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Global News Podcast

BBC World Service

The breaking news you need to hear, as it happens. Hear the most important global stories from the BBC, the most trusted name in international news. With reporters on the ground in every country, we’re always where the story is. We bring you unparalleled access and exclusive updates that you won’t get anywhere else. Listen for the latest headlines and current affairs from around the world. From Trump’s White House to Putin’s Kremlin, from the Ukraine War to the Israel-Gaza conflict. From Dam ...
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The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global development and key trends driving world affairs. Named by The Guardian as "a podcast to make you smarter," Global Dispatches is a podcast for people who crave a deeper understanding of international news.
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The best stories, interviews and on the spot reporting from around the world including highlights from News hour, The World Today and World Briefing. Up to 30 minutes compiled twice a day from the 24 hour News coverage from the BBC World Service.
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Pointless Global News

Philzer Productions

Anchors Tad Flakey and his charming wife Lilibet Flakey, bring you the most pointlessly weird and funny news from around the world, just to put a smile on your face. No fact checking, some is fiction, but most stories are the cold, hard and hilarious (sometimes gross) truth.
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Welcome to NewzKidz! A new weekly podcast covering global news stories and current affairs, presented by Rose, Zara, Aiza and Laurie - kids aged 8-11 years. Tune in to hear us talk about what's important in our world today, what's making the news headlines, and why kids should care. You can discuss our stories with your friends, parents and teachers, and let us know what you think.
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story beyond the headlines, strap yourself in for 60 minutes of informative and provocative radio.
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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一天1Hashtag,聊天不Lag! 寰宇#關鍵字新聞,帶你關注亞洲放眼全球 國際政經一聽就懂x關鍵字聊天不卡卡X 180秒快速好吸收 🐧週一~五:7-9am更新 🐧週六~日:驚喜更新 🔎寰宇新聞YT: 🔎寰宇新聞網: 🔎寰宇全視界: 🔎寰宇看東亞: 🔎看見新東協: 抖內我們這裡請: 商業合作信箱 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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PRGN Presents is the essential podcast for international business leaders, non-profit executives, and those who hire public relations, marketing, and communications firms. It provides an exclusive look into the ever-evolving world of PR and communications, featuring experts from the Public Relations Global Network, “the world’s local public relations agency.” Is your message winning hearts and minds? No matter where you do business, there is a PRGN member agency in your region with the deep ...
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NewFinxo Capital Daily Financial News 18 04 2024 Dollar Strength Amidst Global Tensions Set Your Course to Trading: Finxo Capital Will Be Your Trusted Navigator in Your Journey Look no further, you have landed in the right place for Your trading future. GET STARTED Convenience and Accessibility Online brokers offer the convenience of trading from the comfort of your home or on the go through mobile apps. Lower Costs Cost- effectiveness can help you reduce the impact of ...
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Data serve de alerta para impactos da mudança climática e poluição na sobrevivência de fontes de água potável como rios e geleiras; ex-relator especial comenta desigualdade no acesso a direitos e defende serviços que priorizem grupos historicamente excluídos.על ידי United Nations
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story …
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健康從日常開始!【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後保養及日常營養補充設計,深受全球消費者信賴。現在免費索取產品資料,開啟您的健康之旅!了解更多 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 中國內需低迷,去年約300萬家餐廳倒閉,五星級飯店也受衝擊五年間就倒閉了114家。然而國內無法生存那就到國外發展。中國餐飲品牌積極出海,最近剛上市的茶飲品牌蜜雪冰城,在東南亞快速擴張,股價更在短期內翻倍。專家也預測,2026年海外中式餐飲市場規模有望達到4095億美元。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰…
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Despite some gains, women remain significantly underrepresented in decision-making positions – especially at senior levels of the judiciary worldwide.Judge Angela Attachie, from Ghana, is both a Circuit Court Judge and the Queen Mother of Ho Bankoe – a dual role that makes her as a key figure in community governance and social development.Speaking …
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Imagine a world in which companies could secretly export toxic waste and dump it in unsuspecting communities. Until the 1992 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, there were no rules governing the international movement of toxic waste. Today, this convention ensures that such waste cannot…
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This week on the Global Research News Hour, we examine the agendas of the billionaire tech pros behind the Trump administration and see that there is a heck of a lot more to be worried about than what has been recently reported in the legacu media. In our first hour we will have a conversation with the author, journalist and the co-founder of the D…
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150 Million Brace For Severe Weather Outbreak” (FOX Weather). “Dangerous weekend tornado outbreak puts 100 million at risk” (Axios). “Mega storm to create blizzard conditions in north-central US”(AccuWeather). “A wild storm with everything from severe thunderstorms and tornadoes to high winds, dust and wildfire dangers will also bring snow and bliz…
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The U.S. ends tax exemptions for Chinese small-parcel imports, shaking Shein, Temu and others. Note: The conversation segment of this episode was generated using AI and has been edited for accuracy. It is based on this Caixin story: In Depth: Trump Ends an Era for Shein and Temu Subscribe now to unlock all coverage from Caixin Global and The Wall S…
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Tammy Zollner, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at RPM International, shares her journey of transforming internal communications and fostering a culture of engagement and understanding among a diverse workforce, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. She outlines the process of centralizing RPM's communications, transitioning from a co…
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Bombardeios e artilharia pesada no leste de Cartum levam à perda de vidas; conflito entre tropas do Exército sudanês e paramilitares das Forças de Apoio Rápido começou em abril de 2023; área estava sob comando rebelde desde início dos confrontos.על ידי Monica Grayley
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No Conselho de Segurança, coordenadora humanitária da ONU declarou “profundo alarme” com retomada de ataques e pediu retorno às negociações de cessar-fogo; representante da Unrwa alerta para perdas de vidas em grande escala e impactos de novas ordens de evacuação.על ידי United Nations
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健康亮紅燈,卻不知如何保養?【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後調理設計,幫助您快速恢復元氣!日常營養補充更不可或缺,全球熱銷,口碑見證。現在購買享獨家優惠,別讓健康等太久!立即行動 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 南韓為了彈劾總統一團亂,而北韓這時又出來刷存在感。北韓領導人金正恩20日視察,最新型防空飛彈武器系統的試射,他對結果感到非常滿意。與此同時,美韓聯合軍演也正式落幕。兩國在軍演中 ,演練清除大規模殺傷性武器,再次惹毛北韓。平壤當局直批,這場軍演簡直是侵略戰爭的預演。對此,南韓表示會和美方堅守同盟態勢。就在這個時候,俄國又派國家安全會議秘書長蕭依古到北韓,時機點之湊巧不免讓人產生聯想。 留言告訴我你對這一集…
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健康從日常開始!【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後保養及日常營養補充設計,深受全球消費者信賴。現在免費索取產品資料,開啟您的健康之旅!了解更多 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 美國本月初對進口鋼鐵及鋁徵收25%關稅後,歐盟原擬於4月1日起,對美國威士忌等商品加徵關稅進行報復。但是,歐盟20日宣布,延後對美國威士忌課徵50%關稅,到4月中旬以便與美國進行更多磋商。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 ht…
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【遠雄商舟】打造新世代辦公標竿! 座落北士科,北市難得的國際級濱水商圈, 全球頂尖AI大廠首選,嶄新ESG永續綠建築, 締造人性、共享,結合生態休憩的辦公空間。 企業總部即將落成,立即預約專線 : 02-2826-2777 認識您未來的企業總部: ——以上廣告由 Firstory 與【月城南廣告】共同執行—— 自以哈衝突以來,哈瑪斯遭受重創折損將近2萬名士兵,但他們仍然存活了下來,繼續在加薩掌權。分析指出,這有賴於他們迅速補充新血、複雜的地道與情報網,加上以色列總理納坦雅胡帶有私心的政治盤算,讓哈瑪斯仍然有捲土重來的可能。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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健康從日常開始!【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後保養及日常營養補充設計,深受全球消費者信賴。現在免費索取產品資料,開啟您的健康之旅!了解更多 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 美軍15日起展開對葉門叛軍胡塞組織的攻勢後,19號晚間又對葉門首都沙那還有多個城市,發動空襲。而作為反擊,胡塞組織宣稱不只一次襲擊了紅海的美國軍艦,20日更對美國在中東的盟友以色列,發射彈道飛彈,宣稱是為了聲援加薩的巴勒斯坦人。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉…
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健康亮紅燈,卻不知如何保養?【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後調理設計,幫助您快速恢復元氣!日常營養補充更不可或缺,全球熱銷,口碑見證。現在購買享獨家優惠,別讓健康等太久!立即行動 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 特斯拉執行長馬斯克自從入主川普內閣後,屢次陷入爭議。近期,許多不滿馬斯克的抗議人士,接連損毀特斯拉遭到重罪起訴,甚至有投資人出面喊話要馬斯克下台,避免他毀了特斯拉的品牌聲譽,認為馬斯克現在根本無暇顧及特斯拉的經營。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉htt…
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健康從日常開始!【海之滴褐藻糖膠】專為術前術後保養及日常營養補充設計,深受全球消費者信賴。現在免費索取產品資料,開啟您的健康之旅!了解更多 —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 俄烏戰火延燒超過3年,歐盟20日在比利時布魯塞爾召開領導人峰會,討論俄烏局勢,稱將繼續支援烏克蘭。歐盟委員會,以俄羅斯凍結在歐盟的資產抵押,向烏克蘭批出10億歐元貸款。另外,法國總統馬克宏證實,來自「志願者聯盟」的歐洲領導人27日將在巴黎會面,對烏克蘭軍隊的短期支持及安全保障模式,進行最終討論。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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位在中非的剛果民主共和國深陷內戰危機,盧安達支持的叛亂組織「M23運動」,在今年攻陷東部兩大城市戈馬和布卡武後,不斷燒殺擄掠並且持續往內陸進攻,讓民主剛果總統齊塞克迪,除了周二在卡達首都杜哈與盧安達總統卡加米,會面討論推動停火之外,據報導,也曾在2月份寫信給美國總統川普,表示願意用豐富的關鍵礦產換取美國的軍援。 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 h…
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Neste primeiro Dia Mundial das Geleiras, a ONU News entrevistou o professor Jefferson Simões; ele liderou uma expedição científica, de 70 dias, que contornou o continente; o especialista vê risco de subida de até 7 metros do nível do mar em caso de ruptura do gelo ártico.על ידי United Nations
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Secretário-geral divulgou mensagem citando legado tóxico de escravidão, colonialismo e discriminação; este ano, Convenção Internacional sobre o tema completa 60º aniversário; António Guterres pediu ratificação universal do tratado.על ידי Monica Grayley
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Todos os anos de 3 mil a 5 mil crianças nascem com a alteração cromossômica; evento reúne representantes dos países-membros, da sociedade civil e da comunidade científica além de pessoas que vivem com a síndrome; eventos em Genebra vão até sábado.על ידי Monica Grayley
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Sistema de vigilância da qualidade do ar foi avaliado como exemplar na prevenção de doenças crônicas; Córdoba, na Argentina, e Manchester, no Reino Unido, também foram premiadas; ações envolvem alimentação escolar saudável e criação de espaços sem fumo.על ידי United Nations
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Jornal da ONU, com Felipe de Carvalho:*Líder da ONU saúda negociações entre Estados Unidos, Rússia e Ucrânia*Dia Internacional reforça importância das florestas para a alimentação*Desaparecimentos forçados na Ucrânia podem configurar crimes contra a humanidade*FAO pede mais ação contra influenza aviária H5N1 que atinge vários países…
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Secretário-geral da ONU falou a jornalistas ao lado do presidente do bloco, António Costa; para ele, cooperação da União Europeia e das Nações Unidas ajuda com a luta por uma comunidade internacional mais forte num mundo mais saudável e sustentável.על ידי Monica Grayley
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António Guterres elogiou declarações sobre interrupção de ataques à infraestrutura energética e garantia da segurança da navegação no Mar Negro; rotas comerciais que passam pela região têm papel crucial na segurança alimentar global.על ידי United Nations
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האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר