Cammi ציבורי
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show episodes

Cammie Sharon Knight

Cammie Sharon Knight

I share the messsge of healing and revelation of how to heal from your subconscious fears and belief patterns that’s rooted in our early life 👦🏽👧🏽. When we step into the knowledge of who we are (from within) we dramatically shift and change our lives for the better.
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Staying Up with Cammie and Taryn

Staying Up with Cammie and Taryn

By lovebirds Cammie Scott and Taryn Arnold, Staying Up is a podcast. These lesbians have a sleepover every night, and every week, you’re invited to join. From deep talks to hot goss, Taryn and Cammie are awake and ready.
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That older couple down the street that you just KNOW is naughty as hell! Join Sally Sexy and Mitch Jagundo where we tell tales of our camming and adult video adventures on the internet! All that fun sexy stuff as well as stories from our ordinary lives that can quite often be, odd as hell! Pet catastrophes, home horrors, travel tales, readings from books we love, general all around stuff from a couple that moonlights getting people off while we have fun ourselves! Join us in our sexy, funny, ...
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Magali Grollier

Camminus réalise des podcasts et contenus sonores avec un penchant pour les histoires d'entreprendre. Certaines de nos productions se trouvent ici...
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On The Bus With Cammi & AJ

Cammi Granato and AJ Mleczko

Olympic gold medalists and former US Women's National Hockey Team members Cammi Granato and AJ Mleczko reminisce on their time as teammates and interview inspiring individuals in the sports world and beyond!
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Un cammino per ricominciare


In questa serie di podcast, vi raccontiamo un cammino. Vi leggeremo il libro scritto dal nostro Andrea durante il cammino di Santiago fatto nell'inverno del 2017 insieme a Fabrizio. Un semplice libro, nato dentro il lento passo dopo passo che dalla frontiera francese li ha portati dopo circa 850 chilometri fino a Santiago. Pensieri raccolti dopo una giornata di cammino, rubati al sonno e alla stanchezza, scritti nel silenzio della sera quando ormai tutti i compagni di viaggio dormivano beata ...
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SHHH stands for “Stay Humble Hustle Hard”, On this show, we walk it, how we talk it. Ty and Cammi will keep you motivated and full of inspiration with personal advice and experience while keeping it real with candid conversations on love, life and entertainment. With over 28 years in the entertainment industry, going from intern to CEO, Ty's picked up a lot of jewels, and is ready to open up about his experiences. Co- host Cammi Bright is a multi-talented young star on the rise with a vibran ...
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Racconti in Cammino

Walking Nose

Storie di cammini e di camminatori e delle loro avventure in giro per il mondo. Dal Pacific Crest Trail negli Stati Uniti fino ai grandi cammini Italiani e al Cammino di Santiago in Spagna per camminare al ritmo del racconto e delle storie. Ogni Mercoledì alle 14 una nuova puntata.
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Compartire una Visione: Frammenti Entropici Sparsi Chi: un (umile?!?) camminatore che vuole compartire (condividere) una visione (frammentata)... Scopo: questo podcast è inteso come generatore di domande; risposte non se ne danno. O meglio, non è lo scopo dichiarato del progetto. Che sarebbe bensì di stimolare la riflessione (tipo maieutica alla Socrate), nel tentativo di far propri certi concetti che a parole non si possono spiegare, ma vanno appunto sperimentati. ”Come la filosofia, che ti ...
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Welcome to KingdomFit Faith Fitness Nutrition Fellowship podcast! What an exciting journey we are going on to strengthen our Faith our Fitness and learning a lifestyle of healthy eating and fellowshipping along this journey! I am here to give you tools and resources to help you in your journey while sharing with you my own struggles and victories in mine. Welcome to my life and my story! For His Glory! Thank you for coming along and joining me.
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Dal 12 dicembre fino al 23 dicembre, 7 camminatori 2017, (Fabrizio Pepini, Tullio Frau, Pasquale Della Ragione, Giancarlo Enna, Alberto Pinna, Andrea Polidoro), cammineranno da Akri (Israele) fino a Betlemme (Stato di Palestina) percorrendo 280 km sulla via denominata Jesus Trail. Lo scopo del cammino è quello di sensibilizzare le persone nei confronti delle malattie della vista, informando circa la prevenzione e le cure più idonee. Inoltre l’iniziativa ha l’obiettivo di raccogliere fondi pe ...
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Un nuovo podcast firmato Sky Sport, affidato all’inconfondibile voce di Federico Buffa, per raccontare lo storico percorso compiuto dalla Nazionale italiana capitanata da Nicola Pietrangeli e composta da Adriano Panatta, Paolo Bertolucci, Tonino Zugarelli e Corrado Barazzutti, vincitrice della Coppa Davis 1976, l’unica conquistata dall’Italia in oltre 100 edizioni, dal 1900 ad oggi. Quattro episodi da 20 minuti, per raccontare il tormentato percorso che portò gli Azzurri del tennis a conquis ...
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Festival delle passeggiate - solo camminando torneremo ad innamorarci❤️‍🔥

a cura di Margherita Schirmacher - in diretta su Radio Underground Italia

🌇Per i camminatori instancabili, per chi è innamorato della città di Roma fuori dai percorsi turistici più conosciuti ma dentro alle sue forme più contemporanee e urbane, fra street art e periferie, fra scorci inconsueti e vicoli mai percorsi, arriva a Roma la prima edizione del 𝙁𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤 𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙤 𝙖𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙞 Tutte le passeggiate sono state seguite da delle dirette radio itineranti condotte dalla speaker e autrice radiofonica Margherita Schirmacher, e t ...
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show series
This is your toe fun update! Yep, this week is foot week with us and Sally has all the podiatrist digit scoop for ya, lol! We discuss a bunch of sexy stuff that we got up to on cam with Sally’s tootsies! We find out that people really do like to watch us together! Sally has been doing some camming on her own but is getting constant where’s Mitch an…
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the girlies have been married for two years and both share two things they've learned in those two years and two things they hope for in their next year of marriage. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: …
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We reviews, the Suze! Mitch read a book. Yes I know it is hard to believe but he did, LOL. Of course it was a book about pioneering adult photographer Suze Randall, a sort of hero of his as a young guy. He then asked if I wanted to take a look and read it and I said sure! WOW, super interesting and a true insight into just a firecracker of a woman …
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today the girls play a game of "what if?" and contemplate what would happen if they met on love is blind, were transported back to 17 years old, met in high school, and more! send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord…
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Glow in the dark glass dildos, We took a little Valentine’s trip to Doylestown, got massages, saw Captain America, got a good dinner and hit up Spice2Nite and got a glow in the dark glass dildo. Yepper. We recommend a stop there if you are in Horsham PA! We also recommed the Broad Theatre in Souderton PA! Fun place, restored and is amazing! Oh and …
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IVF and fertility treatments aren't always easy and the girls are ready to share their experience with a failed embryo transfer. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follo…
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Sally Makes Like Ahab & Spears Herself A Moby Dick! Sally is really getting back into the swing of things after having a rough start to the New Year with her shoulder and neck. While camming on her own Sally got a big um tipper, as well as a two hander! She also finds a super built stud! Together we got into lots of roleplay and fun times. We also …
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In this episode, we explore how the need for safety can lead us to silence our inner voice, often in favor of external validation. Drawing from personal experiences, the discussion challenges you to trust your intuition and break free from the confines of fear. Learn how to truly listen to your inner guidance, rise above self-doubt, and embrace the…
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the girls see if they have the 15 wholesome traits all successful couples have! thread on 15 couple traits: send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen…
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Lost Anklet Charms and WILD Producktion For Naughty Gras!, Learning about how Mitch loves to lick my face! LOL! This week Sally does some solo camming after a long hiatus! Producktion gets deep for Naughty Gras. A lost sexy anklet. Rimmah, Rimmer, RIMMING! Oh yes. Sally’s pet drama gets LOTS of views! Mitch gets to see a hot girlfriend while cammin…
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this week the PP's sent in their most common arguments and issues in their relationship and the girls share their own experiences and thoughts on the fights. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: https://…
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Slave Boys & Big Daddy D, LOL! Another week of whipping ‘em out! Whatever “they” may be, hehe! #1 most important thing, MITCH GOT TATTOED! He now has a small resistor across his right wrist. Bunch of meanings there take it as you may. Sally also got one on her’s. Our streak of getting people who are just living to be our sexy slaves continues! We g…
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we're SO back!! did you miss us? let's catch up and do the highly anticipated 2024 life balance wheel. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follow: Instagram: / stayingupp…
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Of Anklets & Interesting Views, Mitchy likes to buy me sexy gifts. In his pursuit of new jewelry for camming he found a hot little high heel anklet at sylvie monthule and imbibed, but yea, there is a story. We get deep into misunderstanding when texting. English is not an easy language to read when you don’t know context. Sally gets the ultimate bi…
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The Return Of The Sexi, Or as we called it, Sally cams again on her own finally! Yes, Our fave lass with that naughty ass was back on her game and testing the waters this week to see what she could get done with all her orgasmic friends. That and she found time to bang Mitch on the ’net for a bit too! LOL! More on Species Spotting with Sally, which…
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They Say It’s Mitch’s Birthday! And it is! LOL! Mitch turned the big 59 on 1-4 and I excorted him off to one of our fave spots for a couples massage! Then I took him to a killer historic hotel in an awesome town we frequent and had a fun evening. For some fun this time we discuss reviews of our podcast and WOW there are some doozies! LOL! Updates o…
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We jump right back into the 70’s finishing up the classic flick, Flesh Gordon. Sally gives it a go while feeling better. Plans for other classic adult movies to comment on and getting ready for Naughty Gras in March! Oh and hey it's Mitch's birthday on Saturday the 4th! Say hi!! Sally & Mitch “The Misbehavin’ Monogomaists” We Put The What, in WTF?”…
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Well sexy friends, Sally has gone to the ortho and she needs some re-adjustment which means camming tales are taking a back seat for a little while. However our wackiness continues as we sit down and do what any casual couple would do in this instance. Watch porn. The next few episodes will be us kicking back and commenting on some fun porn of new …
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the hotline is open and the PP's delivered! this week the girls dedicate an entire episode to PP stories, advice needs, and questions. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen:…
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Krampus Part II, The Krampusing Kontinues! Happy Sexy Saturnalia everyone! It’s our holiday freakiness episode and we are Mystery Sexy Theatre 3000ing, Kink’s Krampus vid. Sally is having a bit of a hard time with this one as there is a lot of caning and positions that would break her at 55! LOL! We also discuss Sally’s Singing Bowl webinar on SDC …
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the girls chat female friendships, top products of 2024, and help a PP be more outgoing. send us your gossip stories or ask for advice! call the PP hotline 323-577-8857 or email us at [email protected] Cam’s List Loccitane shower oil Suede tote bag Sezane cardigan Tumler deck…
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Krampus comes to Sally & Mitch This is a two part, um, commentary video as we watch a video that involves Krampus and Kaning and other, um, things. If you know who Krampus is, you obviously are a long time listener of ours, lol! So yea, come, grab a hot cocoa and let’s watch a naughty tale of a naughty woman getting naughty with the creatu…
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the year is coming to an end so today the girls look back on the trending google searches of 2024 and look to the 2025 pinterest predictions to see what we have to look forward to. sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follow: …
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Podcast Episode: Breaking Free from Agreements That Don’t Serve You Welcome to today’s episode, where we’re going to dive into a topic that’s been weighing on my heart. These past few days have been heavy for me. I’ve had to sit with my triggers—really sit with them—and what came to the surface was a question: What am I tied to that hasn’t set me f…
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Stripperella and Steamrollers! Well, This week Mitch found out that Stan Lee, the mighty mouthpiece of Marvel Comics actually pitched an idea for a superhero cartoon that featured Pamela Anderson as a stripper who fought crime and well, damn it is pretty funny! We dive in! Also, we head to North NJ to see Mannheim Steamroller’s Christmas Concert in…
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believe or not our basement reno is finally done! this week the girls chat wicked, their struggle with deciding on IVF test rounds, and of course share a listener gossip story. sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follow: Inst…
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Finishing Off Pirates 2! Well scurvy me mizen mast and arrrrr me hee hawrs, we’re back to finish up, the apparently, VERY controversial review of Pirates II- Stagnetti’s Revenge. It got pulled from Youtube AND it made us change our podcast host from Spotify to Redcircle! Even though we’ve reviewed porn before on BOTH platforms. Jeesh censor bots, i…
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the girlies share their baby name lists with each other and review baby names sent in by the patreon PP's! oh and the PP story is back and this one needs our help! sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follow: Instagram: / stay…
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tar and cam move through stress differently. this week the girls try to understand each other better and learn how to work together to navigate unknown territory. Get 15% off OneSkin with the code STAYINGUP at #oneskinpod sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Di…
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Avast ye sexies! We hath sailed the seven sleeze and found ourselves watching Pirates II "Stagnetis Revenge" and damn it is good! Fun, funny, actual good effects, and hot sexing! hehe! We had a slow week camming and what not so we figured we'd mystery science theatre 3000 ourselves this week and critique some porn. We call it um, Mystery Penis 7" T…
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In a world that often asks us to give endlessly, we can forget the importance of setting boundaries, cultivating a meaningful relationship with ourselves, and deepening our connection to God. Through my journey, I’ve discovered that embracing my own worth means creating sacred spaces within, aligning my heart and mind with God’s truth, and learning…
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Cumming Back To Cape May! We decided to a do a couple days in a lovely B&B in Cape May after Halloween where we can swim, hot tub and cam! LOL! So we headed off and sweated oru brains out while also doing an SDC webinar on our camming lives. Our discussion this time incluudes size queens, and why guys shouldn’t be concerned on how big their wang is…
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marriage already takes work but IVF can make it even harder. this week taryn shares a study on IVF and divorce and the girls figure out how to not become a statistic. sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: Follow: Instagram: / s…
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the girlies debate all things...but politics. fresh, healthy dog food from The Farmers Dog thank you to our sponsors, quince!! go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join ou…
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In this episode, we dive into the transformative journey of cultivating healthy boundaries, nurturing a sacred relationship with oneself, and deepening a prayer life that aligns us with God's truth. We explore the importance of emotional awareness, the concept of the "pain body" and the power of self-compassion.…
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The dame of dingle dongling lol, Here we blow again on our own, ha! Welcome back freaky friends! Sadly we had to reschedule our interview on The Better Gents show, but we will be there soon! Beyond that, involved roleplays! Sexy livestreams are ongoing improv we tell ya! We get asked how long our tongues are and we answer! Sadly no one voted in our…
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we may already be in love and married but let's see if you these questions can make us more in love and more married fresh, healthy dog food from The Farmers Dog get 20% off The Nue Co using code CAMMIE20 thank you to our sponsors, quince!! go to to get free shipping and 365-d…
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Pumpkin Pleasers are the bo diggity! Welcome to our post Hallow’s Eve sexy podcast. We got a multiple orgasm guy. LIke in about 10 minutes. Crazy! Bravo! Triple split cock rings. No pee pee!! Oh goodness, we talk proper booty hygiene. How long is your tongue. Next time we measure, lol! Mitch tries some new Primal rings! We have come up with some ne…
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Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge! Who remembers the old commericials on the east coast about this place and the champagne glass hot tubs and indoor heart shaped pools? LOL! Well we found its descendent and grabbed a stay there while heading up to a wedding. A wedding we might add that we did and did not fit perfectly into, hehe! And yes we cammed and pho…
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Let’s go deep, into Sally’s throat. Oh my! Somehow, some way, Sally has gone to new depths of deepthroating. Right now, Mitch says I am going so deep he can actually feel the back of my throat, and bb, my eyes are not even watering, ha! My hair up means Mitchy is realllly up! hehe! All this deepness has made the sultry lass of sucking request rubbe…
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let's keep it super light and fun this week and chat politics, religion, and philosophical concepts hehe thank you to our sponsors, quince!! go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Get 15% off OneSkin with the code STAYINGUP at #oneskinpod sub, review, and send goss/questions t…
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Yo, you guys are SHOT OUT! of a needle with vaccines in it. This is a sordid tale of not sexy days due to vaccination reactions LOL. BUT, we also delve into some fun camming thangs and discuss Deadpool & Wolverine a bit. Before that though we give a preview of our next webinar at SDC, Profoto flashes and iPhones! Mitch demos new tech, let’s hope he…
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the girls new fav show has made taryn question getting back into religion. a PP gets caught stalking their ex on social media, and another PP is having friend trouble. thank you to our sponsors, quince!! go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. sub, review, and send goss/questions to stayinguppod@gmail…
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Mitch Gets His Groove Back, Sally here, your spanky doodle dandy, spanktriot! LOL! I was a a little off this week so I had Mitch do some time on his own this week using hot little black pleather harness in our sexatorum, hehe! Anyways, we have a few things to discuss this week, one the pumpkin(s)… have been found! Look for details on how you can ge…
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IVF has been a rough ride and caused our biggest fight ever. let's chat about it. fresh, healthy dog food from The Farmers Dog Ring Designer: sub, review, and send goss/questions to [email protected] Join our Patreon: / stayingup Join our Discord: / discord Listen: htt…
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Birthday girl! We take Sally on a little excursion for her big double nickle! But first, an epic 1.5 hour cam session with a young stud with yogurt! We go in for a couples massage and my hair drives Mitchy wild! A new sex shop opens in New Hope, PA! We hit up the latest Beetlejuice movie at the local D-Town theatre. Peace Valley bike rides and 8 de…
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We’re clanking pumpkins bb !It’s that time of year! The freaktide is upon us, lol! The weather gets cooler but the outfits get hotter and the parties get crazier, hehe! Let’s discuss bikini sites and creampies. No not that kind. We begin the 2024 Pumpkin Quest as we embark upon Sally’s birthday’s festivities! We lean into how turned on Sally gets w…
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**Podcast Episode Description: "The Power of Parenting Yourself In this episode, we dive into the transformative journey of learning to parent yourself. I’ll share personal reflections on what it means to truly nurture and love yourself, beyond the surface-level self-love slogans. We’ll explore how our childhood experiences shape us, the importance…
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Glory, glory, sweatallulah, We are in the sauna and we are podcasting while getting our sweat on! Come see Mitch cover his near nude bikini with a pinapple graphic, me in my sheer Wicked Weasel and us, while we discuss,our busy fall schedule! Birthdays, Weddings, Interviews, being interviewed! WOW! Stay tuned for our Vicrotira Peaks interview this …
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר