God Centered ציבורי
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God Centered Life

Josh Moody

The Bible-teaching ministry of Dr Josh Moody. At God Centered life, our passion is the gospel, our vision is all generations living for God. Listener supported. Learn more at https://godcenteredlife.org/.
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God Centered Podcast

Marco & Maury

Keeping God at the center of everything we do is a choice that we make & encourage everyone to do. When we choose to put Him at the center of our life, this opens the door to be led and guided by His spirit, we learn how to discern His calling for us as He molds our character through the journey of our life.
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Faith and Business | God Centered Success

Mia Rene- Online Business Coach For Women Entrepreneurs

The Faith and Business podcast (formally named God Centered Success) is for entrepreneurs who want to keep God at the center of their business and life. Starting Oct 2023 this podcast will have a faith episode AND a business episode EVERY week to help you grow your business while keeping God number one. If you know you've been called for a time such as this and now it's time to stop hiding, stop shrinking back in fear and start taking ground in what you've been called to do THEN LISTEN IN EV ...
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TS Wright

This podcast is about setting the mindset & attitude of how to build your faith by understanding how to approach and navigate our relationship with God. Through the lessons in the GCC Podcast series you will learn how to connect to God through His processes through His Word, His Will and His Ways. Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." - want a discipleship plan for yourself, church or group to help mature the body of believers and teach them how to make more disci ...
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Utlimate Escape: A God-Centered Perspective on Healthy Sexuality

Steve and Holly Holladay of Ultimate Escape

In a world where there is so much noise and confusion about sexuality, Ultimate Escape offers a safe place to discuss the truth. With creative insights and engaging topics, Steve and Holly Holladay, founders of Ultimate Escape, break through the taboos and hesitation. They equip parents, teens, teachers and church leaders to have meaningful dialogue with each other about sexuality; sharing truth that brings freedom.
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I left the corporate world after a life reset where I found my purpose to by a life coach. My specific focuses are digital detox, self-care, and building life action plans. I want to help people achieve what they deserve in life in a real way, not with tarot cards, crystals or the law of attraction. Real ways that don’t cost you a crazy amount of money and that are totally doable. My podcast subjects will be on fitness, wellness, essential oils, stress, digital detox, self-care, meditation, ...
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show series
The story of the spies who blended in once inside Jericho…. perhaps you’re familiar with it. But have you ever thought about the Gospel echoes that the story presents? We’re taking our look at the book of Joshua to the next level in this study. Joshua 2:1-24 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Simon Peter was one of the most contentious of all the disciples of Jesus and arguably the most well-known. Many people know his name. However, how much do you really know about him? In this 8-part series Pastor Brad will lead you through a dynamic character study on the life and times of Jesus' most outspoken disciple. From his calling by the Sea …
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What’s the emotion that appears when you hear the word “judgement?” From an earthly perspective, we may envision a court of law and want to avoid it. In a spiritual sense, perhaps it draws to mind a somber day in the future. But could it also be a source of joy? Our study today will explore this question. Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 Learn more about your …
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Jesus, meek and mild. Perhaps you’ve heard this phrase. Is it accurate? Does it set the groundwork for an authentic, Biblical understanding of God? And what does it mean to fear God? We’ll look at that in today's study. Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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At face value, it’s almost ironic. In the midst of a book known for telling us all is meaningless, we’re being prompted to soak in the pleasure of God. Encouragement, from the book of Ecclesiastes? We’re headed there in this study. Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Decoding generational differences seems to be a full-time task for some. The older folks look at the up-and-coming generations and often are prompted to despair. But the teacher of Ecclesiastes tells us there’s nothing new under the sun. How does Scripture help us rise above generational concerns? We’ll look at that in this study. Ecclesiastes 12:1…
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Summarize Ecclesiastes: “All is meaningless.” Yes, that would be true, but did you know that this book also includes an exhortation to live with joy? We’ll go in search of that joy in this study. Ecclesiastes 10-11 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי Josh Moody
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The story of Joshua taking down the walls of Jericho is all about risk—from the perspectives of Rahab, the spies, and the people of Jericho. Faith and commitment are at the heart of this story. Real faith—trusting God and committing to Him—can often feel like risk. Joshua 2:1-24 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Zero. That’s the number of people on this planet who are not growing older with each passing day. So, the discussion is universal. But is there a difference between growing old and growing up? We’ll explore that topic in this study. Ecclesiastes 10-11 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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“Work hard and you’ll get to the top”… advice that’s been passed along for centuries. In our study today, we’ll explore the relationship between God, success, and… failure. The teacher of Ecclesiastes is asking us to zoom out a bit and get a bigger picture of life. Ecclesiastes 7-9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoice…
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Have you ever listened to a story that seemed disjointed, random, and without clear direction, only to discover that the objective of the story was to portray a disjointed, random, lack of direction? Is it possible that the teacher has done just that in the passage we’ll be looking at today? Ecclesiastes 7-9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit …
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Perhaps you’ve been introduced to the idea of being religious without being connected with God. Our study today will explore that same divide infecting our worship. Can we “worship” without really connecting with God? Ecclesiastes 4-6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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How often have you scanned the offerings on your entertainment device looking for something that is different, bigger, astounding even… looking to be elevated above the mundane? Our study today asks us to check for signs of tragically settling for the mundane in our worship. Ecclesiastes 4-6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.co…
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If you were told to act like royalty, would that change anything? Would you do anything differently? What about if you actually were royalty? More likely to change how you behave, right? How does our identity, and clearly knowing it, change how we behave? We’ll look at that in our study from the book of Joshua. Joshua 1:1-9 Learn more about your ad…
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Right up toward the top of any “hot topic” list of those looking to get the most out of life will be the idea of time management. But is that what this passage in Ecclesiastes is all about? Or is it something even more foundational, something each of us needs to look at? We’ll ask these questions today. Ecclesiastes 3 Learn more about your ad choic…
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When we’re facing a challenge, or taking on a new task, it’s helpful to be able to check in with someone who’s been there and done that. In a sense, that’s what the teacher is doing for us here. Our study today explores the take-aways from some very extravagant examples of “been there done that.” Ecclesiastes 2 Learn more about your ad choices. Vis…
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There's probably no more common search among all humanity than for the meaning of life. So, as believers, we have the answer dialed in, right? Let’s see what the book of Ecclesiastes has to say on the subject. Ecclesiastes 1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי Josh Moody
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We’ve just finished a series of studies called The Bible Explained. While we hope the explanations proved useful, it’s just the starting point in realizing the full power of Scripture. In our study today, Josh Moody will challenge us to take our appetite and dependence on the Word of God to a higher level. Ephesians 4:1-16 Learn more about your ad …
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It makes no difference how much you’ve paid for that new vacuum cleaner, or how shiny it is, or how much you like the color of it. If it’s not powered up, it’s useless. It may sound like an obvious question, but is a vibrant walk of faith possible if we’re not plugged in to the power source? And what does it mean to be plugged in? We’ll look at tha…
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It seems like it’s often the case that truths we know in the quiet times can evaporate from our memory when things get hectic. It happened to the Children of Israel after Moses died. The reminders Joshua delivered to them… land for us today. Joshua 1:1-9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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The idyllic marriage has absolutely no friction in it. There’s a harmonious existence that is continual butterflies and sunshine, right? Not by a long shot. But is there a divine purpose in marital conflict? Do earthly relationships look to teach us something about the divine? We’ll address that question today. Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4 Learn more about…
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Many come across the word “submission” in the context of marriage and see a fuse coming out of one end. It’s a potential stick of dynamite if not regarded properly. But it’s in the Bible. And if we truly believe God knows best, we may want to dig deeper into what’s meant by this word. We’ll do just that in our study today. Ephesians 5:22 - 6:4 Lear…
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It may be an assumption that as you work your way up the corporate ladder, you have less people you’re accountable to. But is there such a thing as a big enough corner office that you don’t answer to anyone? We’ll look at that question today. Colossians 3:22 - 4:1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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It’s so easy to draw a line between our Sunday activities, and our 9 to 5 mindset. But what happens if we mix things up? Does that help us look at our work differently? Does it provide a more positive perspective on work? We’ll ask those questions in this study. Colossians 3:22 - 4:1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoi…
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As any good organizational fanatic will tell you, being able to collect seemingly unrelated things under a unifying umbrella helps bring clarity. Is the church supposed to act in this way? We’ll look at that question in this study. Acts 2:42-47 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Simon Peter was one of the most contentious of all the disciples of Jesus and arguably the most well-known. Many people know his name. However, how much do you really know about him? In this 8-part series Pastor Brad will lead you through a dynamic character study on the life and times of Jesus' most outspoken disciple. From his calling by the Sea …
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The book of Habakkuk is a great reminder to not only be committed to the Scriptures, but also to be committed to prayer. This is especially important for those called to lead. It is wise for the church to choose leaders who lead from their knees. Habakkuk 3:1-19 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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As we continue our discussion of redemption, we’re looking at some of the elements we should expect on this journey. For example, there’s happiness as a result of condemnation being washed away, but there may also be occasional struggles despite our being redeemed. How do we view these challenges? We’ll look at them today. Romans 8 Learn more about…
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If you were asked to summarize the Bible, how would you do that? One macro view might be creation, the fall, redemption, the future hope. In our study today, we’ll move into that third category, moving from the fall, into the incredibly good news of available redemption. Romans 8 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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You’ve heard “There’s bad news and there’s good news.” In this case, the bad news is very bad in that it has consequences for every human to walk on this planet. But the good news…. The good news is that there is a way out from under the bad news. We’ll continue our look at these two extremes today. Genesis 3 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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You don’t know how good you have it, until you have it bad. Ever experienced that? How about when it comes to grace? Have you ever considered how your appreciation of grace might grow after an honest, no-holds-barred look at the human condition? Our study today will do just that. Genesis 3 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/…
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What would happen if the moon suddenly claimed to be the source of light in the night sky? Even the simplest understanding of how nature works would see a flaw in that claim. The moon does not produce light, it reflects it. Any parallels in how we view ourselves? We’ll look at that question in our study. Gen 1:1 - 2:3 Learn more about your ad choic…
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Simon Peter was one of the most contentious of all the disciples of Jesus and arguably the most well-known. Many people know his name. However, how much do you really know about him? In this 8-part series Pastor Brad will lead you through a dynamic character study on the life and times of Jesus' most outspoken disciple. From his calling by the Sea …
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There is a tendency in today's world to assume that information is the same as wisdom. Habakkuk is a model for us. When he had a question, Habakkuk didn't go to Google, he went to God. Habakkuk 1:12 - 2-20 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי Josh Moody
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This series is an overview of how the Bible fits together, both in terms of its doctrine and in terms of its practice. What is the Bible actually about and what is its message? And how do you put that into practice? Gen 1:1 - 2:3 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי Josh Moody
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You’ve likely heard the term “spiritual maturity,” but have you ever wrestled with what that means, or more importantly what that means for you? We’ll go searching for answers today as we wrap up our Colossians study. Colossians 4:16-18 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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How would you rank the quality of your friendships? How about friendships that stem from your involvement in a local church? Have you ever thought about the tone of the relationship Jesus had with his disciples, especially those listed as his inner core? We’ll look at that dynamic in our study. Colossians 4:10-15 Learn more about your ad choices. V…
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Small things matter, sometimes in big ways. Paul has pointed out two ordinary folks who made a difference in his ministry, and are now part of scripture. Our study today continues to celebrate the potential for everyone to make a difference for the kingdom. Colossians 4:7-9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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The news headlines are about “the big people.” It’s those folks that are getting things done. Is the same true for kingdom work? Or is there room in Gods’ order for common folk to make a difference for eternity? We’ll look at this question in our study. Colossians 4:7-9 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Habakkuk was an Old Testament prophet, and this book was written a long time ago, yet the Bible is still relevant to us today. Habakkuk asks the kind of questions you and I might ask: What about justice? Habakkuk 1:1-11 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoicesעל ידי Josh Moody
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Your car is not going anywhere if there’s no fuel, or your battery is dead. The same can be said about prayer as the fuel for outreach. Without it, can you really expect results? And what does that outreach look like? Josh Moody pulls answers from our passage in Colossians. Colossians 4:2-6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com…
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What comes to mind when you hear the word “evangelism?” Is it organized rallies with popular musicians? Is it the exclusive realm of pastors? Or is it something that can and should be woven into our everyday lives? While the answer may seem obvious, the ease with which we can arrive there may be surprising. Colossians 4:2-6 Learn more about your ad…
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There are two kinds of work, that which is spiritual, being a pastor or a missionary, and that which is secular, a real estate agent, delivery driver, or waiter. Is this true? Not according to Scripture. We’ll continue our exploration of a Biblical view of work in this study. Colossians 3:22 - 4:1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoi…
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Reducing distractions is important if you have a God calling. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to waste your days distracted from what God is leading you to do. Today’s episode is all about reducing distractions and staying diligent to move forward in what God has lead you to do.
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Are you a slave? No? Okay, but before you dismiss this passage, let’s take a few minutes to flush out some rich parallels between the attitude Paul was encouraging his letter-readers to adopt, and ways we can elevate our thinking about our work today. Colossians 3:22 - 4:1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices…
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Who’s in charge? This question is asked during frantic times of crisis, but according to the Bible, it needs to be asked in the context of family. The topic of discipline has become a flashpoint in society, which is why it’s important to see what Scripture has to say. We’ll do just that in this study. Colossians 3:18-21 Learn more about your ad cho…
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We’re looked at how God does not give up on us. This passage provides ten promises that demonstrate that enduring love. But what are the implications of that persistent love in our efforts to face challenges? Is it possible for us to fail so massively that we cannot be restored? How do we glean hope out of the rubble of what we’ve done? The prophet…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר