Unlocking Your Inner Strength is about finding your inner and outer strengths. Learn how you can step into your greatness. This show blends Mind Mapping, philosophy and a lifetime of being a strength coach and bodybuilder.
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Welcome to my podcast/thingy : I have discussions with a mixture of incredible individuals and experts in a variety of fields, I seek to find out what we can do to strengthen our character, build resilience, create positive habits, change our mindset and better understand our thoughts, emotions and behaviours. I don't edit these episodes, I bungle them and hope they turn out ok. [email protected]
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‘The ladder of success is never crowded at the top’. A half a year ago, Brian reached out to me. He started my Panda Diet and was cruising. I helped him with a few simple tweaks and he is now down over 100 pounds! In this episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I interviewed him about what it took to achieve that and his mindset about maintaining…
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I’ve forgotten more than most people in the fitness field ever will know. And I know this because while doing private Coaching sessions, we will get into some great conversations where I recall secrets that someone like Louie Simmons or JB have shared with me. In today’s episode, I am going to go over some of those insider secrets such as: -> How m…
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Fasting and dealing with Addictions, Vices
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46:26I sat down with my buddy from Alabama, Lane Bulger, for a great conversation recently. I always love talking with Lane because he is open minded. Did you ever notice how terrible conversation is with someone that is totally closed minded and makes you avoid certain topics? Anyways, he asked me some next level questions on fasting and we also began …
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My Top 3 Daily Practices My mind has been all over the place lately. I suppose having baby #4 and a new puppy and a lack of sleep will do that to you. I’m human just like you. As I share my journey with you, I think it’s important for you to know that I have struggles, sometimes immense struggles. Lately, I have certain daily, minimal practices tha…
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My Secret Sauce: Content Creator
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14:05I’ve got a little secret for you…. I’ve been studying marketing, influence and personal brand building for 17 years now. And, it wasn’t until a few years ago where I fully accepted that I was weird in many ways and I was just going to flat out embrace it! Combine those two aspects and you have a ‘character in the making’. I’ve got so many unbelieva…
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How to Pack on Muscle the Right Way
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17:59Do you want to pack on some muscle? Can it be done with my Panda Diet? Isn't that counterintuitive? To the average minded fake fitness expert, yes, it seems impossible. But, I assure you, it's not impossible. Today, I go over my best practices for putting on muscle and the levers you need to pull in order to get your body to adapt by coming back bi…
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In today's episode, I pull an old notebook off the shelf. It is full of cursive handwriting and contains a lot of my notes on Mind Mapping. If you are interested in what Mind Mapping is and the thought behind it, then this is a must listen. No, it's not drawing bubbles on paper...a lot of people mistakenly think the Mind Mapping that I talk about i…
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3 Great Things That Will Happen When You Follow My Fasting Ways
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8:35I don't believe in massive will power for creating a transformation. It doesn't work. I've noticed 3 distinct behaviors that occur when someone sticks on my Panda Diet. First - The desire for booze goes way down Second - Desire for sweets goes way down and the desire for good, nutritious food goes way up Third - Your ability to take control over yo…
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We all have an internal thermostat with one area or another. I don't care how far you've come, you won't ever be able to proceed past that internal meter. In today's quick episode, I go over the wealth consciousness mindset and how it applies to transforming your body. You must get this if you are to succeed permanently, in any area. Thanks for tun…
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Yes! I am super pumped that I will be launching my famous Ripped Dads program to the entire country upcoming. I’ve been running this at Newell Strenght for over a decade and in that time, so many fathers have transformed into ‘Ripped Dads’. Ripped Dads is a way of being, it’s not necessarily about becoming ripped, but for some dads, that’s exactly …
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I had a thought this morning, while reflecting back on playing some Sunday morning basketball yesterday. More often than not, the team I am on, wins. We don't win every single time, but a large percentage of the time. I love playing basketball and I realized long ago that a great player should be able to dominate the game without ever taking a shot…
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Make 2025 The Best Year of Your LIFE!
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17:19If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Today, I held a goal setting workshop for my clients. I went through the session with them and let me tell you, it was work! My brain was fried afterwards! In this episode, I share with you the process I took them through. There's a reason people don't plan and set goals, it will put pressure on them t…
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In today's episode, I chat with the Alabama Gunslinger about the drone invasion and then some! We are being put through yet another psyschological operation, don't fall for it. This is how they ran the Covid scam too. Are they aliens? Are they are own government? Did nukes go missing? We go over all that and more.. Anyhow, with all this craziness, …
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I switched up my scheduled episode today because of requests coming in to do a show on the drones here in NJ. If you haven't seen anything about this, we have been having mysterious drones, some the size of cars, flying all over the great state of NJ since November 20th. The way I see it, there's 2-3 possibilities as to what or who is behind these.…
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The 5 Biggest Mistakes in Your Weight Loss Efforts
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12:28Have you struggled in your past with fat loss? If you're like me, then you've gone through this multiple times, each time, thinking that it would be different the next go around. Silly if you think about it. Nothing magically changed within our body just because we wanted it to. I am giving a live seminar this week here in Hunterdon County, NJ and …
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5 Secrets from My Upcoming Panda Diet Master Class Someone asked me earlier where they can located research as to what I teach and how it work. Short answer is my book, the Panda Diet. But if you are the type that wants peer reviewed, industry research, then you aren't going to find it in my work. Not because I make up stuff, but because they haven…
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Yesterday, I ran in the Princeton Half Marathon. Admittedly, I probably should have trained more for it. I hit a wall around mile 10 and yes, I know my build isn’t ideal for distance running. At my first ‘dark valley’, I spotted Devon with the kids and my mom! I wasn’t expecting her to be there. It gave me a boost to get through the next 2 miles, a…
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Interview with the Legendary Elliott Hulse
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59:32Many, many years ago, I discovered a man named Elliott Hulse. Elliott is somewhat of a legend and he even Coached me for a while back in 2010. As destiny would have it, he came onto my podcast last week and boy, let me tell you, this is going to blow your mind. Elliott has lived quite the life and has been a pioneer in the field of self-development…
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You Won't Believe What's Coming Your Way
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19:41The time has come. Election day 2024 is upon us. If you are expecting a result tomorrow, you are going to be disappointed. I believe this is a kick start for the chaos I have been predicting for a number of years now. Realize that this is a not a left v right fight, that's what the powers that be want you to buy into. Listen in for my predictions a…
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Kobe Bryant listened to the Halloween Soundtrack
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11:15I remember as a kid when Freddy Kreuger captured my mind. I was terrified yet fascinated. As time went on, my brothers and our neighborhood gang would fantisize about who would win a battle, Freddy or Jason (from Friday the 13th). A couple of decades later, they came out with the movie. In today's episode, I give you my top horror movies, top horro…
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Time travel. This has a few meanings when it comes to this episode. One, I am writing this before I have my conversation with the infamous Alabama gunslinger, Lane Bullger. And it’s damn near impossible to predict what we will talk about in terms of conspiracies, worldy events and the health industry. But I can tell you that I am putting on my list…
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The Real Reason to Work On Your Mindset
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17:15How often have you thought about creating a better life? Yet, nothing seems to change... It's common at some point in life for everyone. Some overcome that limiting conviction that life is not in their control and go onto great success. Others stay stuck, thinking that repeating Ground Hog day will some result in a different outcome. I assure you t…
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How I Structure My Day and More Questions from Fans
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13:10In today's episode, I answer the following questions from fans and then some, all under 14 minutes. I believe in saying what needs to be said and no more... -How do I structure my day? -What books have been most impactful to me? -How often do I check DMs? -How do you take medications during a dry fast? (my answer may suprise you) -How often do I ta…
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Have Principles so You Can Stand Tall in These Crazy Times
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52:04In today's episode, I chat with my buddy Coach Lane Bulger from Alabama. Lane is a great man and has a very great way of looking at the world. When we team up, you are getting a sneak peak as to what a conversation is like between two students that have strong mindsets. You can be the fly on the wall with this conversation and I hope you are able t…
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The Top 3 Myths You’ve Been Led to Believe About Losing Weight
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29:35I’m a maverick of sorts… So I’ve been told. It’s that mentality though that has put me on my quest for endlessly figuring out what works when it comes to weight loss, health and becoming the best version of yourself. In today’s episode, I talk about: -Why your thyroid isn’t the issue -Why counting calories is a fools game -Why using cardio for fat …
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Chaos is upon us. We are less than two months away to the election. Here is what I think are some possibilities. Take it for what it's worth. This is a battle of good versus evil. -Kyle If you want to learn how to think differently and get on a new path, shoot me a text, 908-229-6666. I leave one 15 minute slot open on my schedule each week.…
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‘Kyle, Neil died…’ I was 7 years old, had just moved to NJ and my mom told me that a friend from our old neighborhood died of an aneurysm. I was in shock. Literally, I ran from my bedroom to the back patio in uncontrollable tears. Death was now a real thing to my young fragile mind. And although I can bring myself right back to that time and the ne…
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The Battle for the Suppression of Knowledge
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17:07This Might Break Your Brain When’s the last time that you questioned some sacred dogma? Have you ever thought about why you’ve been told what you’ve been told? Does your gut tell you that there’s got to be more to the story? Part of my mission is freeing people’s minds, which usually begins with taking control of their health and starting on a fast…
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A few weeks ago, I turned 43. In honor of that, I wrote my latest August newsletter that got mailed out this week, on 43 insights that came to mind from my time here on earth. This was written with my children reading them and using them one day, so I didn’t hold back. Be Unconventional - Panda Man * If you are interested in the Panda Punch for sup…
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How to Recover from Any Injury I’ve been fortunate enough to suffer two of the worst knee injuries on record. Yes, I said fortunate. There’s always a silver lining. After dealing with them and other injuries throughout the years, I learned the principles of healing 100%. Methods are many, principles are few.…
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I remember reading the first book on mindset that I ever read way back during my sophomore or junior year of high school. I had already had a certain type of mindset, but I wanted to cultivate it and to make better. Winners use a certain type of language and have a certain pattern of thinking. All patterns can be copied, all habits are just pattern…
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Recently, I was on a podcast with my buddy Lane Bullger from Alabama. A couple of weeks ago, we did part 1 and there was so much more that we had to still cover that we did a part 2. Now, you might be thinking you aren’t interested, and that’s fine. But realize that there is a very real conspiracy against your health and you becoming the healthiest…
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Two weeks ago, a good buddy of mine was in for our Mastermind meeting. Joe Hashey is a rare breed, one of those men that have an indomitable mindset. There aren’t too many people that I look up to with mindset because I’ve studied it so much and put myself through the ringer to continue to grow my mind. Joe is an exception though. He is doing 100 m…
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Medical Conspiracies and Trump Dodges a Bullet
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45:32I got together for part 1 of a 2 part series with my buddy Lane Bulger of Bulger Fitness down in Alabama. Every time we talk we get into some lively topics. In this episode, we talk about the attempted assassination attempt on President Trump and my thoughts may surprise you. Remember, whatever the MSM is telling you is not the truth, always start …
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Last week, I put out a reel on my IG that got the Shake Oil Salesmen and Women coming at me in full force. Which is a good thing. I know that whenever I hit a nerve, I am on to something. But it also got me to thinking about digestive health and fasting. In today’s episode, I break down WHY: -Farting isn’t cool or normal (although sometimes funny, …
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Ever since I was little, I loved hypothetical situations. And I am the king at asking those types of questions. In today’s episode of ULYIS, I breakdown my dream sports team that I would choose to save the world from demonic forces. Of course MJ is at the top of my list, but who else? There might be a few people you don’t expect. Who would your tea…
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My Craziest Conspiracy Theories I remember as a kid talking with my grandfather, Leo, about aliens, giant squid, bigfoot, and more. I was just grateful that I had someone to talk with about that stuff. In today’s episode, I go over my thoughts on: -What I think BigFoot is and why it’s kept so hidden -My views on the heliocentric earth vs. flat eart…
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One question that I get asked often is where the Panda Man came from. Some people want to know the origins of the name. Some want to know the history of the character, the business. How’d it all begin? In today’s episode, I share all. P.S. - Don't foget to get your free gifts and get on my email list over here: https://thepandachallenge.com/free-co…
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It’s been too long since I have done a silliness report, about all the silly and crazy things going on in the world that most people are not aware of. Why would they not be aware? Because, the MSM doesn’t tell you about what they don’t want you to focus on. Fortunately for you, I stay up on all this stuff, not because I have fear, but because I fin…
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Just the other day, a client messaged me asking if the initial weight lost was water or fat and why it rebounded. This is a very common concern and one that I will clear up simply for you in today’s episode of ULYIS. Fat loss is a simple process when it isn’t made overly complicated by the Fake Fitness Experts. In today’s episode, I go over such th…
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Aliens, Bigfoot and Chem trails
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1:19:13Today’s episode I have a special guest, my good buddy Joe Riggio for a conspiracy theory episode. We discuss the biggest conspiracies and talk about fasting and the conspiracy of the establishment keeping you unhealthy. This is about level one conspiracies, stay tuned for level 2…coming soon!על ידי Kyle Newell
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3 Lies You've Been Told About Putting on Muscle
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9:27If you've been lifting for any amount of time, there is no doubt that you've been told the wrong things, at least partially wrong. When you want to pack on size, you need to remember that your training stimulus is of primary importance. In today's episode, I go over: -Why protein is overrated, You do not need as much as you've been told -Why bulkin…
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Last week, I went on a trip to Miami for a new supplement we are launching, ENERGY, aka Panda Punch. While I thought I was going down for just that, I came back a transformed man. God worked through me and I feel like, check that, I know that I am a changed man. In today's episode, I give you the inside look at my trip and how my mindset shifted do…
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4 Year Anniversary of Giving the Government the Bird
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20:524 years ago, I made the decision to stand true to my values and open our gym in spite of the government. I didn't believe in this sham from the get go and I can be quite stubborn headed. This made for the perfect moment in my history to live out my values in a very strange and surreal time. Today, I go over the behind the scenes story of how our de…
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Discover How to Grow in More Ways Than 1
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18:50My Time With Mark Bell Last Week Last week, Devon and I flew out to Sacramento so I could appear on Mark Bell’s world famous show: The Power Project. It was something that I had visualized often and it came as no surprise to me that my thoughts manifested. I have always liked and respected Mark’s open, honest and intelligent approach to health and …
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My Thoughts on Testosterone and Ozempic
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13:35I started using testosterone over a decade ago after competing as a natural bodybuilder for many years. And it has been a game changer! Let’s be clear, TRT is the same thing as anabolic steroids and PEDs. Another hot topic that people have been requesting I talk about is Ozempic. If you want to know what I think about it, listen up! In today’s epis…
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The Most Underrated and Powerful Form of Exercise
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13:08In today’s episode I teach you about the most underrated form of exercise that nearly everyone can do, with few exceptions. Jesus did it constantly. Einstein was notorious for it. Steve Jobs came up with his greatest ideas while doing this. To find out what I am talking about and for some new insights on it if you already know what I am talking abo…
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In today’s episode, I bring back a fan favorite: conspiracy theories and how what I’ve been teaching for decades can help you survive Armageddon. My video crew recently asked me what I am really passionate about these days, and this is it. I study this and do my research. If you have been living inside a box or haven’t broken free from the Matrix, …
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Last Friday, I had a great Coaching call with a friend and client from Missouri, Isaac. We went down the rabbit hole on a bunch of different things, much of which is too much to share here. But one of the topics we got to talking about was Jesus, vibrational energy and how God builds us up. Isaac made the great analogy of God being a Silversmith. I…
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Goals are Not the Differentiating Factor for Success
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9:35People that succeed set goals. People that don't succeed set goals. Goals are not the differentiating factor when it comes to succeeding. So, what is the answer? In today's episode I break it all down. Your path is the answer, the process. And remember, the purpose of setting any goal is to increase your level of happiness. Always check yourself be…
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