepreneurship. You’ll also hear inspiring interviews with industry experts and entrepreneurs about their tips and journeys in this fast-paced in ...
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Rachel Erickson brings her 20 years of expertise in the apparel manufacturing industry to this show to inspire you to build your best brand yet. Each week, you’ll hear from Rachel along with other industry experts who are shedding light on what is needed to build your own apparel line from scratch or to take your existing apparel brand to the next level and create sustainable and unstoppable growth. Rachel’s big emphasis on proper techniques, sustainable practices and business clarity will b ...
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The Custom Apparel Startups podcast was started simply because we love both the apparel decorating business and the idea that almost anyone, with a small investment and a little dedication, cannot only start their own business but thrive! Our goal in starting CAS is to help educate apparel entrepreneurs about the business of the business, something often overlooked by people with an idea and a budget, but no business plan or experience behind them. We’ll be talking with the biggest names in ...
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apparacity is a podcast releasing music, old time radio shows and current radio programs from around the world.
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Bienvenue dans Couture Apparente, le podcast qui s’interroge sur la mode et l’impact qu’elle a sur nos vies. A la fois un art et une industrie, la mode soulève des questions sociales, politiques et écologiques que ce podcast aborde sans complexe. La mode et le féminisme sont-ils compatibles ? Comment créer des bijoux durables ? Quel est le coût d’une fabrication éthique ? Est-ce que la mode discrimine les minorités ? Qui sont celles et ceux qui s’engagent pour une industrie plus respo ...
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Welcome to the Estell Boutique Podcast, your go-to destination for exploring the latest in women’s fashion trends and the captivating tips behind the styles. Founder of Estell Boutique, this podcast offers insights into the world of European designers women's apparel and the journey of building a boutique that redefines elegance and comfort. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast or someone seeking inspiration, tune in to learn about timeless trends, styling tips, and the inspiring path that br ...
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NOT born this way - The official podcast of the Iron Legion Strength Co. and NOT Born This Way brand apparel.
Scott Baumann, Owner and founder of Iron Legion Strength Co.
We were NOT born this way. Success has not come easily or without failure. Our favorite stories of success are those that have been achieved by overcoming obstacles and adversity. We believe in becoming through overcoming and the power of perseverance and hard work.
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Christian podcasts don't have to be cheesy anymore. [email protected]
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ShoppeApparel is the new discount shopping online experience that removes the stress of shopping from home.
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Podcast by LCNA
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Tips, tricks, and advice on getting a sewn product idea into development and manufacture.
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Welcome to the KMT Apparel podcast, where you can hear all the latest news ! You can give us your feedback , get to know the movement & feel even closer to the family
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Your brand, your way. Create a clothing line that aligns with your brand, and your company using the best sustainably sourced materials in the world. We have a mission to educate people about what they put on their body. All clothes are not created equal!
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La política de la moda a través del tiempo. The policy of fashion over time. Spanish/ English content.
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Welcome to The Fashionpreneur Podcast, where we offer bite-sized, actionable episodes on trends and strategies you need to know for a lasting fashion business.
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Co-founders of the fashion brand Alpaca Apparel host a weekly(ish) show about people's differences. Get to know two polar opposite best friends from Malaysia, Mika and Anson, as they chat about a wide variety of casual and philosophical topics. Quality guaranteed - each episode is infused with deep, introspective conversation that bears the authentic seal of profuse swearing.
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Stel, iemand vertelt je in vertrouwen dat hij iets heeft uitgevonden wat de wereld zal veranderen. Het kan niet, wat hij beweert - maar het apparaat werkt. Hij laat je zelfs een filmpje zien van zijn apparaat. Wat zou je doen? Het overkwam schrijver, muzikant en journalist Frans Pollux. Nu is hij een man op het spoor gekomen die in zijn garage een apparaat heeft staan waar de mensheid eeuwenlang tevergeefs naar zocht. Maar de uitvinder is bang dat zijn idee gestolen wordt. Hij houdt het angs ...
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Podcast by Apparently the Greatest
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The Food 4 Thought Apparel podcast will focus on empowering a community of individuals looking to understand their own walk of life through their medium. Our medium is a clothing brand built to remind and inspire the individual and the world around us of their internal greatness one statement piece at a time.
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Do you want to buy wholesale apparel online? If yes, then CC Wholesale Clothing is the one-stop shop for wholesale clothing shopping. You can shop for women’s clothing, men’s clothing and kids clothing at this discount shop. To shop finest range of wholesale apparel, simply visit: https://www.ccwholesaleclothing.com/APPAREL_c_16.html
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The official podcast of Electrical Apparatus Magazine. Hosted by David Miller and a rotating cast of editors at Electrical Apparatus: the magazine for professionals in electromechanical application & maintenance, energy, and electric vehicles. EA has been in print since 1964 and covers all corners of the electrical aftermarket—including electric motors, drives, generators, pumps, VFDs, servomotors, and much more. Service shop and convention coverage have been staples of the trade publication ...
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Nous avons tous vécu des moments inoubliables, fantastiques, fait des rencontres absurdes ou improbables. Mais dans Apparences, les histoires, celles de nos témoins, ont quelque chose de particulier : un détail, un lieu, une rencontre. Apparences est une émission de témoignages. À chaque épisode, Camille Le Bret et son équipe partent à la rencontre d’un nouveau témoin afin qu’il nous raconte une histoire "étrange" qu’il a vécu, récemment ou non, et qui a bouleversé sa vie. Un lundi ...
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Based on the progressive opinion column of the same name produced by Jason Pramas and syndicated by the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism (BINJ) of Boston, MA, USA. Website: binjonline.org
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A Texas Bass Fishing Podcast and apparel doing interviews with texas guides for fresh and salt walter as well as local anglers aroud texas and other states Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/Straight Bassin /support
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This is a podcast for that parent that suddenly, and often, finds themselves asking, “how in the world did I get here?”! A safe space to chit and chat about ALL aspects of happening upon parenthood! If you have any questions reach out at [email protected]
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Tired of the glammed up, over filtered version of birth and parenting we keep seeing all over social media? Parents! – it’s time to get real and share all of it on Apparently with Astra - the new pregnancy and parenting podcast. Listen to your host, Astra as she shares a healthy dose of unpredictable humor and emotional moments as a new mom, while also interviewing parents from different backgrounds that have gone through their own extraordinary experiences while growing and raising their fa ...
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The Apparently Normal is a podcast and video series that aims to explain, debunk and shine light on what could be behind the innumerable claims that have people all over the world believing in the paranormal.
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A Journey of self exploration, growth, and awakening from within for the well being of all. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bryangallagher/support
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Alternatives for a Distressed Company in Apparel and Retail: A Discussion on Strategies and Tips for a Successful Turnaround, Financing and Sale. The process of bidding for, financing and acquiring distressed companies in the Apparel and Retail space is competitive and complex. The panel will address the strategies and tips for success from the perspectives of an investment banker, a deal and bankruptcy lawyer, a turnaround executive, a lender and a tax accountant.
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Ciaran is the last important thing left in Brendan's life. After the world has fallen apart, the cousins take care of one another in their new home: a vibrant, oceanside community of survivors. However, dreams of his past tempt Ciaran to leave this new happiness and Brendan is faced with a choice: travel with the only family he has left or stay in paradise with the woman he might love. Told in a series of short stories, the tale of Brendan and Ciaran was first available on the author's websi ...
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Parenting - it's both wonderful and nerve-wracking. But you can break that cycle!If you are a parent who wants to find balance and get to the end of the day with a smile on your face, if you want to understand your children and yourself better, and if you want to lead your family into calm waters while having fun doing so, this is the podcast for you.Hi, I'm Eran Katz. I'm a Clinical Psychologist and Parenting Counsellor, Attachment Researcher, and family man. In this show, I combine the art ...
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How to make a clothing brand that no one can resist buying from
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7:45The ultimate guide to starting a clothing brand that no one can resist buying from. BEST Design Tool → https://design.com/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind If you're looking for how to start a clothing brand, this video is for you. Watch this to build a truly stand out clothing brand startup. Lear…
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LE LE LE LE! V družbi visokih gostov podelimo nekaj izkušenj iz naših potovanj, kot prave nacestnice. Matko odpre svoj 6 pack, ki ga je zaznamoval skozi leta spremljanja lige NBA, ker je dandanes itak ne gleda. Jo pa podrobno spremljata Tile in Štule, ki se dotakneta medenih tednov nove ekipe našega Luke. Aja, kaj mislite, da bi se zgodilo če bi uk…
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Julijo mučijo more o izpadanju zob, Robi se pridruži možganskemu trustu z idejami za boljšo prometno pretočnost pločnikov, Veprčka pa je strah staranja. V poobritku Katarina potrebuje pomoč pri umirjanju otroškega kričanja v avtomobilu. Če ti je Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discor…
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219: Kdo ali kaj je akredebidlbodl?
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33:18V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 219 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Kaj je teorija nakupovalnih vozičkov? Kdo ali kaj je akredebidlbodl? Če si alergičen na mačke … a si tudi na lev…
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Episode 342- The two ways people can completely change their lives.
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12:51Over the years I’ve witnessed some absolutely incredible transformations, instances where people have completely changed their lives in a matter of a year or two. It has been incredible to watch and to experience. Upon speaking with and observing these folks, I’ve come to learn that there are basically two ways in which this happens and usually som…
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Use These Tools to Build A Tech Pack in 2025 (The Great Tech Pack Debate)
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19:01Use These Tools to Build A Tech Pack in 2025 (The Great Tech Pack Debate) In this episode, Rachel turns to the Great Tech Pack Debate and clarifying what the best tools actually are to build an amazing tech pack. Essential tools shaping the industry's future, like Adobe Illustrator, Excel, Google Sheets are all great, but that's not all. Our focus …
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Why Sales EXPLODE After First 100 Customers!
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10:05This is why your online sales will explode, as long as you can get your first 100 customers! BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind For anyone looking to get more sales for their online business and make money online.…
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Jure in Anže bosta tekla. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #124 Zapiski: Kdo bo zmagal v teku na 60 metrov Shop the world’s most comfortable slippers for men and women. – RockDove Footwear Poglavja: 00:00:00 Začetek 00:00:01 Nika 00:02:55 Tekmovalnost in 60 metrov 00:11:59 apparatus.si/…
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Komik in psiholog Nejc Šmit, v tem delu ozdravi Sašota in Aleša! Poleg tega pa jima pomaga še ugotoviti: “Kdo ali kaj je Granadirmarš?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 218 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: Trgovina To je …
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Learn to Be A Successful Fashion Freelancer with Heidi Weinberg
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33:08Learn to Be A Successful Fashion Freelancer with Heidi Weinberg In today's episode, Rachel welcomes, by popular demand, successful fashion freelancer, Heidi Weinberg, aka "Sew Heidi" to the podcast! Heidi is sharing her journey from industry insider to earning 6 figures as a successful freelancer. Heidi compares niche in the fashion industry to mal…
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How To Start A Successful Clothing Brand (DOs & DON'Ts)
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8:15How to start a successful clothing brand in 2025. The DOs and DON'Ts of starting a clothing brand. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Want to start a clothing brand in 2025? Here is everything you should never do when starting a clothing brand. #clo…
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208: Prerokba in Odred, Požiralnik in Stotnik
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1:25:50Dvestoosma epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je posvečena kar štirim vsebinam: seriji Peščeni planet: Prerokba ter filmom The Order, The Gorge in Stotnik Amerika: Pogumni novi svet. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so bili tokrat znova brez gostje ali gosta ter na spletu, a tokrat že z boljšo opremo. Igor ugotavlja, da je serija polna palačnih intrig, ki zelo s…
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All Stars vikend? More like All Keknem se ti v skret vikend. Uvedli smo novo rubriko v našem podu – SIXPACK! To pomeni, da bo eden izmed nas imel šest trditev/hejtov/tem, ki jih bomo obdelali na hitro (AEŠKAJMISLM) ali pa počasi (AEŠKAJMISLM). V vsakem primeru nam lahko tudi vi napišete, kaj vas najbolj tare/zanima, kar se aktualij v ligi NBA tiče.…
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Možganski trust Saši pomaga pri ozaveščanju sodelavk glede omike, Kraljičini roki prežene tesnobo pred padcem asteroida, Kao Juliji pa svetuje, kako naj notranjost avta čisti bolj redno. V poobritku za pomoč prosi Peter, ki bi bil za odhod od doma rad napravljen istočasno kot žena. Če ti je Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, ga lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatn…
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Komik in psiholog Nejc Šmit, še vedno šari po beticah od Sašota in Aleša … tokrat tako, da jima postavi vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Babinski refleks?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 217 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: T…
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How to Run Your Business Like An Elite Athlete
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15:29How to Run Your Business Like An Elite Athlete In this episode, Rachel is channeling her inner athlete as an entrepreneur? Yes, you read that right! Rachel realized that the lessons learned on the field could transform anyone's approach to business success. This episode offers a fresh perspective on structuring ambitious goals, breaking them down i…
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Modular Fashion - The Way to Sustainability | AEP085
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1:07:23In this episode of the Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, Pamela Morris James, founder of Paloma St. James, discusses her journey in building a modular fashion business and sustainability. She shares insights on her entrepreneurial path, the concept of modular clothing, and the importance of consumer engagement. Pamela emphasizes the need for qualit…
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Episode 201 - Grow Your Business with Direct Mail - Featuring Taylor
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52:53In this episode of the Custom Apparel Startups Podcast, host Marc Vila is joined by Michael Palme and Austin Gordon from Taylor to discuss how direct mail can be a game-changer for custom apparel, sign, and promotional product businesses. While digital marketing gets a lot of attention, direct mail remains a powerful and underutilized tool for targ…
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Top 3 BEST Shopify Apps To Increase Sales In 2025
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8:05These are my top 3 Shopify apps that will increase sales on your ecommerce store. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ Looking to boost your sales in 2025? Discover the Top 3 BEST Shopify Apps to help grow your Shopif…
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Matrica: vstajenje. Anže in Pižama pogrešata Monico ter se sprašujeta, ali Aleksandar Hemon posluša Glave. Če so ti glave všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj Glave – Glave #1967Zapiski: The Matrix Resurrections The Wachowskis Aleksandar Hemon: “Tako imenovani navadni ljudje s…
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Jure in Anže o Dončićevem prestopu in Sanremu 2025. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #123 Zapiski: Coma_Cose – CUORICINI (Official Video – Sanremo 2025) – YouTube Sarah Toscano – Amarcord (Official Video – Sanremo 2025) – YouTube Giorgia – LA CURA PER ME (Official Video – Sanremo 2025) …
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Aleš in Sašo sta najela psihologa Nejca Šmita, da jima pomaga … odgovoriti na vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Mark Court?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 216 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Mark Court Nejc Šmit IG Nejc Šmit FB Skodelica Značaja YT…
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Struggling In Your Business? This One is For You
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26:10Struggling In Your Business? This One is For You In this episode, Rachel is raw and real. The struggles of maintaining optimism amidst the pressures of business growth, especially in the wake of the pandemic and all of the other obstacles we have in front of us are REAL. This episode explores the realities of entrepreneurship, where trust is tested…
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How I Made $10K in My Brand’s Second Month – The Hidden Layers to Marketing Your Brand REVEALED
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15:53BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ If you're new here, I'm Rob Prsa, founder of Apparel Success and the creator behind two successful clothing brands: Kay Bahd Apparel and TherapyWear. Over the past 9 years, Kay Bah…
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Dvestosedma epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je posvečena Netflixovi akcijski srhljivki Rebel Ridge (2024). Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so bili tokrat brez gostje ali gosta, epizodo pa so posneli preko spleta. Igorja je film tako očaral, da ga je do zdaj že večkrat pogledal, ugotavlja, da nasilje glavnega junaka za razliko od večine akcijad služi deeskala…
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Revolutionizing Cycling Apparel: The Kostüme Story | AEP084
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1:12:49In this episode of the Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, Ed Bartlett, founder of Kostüme, shares his journey from a diverse background in gaming and art to creating a successful cycling apparel brand. He discusses the challenges and triumphs of building a brand without paid advertising, focusing on community engagement, innovative design, and susta…
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215: Kaj je pisalo v prvem SMSu?
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28:35V tem solo delu Aleš in Sašo spet izvesta štiri nove stvari! Katere? … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 215 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! Podpornik tega dela je: Trgovina To je to Zakaj ni dobro imeti januarja rojstni dan? Katera packa je Kiki in kat…
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Lessons in Teamwork and Leadership from ‘Top Gun: Maverick’
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15:03Lessons in Teamwork and Leadership from ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ In this episode, Rachel has come up with a pretty cool parallel between the movie, Top Gun: Maverick and Teamwork in the apparel industry. Just like Maverick and his team of elite pilots, success in this industry demands more than just technical skill—it calls for powerful collaboration an…
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European Designers Women’s Apparel Inspiring Journey Behind Estell Boutique
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2:22Step into the inspiring journey of Stella, the founder of Estell Boutique, where European designers women’s apparel meets timeless elegance. Discover how Stella’s passion for fashion and resilience turned her boutique into a hub for modern, stylish women in Santa Monica, California. From overcoming challenges to curating timeless collections, this …
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Facebook Ads That Actually Work in 2025 (No BS Step-by-Step Tutorial)
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17:15How to run Facebook Ads (Meta Ads) for your brand in 2025. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ Want to crush it with Facebook Ads for your brand in 2025? In this video, I’m showing you exactly how to create effective…
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Dvestošesta epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je posvečena prvima dvema sezonama serije Silos (2023–), ki jo lahko spremljate na pretočniku Apple+. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so bili tokrat brez gostje ali gosta, a ni bil pogovor zato nič manj buren, saj se o kakovosti serije ne strinjajo povsem. Igorju se zdi Silos produkcijsko in igralsko (z eno izjemo)…
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La mode est-elle pour tous les corps ?
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49:50Soutenez Couture Apparente sur Kofi 💜 Ce trente-et-unième long format de Couture Apparente, "La mode est-elle pour tous les corps ?", s'interroge sur le recul de l'inclusivité (déjà très faible) dans la mode, et sur le style en situation de handicap. Avec nos invitées : Bessie, mannequin Audrey Grison, artiste et modèle photo Avec Bessie et Audrey,…
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JUTRČEK, KA SE ZGODLO?!? Luka v Lakerse za kikiriki. Puhnu je bale keka in poslali so ga v mesto angelov. Kaj si mislimo o tem? Pušluš, ajga. Dvokorak ima svoj Only Fans: http://bit.ly/DvokorakPatreon Če bi rad podcast podprl z enkratno donacijo, pa to še vedno lahko storiš tule: https://apparatus.si/podpridvokorak/ Hvala ker nas poslušaš, ti ninja…
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Jure in Anže o classy pivovarni in ovinkarjenju za trojčka. Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #122 Zapiski: Sledge Hammer – Wikipedia ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ review by Mito Gegič • Letterboxd Mozart effect – Wikipedia Miren Mozart Poglavja: 00:00:00 Začetek 00:25:58 apparatus.si/opahelp…
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130: Vtakne tam, kjer dobi
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1:22:04Smučarija, OnlyFans, Trump, Musk, Kanye, TV Poper… Košarka. V tem vrstnem redu. Ko pride na vrsto, pa v zobe vzamemo veliko NBA članov, ki so presenetili ali razočarali. Tokrat nič o Dallasu. VV. Džija! ZAPISKI (what, kr zapiske mamo): OnlyFans v ZDA Elon vs Kanye bolanija Barron in Elon Forgettable NBA moments Antoine Walker je planet Dvokorak ima…
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Še tretjič gostimo Leo Mederal Gams, voditeljico oddaje Potep z Leo, ki tokrat skupaj z Alešom poskuša najti odgovor na Sašotovo vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Wallaceova črta?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 214 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kanal! W…
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Celebrating Episode 100 with Rachel’s Husband!
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24:46EP 100 - Celebrating Episode 100 with Rachel’s Husband! In this episode, Rachel welcomes her husband to the podcast to help celebrate our 100th episode of the Business of Apparel! We go from the playful dynamics of being each other's supporters—like when Rachel thought she’d be a "sugar mama"—while sharing tips for maintaining sanity and a healthy …
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The Biggest Opportunity for Online Brands in a Decade (Urgent)
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6:45This is the biggest marketing opportunity for online brands in 2025. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ In this video, we explore the biggest opportunity in over a decade for marketing your clothing brand—Advantage+…
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Možganski trust pomaga Ivani pri komunikaciji s svakinjo, Limonci prežene matematične nočne more, Jerneju pa spiše scenarij za prednovoletno zabavo v podjetju z žegnom kadrovske službe (brez glasbil). V poobritku rešijo Braneta, ki je na fitnes prišel brez svežih spodnjic. Če ti je Če veš, kaj mislim! všeč, ga lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini ep…
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Še vedno je v gosteh Lea Mederal Gams, voditeljica oddaje Potep z Leo … IN TUDI voditeljica tega dela! Tokrat Lea prevzame vajeti in naša fanta vpraša: “Kdo ali kaj je Logogrif?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: A res tega ne veš? YT – 213 Naroči se na “A res, TEGA ne veš?” YouTube kan…
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Generational Ideas on Success, How to Grow Your Salary
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נגן מאוחר יותר
25:45Generational Ideas on Success, How to Grow Your Salary In this episode, Rachel is approaching the viewpoints of what salaries each generation feels is necessary to be successful and how it shapes the wildly different perceptions of financial success. The fascinating disparities in salary and net worth expectations among these age groups is staggeri…
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Reinventing The Suit & Creating Sustainable, Slow Fashion | AEP083
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1:12:13In the 83rd episode of the Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast, we interview Sam Matanle, the founder of Batch London.He shares his journey of starting a made-to-order fashion brand focused on redefining the suit. The brand aims to provide a comfortable and versatile alternative to traditional suits while addressing the sustainability issues in the fa…
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If you want to start a clothing brand in 2025. Please listen to this...
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9:38For anyone starting a clothing brand - you need to listen to this. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ Thinking about starting a clothing brand? Before you dive in, let’s talk about the reasons you shouldn’t start a …
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Jure in Anže o ljubezni do znanih oseb in spet o stropnih lučeh! Če ti je Opazovalnica všeč, jo lahko podpreš in dobiš mini dodatno epizodo. Hvala. Opazovalnica #121 Zapiski: what is this guys? : r/Filmmakers Algol by Brionvega: the iconic 11″ screen TV that looks at you Gen Z wage war on ‘the big light’ and say they want to ban overhead lighting a…
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Tokratna gostja je voditeljica Lea Mederal Gams, ki jo sicer lahko spremljate v oddaji Potep z Leo, AMPAK danes gre pa Lea na potep s Sašotom … ker se bosta skupaj podala po poti neznanja in iskala odgovor na Alešovo vprašanje: “Kdo ali kaj je Fabjon?!?!?!?” … Klikneš, poslušaš, izveš! Ti je podkast všeč? Lahko ga podpreš tukaj Naroči se: Zapiski: …
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3 of The Biggest Myths About The Fashion Industry
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23:243 of The Biggest Myths About The Fashion Industry In this episode, Rachel is revealing the 3 biggest myths and misconceptions like starting a line with a lot of products or making something for everyone. There’s actually a lot of bad information out there about the fashion and apparel industry that can stifle growth for new brands and fashion profe…
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Starting a Clothing Brand? Welcome to the Graveyard of Dreams
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נגן מאוחר יותר
9:46For anyone starting a clothing brand - you need to hear this. BEST Design Tool → https://www.design.com/partner/apparelsuccess Join The Mastermind → https://www.skool.com/apparel-success-mastermind Shop → https://mytherapywear.com/ Starting a clothing brand or fashion line sounds exciting, right? But the truth is, most new clothing brand owners hav…
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Dvestopeta epizoda podkasta O.B.O.D. je prva v koledarskem letu 2025. Agenti Mito, Igor in Aljoša so v goste tretjič povabili umetnostno zgodovinarko Nino Misson in s skupnimi močmi se lotijo filma Nosferatu (2024). Nini se je zdel predvsem vizualno fantastičen, prava gotska poezija, v nekem smislu ji je bil celo pravljičen, za razliko od interneta…
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Doing Business Differently: How Nick Hussey Built Frahm Jacket’s Success | AEP082
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1:19:11In this Apparel Entrepreneurship Podcast episode, Nick Hussey, founder of Frahm Jacket, shares his journey of creating a brand that emphasizes quality, mental health, and sustainability. He discusses the challenges he faced in his previous business, the importance of a pre-order model, and his unique marketing strategies. Nick also delves into his …
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Matrica: revolucija: Anže in Pižama na kable vžgeta ladjo in driftata po vzdrževalnem jašku. Če so ti glave všeč, jih lahko podpreš in dobiš dodatno mini epizodo. Pridi se pogovarjat -> Discord: Apparatus klub Vprašaj Glave – Glave #196 Zapiski: The Matrix Revolutions Outkast – ATLiens Nezbrani komadi: 222 pesmi za bolj ali manj odrasle Poobritek: …
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