Bible Interpretation ציבורי
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We talk about the bible and go over bible scriptures.The Bible is one of the most intriguing subjects of all time.Men for thousands of years have tried to decipher the Bible in order to understand its contents.Men have failed to look at the creator for his holy spirit to help them understand scriptural meaning to the Bible.All they ever had to do is pray for holy spirit and they would have received understanding of the scriptures.With holy spirit they would be able to decipher God commandmen ...
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Welcome to this course on hermeneutics. It will be our goal as we study together The Science and Art of Biblical Interpretation. We call it a “science” because there are certain rules to learn and apply. We call it an “art” because our practice of these rules and principles will become part of the skillset we use and develop over time to become better students and communicators of God’s Word.
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How the Old Testament is used in the New Testament gives us insight into how those in the first century observed, interpreted, and applied God’s Word. They did this by employing a consistent, literal method of interpretation and not by allegorizing the Scripture. No intended meaning of the Old is ever changed in the New.…
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An often-neglected area of study, a large portion of Scripture is prophecy. In addition to being a powerful polemic for the veracity of God’s Word, literally fulfilled prophecy validated the Messianic credentials of Jesus Christ at His first coming; and will do the same at His second.על ידי Jeff Miller
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Understanding why and how parables are used in Scripture, especially by Jesus, is a vital part of interpreting God’s Word. And the presence of allegories in the Bible does not give license to the student to interpret “allegorically”, the invalid method that transfers the authority from God’s Word to the mind of the human interpreter.…
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Though perhaps more challenging than some of the other “gaps” we need to overcome, the literal, historical, and grammatical method of interpretation will still yield God’s intended meaning for the student of His Word if faithfully and consistently applied.על ידי Jeff Miller
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The Bible is a rich and beautiful collection of various kinds of literature or “genre”. However, we still must consistently apply the literal method of interpretation to each to arrive at God’s intended meaning and application for our lives.על ידי Jeff Miller
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Now that we have the three tools of observation, interpretation, and application in our hermeneutics toolbox we can begin to apply them to the various aspects of God’s Word. Since God chose to communicate in languages a careful study of grammar will be the first step.על ידי Jeff Miller
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Once we see what the Scripture says, and understand what it means, our next task is to make application to our lives. Jesus prayed to His Father that His disciples would be sanctified in the truth (John 17:17) and we dare not short circuit the Spirits work by failing to apply what we know to be true.…
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Historically the two competing interpretive systems were the allegorical and literal methods. The allegorical method won out and dominated for over a thousand years until the reformation. The Spirit of God then moved the reformers to recover sound doctrine through the recovery of sound, Biblical hermeneutics: the literal method.…
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Do good actions makings and building good all of your days.Never stray from a focused shot of your target of building and making good.Getting to be braught into creation is an easy work ,that may seem harder to disbeliever.Stay alert on you target and good action plans.Pay attention to the plan you have and follow step by step until the good is har…
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Become a master at good action doing.Learn the game of life survival.Stay on your P'S and Q'S doing good things to promote the true belief in good.Keep on doing good because it is a survival mechanism for you in death.No one knows what good plans for those who do good actions all of there days.Struggle to due good actions because it promotes a shie…
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Learn what tactics evil uses when it strikes agains't to take your minds from what good actions teachings you teaching.Evil if it could put literal objects in your head to know your thoughts,intent,good knowledge of weapons.for it screwed up world order.Make you fear it forces and the illusion of weapons beyond torment.Of the pure structure that we…
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Keep away from niggers because there only action is to do evil.Niggers are treachorous gods as they were in egypt.Niggers are the enemy of all good.There complete belief is niggerism.They try to hide themselves behind the different races or whew.Always starting trouble over another good heavenly rewards.What does not belong to niggers.Do youself a …
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Do not accept or bow to evil persecutions to stop good action work.Doing work for good things to be brought into existence.Never become a puppett for evil enjotment.Let the good actions control your every whim and movement.Never let evil use or steal you weapons or means to protect yourself.Do not rely on weapons of society to pierce evil because t…
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Cherish the day that you see evil perish.Because from it existence here i don't see to much evil perishing.Keep from evil feelings that are from evil.Don't look to evil with glory of his works.Never let evil build up in helping it to achieve its goals.Regard evil presence as unwanted and only to to see evil perish at your good actions.Do not fall f…
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The only good that stand left is my good .Everything has sold itself to evil .The real true good remain only with me.I am the only true deliver left.No more good exist anywere but from me.The biblical delivers has every body stuck with the unwanted disease of evil.Rottenous and corruption only remains.Let us gather together and find a solution to e…
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Keep good will and not bowing to pee pressure of the mortgage company threatening to take away your home.Also even to let strangers stay in your home.Your ministries makes a home for you without demonic vampire gods inhabiting your home in some spiritual possessing.We never need the help of demonic vampire gods or there servants.If you are stranded…
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All actions that you do should reap some type of heavenly reward.Do not waste your time on meaningless task that do not reap any rewards.THey only cause destruction of those doing good actions.Things that benefit us only reap heavenly rewards.Treasure the task that are put here before you by the creator.Keep yourself heathy so you can do the Lords …
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Treasure not evil support or help.Stay with a focus mind and not the mind control by a puppet master.When evil lies and strikes to hard agaisn.t you fight back by letting Good remove him from you. Do you normally call on a harlott for protection.Keep away from the demonic vampire Gods and there illusion form. There form which is sexually appealing.…
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Keep on the path way to remove false teachers from or ministries.Keep away from all other Good but the the scriptures tell you about and your truthfull learning that takes place.Never let demonic teachings remove you from your good action teachings.Scriptural teachings reflect not on evil teaching or a delivers that is not written by Goods law in p…
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Cherish the correction that mades by rauch hakodesh.Love the explosion of the great events that have taken place here where we are right now.Monitor goods action that we see here on earth that we can compare with from the scriptures.Lose all that will destroy us that is not something that can be used to return a trash way of life of the disbeliever…
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Be truly loving of those whom you teach.Do not be betraying of there interest and trust,belief,and faith.Keep all of there interest in mind.Beyond any interest of your own.Cherish not your own sustenance over theres .Because Good provides sustenance for us even if we believers do not ask for it.Never let go of your trust to faith and betray your di…
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Love your fellow believing goodhouse1968 believing brothers .Always keep the love of your heavenly flight brothers that take you were good wants you to be delivered from.Trash the trash in our hearts that delivers us over to enslavement enemies.Do not accept the lighting flashes in our heads when we close our eyes as sign of deliverance from Good.T…
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Good there demonic machines as we buy them on a regular basis.Give us an advice of the vampire so called good you can have.By shopping with them.What do you think lyes in the intent of evil.An attempt to make you believe there is no evil in here.While yet hollowing in your good action force spirit all day long there is no good.Doing good action dra…
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Love good action not evil demonic vampire god actions.Keep on the lurking for doing good action.Never let evil become a part of your pure heart or wake you up to an evil grievous experiment.Talking about it did some good action.Prroduced some form of good that good condemns.Build goods good holy rauch hakodesh up for time indefinite especially in y…
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Evil think that its whore prostitution is something that good want.Good action believers do not want anything to do with evil.Evil ways to fight a mob called a spirit when the meaning of a spirit is to never show itself.To lie a and catch a fool that believes in it.Your delievers is coming believers.My delivers with the grandest of salvation,delive…
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Love Good not for beatifull females to receive to your impure hearts content.Not for what you cant mustard out of him.But for the love of doing good action.Not a funny good feeling you get from evil demonic vampire gods.Love not the sites of brawl of individuals beating one another to death.For wordly hard hearted resons whether lies or truth.Keep …
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Keep in touch with your delivers on a ragular basics.Your life should be focus on receiving the delivers blessings or promises being fullfilled.Let the holy waters of Good touch us in as many good ways as it can.Want the spirit or good action force of god to touch us.Live a life of the pure heart as best of giving it our 1000% of our ability.Stay a…
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Let your life remain pure and holy.Keep clean from demonic things and defilement from evil things.Cherish the present kindness of Good.Love the extinction of the evil,wicked,no good,and good stiff part of you.Keep being a lovable tool of Good.Let Good make you the messenger man.Keep on as a working tool of Good in humilty.Accept Goods control over …
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Just don't have belief without the ohter three qualities.Keep living in the past of past believers as well as the present of the new generation belivers.Not a disbeliever before all miracles shown to you by Goods messengers,phrophets ,and bible study teachers.Live not close to the faith but up on it like you where beatting the heck out of someone i…
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Keep placing good as it is the sole way of our direction.Pray for good to control our lives.Keep your life a lust for doing good action.Good will never cast the good action ones out to evil.Good does not fall for the foolishness of anyone.Do not let the enemy fool you if it couldn't fool your heavenly father.Good does not strand us because of our e…
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Treasure good actions so that you as a fruit before good can ripened the correct way.Keep your heart devoted to doing good wills.Seek goods control over you and your life.Let the lords good force into your lives and let it direct your every whelm and command..Command and make yourselves and will bow down to doing good actions all of your days.For t…
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Keep all holy actions never foresakened .Strive never to offend other by doing evil actions.Keep your motivated to do good.Not leading your directions to left or right.Not deviating from Gods narrow road that leads to everlasting life.Make Good actions your own way or truth.Build your trust,faith,and belief up in the Lord,Instead of living a sinnfu…
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Wish and pray for Good to cast out the demons these unwanted forces.Also to keep them out and there vistors they bring with them.Don't be fooled by them that they re not alone.When yet evil can have your God before you listening to what derogatory remark about the God or Good you serve.Never let them fools your thoughts especially over and over aga…
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Keep doing good actions.Accepting the word or way of God as truthful and just.Always exercising trust,faith,and belief in the Lord and his way.Never fall short if you can prevent it.Do not let temptations overpower you with the lust for evils way.Sometime you find temptation hard to overcome.You likely feel you have to succumb to it.Never give up t…
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Give your actions over to being controled by the creator.There is only good actions that can come from this.This good action leads to a heavenly reward of everlasting life.Keep longing to be one of Gods chosen that he direct actions of for time indefinite.Keep your heart set on the pure heart and not the impure heart.Do not fear the evil devil or h…
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Let God do his good by lifting you up physically as well as spiritually also never foreget an pray for mental upliftment.Remember to be foregiving as many times as wronged but do not be a foul for evil.Continue to read you scrolls on a day to day basis even if you foreget and remember while doing something important.Stop and read your scrolls and t…
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Keep callin for the control of God or Good from all directions of heart,faith,trust,belief and wishes and prayer.Have your intent set on God controling love that he does not live your out there like a child in the streets in a garbage can.Left alone to die with out no one caring for you.Call on God to recieve you in heaven while alive not dead.What…
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Keep doing the will of Good for time indefinite.Change your evil sinnful ways.Don't let any thing get in the way of you serving God.Don't doubt the creators powerfull signs.Live a clean holy life free from evil.Evil does not like to see Good done .Cherish the works of the creator and do not let the devil question you about who gave you the rights t…
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Keep up with the pure heart doing good actions not preaching threats of the evil.Never fall any further from your heavenly state than you already have.Keep afloat on this heavenly ride on the narrow road that leads to heaven.Store up God commandments like a far off treasure.Don't let disbelieving fools lead you astray.Keep your heavenly rewards awa…
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Praise good beyond god because GOD does not exist.There is only Good.There exist no other helper or being of good but good.The truth is not even a helper or a lie but good.Dont waiste you time on these idolatries gods of satan and his demons.Dont let there lesbian nature take control an overwhelm you.Dont lust over them males because male and femal…
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Always do good actions or righteous actions.Love ministering the word of God regardless of the hard conditions we go through.Keep the ministeries going .By not only supporting it with your life style not only that but also with your education with all possibble avenues you possibly can.Keep in touch spiritually with Good and doing Gods will and not…
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Keep the great catser out ministries sacred from evils join his disbelieving malitias and there ways.Remember we fight only in the great caster out armies.Never do we fight in the devils armies for devil revelutions of evils vampire demonic gods.Never bow to a moma demonic vampire god because of there power of darkness.Do only the lords righteous a…
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Keep up with the lord work.Doing good action outbeat a demonic vampire god.Doing the lord will outweighs doing evil.Love doing the Alphas will against evil worlds existences.The tramp has to be destroyed the correct way.The whore will tell a lie and say that a good action doer and beleiver is there husband or concubine.Keep the love of niggers out …
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Kee p wishing an praying for deliverance an salvation even if our day is called upon judgement.Love God and whatever he has done for us.Even if he has not taught us to be fishers of men or his heavenly wisdom.Be glad an humble yourselves toward what he has done for you.Be grateful even if you were only to be food for his holy purpose.Dont lead a sm…
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Develop Gods or Alpha hatred of the demonic vampire Gods regardless of what they do for you to entrap you.Do not develop a spiritual love for them.Keep your direction of faith ,trust, belief away from them.Build your will in Gods good will and the love of doing his will.The work of the creator is the far better paying job then any out there.Pray fo…
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Keep from losing your heavenly reward because you turned back to being a disbeliever because of your satanic value to the disbeliving demonic vampire gods.Keep your heavenly rejoiceful afterlife or life ahead of you in the hereafter garden beneath which rivers flow.A great heavenly reward to be awaiting you as well as all believrs.Straying is like …
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר