The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish.Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de al ...
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The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish. Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de a ...
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The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish. Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de a ...
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The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish. Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a s idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de alego ...
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The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish. Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de a ...
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Esopo é um lendário autor grego, que teria vivido na Antigüidade, ao qual se atribui a paternidade da fábula como gênero literário. As Fábulas de Esopo serviram como base para recriações de outros escritores ao longo dos séculos, como Fedro e La Fontaine.O local de seu nascimento é incerto — Trácia, Frígia, Etiópia, Samos, e Sardes todas clamam a honra. Eventualmente morreu em Delfos. Na verdade, todos os dados referentes a Esopo são discutíveis e trata-se mais de um personagem lendário do q ...
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The classic Aesop’s Fables have been translated to every language for hundreds of years. The fables, told in the form of allegories, give us universal, worldly advice. The use of animals and ancient gods makes the lessons unbiased and impartial. Short and smart, these fables entertain and enrich our lives. In this volume you will find 30 of the 300 fables we offer you in Spanish. Las clásicas Fábulas de Esopo han sido traducidas a todos idiomas por cientos de años. Las fábulas, en forma de a ...
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061 El lobo y el cordero en el templo
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121 – Los bueyes y el eje de la carreta
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032 Las ranas del pantano y del camino
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034 La rana que decía ser médico y la zorra
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125 – La víbora y la culebra de agua
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155 – Los delfines, la ballena y la caballa
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040 El león apresado por el labrador
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130 – El ratón campestre y el cortesano
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