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At CEFC, we want to live all of life for Christ whether we are at home or work, with our neighbors, or in our community. Our podcast is taken directly from our sermons where we help you to apply the scriptures to your life as you grow in your relationship with Christ, build one another up, and go out to serve. Visit us here to learn more: www.cefc.church.
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show series
The apostle Paul asked a question that immediately diagnosed the spiritual condition of 12 men. This question is of vital importance to each of us today. The question is this: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” Paul assumed that his listeners could answer that question accurately and confidently. Can you answer that question confi…
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Are you gifted and growing? If you want a compelling picture of what it looks like to be gifted and growing spiritually, look at the life of Apollos in Acts 18:24-28. From Apollos we learn that you don’t need to know everything to do something. Instead, we can grow as we go! God will send people to instruct us and encourage us along the way. We mus…
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The apostle Paul gives us an inspiring picture of what it looks like to talk about Jesus everywhere we go. Paul spoke about Jesus at work, at the synagogue, in homes and wherever he had the opportunity. He reasoned and persuaded and taught. Some rejected and reviled Paul, but many believed and were baptized. Paul was afraid that people would attack…
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Who wants to live forever? The Bible tells us that we were designed to live and dwell with God forever. The Tree of Life was a gift of God given to God’s people so they might enjoy an everlasting relationship with him in perfect harmony. But what happened to the Tree of Life that was placed in the Garden of Eden? Why don’t we have access to it now?…
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People often wonder if God is impatient and violent toward people. In response to this question, Jesus told a story about a fig tree that did not bear fruit. Rather than cut down the unfruitful tree, time and care were given to the tree so that it might become fruitful. God takes that same response toward us. He gives us time and encouragement to b…
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In Matthew 7, as part of Jesus' teachings, he warns that false teachers pose a serious threat to a healthy Christian life. He uses the example of trees as a way to recognize such teachers. By using trees, he contrasts healthy, good fruit-bearing trees with diseased, bad fruit-bearing trees. We will bear good fruit as we build our lives on the teach…
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In Psalm 1, we encounter two paths: one leading to life and spiritual prosperity, the other to death and emptiness. The psalm contrasts chaff, which is blown away by the wind, with a tree planted by streams of water, flourishing and bearing fruit. This imagery presents us with a choice: will we be like the chaff, lifeless and fleeting, or like the …
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The book of Genesis begins with two people standing in the midst of a garden before two trees: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. These trees represent a choice: to trust God or to turn away. This choice is just as relevant to us today. We face the same decision: to trust God's word or not. It's a simple choice with pr…
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Revelation 3:14-22 is an incredible conclusion to the letters Jesus sent to the 7 churches. In this passage, we see that a self-reliant life is a breeding ground for a lukewarm faith. A lukewarm relationship with Jesus is something utterly revolting to Him to the degree that Christ says He would rather we be completely cold in our relationship towa…
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Revelation 3:7-13 reminds us of that Jesus is holy, true and that He holds the keys to everything! In this passage, we are reminded that when we encounter trouble of persecution, we can trust Him, and we need to be faithful. Even when we feel powerless, we must keep His word and continue to proclaim Jesus. He reminds us that our faithfulness please…
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“Wake Up Before You Die!” That is the message of Revelation 3:1-6 where Christ tells the church of Sardis that: * Their reputation does not match reality; * They must wake up spiritually; and * They must strengthen what remains and is about to die. Then Christ gives great encouragement to us, and to the church, by explaining the great benefits of w…
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Revelation 2:18 – 29 gives us two key points: 1. Do not tolerate seductive teaching and 2. Hold fast to what you have. The church in Thyatira has made a huge mistake in tolerating a teaching that permits sexual immorality and paganism. And yet, Jesus still loves these people and calls them to repentance. Then Jesus says “hold fast” to what is true …
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Revelation 2:12-17 contains a message from Jesus Christ for Christians finding it tough to follow him. He assures his people that he sees it when our commitment to His Lordship is tested, and we come under pressure to compromise. He encourages us to stay faithful under pressure and reminds us that we will be eternally glad that we did. Although it …
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Revelation 2:8-11 contains a message from Jesus Christ to people who are suffering. Jesus acknowledges the suffering, poverty, and persecution the church faces but reassures them that they are spiritually rich. Jesus gives us two instructions: 1. Do Not Fear and 2. Be Faithful. Then Jesus gives us two reasons to have hope in the midst of suffering:…
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Revelation 2:1-7 is Christ’s letter to the church in Ephesus. This letter covers the good and the bad. The good is that the church is patiently enduring and keeping their doctrine pure. The bad is that the church has abandoned its first love for Christ. Christ’s prescription to cure a cold heart is clear: 1. Remember, 2. Repent, 3. Return. In this …
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We all face moments of discouragement, whether it's societal issues, economic frustrations, personal disappointments, or disillusionment with the church. In these times, we need the renewed vision of Jesus as we find in Revelation 1:9-20. In this message, we explore how the apostle John, exiled and persecuted, found comfort and strength through a p…
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The book of Revelation is a beautiful book of prophecy, symbols, and truth about who Jesus is, and what’s to come. It paints for us a picture of the unseen realities that will be made visible in the days to come as we anticipate the return of Jesus. Revelation 1:1-8 unveils Jesus as the divine author, creator, redeemer, and restorer of life, and he…
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Numbers 25 presents us with a troubling passage: A priest kills two people with a spear and is commended by God! How do we reconcile a good and loving God with this Old Testament picture of God who rewards killing? And what do we learn from Phinehas the priest who carries out this execution? In this sermon, we'll explore the difficult themes in Num…
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How do we fight a temptation to sin? Every person is susceptible to temptation, even those who have enjoyed a close relationship with God. This passage in Numbers 25 teaches us: 1. You are never so blessed you can’t be tempted. 2. The tactics of the enemy are tricky. 3. Fear the Lord: God takes sin seriously. 4. Love the Lord: God loves you jealous…
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In this passage, we see God's sovereignty over everyone, everything, everywhere. King Balak of Moab wants his hired prophet, Balaam, to curse the people of Israel. Instead of cursing them, Balaam questions how he can curse those whom God has not cursed and sees the Israelites as a unique and blessed people, set apart from other nations. When Balak …
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Imagine if you were headed in a direction you thought was right but you kept encountering unexpected interruptions and obstacles. Would you get mad or curious? Would you turn to God or would you lash out in frustration? Our response to interruptions reveals our heart and makes it obvious whether we are intent on our own plans or whether we are open…
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Have you ever wanted something so badly you asked God for it again and again? What if you wanted something so badly you were willing to defy God's clear instructions? Numbers 22 introduces us to a very spiritual man who does something very foolish: he pursues his will instead of God’s will. Balaam stubbornly chases his own desires instead of follow…
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Serving God and others is part of a healthy Christian life. Peter writes to Christians about their God-given gift and he encourages us to use our gifts in service to others. God grows the church through the service of people who love him and want to demonstrate that love by using the gifts they are blessed with to bless others. We are blessed to be…
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How do we build godly and loving relationships? 1 Peter 4:8,9 says, “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.” In this message, we will discover how to love deeply and sincerely. We will learn how to love in a way that covers over the sins of others, and …
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This Easter we consider the greatest event in human history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. But what does this resurrection of Christ mean for our lives today? The apostle Paul applies the death and resurrection of Christ to his life in Galatians 2:20 and this passage gives us three questions to ask ourselves: 1. Have you been cruc…
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In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus reveals his compassion and empathy for a man who was deaf and was unable to communicate with others. Jesus displays both his humanity and divinity by privately healing this man, not treating him as a spectacle for the crowd. The gentleness and power that Jesus shows us in this passage, reminds us that we worship a personal an…
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In this passage, Jesus sent Peter fishing to avoid offending temple tax collectors. Jesus often offended religious people, but at other times he was careful to cause no offense. How do we know when it is okay to offend and when we should sacrifice our rights and privileges to avoid offending someone? Jesus paid a temple tax that he was not required…
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Ten lepers asked for mercy and ten lepers received mercy; however, only one returned to give thanks to Jesus. Why is gratitude so rare? What would it look like to have an attitude of gratitude and a practice of gratitude? Luke 17:11-19 provides a lesson in gratitude. Learn why God requires us to give thanks and learn how gratitude brings us blessin…
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How do you get a miracle? What type of prayer does God answer? The Bible records at least one prayer that Jesus always answers: “Have mercy on me.” Or as this passage says, “Have mercy on us”. Notice how the ten lepers prayed in Luke 17:11-19: The lepers prayed humbly; they prayed expectantly; and they were ready to obey. When we pray like the lepe…
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Matthew 9:18-26 records two healing touches. The first is Jesus touching a 12-year-old girl and raising her from the dead. The second is a woman who touches the fringe of Jesus' garment and is healed of bleeding that has plagued her for 12 years. Jesus responds by rewarding the faith of any person who comes to him. Be encouraged to come to Jesus to…
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Matthew 9 teaches us about faith, friends and Jesus. Friends with faith brought a man to Jesus for forgiveness and healing. These friends teach us that faith is not a feeling; faith is belief in action. We also learn that Jesus has the power to forgive because Jesus is God. Do you have friends who have faith? Are you finding forgiveness and healing…
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Mark 5:1-20 shows us that evil spirits are real and they are intent on destruction. Beware of the evil’s destructive power, but trust in the delivering power of Christ. Jesus can rescue us from demonic power so that we can tell others how much the Lord has done for us, and how he has had mercy on us.…
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When Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law and ministered to the crowds, addressing both physical and spiritual sickness, He was fulfilling the ancient prophecy of Isaiah: "He took our illnesses and bore our diseases." These miraculous healings serve as a testament to Jesus' ability to shoulder every burden we bring to Him. Jesus can do more than symp…
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The Lord is gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29), calling us to deeply rest in him (Matthew 11:28). But how do we do that when we experience trials and tribulations? The Lord teaches us how in Psalm 77. He teaches us how to move from tears of sorrow to tears of joy. Join us at cefc.churchעל ידי Jeff Lee
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Jesus says he is gentle and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29). When Jesus came to earth he came in the gentle and lowly form of a baby, born to poor parents, and placed in a lowly manger. Because Jesus came in such an approachable form, we can come to him and find rest for our souls. Christmas is the celebration of Christ coming gentle and lowly to br…
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The Christmas story illustrates God’s strong love for the lowly. God chose an unknown teenage girl to give birth to the Savior of the world (Luke 1:26-38). And God chose poor shepherds to be the first to come and see the newborn king (Luke 2:8-20). Since God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith, we should come to God with a humble …
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Christians claim that the coming of Jesus is Good News. But is that just wishful thinking on our part or is it faith based on evidence? Is the Christmas story just a fairy tale to make us feel better or is Jesus really the Son of God who came to save us from our sins and give us a better life? Visit us at cefc.church…
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God is not far from each one of us! God wants us to 1. Seek, 2. Reach, 3. And Find him. Like a father playing hide and seek with his daughter, God wants us seek Him and find Him. This passage urges us to Reason with our minds, Repent with our hearts, and Respond to the good news of Jesus! Visit us at cefc.church.…
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Acts 17:1-21 compares the way two different communities (the Thessalonians and the Bereans) responded to the message about Jesus. The response of the second community teaches us to receive the message of Christ with eagerness, while also checking to make sure that the message we hear matches with the message we read in the Bible. What is our attitu…
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Sometimes commerce hates Christianity! Christ is a threat to every rival power, whether the power of money or the power of demons. In Acts 16 a young woman is set free from demonic oppression but many men choose to remain in bondage to financial gain. The Bible teaches that we cannot serve God and money. We must choose to either accept or reject th…
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What does conversion to Christ look like? In Acts 16:11-15 a business woman named Lydia gives us a compelling portrait of conversion. 1. Lydia’s heart was open to the God’s word, 2. Lydia got baptized, and 3. Lydia connected with other Christians. In short, the evidence of conversion to Christ is Bible, Baptism, Believers! Join us as cefc.church…
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How do we discern God’s will for our lives and ministries? In Acts 16:1-10, Paul and company determined that it was God’s will to accommodate others. Then the Holy Spirit blocked Paul’s plans twice. Finally, Acts 16:1-10 describes a vision God gave Paul to show him where he must go next. How does God lead and guide us today? Visit us at cefc.church…
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Paul and Barnabas were great partners in ministry and then they split. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them on their next journey, but Paul did not want him to join them because John Mark had abandoned them on their last trip. The disagreement was sharp and Paul and Barnabas went separate ways. Acts 15:36-41 teaches us how to respond to pers…
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Acts 15:22-35 gives us helpful teaching about how Christian leaders and Christians should make thoughtful decisions. We shouldn't make hard decisions alone. We should seek Christ and the community of Christ to help us by praying, seeking wise counsel, and reading the Bible with every matter of life and theology. Visit us as cefc.church.…
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