We are called to not live a normal life but to live a fulfilling life that honours God by using our gifts and talents for His glory. Through this devotional, we will look at what it is to live a fulfilled life for God.
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A podcast to help internationally trained physicians in Canada achieve financial peace without selling any investment or insurance products.
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Career Change for High Performers (Without Starting Over) - An Audio Guide to Building a More Fulfilling Life
Scott Anthony Barlow
This audio guide shows you how high-performers discover their ideal career and find meaningful, well-paid work without starting over. We’ve worked with thousands of people and we will share advice with you each of the 9 stages everyone goes through when making a change (At least if your goal is fulfilling work that also pays well) - Made with love from the peeps at Happen To Your Career - Negotiation, Advancement, Career Change, and Dream Job Advice
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A God-centered podcast where I discuss how we can keep God in the center of our lives. Really living for Him and keeping close to His Word. Connecting His Word to our daily lives and things we go through. Living bold and brave! -AJ Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/anju-john/support
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Spiritual, empowering and uplifting messages to encourage people to pray and find out what their purpose is on earth and focus on getting it achieved. As we take on this journey called life, we are trying to put the pieces together to this puzzle and sometimes when you are trying to do it alone you will find yourself repeating cycles over and over again. This is designed to help you FOCUS and know with confidence who are and where you should be in life. THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN EFFECTIVELY LIVE ...
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Life is a journey, right? A journey that we should live victoriously in! In this podcast you will hear tips and strategies to living live in victory. Purpose, passion, business, parenting, faith, and inspiration. That’s what you’ll hear here. My goal is that you will leave your listening experience feeling filled with encouragement, that you learn something new, and that you feel refreshed and ready to live your best, most fulfilled life. Cover art photo provided by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash: ...
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A personal development podcast that explores how we can find and create meaning in all aspects of our lives, including home, work, personal and business relationships, and personal development.
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Every day, someone, somewhere is doing something incredible by Fulfilling their Life's Yearnings. I connect with them, interview them, and share their stories here. This show is dedicated to anyone that wants to break their chains, frame their mind, get out of their merry-go-round syndrome, and Be FLY every day. Learn more at www.fulfillinglifesyearnings.com. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/blake-soulet/support
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Efficientpreneur Show | Build & Scale Your Business Profitability Online With Less Time, Effort And Cost So You Can Enjoy A Fulfilling Lifestyle
Ahmed Al Kiremli
Efficientpreneur Show helps business owners and entrepreneurs to build & scale their business profitability online with less time, effort and cost so they can enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle. The show offers business tips and tricks from leading experts, CEOs, productivity hackers and best-selling authors. Efficientpreneur Show is hosted by Ahmed Al Kiremli, also known as AK is a Serial Entrepreneur, Business Mentor, Efficiency Expert, Pro Athlete And The 1# International Bestselling Author of ...
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The Grace Current - A Lifestyle of Flourishing, Finding Your Favor, Collaborating with God, Fulfilling Your Purpose, Achieving Your Dreams,
Michelle Will - Christian Business Coach, Christian Breakthrough Coach
Hey friend, do you have some God-sized dreams bubbling up inside? Do you sometimes wonder why life has to be such a challenge while you try to accomplish the things God is calling you to? Maybe you’ve parked some goals, or walked away from your calling, or let your purpose sit on the sidelines because it seemed too overwhelming, too intimidating or too insignificant to God? Would that change if I told you that God already has a current of grace ready and waiting, where His amazing provision ...
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Jacob worked for Laban for seven years to get Rachel but they only seemed like a few days because he loved her so much. How much more does God love us! That is why He send His only Son to make a way for us back to Him.על ידי Rev Dan
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Introduction to Fulfilling Work, Meaningful Life
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נגן מאוחר יותר
In this episode, host Anthony Craiker introduces Fulfilling Work, Meaningful Life and shares some of his personal story. He also discusses the meaning deficit many experience in their lives and highlights upcoming topics for future episodes. https://fulfillingworkmeaningfullife.com/על ידי Anthony Craiker
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We are told by God not to put our trust in idols, whether we are Christians or not. We are to seek Him and put Him first. He has made a way for us to know Him and idols will take those who don't yet know Him away and for Christians they are a danger!על ידי Rev Dan
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God told the Israelites that were carried off into exile to seek the prosperity of the place that they were in. We should do the same to the place that were are living in as Christians.על ידי Rev Dan
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When Jesus healed the blind man at Bethsaida, He didn't heal him on the first try but he was healed in the end. Sometimes we just have to have patience and wait for God's timing with things.על ידי Rev Dan
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No matter how we share the Gospel, many people will not respond. We must not become despondent by this but continue God's work everyday. They have made their choice, we haven't made it for them.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Peter told the crowd after he healed a crippled beggar that all that was happening had been prophesied hundreds of years before, because Jesus had come and now everything had changed!על ידי Rev Dan
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St Paul says what a wretched man he is and asks who can rescue him from his body which is subjected to death. We all know the answer, which is Jesus!על ידי Rev Dan
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Jesus tells us to make every effort to enter through the narrow door because one day it will close and it will never be opened again. Note: MAKE THE EFFORT!על ידי Rev Dan
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Isaiah was taken up to heaven and stood before God but his reaction wasn't to praise God but to realise how sinful he was and also the world. The only way that we can come before God today is to know and declare Jesus as our Lord and Saviour.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Paul writes to the Ephesians about God's marvellous plan for them, he then writes that he will kneel before the Father and prays for them. This is a good example for us, to always offer prayer after interacting with others.על ידי Rev Dan
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If something is from God and we try and stop it, we will only be fighting against God but it is not of God then it will naturally fail. We must sometimes let things happen and not, potentially, end up fighting God.על ידי Rev Dan
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Jesus is the Gate and He tells us that however enters through Him will be saved. There isn't a grey area here, it is either we are in or out. We are either with Him in heaven or in hell without Him. It is our choice!על ידי Rev Dan
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If we say that we know Jesus but at the same time don not do what He commands us to do is a liar and the truth is not in us. These might sound like strong words but they really are a warning to us!על ידי Rev Dan
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Isaiah wrote that those who follow their own idols instead of God know nothing. He tells us that there eyes are plastered over and their minds are closed. When people choose not to know God they can grow more blind to Him. https://youtu.be/ESh4Hu7LGB8על ידי Rev Dan
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Jesus tells us Himself that He didn't come to bring peace on earth but He came to bring division because we need need to make the choice whether He really is who He says He is. This will divide many!על ידי Rev Dan
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Live As Christians - 1 Corinthians 7:17
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נגן מאוחר יותר
St Paul tells all of us that whatever situation God has put us in that we should live out our faith as Christians, calling us to proclaim the Gospel and to live out our faith. He said this rule applies to all the churches, which includes ours.על ידי Rev Dan
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As Christians, we will all stand before God and give an account of our lives. Everything that we have done, thought and said will be confessed. We have the opportunity everyday to make sure our account will be good!על ידי Rev Dan
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Don't Argue Over Words! - 2 Timothy 2:14
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נגן מאוחר יותר
St Paul wrote to Timothy to remind him to tell people not to quarrel about words as it is of no value. It is a distraction and those listening in would would be ruined by what they are hearing. We have been warned!על ידי Rev Dan
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Jesus came so that we can live life to the full. Without knowing Him, we can never truly know what life is about this side of heaven or dwell with Him there for all eternity. The devil on the other hand hates us and wants to stop us knowing Him!על ידי Rev Dan
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As Christians, we cannot stay in the basics of our faith but we must strive to learn over our lifetimes as much as we can about our faith and our amazing God.על ידי Rev Dan
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God knows our hearts and we need to ask Him to point out to us anything that offends Him. We cannot hide anything from Him but we are called to live a holy and righteous life, so let us go to Him in prayer.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Paul and Barnabas disagreed sharply over one of their fellow workers, so much so that they went their separate ways. This did not stop them from doing the Lord's work and they were later reconciled. We can learn a lot from them!על ידי Rev Dan
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King David tells us in this Psalm that he cried out to the Lord and He answered him. Even though there were 10000 men looking to do him harm, he slept soundly because he knew God was watching over him.על ידי Rev Dan
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Raised From The Dead! - 2 Timothy 2:8
נגן מאוחר יותר
נגן מאוחר יותר
St Paul tells Timothy that Jesus who was a descendant of King David was raised from the dead and even though he was persecuted for preaching this truth, that truth can never be contained.על ידי Rev Dan
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The Wise Men were looking for signs and when they saw the star they knew something significant had happened. They followed it to the destination because they had gone to worship the newborn King of the Jews!על ידי Rev Dan
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Merry Christmas one and all! We remember Jesus Christ being born this blessed day. He came to make a way for us to come back to God by dying on the cross for our sins. God is great!על ידי Rev Dan
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When Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, there was no place for them to stay in. Was there more going on than meets the eye and what can we learn from it in our faith?על ידי Rev Dan
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We are told by Ethan the Ezrahite in his psalm that God created the heavens and the earth. What is even more amazing, is that He entered into His creation to save mankind. https://youtu.be/MHwqKBCT_A8על ידי Rev Dan
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King Solomon prophesises that all kings will bow down before the King of Kings and that all nations will serve Him. Who ever would have imagined that all the kings and leaders of the world would bow down before Jesus, Solomon did!על ידי Rev Dan
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God spoke to the people people through the prophets but all of that changed when Jesus came to earth, now the world knows that God spoke to the world through His Son.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Paul writes to Titus and tells him that God's grace has been revealed and that revelation was God Himself sending His one and only Son to bring salvation for those who believe in Him!על ידי Rev Dan
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John 3:16 is probably the most famous verse in the Bible but can we become overfamiliar with it? Take time this Advent to slow down and really understand what it means to us this day.על ידי Rev Dan
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The Angel who visited Joseph in a dream quoted to him Isaiah, reminding him that this had been prophesied about long ago. God always had a plan for us and He didn't hide it!על ידי Rev Dan
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St Mary should be an example to our young teenage girls today. She was totally devoted to God and lived her life that way, so much so that she was chosen by God to carry His one and only Son.על ידי Rev Dan
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St James tells us to get rid of all of the filth and evil is our lives and to humbly accept the word God has planted in our hearts. This is because the Word has the power to save our souls!על ידי Rev Dan
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St John tells us that God showed how much He loves for us by sending His one and only Son into the world, so that we might have eternal life through Him. What love!על ידי Rev Dan
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An angel came to tell the shepherds that the Messiah had been born in Bethlehem. To announce this news to shepherds, is astonishing in itself but this is the God who loves us. A God that lifts up those who society puts down!על ידי Rev Dan
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King Herod didn't know where the Messiah was to be born and he was the king of the nation! To make things worse, it was the wise men of another nation who saw the significance of the star and not the religious leaders of the nation!על ידי Rev Dan
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Luke wrote that he checked everything that he wrote in his gospel, so we can be absolutely certain that what we are reading is the truth and there is no reason to question what we have been taught.על ידי Rev Dan
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Bethlehem was only a small village but it was the place that the Son of God was born in. Micah prophesied about this and told us that His origins are in the distant past. What a prophesy!על ידי Rev Dan
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Isaiah prophesied to King Ahaz about the birth of Jesus and who He was going to be born to hundred's of years before it happened! Jesus was the Messiah prophesied long before He was born, which was all part of God's plan.על ידי Rev Dan
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Jesus tells us Himself in the penultimate verse of the bible that He is coming very soon and St John's response is 'Amen, come, Lord Jesus!'. This is something that we say today but we mustn't forget we must tell many people who don't know about Him before He comes back!על ידי Rev Dan
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Isaiah prophesied about John the Baptist, saying that he would be a voice in the wilderness making a way for the Lord. We too, have to be a voice in the wilderness calling people to Jesus and making the way easy for them.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Peter was an eyewitness to Jesus ministry and not only entered the empty tomb but also saw the resurrected Jesus. How can we deny his testimony? What he tells us is a true that we need to hold fast to!על ידי Rev Dan
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The writer of Hebrews tells us that we must hold tightly without wavering to the hope that we affirm, why? Because God can be trusted to keep His promise!על ידי Rev Dan
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The writer of Lamentations tells us that the Lord is good to those who choose to depend on Him and to those who seek Him. During this Advent season, let us seek His face and know of His great love and sacrifice for us.על ידי Rev Dan
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King David writes of his whole self waiting quietly before God. Can we wait quietly before God while the world rushes around us or is this only a dream today?על ידי Rev Dan
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Jeremiah writes of God's faithful promises which point to Christ's coming, while embarking on a spiritual journey of trust and hope. God's eternal salvation plan unfolds through these prophetic words, showing His unchanging faithfulness to His people.על ידי Rev Dan
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St Paul prays for the church in Rome that God will fill them completely with joy and peace because they trust in Him. Because of this they will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. May we also know this.על ידי Rev Dan
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