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Seu programa para aprender sobre Tecnologia, empreendedorismo, criação de conteúdo, open source e Linux! Sempre um bate-papo cabeça! Acompanhe nosso trabalho em https://diolinux.com.br/links
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Welcome into my Mind. I Think...then I SHARE. My Thoughts...Your PODCAST! Your Perception...Our Personal Development! IG: @diorbecca Email- diorbeccathoughts@gmail.com. Here, I'll talk about anything and everything practical😁. All my words are absolutely mine. #unscripted #unedited #rawthoughts.
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Free State is a podcast for the curious that stimulates, provokes, challenges and entertains, while never taking itself too seriously. Free State covers topics from sport to politics, love to loss, the human condition and how to fix the world, with guests from across the planet including Nigerian princes, former Prime Ministers, ex convicts, footballers, boxers and extraordinary people from every walk of life. Free State is presented by Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning. Brolly is a barrister, an ...
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Creciendo con Dios

Carlos Josue Guevara

Todos deseamos entender el plan de Dios en nuestra vida y así crecer en nuestra relación con el. Escucha de parte de Carlos Josue Guevara, pastor y lider de Somos Ecclesia una reflexión que será de bendición en tu vida, aprendiendo juntos, creciendo con Dios.
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Join us on "Cafecito con Diosito," where two best friends share real, unfiltered conversations about God, His perfect gospel, and the messy beauty of faith. We're not perfect, but His love is—and we’re here to encourage you to start or deepen your journey with Him. Grab your cafecito and tune in!
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Verbal Diorama

Verbal Diorama

Are you interested in how movies are made? Do you wonder how a film went from conception to completion? If so, Verbal Diorama, hosted by Em, is the award-winning(!) podcast for you! Movies are tough to make, and Verbal Diorama is here to celebrate the coming together of teams of extraordinary cast and crew, bringing us movies that inspire us, delight us, make us laugh, make us cry and frighten us. This podcast discovers the stories behind the scenes, and proves how amazing it is that movies ...
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Podcast Linterna de Diogenes

Profesor Arkadio

La Linterna de Diogenes es un programa dedicado a la Historia Social, la Historia de las clases populares, en definitiva, la historia desde abajo. Para ello se realizan entrevistas a académicos, historiadores y diferentes expertos en los temas tratados. Por lo que persigue el rigor académico sin perder la vocación tanto divulgativa, como memorialista y, sobretodo, formativa. linternadediogenes@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/arkaitz.linternadediogenes.7
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Dior Talks* is delighted to introduce its latest podcast series dedicated to the Dior Lady Art project. Tune in to hear the stories and inspirations behind a new round of artist interpretations of the House’s iconic Lady Dior bag. An iconic object of desire with an extraordinary destiny that continues to be shaped by concepts and events forever transcending the boundaries of innovation and inventiveness. Thus, since 2016, for the Dior Lady Art project, the house has given international artis ...
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Dios Habla Hoy

© Calvary Evangelistic Mission, Inc. Copying and sharing is encouraged.

Livio y Doris Ramírez son los anfinitriones del programa "Dios Habla Hoy," que sale los sábados por la mañana en WBMJ (AM-1190 San Juan), WIVV (AM-1370 Vieques, Islas Vírgenes), y WCGB (AM-1060 Juana Díaz/Ponce). Aunque Livio fue a morar con el Señor recientemente, Doris ha continuado con su labor. Para más información o donar a este ministerio, ecribe a Dios Habla Hoy, Condominio Santa Ana, Apt. 12D, Guaynabo PR 00969. Los teléfonos (787) 783-0684 or e-mail DHH@coqui.net. El programa es pre ...
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The official home of audio productions by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, NY, including WNY Catholic Audio news reports, special one-off podcast interviews, and creative features including Sister Justine's Saint Tales and Dinners With Our Founders.
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Dior Talks* is delighted to introduce its latest podcast series dedicated to the Dior Lady Art project. Tune in to hear the stories and inspirations behind a new round of artist interpretations of the House’s iconic Lady Dior bag. An iconic object of desire with an extraordinary destiny that continues to be shaped by concepts and events forever transcending the boundaries of innovation and inventiveness. Thus, since 2016, for the Dior Lady Art project, the house has given international artis ...
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Cerita tentang aku, kamu dan mungkin beberapa dari mereka merasakan perjalanan yang sama. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dioramapodcast/support
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Across The Table with Dionysius

Dionysius ( Dion ) Williams

Welcome to 'Across the Table with Dionysius,' where your host Dion Williams, a Mortgage Agent from Ottawa, Ontario, takes you on an exciting journey. Our podcast brings you the voices of leaders and professionals from across Canada, providing exclusive insights into trending topics and critical issues. Our mission is clear: to keep Canadian residents informed through the experiences and knowledge of our remarkable guests."
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COVID 19 put us at home so in these uncertain times me, my sister and, some friends decided to spend time in understanding why we believe in God. So this podcast is about our stories and reflections on discovering our God and faith.COVID 19 nos colocó en casa por eso en estos tiempos de incertidumbre, mi hermanita y algunos amigos decidimos tomar un tiempo para entender porque creemos en Dios. Este podcast es sobre nuestras historias y reflexiones en el camino a descubrir a nuestro Dios y nu ...
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”Let Me Be Frank” is a podcast from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport and Veritas Catholic Radio featuring the Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport. Each weekly episode features Bishop Frank’s honest opinions about recent Catholic news, reflections on Sunday’s Gospel, questions from diocesan faithful, and frank discussion of topics of faith and Catholicism.
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Dive into the realm of ideas with Rational Grounds, the podcast where philosophy, ethics, and politics intersect. Each episode unpacks complex concepts, debates, and dilemmas, stripping them down to their core to uncover a rational understanding. Thought-provoking discussions and clear-eyed explorations that challenge perspectives and promote deeper understanding. Let’s find the rational grounds to complex ideas. Note: Rational Grounds was the first podcast in Australian history to be legall ...
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Hablemos de los temas cotidianos, polémicos y más interesantes desde la filosofía. Este es un podcast para dejar de creer lo que nos han contado y aprender a pensar. Sígueme en redes y visita mi página oficial: https://diogeneslaerciofilosofia.com
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¡Hola! Somos Luis y Johanna Castel y te damos la bienvenida a "Dios Nunca Falla Podcast!” Un espacio donde navegamos por el hermoso desorden del matrimonio, la paternidad, el espiritu empresarial y ser seguidores de Cristo, todo en uno. Espere conversaciones sinceras, historias de la vida real y conocimientos prácticos que hemos aprendido a lo largo del camino. Este podcast fue creado para navegar diferentes temas que como cristianos debemos de hablar mas abiertamente para crecer en nuestra ...
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show series
Dal Vangelo secondo Luca In quel tempo, Gesù, pieno di Spirito Santo, si allontanò dal Giordano ed era guidato dallo Spirito nel deserto, per quaranta giorni, tentato dal diavolo. Non mangiò nulla in quei giorni, ma quando furono terminati, ebbe fame. Allora il diavolo gli disse: «Se tu sei Figlio di Dio, di’ a questa pietra che diventi pane». Gesù…
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Colum McCann won’t look back. His life as a writer has always drawn him to the edge. In an exhilarating conversation on Free State today, McCann talks about what is needed to change the world at this time of peril. He speaks about his new novel Twist and how the connected world we take for granted exists precariously in the darkness of the ocean. T…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! De la mano del historiador de la ciencia Agustí Nieto Galán visitaremos los talleres de los maestros tintoteros del siglo XVIII, sus secretos para colorar los tejidos, y sus resistencias a las injerencias en su forma de trabajar …
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Dal Vangelo secondo Luca In quel tempo, Gesù vide un pubblicano di nome Levi, seduto al banco delle imposte, e gli disse: «Seguimi!». Ed egli, lasciando tutto, si alzò e lo seguì. Poi Levi gli preparò un grande banchetto nella sua casa. C’era una folla numerosa di pubblicani e d’altra gente, che erano con loro a tavola. I farisei e i loro scribi mo…
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Sin raíces profundas y saludables, incluso el árbol más fuerte se secará, caerá o será arrancado de raíz cuando lleguen las tormentas. De la misma manera en nuestra vida espiritual, cuando nuestras raíces crecen profundamente en la verdad de Dios, somos nutridos y permanecemos firmes, sin importar cuán fuertes sean los vientos de la vida. A través …
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Continúa con nosotros Arturo Flores, ¡Editor en jefe de Playboy México y de Open! La historia de cómo se convirtió en periodista... musical. ¿De qué va ser periodista musical? ¿Cuáles son los retos hoy? Entérese de todo el chisme. De comprar revistas en Acapulco, a cubrir artistas y conciertos, hasta convertirse en catedrático (aunque le dé risa la…
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Regístrate aquí para recibir emails diarios 👉 https://play.jdn.app/CuaresmaGuadalupana Sigue a Juan Diego Network en Instagram Segmento de hoy En su presencia se postró. Escuchó su aliento, su palabra, que era extremadamente glorificadora, sumamente afable, como de quien lo atraía y estimaba mucho. Le dijo:- "Escucha, hijo mío el menor, Juanito. ¿A…
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Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo In quel tempo, si avvicinarono a Gesù i discepoli di Giovanni e gli dissero: «Perché noi e i farisei digiuniamo molte volte, mentre i tuoi discepoli non digiunano?». E Gesù disse loro: «Possono forse gli invitati a nozze essere in lutto finché lo sposo è con loro? Ma verranno giorni quando lo sposo sarà loro tolto, e allo…
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Neste episódio do Diocast vamos comentar algumas das notícias que movimentaram diversos projetos open source importantes! Se você está procurando por informações sobre as últimas atualizações no mundo da tecnologia, está no lugar certo! A Mozilla atualizou recentemente os termos de uso do Firefox, deixando a comunidade open source em chamas! Explic…
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Regístrate aquí para recibir emails diarios 👉 https://play.jdn.app/CuaresmaGuadalupana Sigue a Juan Diego Network en Instagram Segmento de hoy Luego se atrevió a ir a donde lo llamaban; ninguna turbación pasaba en su corazón ni ninguna cosa lo alteraba, antes bien se sentía alegre y contento por todo extremo; fue a subir al cerrillo para ir a ver d…
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This month on Verbal Diorama, we celebrate Women’s History Month, and it’s the perfect time to highlight the Agojie; fierce African warriors of the kingdom of Dahomey, who fought not just for their country, but for a legacy that resonates today. Watching The Woman King is like stepping into a vivid tapestry of history, action, and empowerment that …
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Dal Vangelo secondo Luca In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «Il Figlio dell’uomo deve soffrire molto, essere rifiutato dagli anziani, dai capi dei sacerdoti e dagli scribi, venire ucciso e risorgere il terzo giorno». Poi, a tutti, diceva: «Se qualcuno vuole venire dietro a me, rinneghi se stesso, prenda la sua croce ogni giorno e mi segua…
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When Trevor Birney was arrested by the PSNI in 2018, he was thrown in a police cell and told an incredible tale. His documentary No Stone Unturned had named the man many believed was responsible for the Loughinisland Massacre in 1994. Birney was told by the police that this man’s business was being damaged by the documentary and for this reason the…
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Send us a text son nuevas cada mañana; ¿grande es tu fidelidad! Pasado el día de reposo, al amanecer del primer {día} de la semana, María Magdalena y la otra María vinieron a ver el sepulcro. Support the show Prueben y vean que el Señor es bueno; dichosos los que en él se refugian. Salmo 34:8על ידי ED & Sol
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Llega al Estudio de Los Dioses nada más y nada menos que el Editor en Jefe de PLAYBOY (sí, esa revista): Arturo Flores, periodista, escritor, catedrático. ¿Cómo es la labor de un editor hoy? ¿Cuáles son los retos para una marca como Playboy? ¡Conéctense ya! En este episodio dnos aventamos una plática buenísima con Arturo Flores, Editor en Jefe de P…
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Let Me Be Frank is split into two discrete segments today… First… Jesus Christ did not incarnate to write a book. Instead, the Apostles were the plan. Rod Bennett joins us to talk about the 12 Apostles and his book, These Twelve. Rod dispels myths about these men that still linger today, and Bishop Frank takes an important lesson from the conversat…
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¡Iniciamos nuestro camino cuaresmal! Regístrate aquí para recibir emails diarios 👉 https://play.jdn.app/CuaresmaGuadalupana Sigue a Juan Diego Network en Instagram Segmento del Nican Mopohua de hoy Aquí se narra se ordena, cómo hace poco, milagrosamente se apareció la perfecta virgen santa maría madre de dios, nuestra reina, allá en el Tepeyac, de …
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Jesús nos dejó una misión clara antes de ascender al cielo: "Id y haced discípulos a todas las naciones" (Mateo 28:19). En este episodio, hablamos sobre la importancia de compartir nuestra fe con valentía, sin miedo al rechazo. ¿Cómo evangelizar sin ser invasivos? ¿Cómo compartir de Cristo en el trabajo, en la escuela o con la familia sin que se vu…
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Dal Vangelo secondo Matteo In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli: «State attenti a non praticare la vostra giustizia davanti agli uomini per essere ammirati da loro, altrimenti non c’è ricompensa per voi presso il Padre vostro che è nei cieli. Dunque, quando fai l’elemosina, non suonare la tromba davanti a te, come fanno gli ipòcriti nelle si…
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Existen muchas metodologías de crianza que prometen resultar en hijos inteligentes, bien portados, realizados, y emocionalmente estables. Pero ¿existirá un método infalible, perfecto, completamente confiable? Para el hijo de Dios que busca criar a sus hijos en el temor de Jehová, sí existe. ¡Únete a nosotros para descubrir más!…
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El cierre del especial sobre la experiencia al cliente con Héctor Villaseñor, Head of Channel Performance en Ipsos, y Oscar San Martín, Sr. Researcher IUU (también en Ipsos). ¿Cómo corregir un proceso de atención al cliente cuando "no está jalando"? Las teorías de Bovia entre empatía y servicio.#LosDiosesDelMarketing es una producción básica. Sí, d…
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Dal Vangelo secondo Marco In quel tempo, Pietro prese a dire a Gesù: «Ecco, noi abbiamo lasciato tutto e ti abbiamo seguito». Gesù gli rispose: «In verità io vi dico: non c’è nessuno che abbia lasciato casa o fratelli o sorelle o madre o padre o figli o campi per causa mia e per causa del Vangelo, che non riceva già ora, in questo tempo, cento volt…
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Volodymyr Zelensky walked into a trap when he sat down beside Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Friday. He was surrounded by bullies who were emboldened by the knowledge that totalitarians around the world had their backs. Trump and JD Vance toyed with Zelensky, dismissing him as a weak man when he has shown more courage than they ever did. On Fre…
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¿Aceptas la invitación a caminar rumbo a Cristo resucitado junto a la Virgen de Guadalupe y San Juan Diego durante la Cuaresma? En este peregrinaje espiritual de 40 días: Escucharás un fragmentos corto del Nican Mopohua cada día. Escucharás una breve reflexión para profundizar en el mensaje Guadalupano. Al final de cada episodio tendrás un reto prá…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! El franquismo nació para terminar con la lucha de clases, pero esta impregnó todo su desarrollo y en ella se encuentra la clave del fin de la dictadura y las características que tomó la democracia. Junto con Xavier Domènech. auto…
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Dal Vangelo secondo Marco In quel tempo, mentre Gesù andava per la strada, un tale gli corse incontro e, gettandosi in ginocchio davanti a lui, gli domandò: «Maestro buono, che cosa devo fare per avere in eredità la vita eterna?». Gesù gli disse: «Perché mi chiami buono? Nessuno è buono, se non Dio solo. Tu conosci i comandamenti: “Non uccidere, no…
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Father Bill Quinlivan, pastor of the churches making up the Catholic Family of South Buffalo, speaks on Ash Wednesday and its signifcance, its popularity, and why Lent should be just as much about "letting in" as about "giving up."על ידי Diocese of Buffalo Sound Studio
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More than 50 boys and girls from throughout the Diocese of Buffalo were honored Saturday, March 1 as the 2025 recipients of the Bishop's Altar Server Award. They were presented with their medals during a Mass celebrated in St. Joseph Cathedral. Bishop Michael Fisher was the principal celebrant, joined by approximately 20 other priests.…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר