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China News Analysis Daily

Vithiyapathy Purushothaman 李拯

This podcast channel will provide informative content about the current news analysis of China. It will discuss interesting topics such as Foreign Policy, Defense, Technology, and Economic Development of China. You will gain insight into China's lifestyle and receive news analysis on contemporary developments in China's international engagements. FB@ Tweets at @Vithiyapathy Flipboard: China News Analysis Daily Newsletter: ...
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。 所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。 歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。 此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。 歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。 截至2024年本人出版書籍包括 1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集 2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗 3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列 4. 從奴隸到霸主 ...
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Notes: For brevity, “PwC China” in this podcast refers to PwC’s Chinese mainland affiliate, PwC Zhong Tian LLP. Likewise, “Evergrande” refers to the primary mainland subsidiary of China Evergrande Group, Hengda Real Estate Group Co. Ltd. The conversation segment of this podcast was generated using AI and has been edited for accuracy. It is based on…
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Beijing to launch anti-discrimination probe after Canada hikes EV tariffs, Mercedes-Benz plans $2 billion joint investment in China to regain lost ground. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available…
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EV-maker BYD to buy out its German distributor, China Vanke debt cracks exposed after first loss in 20 years. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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EV-maker XPeng aims to manufacture cars in Europe to blunt new tariffs, Tencent-backed Black Myth: Wukong gives China’s gaming industry a shot in the arm. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available…
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Chinese fund firm’s recently resigned chairman linked to U.S. president’s son, China adds metal used in ammo to list of restricted exports. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us fo…
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Struggles in China hurt Uniqlo’s bottom line, Tesla renews bid to break into local insurance business. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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WeRide plans biggest U.S. IPO by Chinese firm since Didi, Beijing tweaks regulations to ease the way for foreign investors. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized p…
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Global beauty giants smell opportunity in China’s fragrance-makers, Aion opens its first overseas EV plant in Thailand. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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Tariff hikes loom as exports surge, tougher solar rules planned to slow manufacturing expansion. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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Matrix Partners renames Chinese unit to stress its independence, Russia detour hinders revival of European carriers’ China flights. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a cust…
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Indonesia signs major deals with Chinese automakers; Malaysia and Thailand announce intention to join BRICS. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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CATL in hot water over grueling work schedule, Tesla gets license to test full self-driving in Shanghai. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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CATL refutes forced labor allegations, Australia orders Chinese investors to sell stakes in rare earth miner. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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中美對抗從地表延伸到太陽系 2024年6月6日是一個無比繁忙的一天,美國太空探索公司(SPACEX)籌劃已久的「星艦太空船搭配超重級推進火箭(Starship + Superheavy Rocket)」第四次試射順利發射升空,火箭推進段實現重返,星艦太空船也測試重回大氣層之艦體與防熱隔離層是否安全,測試結果成功,為未來星艦火星計畫大規模發射取得綠燈。 圖-星艦四發射前(SpaceX網站) 另外美國波音公司在經歷十年延誤與今年幾次發射前緊急叫停後,終於也在6日以聯合發射聯盟(ULA)的擎天神5號火箭,將波音開發生產的「星際航線(Starliner)」太空船順利安全送上宇宙,並前往國際太空站對接,將兩名太空人送上國際太空站輪班,受到太空站上太空人熱烈歡迎。 這款星際航線太空船因技術問題延宕多年,…
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EU’s proposed carbon footprint methodology has Chinese EV-battery makers on edge, Tianqi considers action to protect its stake in Chilean lithium mining firm. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are avail…
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Shipping rates to Latin America soar as Chinese exporters rush to beat looming U.S. tariffs, Huawei gains market share as U.S. squeezes Nvidia’s chip supply. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are availa…
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 伊朗軍方調查總統萊希(Ebrahim Raisi)搭乘直升機墜毀身亡的事件後,初步報告顯示,截至目前為止沒有發現謀殺或攻擊的證據。 路透社報導,萊希曾被視為伊朗最高領袖哈米尼(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的可能接班人,他搭乘的直升機5月19日遭遇惡劣天氣而墜毀在國內西北部山區,萊希因此遇難身亡,享壽63歲。 伊朗武裝部隊參謀總部發布報告指出:「直升機…
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New round of U.S. tariffs to hit battery-makers hardest, China launches first major sodium-ion battery energy storage station. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. That’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customize…
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SAIC to share hybrid car tech with Volkswagen, GM; CATL partners with French shipping giant to explore electric ship collaboration. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a custom…
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AI startups lead China’s unicorn herd, China offers one more year visa waiver for travelers from 12 countries. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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TikTok vows to fight on in face of U.S. ban, EU hits fast-fashion giant Shein with new digital rules, Air China orders 100 homegrown C919s. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for …
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蘇育平觀點:印度移交超高音速布拉莫斯反艦飛彈給菲律賓之意涵 蘇育平 + 追蹤 2024-04-25 07:10 6110 人氣 贊助本文 筆者提醒,台灣也無須因為菲律賓與中國對抗,就以為菲律賓是我們的盟友了。(示意圖,張曜麟攝) 根據印度媒體2024年4月19日報導,印度空軍C-17全球霸主運輸機運送印度交貨給菲律賓訂購之第一批布拉莫斯(BrahMos)超音速巡弋飛彈到菲國,這筆交易價值3億7500萬美元,2022年1月印度宣布這筆交易時,可以說是印度第一筆大額軍火出口交易。 [啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知 菲律賓訂購3個營的布拉莫斯飛彈,合約也包括訓練操作的菲律賓海軍人員,及必要的零件供應。 布拉莫斯飛彈最高速度2.8馬赫,射程290公里,發射平台為潛艦、水面艦艇、飛機或陸基發射平…
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2024.04.26 中國神舟18號太空飛船發射前往天宮太空站輪班 2024年04月26日 13:02 蘇育平/神舟18號發射成功 台灣別錯失參與太空產業機會 我們想讓你知道… 未來SpaceX要啟動大規模移民火星行動時,台灣大可以爭取供應商角色,許多商機大有可為,台灣一定不能錯失這個機會了。 ▲ 搭載神舟18號載人太空船的長征二號F遙18運載火箭25日在酒泉衛星發射中心點火發射。(圖/視覺中國CFP) ●** 蘇育平/國際政治觀察者** 中國航天局於2024年4月25日從酒泉發射中心發射中國第七次天宮太空站長期載人飛行任務——神舟18 號載人飛船。乘組人員由葉光富指揮官、任務操作員李廣蘇與工程師李聰組成。 本次發…
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Wind turbine exports surged 60% in 2023, nuclear power investment hits new high. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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2024.04.21 中國戰略支援部隊解體,航天系統部更名軍事航天部隊 中國解放軍戰略支援部隊遭清洗後之改組 在經過漫長地針對「火箭軍」與解放軍「戰略支援部隊」的大規模內部清洗後,最新消息,2024年4月19日中共中央軍委撤銷解放軍「戰略支援部隊」編制。 原先「戰略支援部隊」下轄之「航天系統部」改名為「軍事航天部隊」,其他部分則因應解放軍實際需求而成立「信息支援部隊」、「網路空間部隊」、「聯勤保障部隊」。 中國解放軍自此成為擁有陸軍、海軍、空軍、火箭軍等四個「軍種」,以及「軍事航天部隊」、「信息支援部隊」、「網路空間部隊」、「聯勤保障部隊」等四個「兵種」的新軍兵種結構組成。 火箭軍 中國國防武裝的目標首先要維繫共產黨執政政權永不改變,再來就是要抵禦外來威脅。尤其是1949年建國以後,來自美國…
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Regulator targets high-frequency traders after share dumping causes turmoil, Vanke reassures investors it can avoid default. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized pl…
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Dutch and Indian buyers snap up Chinese solar panels, China rises in ranking of favored foreign investment destinations. Subscribe to a bundle deal now to unlock all coverage by Caixin Global and The Wall Street Journal for only $200 a year. It’s a 66% discount. Group access and applicable discounts are available. Contact us for a customized plan.…
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