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European Talks

European Talks

European Talks podcast is a short form conversation that aims to untangle difficult questions on various topics related to Serbia’s relations with the EU and its member states, by talking to experts, diplomats, and other relevant actors. Whether you are a researcher, a politician, or just genuinely curious about the topic, European Talks podcast will provide you with valuable ideas, answers as well as new questions. The producer is European Policy Centre - CEP, non-governmental, non-profit, ...
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The Greater European Talks

Institute for a Greater Europe

The Official Podcast of the Intitute for a Greater Europe, a pan-European youth led think tank based in Brussels, Belgium. As well as our regular publications we wish to bring you a roundup of the news from each region the Institute follows.
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U ovoj epizodi podcasta "Reaching Citizens" gostuje Irena Hojsak, mlada kulturologinja i aktivistica, koja dijeli svoje iskustvo sudjelovanja u građanskom savjetovanju u sklopu projekta REACH. Savjetovanje je okupilo 25 građana i građanki Rijeke kako bi raspravljali o europskim politikama, zaštiti okoliša, vladavini prava i demokraciji.Irenu je mot…
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Conversation between Milena Mihajlović Denić, Programme Director of European Policy Centre - CEP Belgrade and WeBER 3.0 Team Leader and Peter Vagi, Senior Policy Advisor at SIGMA/OECD. Western Balkan Enablers for Reforming Public Administrations – WeBER 3.0 project is the third consecutive EU-funded grant of the largest civil society-led initiative…
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Od 1. novembra 2024. godine, Srbija se suočava sa ozbiljnim previranjima: pad nadstrešnice u kojoj je stradalo 15 ljudi i koja je razotkrila sistemsku neodgovornost, pokrenula je lavinu građanskog nezadovoljstva. Širom zemlje, studenti su se istakli kao pokretači i predvodnici, organizujući proteste, blokade fakulteta i masovne proteste, i u građan…
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Welcome to the fourth episode of "REACHing Citizens", part of the European project REACH – Reinventing Engagement through Affirmative Citizen Consultations, which aims to strengthen citizen participation in shaping policies related to the environment, EU integration, and the rule of law. This initiative is funded by the European Commission under th…
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Od 1. novembra 2024. godine, Srbija se suočava sa ozbiljnim previranjima: pad nadstrešnice u kojoj je stradalo 15 ljudi i koja je razotkrila sistemsku neodgovornost, pokrenula je lavinu građanskog nezadovoljstva. Širom zemlje, studenti su se istakli kao pokretači i predvodnici, organizujući proteste, blokade fakulteta i masovne proteste, i u građan…
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Welcome to the second episode of our podcast series, "REACHing Citizens" part of the "Reshaping Engagement through Affirmative Citizen Consultations (REACH) project". Launched in 2024, this initiative is funded by the European Commission’s SAV 2023 program and brings together organizations from across Europe to explore pressing social and political…
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Welcome to our new podcast series, "REACHing Citizens," part of the "Reshaping Engagement through Affirmative Citizen Consultations (REACH)" project. Launched in 2024, this initiative is funded by the European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and brings together organisations from across Europe, including Serbia, Belgium,…
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In the 79th episode of European Talks, Milena Mihajlović Denić, European Policy Centre - CEP Programme Director, sat down with Rémy Rioux, the Chief Executive Officer of the French Development Agency (AFD). The conversation brings together key insights on the Western Balkans' opportunities and challenges as it strives for a prosperous, sustainable …
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In this episode of the European Talks, CEP's host Miloš Pavković sits down with Alexandra Karppi, a Policy Analyst at Freedom House and co-author of the latest Nations in Transit report and Nikola Burazer, Program Director of the Centre for Contemporary Politics and the author of the Nations in Transit report for Serbia. Together, they explore the …
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In this episode of WeBER Talks, Miloš Đinđić sits down with Dimitar Vrglevski from North Macedonia’s Center for Change Management to discuss the public administration reform in North Macedonia. They talk about the sectoral monitoring process, which evaluates the application of the EU Sigma principles within specific institutions. Dimitar shares his…
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In this episode of European Talks by the European Policy Centre, host Miloš Pavković sits down with Stefan Ristovski, a researcher with expertise in regional cooperation, economic reform, and the EU integration of North Macedonia and the Western Balkans. The discussion centres on the European Commission’s latest enlargement package, providing a tho…
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This episode of WeBER Talks is dedicated to economic growth challenges and opportunities for the Western Balkans. WeBER 3.0 guest is Nicola Pontara, Country Manager of the World Bank in Serbia. He talked with Milena Mihajlović, CEP Programme Director and WeBER 3.0, about the region's future and how reforms, governance, and technology can propel the…
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This episode explores how design thinking could transform public administration. Come hear from our trainers, Nikola Rajić and Deniz Hoti, as they discuss their observations from a recent two-day design thinking training session with WeBER grantees. Understand design thinking's fundamental concepts, how it may be applied to public services, and how…
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In this 11th episode of WeBER2.0 podcast, a special edition of European Talks focusing on the EU integration of the Western Balkans, host Miloš Đinđić, Programme Manager of the European Policy Centre, Belgrade, and WeBER Lead Researcher, welcomes a distinguished guest, Professor Kalypso Nicolaïdis. Professor Nicolaïdis is the Chair of Global Affair…
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In the tenth episode of WeBER Talks, we welcome Ms. Simonida Kacarska, Director of the European Policy Institute (EPI) in Skopje, a member of the Think for Europe Network and WeBER partner from North Macedonia.With her extensive background in Politics and International Studies, Ms. Kacarska provided unique insights into the world of deliberative po…
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U novoj epizodi ovog serijala, naša gošća je bila Jelena Stefanović, turistički vodič, avanturistička travel blogerka i influenserka. S diplomama iz marketinga i turizma, ona je pravi spoj kreativnosti i ljubavi prema putovanjima.Kako je Jelena završila u Veneciji? Šta je doživela tamo i kako je to oblikovalo njenu viziju budućnosti?Sa njom razgova…
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U novoj epizodi ovog serijala, naš gost je bio doktor medicinskih nauka, Vladan Čokić. On je magistrirao na medicinskoj genetici i doktorirao na hematologiji Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, a poslediplomske studije obavio na Nacionalnim institutima za zdravlje u Americi, gde je i živeo do 2004, nakon čega se vratio u Srbiju.Sa njim r…
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U novoj epizodi ovog serijala, naša gošća je bila Maša Sladojević. Maša od pre nekoliko meseci živi i radi u Srbiji, nakon života provedenog u Austriji.Sa njom razgovaramo o tome kako se Srbija razlikuje od Austrije, zašto se i kada odlučila na budućnost ovde, gde planira svoju budućnost, i šta bi savetovala mladima koji razmišljaju o studijama ili…
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U trećoj epizodi ovog serijala, naš gost je bio Predrag Đorđević. Predrag trenutno živi i radi u Srbiji, nakon završenih osnovnih studija u Srbiji i razmene i mastera u Austriji, Nemačkoj i Italiji. Sa njim razgovaramo o tome kako je živeti i raditi u drugoj zemlji, koliko se druge zemlje razlikuju od Srbije, gde planira svoju budućnost, i šta bi s…
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In this episode of WeBER Talks, we host Maja Handjiska-Trendafilova, Director of the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), a regional organisation that supports PAR in the Western Balkans.Ms. Handjiska-Trendafilova shares her extensive experience in the EU integration and regional cooperation processes, having worked on various policy a…
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U drugoj epizodi ovog serijala, naša gošća je bio Katarina Ćuković, Katarina trenutno živi i radi u Danskoj, nakon završenih osnovnih studija u Srbiji i mastera u Nemačkoj. Sa njom razgovaramo o tome kako je živeti i raditi u drugoj zemlji, koliko se Danska razlikuje od Srbije, gde planira svoju budućnost, i šta bi savetovala mladima koji razmišlja…
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Dobrodošli u novu kategoriju podkasta „Cirkularne migracije pre depopulacije!” u kojoj razgovaramo sa cirkularnim migrantima različitih obrazovnih kategorija i profila i fokusiramo na pronalaženje načina za povećanje broja cirkularnih migranata u cilju prevencije depopulacije. Serijal pruža zanimljiv uvid u iskustva mladih ljudi iz Srbije koji tren…
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In this episode, recorded within WeBER2.0, our guest is Mr Gregor Virant, Head of SIGMA, an initiative of the OECD and the EU.The Principles of Public Administration were developed by SIGMA in order to define requirements for a well-functioning public administration in each of the core areas. Now, SIGMA principles are being reformed themseves. Why …
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In this episode, recorded on the margins of the Third WeBER Regional "Citizens First" Conference, our guest is Admirim Aliti, Minister of Information Society and Administration of North Macedonia.In a conversation with Milena Lazarević, European Policy Centre – CEP Programme Director and WeBER2.0 initiative Team Leader, he reflects on North Macedon…
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As a response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the United States, the European Union, and other countries rapidly adopted a variety of diplomatic and economic sanctions. This podcast covers whether or not the sanctions imposed on Russia are effective. In this episode, Eylül Erva Akın asked Mohammad Ali Zafar about the effective…
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The 2022 Italian general elections were held in Italy on 25 September 2022, after the fall of the Draghi government. The centre-right coalition led by Giorgia Meloni's party, Brothers of Italy, a radical-right political party with neo-fascist roots, won an absolute majority of seats in the Italian Parliament.Why did the right-wing coalition win the…
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At the centre of this episode is a discussion between Eylül Erva Akın and Carlos Jalil about the United States' role in the Russia-Ukraine war. You will hear about the sanctions that the US put on Russia, the humanitarian response and help that the US gave to the people of Ukraine, the US-contribution EU's to energy security in Europe, and more. Pr…
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Srbija se suočava sa ozbiljnim problemom emigracije. Globalni indeks konkurentnosti 2018–2019. svrstao je Srbiju na 134. mesto od 137 rangiranih zemalja u kontekstu njene sposobnosti da zadrži talenat ili spreči „odliv mozgova“. Mnogi sektori u Srbiji su pogođeni trendom povećane emigracije kvalifikovanih radnika kao što su medicinske sestre, lekar…
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In the second instalment of the mini-series on the politics of time, Adith Srinivasan explores the ins and outs of political temporality studies in conversation with Elizabeth F. Cohen (Syrucase University), Ty Solomon (University of Glasgow), and Mirko Palestrino (Queen Mary University of London). Reflective of the ubiquity of time and temporality…
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This is the first of three episodes in the mini series Talking About Time: Temporality and Its Discontent. Nomi Claire Lazar, Andrew Hom, and Chris McIntosh appear as guests in this episode. Check out our channel to see the other episodes of the mini series. Produced by Adith Srinivasan for The Greater European Talks. Sound engineered by Jose Ignac…
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It was announced by British Home Secretary Priti Patel that the United Kingdom and Rwanda would form an "economic development partnership" in April 2022. However, this arrangement threatens the global refugee protection. It puts refugees at risk by removing any sense of control over their destiny and putting them in the hands of smugglers and traff…
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The countries of the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe have been facing several different crises in recent years, which lead to, in some countries, the phenomenon of shrinking space for civil society, populist policies and authoritarian leaders. All this is interconnected with the raising the level of corruption, which is further related to the we…
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Political scientists are the first ones to get notified when major world events occur. Especially nowadays, these devastating news can have a negative impact on the professional's mental health. In this episode, Sophia Cerda, one of our writers, talks about ways to cope with world events as part of the international relations community. Produced an…
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The French Presidential elections are currently in the limelight as they could shift the equilibrium within Europe. In this episode, we're joined by two writers from our institute, Adrian Waters and Thibaut Charlier, to discuss the possible results and what actions have been taken by the two top candidates, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the ro…
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The European Union and national governments should provide citizens with a safe and democratic digital space in collaboration with civil society actors. The rationale behind the digital spaces should not only be profit-making, but also a public service that strengthens democracy by enabling safe communication and participation as well as protection…
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The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) has brought together all European citizens to discuss the European Union's future since May 2021. In this episode, Juuso Järviniemi provided insightful views on the CoFoE and addressed questions about the citizen proposals, the main challenges the EU will face in order to achieve its aims, and the futu…
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We are proud to present you a new mini-series of five podcast episodes within our MladiRini Talks, achieved in cooperation with the EU Balkans Forum.EU Balkans Forum is an opportunity for youth from the entire European continent to discuss common issues, face policymakers and mobilize new energies from below, facilitating the emergence of a young t…
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We are proud to present you a new mini-series of five podcast episodes within our MladiRini Talks, achieved in cooperation with the EU Balkans Forum.EU Balkans Forum is an opportunity for youth from the entire European continent to discuss common issues, face policymakers and mobilize new energies from below, facilitating the emergence of a young t…
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The invasion in Ukraine, which is a fundamental violation of international law, ignited a clear reaction from the Council of Europe. On March 16, 2022, the Committee of Ministers took a firm stance by deciding on the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the Council of Europe. Questions surrounding the withdrawal have been the subject of many s…
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We are proud to present you a new mini-series of five podcast episodes within our MladiRini Talks, achieved in cooperation with the EU Balkans Forum.EU Balkans Forum is an opportunity for youth from the entire European continent to discuss common issues, face policymakers and mobilize new energies from below, facilitating the emergence of a young t…
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We are proud to present you a new mini-series of five podcast episodes within our MladiRini Talks, achieved in cooperation with the EU Balkans Forum.EU Balkans Forum is an opportunity for youth from the entire European continent to discuss common issues, face policymakers and mobilize new energies from below, facilitating the emergence of a young t…
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Do you ever want to work as a trainee at the Council of Europe, the continent's leading human rights organisation with 46 member states? Or do you ever wish to be a part of the organisation that signed the European Convention on Human Rights? In this episode, Eylül Erva Akin asks Rana Gülnihal Genç and Clara Ariño Garcia about their previous experi…
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To start off the new season, Lutjona Lula, a researcher focusing on Western Balkans and EU integration, tackles the current Ukraine crisis and the impact it could have on the Western Balkans. We discuss the possibility of a refugee crisis, the effect on EU integration and the role of the EU and NATO when it comes to the enlargement agenda. This epi…
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Today we are discussing the use of quality management tools in public administrations in WB, and specifically the EU-promoted Common Assessment Framework (CAF). For the Western Balkan countries this topic is relevant in the context of public sector modernisation, and specifically for making more user-oriented administrations. In the EU accession pr…
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You think of insects as pests, but could they also be our solution to the imminent threats of overpopulation, food scarcity and the climate crisis? On this episode, Oliver is joined by a panel of experts for a deep-dive into how the integration of insect protein into our food and agricultural practices could revolutionise our lives, and what role t…
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"Smallness does not justify corruption," said Professor Tiina Randma-Liiv, guest of the fourth WeBER Talks. She is a member of the WeBER Advisory Council as well as a Chair of Public Management and Policy at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Currently, Professor Radma-Liiv also serves as a Vice Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Me…
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Today’s episode of European Talks discusses the issue of the EU enlargement impasse and how it is being dealt with. With the rising skepticism regarding enlargement and slow reforms in candidate countries, Srđan Majstorović, Chairman of CEP Governing Board, Steven Blockmans, Director of Research at CEPS, and Milena Lazarević, CEP Programme Director…
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Join us today a year on from our original talk with Maryam Nsaif to discuss the crisis in Lebanon which has only worsened since July 2020. The Beirut Blast, economic instability, and a host of prime ministerial resignations has only rocked the country further. With George Saade and returning Maryan Nsaif, we discuss the crisis further, the complex …
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Welcome to the third episode of our WeBER Talks, in which Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling, Professor of Political Science at the University of Nottingham and a member of the WeBER Advisory Council and Lead WeBER Researcher, Milos Djindjic, discussed what lessons can be drawn from the EU member states and beyond.For more information about Professor's Sahli…
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