Tipps, Infos, Wissen und Gäste rund um die Themenbereiche der ästhetischen Medizin und der ästhetisch-plastischen Chirurgie mit Dr. med. Nicole David und Dr. med. Thomas Feldhaus.
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Dr Bernard Beldholm M.B.B.S B.Sc(Med) FRACS is a Specialist surgeon (board certified) focused on Body contouring surgery after weight loss and pregnancy.
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Narração e interpretação de livros, contos e poemas para todos Para os amantes da literatura em geral. Deficientes visuais. Audiobooks produzidos, narrados e interpretados por Carlos Eduardo Valente. Se você quiser apoiar esse projeto, acesse: apoia.se/carloseduardovalente PIX: [email protected] -NUBANK QUALQUER VALOR É BEM VINDO youtube.com/@CarlosEduardoValente
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Contours of Silence invites you to pause and reflect on the quiet connections between photography, art, haiku, and life. Born from a personal journey of exploration, this podcast offers a space to slow down and consider the deeper, often unspoken moments that shape our creative and inner worlds. Each episode is a brief, honest reflection, a thought or observation drawn from the ongoing process of creative discovery. It’s not about offering something entirely new, but rather sharing a perspec ...
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Histórias de suspense drama terror e ficção os aguardam todas as sexta
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Ola somos novos esperamos agradar vocês.
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Bem-vindo ao Podcast Contoterapia®, onde histórias ganham vida e revelam seus tesouros ocultos. Neste espaço inspirador, contoterapeutas e convidados especiais compartilham contos fascinantes e mergulham em conversas profundas para explorar seus significados. Ao ouvir nosso podcast, você descobrirá como as histórias podem transformar sua vida, oferecer novas perspectivas e conectar você à sua essência mais profunda. Junte-se a nós para uma jornada de autodescoberta, desenvolvimento pessoal e ...
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Finalmente o Conto um Conto agora tem seu podcast. Que legal! Esse é um canal de audiocontos da Literatura Mundial, além de contos inéditos, de escritores novos, que nos mandam suas obras.
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Esse podcast foi feito para as pessoas que buscam conhecimento e paz
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CONTOURSBALADO est une série d’entrevues qui cherche à démystifier les arts littéraires en plongeant dans diverses pratiques d’artistes. Alliant entrevues de fonds et prestations, les épisodes contribuent à exposer la pluralité des langages artistiques s’appuyant sur le texte pour ouvrir les potentialités de l’art.
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Podcast by TioDevaldo
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Definição de conto tradicional, origem, características e estrutura
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História infanto juvenil , sobre traquinagens de crianças . A história é de duas primas que gostam de trocar segredos , mas uma delas adora uma fofoquinha, mas acaba percebendo que é mais legal manter a amizade do que espalhar fofocas...
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Trim Contour is a best Program to Lose Weight which comes in Weight Loss Liquid Drops, Cream and Gel with an average weight loss is 1lb per day!
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Afonso Borges, Valter Hugo Mãe, Sérgio Abranches e Cristóvão Tezza conversam sobre o conto na literatura!
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Bem-vindo aos Contos do Limiar! Tenha certeza do seu ímpeto, pois prezo pela sua sanidade. Prepare-se: as portas se abrem agora. Contato: [email protected]
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Tidak selamanya sesuatu yang salah tidak bisa dijadikan pelajaran. Justru dengan terjatuh, kita bisa jadi terluka. Lho kok?
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Olá! Sejam bem vindos ao meu humilde PodCast. A intenção aqui, é criar algo para vocês se distraírem e mergulhar em contos feitos por mim e, que possam apreciar semanalmente um novo capítulo. Será mais ou menos como um audiobook. Além disso, para os que preferem ler, ou acompanhar o áudio com a leitura, irei disponibilizar cada capitulo em minha página do Wattpad, link logo abaixo. Espero que vocês aproveitem! Link Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/229446638-blade-master
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Esse é um Podcast de Contos e Histórias, que vai do Romântico, ao Picante, passando também pelo erótico, e Suspense, o intuito é aguçar a imaginação do ouvinte, viajando por todos os lugares com os personagens.
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Podcast sobre poemas e contos, autorais ou não. E, talvez, sobre algumas outras coisas.
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As Coleguinhas da 98FM dramatizam histórias enviadas por ouvintes da rádio 98FM Curitiba.
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Podcast dedicado à literatura e cinema de horror.
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Body Contouring & Sculpting Podcast: Courses, Certifications, and Non-Invasive Training
Welcome to the Body Contouring & Sculpting Podcast, brought to you by BodyContouringCourses.com – your trusted source for expert training and certifications in the body contouring industry. Whether you're an aspiring professional, a seasoned practitioner, or simply curious about this booming field, this podcast delivers actionable advice, industry insights, and the latest trends in non-invasive body sculpting. Explore topics like: Body contouring and sculpting courses designed for all skill ...
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O PÚBLICO, com o apoio do Lidl, traz-lhe os melhores contos para ouvir no Natal (e depois dele).
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Aventure-se em mundos paralelos ou redescubra a realidade em que vive. Os Contos do Dio é uma série de contos distópicos de curta duração publicados semanalmente.
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Nesta coleção, a diversidade da literatura brasileira está representada em quinze contos, lidos com sotaques que também refletem a variedade da Língua Portuguesa.Collection of Brazilian Short StoriesThe diversity of Brazilian literature is represented through the fifteen short stories in this collection, read by voices that also reflect the diversity of the Portuguese language.
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Gravações de textos, de roteiros, de escritos feitos com amor para casais que acreditam no verdadeiro significado do casamento e que acreditam na mágica da própria história. Em Conto: especialista em coisas bonitas de guardar no coração e na memória. 💓
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O Conto com Ciência é um podcast de divulgação científica que tem como objetivo aumentar a visibilidade do conhecimento científico produzido pela UFVJM. Os episódios utilizam a técnica de contação de histórias para introduzir o tema através de uma narrativa envolvente e, na segunda parte, temos um bate-papo com especialistas no assunto.
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Dois amigos brincando de podcast e trazendo pra você algumas curiosidades dos Estados Unidos. Tudo isso com uma taça de mimosa. Quer saber mais? Te conto no brunch!
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[TEMPORADA 1] O famoso audiodrama em versão portuguesa. A Teoria dos Antigos Astronautas pode ser mais do que apenas uma teoria. Junte-se a Enki e todos os principais protagonistas da criação humana em um audiodrama de ficção científica único que revelará a História alternativa da humanidade. Cada episódio contém uma experiência sonora profundamente pesquisada e cuidadosamente produzida, transformada em um incrível podcast narrativo. Escrita, produção, arte, edição e distribuição por Mário P ...
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+12 Se você estava procurando histórias de terror, achou o podcast perfeito pra você! O meu nome é Jaison James, narrador do novo podcast “Contos de Terror”. Com as histórias criadas pela Júlia Gonçalves. Toda semana, aqui pra te “alegrar”, com um sustinho ou outro, espero que gostem! Tenham bom sonhos, e belos pesadelos
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Um Podcast literário de contos, crônicas, histórias e poesias. Toda semana temos Contos Fantásticos para você ouvir aí, no conforto da sua casa, e imaginar as mais inimagináveis histórias. E não esqueça de rebobinar a fita depois de ouvir os episódios, senão tem multa! Contos: Pessoas Criativas e Com Tempo Criação e edição: Lucas Turino
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Vamos contar histórias que provam que o futebol é um esporte especial e que o interior é repleto de amor! Tu também tem uma história legal com o time do coração? Então entra em contato com a gente pelo facebook.com/contosdeumtorcedorbagual, pelo instagram @torcedorbagual ou pelo twitter @torcedorbagual
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Que bom que você está aqui! Que tal uma história? Eu sou o Tio Cascudo, e estou aqui para lhe contar histórias e ensinar brincadeiras para você!
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Seu ponto de encontro com Machado de Assis, Mário Quintana, Fernando Pessoa, Clarice Lispector e vários outros costureiros de letras, artistas das palavras, criadores de livros e cupidos da literatura.
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Natal em contos é um podcast de narrativas natalinas, produzido para toda a família. Produção, locução e edição de Barros Batista. Participação especial de Carla Passos. O podcast é composto de adaptações de textos de domínio público e outros de Barros Batista, Carla Passos, Clara Auricchio e Márcia Auricchio. Realizado em dezembro de 2021.
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Canal criado para resenhar narrativas escritas no gênero conto em episódios de 1', cada. Inscreva-se no canal do Telegram e participe das enquetes para seleção de contos e de outras ações interativas: t.me/contoem1. Para fazer uma contribuição e apoiar o canal, a chave PIX é o mesmo e-mail para onde podem ser enviados comentários: [email protected]. Você também pode ligar para 61 3221.1199. *Crédito de criação da conta para Érico Vasconcelos. Bem-vindo/a! Vamos falar de literatura com levez ...
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"Um Conto e Tanto" é o podcast do Tanto Tupiassu. São histórias surgidas do vício pelo terror e pelo sobrenatural, e que passam por lendas, seres estranhos, visagens e tudo mais do que for do outro lado. Tudo de misterioso que nosso mundo tem a oferecer está aqui. Satisfaça sua sede pelo sobrenatural e fantástico, nessa produção da Agência eQualab - https://equalab.com.br/ - Saiba mais em http://umcontoetanto.com.br/
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ReLEX SMILE, LASIK or Contoura Vision, Which is the best procedure for specs removal
The Sight Avenue- From the Founder of Spectra Eye
ReLEX SMILE - THE LATEST GENERATION REFRACTIVE SURGERY ReLEX SMILE is an advanced technique and therefore the latest development in the refractive laser treatments. Beyond Lasik and it’s variants like Contoura Vision, Femto Lasik, Robotic Lasik; it is suitable for patients with dry eyes, contact lens intolerance, and playing contact sports. It has already helped millions achieve freedom from glasses and contacts. Are you still confused about choosing the best procedure? Watch the full video ...
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Este es un boleto para entrar a mi mente. A un mundo que he creado donde todo es posible. Pero, ¿sabes? Esto no lo escribo solo. A veces, cuando es de noche o cuando duermo, a veces, cuando estoy a solas o cuando sueño, sentado en la obscuridad, algunos seres me cuentan historias yo las escribo junto con ellos, luego las grabo y ellos me acompañan. Yo soy Rodrigo Llop y esto es Me lo contó la noche
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How to Care for C-Section Scars and Improve Healing Post-Pregnancy?
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2:45Recovering from a C-section? Learn expert-backed tips to care for your scar, reduce discomfort, and promote optimal healing. This video covers: 🩹 Proper scar hygiene to prevent infections 🩹 How silicone sheets and massage improve scar appearance 🩹 The role of hydration, nutrition, and sun protection 🩹 When to resume activities safely 🩹 Advanced tre…
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In a world of constant learning and endless distractions, the mind becomes too full for creativity to take root. True artistic expression requires space—an internal openness where ideas can breathe. In this episode, we explore what hinders that space, what nurtures it, and how to cultivate stillness so art can emerge naturally. Audio Credit: "The T…
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Abdominoplasty or Tightening? Let’s Talk Options
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2:24These two procedures address different concerns: ✅ Diastasis Recti Repair focuses solely on tightening the abdominal muscles that have separated, often due to pregnancy or weight fluctuations. This procedure restores core strength but does not remove excess skin or fat. ✅ Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) includes diastasis recti repair but also removes …
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Sensitivity is at the heart of all art forms, allowing us to connect with the world in a way that a busy mind cannot. But true sensitivity requires letting go—of memory, conclusions, and even the act of creating itself. In this episode, I reflect on how awareness in photography, haiku, meditation, and daily life nurtures artistic depth. I also expl…
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Differences Between Haiku and Photography
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5:15Photography and haiku enrich my creative journey in distinct ways. Photography engages a subconscious flow, a dance of observation and instinct, allowing presence and responsiveness. Haiku requires conscious effort—bringing feelings into words and shaping them through reflection. In this episode, I explore how these differences influence the way I …
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In this episode, we explore the profound connection between haiku poetry and photography, inspired by my abstract portfolio from Warsaw. Haiku, a Japanese poetic form, distills vast meaning into just 17 syllables, mirroring the precision and minimalism in photography. Each art form is a puzzle, where the unnecessary is stripped away to reveal a dee…
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Willkommen zu unserem Podcast über innovative Behandlungen in der ästhetischen Medizin! Heute widmen wir uns einem faszinierenden Produkt, das die Branche revolutioniert hat: dem PB Serum. In der heutigen Folge beleuchtet Dr. Nicole David unter anderem folgende Punkte: Was ist PB Serum? Die Enzyme und ihre Wirkung Anwendungsbereiche Behandlungsabla…
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This first episode of 'Contours of Silence' explores the motivation behind creating this podcast. It's a reflection on art, photography, haiku, and the subtle yet powerful connections between them. Why add another voice to the already vast landscape of online content? For me, it's a personal journey of creative exploration, a way to articulate thou…
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28:41Um novo conto da escritora Silvia Reis. Para mim um conto maravilhoso e estupendo. Adorei narrá-lo e interpretá-lo. Gostaria que vocês conhecesse essa mulher, personagem que narra esse conto em primeira pessoa. Ela não tem nome. Seu marido chama-se Ricardo. É médico. Ela é levada para uma casa de campo, antiga, estilo colonial, para se tratar de um…
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PERPLEXIDADE - de Maria Judite de Carvalho
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4:23ÚLTIMO AUDIOBOOK DE 2024. FELIZ 2025 A TODOS!!!!! Este conto e mais alguns (todos bastante curtos) me foram enviados pelo amigo Fabiano Caldeira do canal @cafegay24 . Obrigado, meu querido amigo. Maria Judite de Carvalho (1921 – 1998) foi uma autora marcante da literatura portuguesa que escreveu maioritariamente obras de contos. O texto que apresen…
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LENDA DE NATAL - de Carlos Ruiz Zafón
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10:44Lenda de Natal é um conto publicado postumamente no livro Cidade de Vapor, de Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Conta a história de um advogado, Eveli Escrutx, que vive recluso em sua casa, mas trabalha para algumas pessoas importantes ou que assim se acham. E seu preço não é barato. No entanto, a cada Natal, ele convida um barcelonês (seja ele quem for) para uma…
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Understanding Licensing Requirements for Body Contouring & Body Sculpting: What You Need to Know
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6:04In this episode, we dive into the licensing requirements for body contouring and body sculpting, including treatments like fat cavitation, cryolipolysis, wood therapy, and more. Whether you’re in Texas, Florida, or another state, we’ll uncover where you need a license, where you don’t, and how to stay compliant. Learn about training, certifications…
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Cryolipolysis Uncovered: The Fat-Freezing Revolution
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17:10Discover the secrets behind cryolipolysis, the revolutionary fat-freezing treatment that's reshaping the aesthetics industry. This podcast dives deep into why this non-surgical fat-reduction method has skyrocketed in popularity, offering a safer, more convenient alternative to traditional surgical options like liposuction. Learn how cryolipolysis w…
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The Rise of Non-Surgical Brazilian Butt Lifts: Why They’re Booming in 2025
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17:00Join us as we explore the booming world of non-surgical Brazilian butt lifts and why they’ve become the go-to body contouring treatment for celebrities and beauty enthusiasts alike. Discover what’s driving the demand for non-invasive solutions, the role of advanced technologies, and how this trend is reshaping the aesthetics industry in 2025. Wheth…
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This podcast episode from Body Contouring Insider promotes the burgeoning non-surgical body contouring industry, predicting significant growth in 2025. The podcast highlights the increasing consumer demand driven by factors such as a preference for non-invasive procedures, a wellness focus, affordability, and social media influence. It strongly adv…
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EMS Body Sculpting Certification: Training and Business
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10:26This podcast episode promotes EMS body sculpting, a non-invasive treatment using electrical muscle stimulation to tone muscles and reduce fat. The episode highlights the treatment's popularity due to its efficiency and convenience, emphasising the importance of proper training and certification for professionals. It specifically advertises BodyCont…
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Radio Frequency Skin Tightening: Training and Certification
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12:10What is Radio Frequency Skin Tightening, and How Does It Work? Radio Frequency (RF) skin tightening is a non-surgical treatment designed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, and improve overall skin elasticity. It uses targeted RF energy to heat the dermis layer of the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin production. Here’s…
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Unlock Your Body Contouring Potential with Certification from Industry Leaders
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15:22This podcast from BodyContouringCourses.com showcases their accredited body contouring certification program, designed to help beauty professionals thrive in the booming market of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Learn why high-quality training is essential, how their courses stand out with AI-driven materials and expert instruction, and the compe…
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Mastering Ultrasonic Cavitation: Your Path to Certification & Success
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14:53In this episode, we dive into the world of ultrasonic cavitation, a cutting-edge, non-invasive body contouring treatment reshaping the beauty industry. Discover why this procedure is gaining popularity, how it works, and why proper training is essential for safety and results. Learn how BodyContouringCourses.com can help you become a certified prof…
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GRITOS NO SILÊNCIO - de Thiago Moretti e T. Assis
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9:47Este conto faz parte do livro Antes do Silêncio, de Thiago Moretti. O livro contém 7 contos, sendo que 3 deles foram escritos por mais dois escritores que preferiram escrever com pseudônimos. Esse é um deles escrito por uma escritora que se autodemonina T. Assis. Thiago me convidou a narrar esse conto e aqui está ele. Espero que gostem, curtam, com…
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A MÃO MORENA - de Arthur Conan Doyle
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40:28Mais um conto de Conan Doyle em sua fase pós Sherlock Holmes quando começou a se interessar pelo Espiritismo em função de trágicos acontecimentos em sua vida. A Mão Morena trata de um experimento em que um médico, sobrinho de um grande médico, seu tio, que fez fama na Índia, mais precisamente em Bombaim. Depois de muitos anos, o velho médico retorn…
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The Importance of Movement After Surgery
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1:41In this episode, Dr. Beldholm discusses why rest after surgery isn't about staying in bed but about the right kind of movement. Whether you've had a belt lipectomy or an abdominoplasty, getting up and moving the day after surgery is essential for a smooth recovery. Learn how early activity helps reduce complications like blood clots, promotes faste…
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Do You Need to Reach Your Goal Weight Before Surgery?
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1:45In this episode, Dr. Beldholm tackles a common question: "Do I need to reach my goal weight before undergoing body contouring surgery?" While it's often recommended to aim for your target weight, Dr. Beldholm explains why it's not always a strict requirement in modern body contouring procedures. He discusses the importance of weight stability, the …
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How Medicare and Private Health Funds Cover Surgery Costs
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1:41Understanding how Medicare and private health insurance work together can help you better plan for the financial aspects of your surgery. Let’s take a closer look at how the system works: Medicare Scheduled Fee: Every procedure listed under Medicare has a scheduled fee set by the government. For example, let’s say the scheduled fee for your surgery…
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No contexto de um relacionamento tóxico, quem é o verdadeiro vilão: a parte que bate ou a parte que apanha? E qual a melhor maneira de se livrar de uma situação dessas? Seria tão simples quanto um estalar de dedos? Neste conto Milagro Malavasi entrega ao leitor todas essas possibilidades implícitas nessa metáfora do dia a dia, cujos personagens fic…
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Understanding Your Post-Surgery Financial Steps: A Guide to Item Numbers and Reimbursements
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1:39In this episode, Dr. Beldholm guides you through the essential steps to take after your surgery. Once you have your item number, the next steps include understanding payment processes for your operation, anesthetist fees, and hospital charges. Dr. Beldholm explains the timeline for payments and emphasizes the importance of handling your finances co…
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Understanding Medicare: Item Numbers and Coverage for Surgical Procedures (Part 2)
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1:41In the second part of Dr. Beldholm's series on the Medicare system, he dives deeper into the importance of item numbers for surgical procedures. He clarifies that qualifying for an item number indicates a medical necessity, distinguishing it from cosmetic surgery. Dr. Beldholm addresses common misconceptions, especially among post-weight loss patie…
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“Às vezes os entes não são o que aparentam e os perigos da natureza podem estar ocultos numa noite de luar…” - da autora. O mar e seus segredos. Principalmente nas madrugadas quando nos aventuramos nele. Mesmo com suas águas plácidas, tranquilas. Ele, o mar, sempre pode nos surpreender. Produzido, editado e narrado por Carlos Eduardo Valente Capa p…
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Navigating the Medicare System for Surgical Procedures
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1:38In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm simplifies the complexities of the Medicare system in Australia, focusing on the significance of the Medicare item number. He explains how this number is essential for specific surgeries, particularly in the context of weight loss procedures like abdominoplasty. Dr. Beldholm discu…
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Mais um conto de Fabiano Caldeira. A aparente calma e tranquilidade de um apartamento logo se revela por meio de 7 fotos encontradas na mesa de um jantar que acabou não acontecendo. Sete fotos que contam uma história. A história de uma vida e as suas consequências. Sete fotos mostrando cada estágio de alguns momentos. Mas algumas delas contam a rup…
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The Importance of GP Referrals for Surgical Consultations
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1:40In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm discusses the crucial role of GP referrals for patients seeking surgical consultations. He explains the process, including the validity of referrals lasting 12 months and how patients can use existing referrals from other doctors. Dr. Beldholm emphasizes that having a GP referral …
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The Impact of Skin Elasticity on Post-Weight Loss Surgery Outcomes
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1:34In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm addresses a significant challenge faced by many patients after substantial weight loss: skin elasticity. He explains how drastic weight loss can lead to stretched skin that loses its ability to snap back, affecting surgical results. Dr. Beldholm compares the elasticity of skin to …
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Timing Your Body Contouring Surgery. When Is the best time?
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1:19In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm discusses the ideal timing for your body contouring procedure. Many patients prefer scheduling their surgeries during the cooler months—from April to September—in order to comfortably wear the necessary compression garments. He explains why the summer heat can make recovery more c…
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Understanding Anaesthesia for Your Surgery
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1:43In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm explains the different types of anaesthesia available for your procedure, from mild local anaesthesia to full general anaesthesia. He covers the variety of options, including intravenous anaesthesia, gas, and laryngeal masks, and what each method means for your experience during s…
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The Importance of Exercise for Surgery Recovery
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1:39In this episode of the Body Contouring Surgery podcast, Dr. Beldholm discusses why staying fit and exercising matters for more than just looking good—it plays a crucial role in surgery recovery. Learn how cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and lung capacity can help you recover faster and cope better with post-surgery challenges. Dr. Beldholm…
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Why MBS Item Number Matters for Post-Pregnancy Abdominoplasty
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1:44In this episode, Dr. Beldholm explains the importance of MBS Item Number 30175 for post-pregnancy abdominoplasty. Learn how this Medicare classification can help you save money on your surgery and even avoid GST. Dr. Beldholm breaks down the specific eligibility criteria, including having at least 3 cm of diastasis recti, back pain, or incontinence…
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Managing Common Wound Issues After Body Contouring Surgery
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1:37In this episode, Dr. Beldholm discusses common post-surgery wound concerns that can arise after body contouring procedures. He explains how minor infections, redness, and wound breakdowns are typically managed, emphasizing the importance of timely care. Learn about the role of sutures in healing, why stitches may need to be removed, and how proper …
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Choosing the Right Implant Placement Submuscular vs Dual Plane vs Subglandular in Breast Augmentation
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1:41In breast augmentation surgery, one of the key decisions is the placement of the implants, which can be under the muscle (submuscular), partially under the muscle (dual plane), or above the muscle (subglandular). The choice depends on two main factors: the amount of natural breast tissue and the size of the implant. If you have more than two centim…
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How Much Time Off Work Do You Need for Breast Implants as a Hairdresser?
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1:37If you're a hairdresser considering breast implants, the amount of time off work largely depends on the type of implant and placement: Under the muscle: You’ll likely need around two weeks off because your job involves lifting your arms frequently, which can strain the chest muscles. This placement causes more discomfort during recovery. Above the …
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When will I see shape after my extended abdominoplasty
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1:40It sounds like you’re in the early stages of recovery after your extended abdominoplasty, and you're wondering when you’ll start seeing your final shape. There are a few key factors to keep in mind that can influence the timeline for visible results: Swelling: It's completely normal to experience swelling after surgery, which can initially obscure …
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MARIA - de Carlos Eduardo Valente
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13:57Hoje uma homenagem a minha mãe. Dia de seu aniversário: 31 de outubro. Uma forma encontrei de pensar nela, de entender um pouco, em poucas palavras, a complexidade desta mulher que, junto com meu pai João Carlos, me trouxe ao mundo em29 de setembo de 1954 e me nomeou de Carlos Eduardo e a meu irmão Marco Antonio. Esse texto escrevi a anos atrás. Re…
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Bra line lipectomy is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the back area, particularly targeting the bulges that some women experience along the bra line. This procedure is often sought by individuals who have undergone significant weight loss and are left with loose, sagging skin that is resistant to diet and exercise. …
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When can I get back to work after my full or extended abdominoplasty
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1:41This podcast provides crucial guidelines for safely returning to work after undergoing a full or extended abdominal procedure. It outlines how the time frame for resuming various levels of work activities can vary based on individual circumstances, such as the type of surgery, prior fitness level, and existing health issues. Listeners will learn ab…
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Recovering from a brachioplasty (arm lift)
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1:37This podcast provides a comprehensive overview of the recovery process following an arm lift surgery. We'll cover everything you need to know, from the typical hospital stay duration to the expected numbness and discomfort you might experience. Learn about the use of compression garments, how they aid in reducing puffiness, and tips for managing da…
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Recovering from a thighplasty (thigh lift)
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1:40This video provides a comprehensive overview of the recovery process following a thighplasty. We cover key aspects such as expected downtime, pain management strategies, and tips to facilitate a smooth transition back to daily activities. Whether you work from home or have a more physically demanding job, our insights are tailored to prepare you fo…
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Minha pequena homenagem a este grande poeta, escritor, filósofo e imortal Antonio Cicero. Um pequeno grande poema que nos faz refletir e muito. Espero que gostem. Produzido, editado e narrado por Carlos Eduardo Valente Capa produzida pela artista e escritora Silvia Reis (veja sua playlist aqui no canal). Música de fundo, livre de direitos, vinda do…
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How long after thighplasty (Thigh lift) can I walk?
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1:25The text provides a post-operative guide for individuals who have undergone a thigh lift, emphasizing that walking can begin almost immediately after the procedure. Patients are advised to wear a compression garment and anticipate some swelling in the ankles, which can be alleviated by elevating the legs when seated. Lymphatic massage is suggested …
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Will I have drains after my thighplasty (thigh lift)
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1:35This podcast provides an overview of the different techniques utilized in thighplasty, particularly focusing on the use of drains post-surgery. It explains the author's preferred technique, which involves liposuction and tissue dissection, and excludes the use of drains due to minimal space creation beneath the skin. In contrast, the traditional me…
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How long do I wear my compression garment after a thighplasty
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1:42This section provides detailed guidance on the use and care of compression garments following thighplasty surgery. Initially, patients are advised to wear compression garments full-time for four weeks to minimize swelling and support recovery. After the first four weeks, wearing the garments during the daytime for an additional two weeks is recomme…
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Post Pregnancy medicare MBS item number for abdominoplasty explained
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1:46In this video, we delve into the specifics of obtaining a Medicare item number 30175 for an abdominoplasty post-pregnancy. You'll learn about the essential criteria, including having muscle separation visible on diagnostic imaging like an ultrasound and experiencing symptoms such as backaches or incontinence. The video explains the necessity of und…
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