Kantatzeko kantuak eta entzuteko kontuak bazkal ostean, Joseina Etxeberriaren konpainian.
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Herzlich willkommen bei «Kantonsrat kompakt»! Jetzt reinhören und ehrliche und direkte Einblicke in die politischen Informationen und Entwicklungen aus dem Kantonsrat Zug erhalten. Politisch up-to-date zu bleiben war noch die so einfach. Stelle uns eine Frage für den nächsten Podcast: https://zg.die-mitte.ch/podcast/ oder über Social Media
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AMKB - mehr vom Hören
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Un podcast de malabarismes culturals i dialèctica NBA
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Kantar Retail Sound Bites podcast series provides a provocative view of global retail trends, business issues, and other shopper and retail related news.
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CurrencyCast is a treasury podcast series from currency management experts, Kantox. In each episode, we look at the pressing foreign exchange (FX) risk issues facing treasurers and CFOs today and help them identify the potential gaps in their FX risk management strategy. Each episode will provide viewers with quick bite-size insights to help them better understand their FX risk, stay informed of the latest currency management trends and learn about the future of FX tech.
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Objective, Nonpartisan and Insightful. Topics include world affairs, geopolitics, economics, health, and social issues.
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Laci meja berisi ribuan kantong-kantong puisi.
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Unsere Finanzthemen verschaffen sich Gehör. Podcasts entdecken, kostenlos anhören und herunterladen. Empfehlungen und Tipps rund um die Themen Vorsorge und Absicherung – für Jung und Alt!
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cerita untuk kamu yang baru lulus dan mendambakan kerja yang oke
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Kanth Mentor
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Charlas sobre el Budismo en la escuela Nichiren y el Sutra del Loto. Conéctate con nosotros en https://budismonichiren.home.blog/ Contacto para Iberoamérica Por email [email protected] Teléfono +17863551932
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Polizeirapport - Der Podcast aus dem Kriminalmuseum der Kantonspolizei Zürich
Kantonspolizei Zürich
Der Podcast gibt einen authentischen Einblick in die Geschichte der Kriminalität im Kanton Zürich. Er präsentiert die spannendsten Fälle aus dem Kriminalmuseum der Kantonspolizei Zürich.
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Perbincangan hangat di pojokan kantin. Jika ingin berbincang langsung bisa melalui [email protected] atau instagram @marioyoke
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Welcome to Kunal Kantharia Podcast, the one where you find all the positivity you need. Ideas, steps and counter steps to succeed.
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Podcast yang isinya tentang musik, film, bacaan dan hal menarik lainnya yang dibahas oleh pria kantoran sok sibuk.
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Podcast by Historia-kanta.pl
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Anak-anak kantoran yang ngoceh tentang kerjaan, produktivitas, dan lika-liku hidup di dunia kerja.
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Welcome to the Nishi Kanta podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Media kami untuk membahas hal-hal yang.... ya ngga penting-penting amat juga sih. Cover art photo provided by JuniperPhoton on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@juniperphoton
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Covering the latest in all things Nintendo and gaming Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kantocast/support
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El Joan Sagus t ulls per tot. S'empassa tertlies i programes de tele, rdio, premsa, twitter... I ens acosta el rnking del ms divertit, curis, polmic... Una selecci delicatessen amb Pedrerol, Manolos, Garca Caridad, Duro... El bo i millor de cada casa sense que hagueu de canviar de canal.
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Ngopi dulu bentaran, nunggu macet kelar. Kalo ga bisa dihubungin berarti hape nya lowbatt, kalo ada apa2 email aja ke [email protected] biar ntar dibaca lewat leptop
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Akan ada banyak cerita serta solusi dan tips yang 'wadidaw' seputar dunia kampus.
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keluh kesah orang kantoran, yang gitu-gitu aja setiap harinya email : [email protected] instagram : @rehatpulangkantor
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Namanya juga "Lepas Jam Kantor". Kita akan bahas isu/masalah dengan gaya yang santai, ceplas-ceplos, kadang garing, kadang serius. Semoga yang dengerin gak merasa buang-buang waktu dengerin ini Kontak kita di [email protected]
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Chaque lundi, retrouvez un épisode pour apprendre à parler l'albanais mais aussi la culture albanaise. Une partie de l'épisode sera dédiée à revenir sur un cliché concernant l'Albanie.
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Pasi Heikuran isännöimä Aristoteleen kantapää on hiuksiahalkova pilkun viilaus- ja höyläysohjelma sitaattien, lentävien lauseiden ja sananparsien maailmasta. Aristoteleen kantapää odottaa sinunkin vihjettäsi Viikon sitaatiksi ja Viikon fraasirikokseksi. Toimittajat Pasi Heikura, Tina Cavén ja Lasse Nousiainen Graafikko Heidi Gabrielsson Tuottaja Marjo Harju
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Talking Insurance With Kantor & Kantor is a podcast aimed at providing guidance and assistance to those struggling with long term insurance and disability claims that have been denied. Join us as we discuss various cases and situations we have encountered and how these have been successfully managed.
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Dua orang pekerja yang merasakan penatnya tuntutan dunia pekerjaan yang akhirnya meluangkan semua keresahan di podcast ini
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school work
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En serie om mennesker, som lever på kanten af samfundet
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A weekly podcast by two philosophy graduate students leading you through the sometimes mysterious, always magnificent, world of philosophy!
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Dalam rangka kegabutan setelah jam kantor dan itung-itung latihan public speaking, kami kepikiran buat bikin siniar ini. Selamat mendengar!
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Keresahan, Kesibukan & Kebiasaan ketika jam kantor selesai
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#KanTalk is podcast-slash-almost-radio-show where International Relations scholar Sass Rogando Sasot and notoriously anonymous political observer Thinking Pinoy talk about the latest issues in the Philippine political arena.
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I Kant Even | The personal blog podcast of Lakota Tow. Circa: 2019 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ikanteven/support
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Torsten på kanten. Fredrik Thorild och Jan Stenwall pratar digitalisering, här och nu, och blickar ut över kanten mot morgondagens lösningar.
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Vape and Juice TV, from the UK's local vape shop feature the Cotton and Kanthal show. Our founder talks about what's going on in the industry globally, upcoming product launches, what's good and bad, and just general inane chatter.
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Overleeft een liefde ziekte of vreemdgaan? Corine Koole interviewt twee geliefden over een heftige gebeurtenis in hun relatie. Ze interviewt ze apart van elkaar zodat ze openhartig kunnen praten over hun verlangens, geheimen en strubbelingen binnen hun relatie. Soms voor het eerst hardop uitgesproken. Wil je reageren of zelf een verhaal vertellen? Mail naar [email protected]
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Greet Van Thienen zet Immanuel Kant's vier vragen van de filosofie in als motor voor gesprekken met denkers van nu. Wat kan ik weten? Wat moet ik doen? Wat kan ik hopen? en Wat is de mens?
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Podcast by Michael Andersen
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What's up everybody I'm the Landoverlegend a.k.a Big T the host of the "I Kan't Make This Up Podcast" where I interview our guest and we have opened dialogue discussions.
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Herkese merhaba, Immanuel Kant ile Biz Bize, üç yakın arkadaşın bir araya gelerek gündemden ve genelen ilgi alanlarına dair konulardan konuştuğu bir Podcast olacak. Mart 2018'de başlayan hikâyemiz, bir aksilik olmaz ise haftalık oturumlar halinde devam edecek. İlk oturumlarda oluşan ses aksaklıkları ve birtakım düzensizlikler için tarafınızdan şimdiden özür diliyoruz. İyi eğlenceler.
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Viden er godt, viden er vigtigt, viden er fri. Men hvor langt må forskningen gå for at opnå vigtige og potentielt livsændrende resultater? Det undersøger vært Peter Løhde i denne podcastserie, hvor vi taler med nogle af landets førende forskere om de etiske dilemmaer, de møder i hverdagen. Podcasten er støttet af Carlsbergfondet.
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“Di Sela Jam Kantor” adalah perbincangan antara dua makhluk yang berbeda latar belakang yaitu Adit (@fzladt_) dan Johan (@johantoto) yang bertemu dan nyambung karena mereka berada dalam suatu kantor media. Hobi mereka yang suka komentari hal-hal sekitar berujung pada ide membuat podcast ini. Kenapa “Di Sela Jam Kantor” ? Ya karena mereka memulai pembicaraan ini di sela sela jam kantor, tepatnya setelah mereka selesai bekerja. Semoga cerita-cerita kita bisa membuat banyak orang terhibur.
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Brit, Oscar, David Johansen... Egun mugituak....על ידי EITB
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Kantu Kontari (2025/02/28)
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4:05:00Berrikuntzak oso onak, klasikoak......על ידי EITB
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OMD eta ELO. Besteak beste....על ידי EITB
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Gaur Herenegun. Eta Melenas....על ידי EITB
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Gossos pintats de tigres a Xina, l'All Star, Ja Morant fora dels Grizz?, Kevin Durant i Harden
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נגן מאוחר יותר
1:28:30Al CPK 306: · Marxem a Xina on un zoo ha pintat uns gossos chow-chow per fer-los passar com tigres. El mateix zoo que l'any passat va pintar uns gossos per fer-los passar per pandes? El mateix! · En aquest món post Luka als Lakers hem de fer-li cas a qualsevol rumor? Un executiu americà diu que els Grizz podrien moure a Ja Morant aquest estiu i tot…
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Iragana, orduan eta orain!...על ידי EITB
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Kantu Kontari (2025/02/24)
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4:05:00Astelehena, musikeroen eguna, hori ospatutzeko......על ידי EITB
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In dieser Folge von Kantonsrat Kompakt blickt Fabio Iten auf die Doppelsitzung vor der Fasnacht zurück. Über zwanzig Geschäfte wurden behandelt – einige davon besonders brisant. Ein Thema, das für Diskussionen sorgte, war die Sexarbeit im Kanton Zug. Die Debatte machte deutlich, dass der Kanton in diesem Bereich noch Nachholbedarf hat. Als konkrete…
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Zorionak Alcala Norte, La VIda Cañon!!!!!!!...על ידי EITB
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Podcast mit Augen zu / Ablauf des Umzug / Rückwärts durch den Winter /על ידי Norbert Hermann & Falko Faix
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Joseina Etxeberria...על ידי EITB
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Bon Scott eta Tony Iommi bukatzeko....על ידי EITB
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Un vòmit de fa 66 milions d’anys, Embiid un altre cop, els equips que no es van moure al trade deadline, Wembanyama = frau
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1:35:37Al CPK 305: · A Dinamarca han trobat un vòmit de tauró fossilitzat que té més de 66 millions d'anys. Et trobavem molt a faltar, secció de Weird but true del Ny Post. · Joel Embiid ha deixat caure que potser s'ha de tornar a operar del mateix genoll que es va operar l'any passat i Paul George es punxa coses per poder jugar. Ole le, ola la, ser dels …
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Loraldian, Mila Esker, Jonan Ordorika...על ידי EITB
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A Strategic Guide to Treasury Technology Investment with Michael Bach (Deloitte)
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41:23Send us a text 🎙 What defines successful Treasury technology transformation? Join us in conversation with Michael Bach, Head of Treasury Technology Advisory at Deloitte Frankfurt, as we explore how modern Treasury teams are leveraging technology to create strategic advantage. Get key insights on: Transforming Treasury from process execution to stra…
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Joseina Etxeberria...על ידי EITB
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Episode 79: Undercovering Kantar's PoweRanking with Rohan Mazumdar and Jeff Maloy
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55:53Kantar’s annual industry benchmarking report PoweRanking® identifies retailers and suppliers that set the standard of performance, ranked by their trading partners. Download your complimentary executive summary to discover this year's rankings. Rohan Mazumdar, vice president of retail consulting at Kantar, and Jeff Maloy, senior vice president of c…
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Joseina Etxeberria...על ידי EITB
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Irratiaren eta musikaren mundu eguna. Gurean bai behintzat....על ידי EITB
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Rock gotikotik hasita......על ידי EITB
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Flow, Jimmy Butler als Warriors i el més destacat del tancament del mercat
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1:49:55Al CPK 304: · Comencem parlant de Flow, la pel·lícula letona d'animació candidata a 2 Oscars i el seu esperit quasi documental. Tot senseespòilers. · Jimmy Butler the Third és jugador dels Golden State Warriors: parlem de nova esclavitut, de Kevin Durant, de com el poder continua estant en mà dels jugadors i, bé, del seu encaix en un equip que nece…
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Ea denak kabitzen zaizkigun......על ידי EITB
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Dibertsioen eguna. Inhaler-etik hasi eta Uger artekoak....על ידי EITB
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Ostiraleko berrikuntzak eta bukaeran... Ostirala bera!!!...על ידי EITB
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Fastnachten, Zempern und sonstige Geschichten.על ידי Norbert Hermann & Falko Faix
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Izaki Gardenak, Orube. Gaur ETXEAN!...על ידי EITB
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Episode 78: Growth-centered category management with Stephen Aramburu of Nestlé
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32:59Storytelling is crucial in category strategy, creating narratives that resonate with consumers, retailers, and internal teams, aiming for a triple win. Stephen Aramburu, category strategy manager, frozen meals, Nestlé, joins Kantar’s Barry Thomas, senior retail thought leader, and Rachel Dalton, head of retail insights, on episode 78 of Kantar’s Re…
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Ezpalak-ek bira, Rodeo-k abestia. Zestoako Rock harrobia....על ידי EITB
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La visita anual al CKUD, Luka Dončić és jugador de Los Angeles Lakers
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1:31:33Al CPK d'avui: · Ens hem passat el cap de setmana ficats a l'ateneu de Nou Barris; al Can't Keep Us Down, el festival de música hardcore i hardcore adjecent preferit d'aquesta casa. Parlem del valor de l'art independent i de Mariano Rajoy. · Luka Dončić jugarà amb LeBron James en nom de la flexibilitat. Nico Harrison, el GM dels Mavericks és possib…
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Making Sense of Exotic Currency Markets with Marianna Polykrati
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33:21Send us a text 🎙 What’s the outlook for exotic currencies? And how should treasurers manage liquidity and FX risk amid heightened geopolitical tensions? In the latest episode of CurrencyCast, we sit down with Marianna Polykrati, Group Treasurer at AVRAMAR to tackle these challenges and share practical strategies for: ✅ Hedging & exposure netting ✅ …
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Izaki Gardenak-en astea eta......על ידי EITB
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Grammy-ak eta AC/DC eta... Zer Ez?...על ידי EITB
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Agur Marianne Faithfull, eta ongi etorri... (31/01/2025)
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54:00Agur Marianne Faithfull, eta ongi etorri......על ידי EITB
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In dieser Folge von Kantonsrat Kompakt spricht Anna Bieri, die neue Vizepräsidentin des Zuger Kantonsrats, über ihre erste Sitzung in ihrer neuen Rolle. Der Kantonsrat hat heute keine Bälle, sondern politische Pucks versenkt – passend zum Fokus auf die Stadionerweiterung des EVZ. Weitere Hauptthemen waren die Spitalvorlage sowie die Kinderbetreuung…
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Report aus Österreich Skigebiet https://www.snow-space.com/de/winter Outdoormarke https://www.salewa.com/de-de Spiele https://tinyurl.com/amkb-exploding-kittens https://tinyurl.com/amkb-5aliveעל ידי Norbert Hermann & Falko Faix
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Oskorri; Zer aukeratu du Manu Etxezortuk eta zer guk? (30/01/2025)
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54:18Oskorri; Zer aukeratu du Manu Etxezortuk eta zer guk?...על ידי EITB
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Alabama Shakes-en itzulera, Nick Cave Europan, Esne Beltzaren agurra, latinoa piloa eta... Sorkun-ek 48. ZORIONAK! (29/01/2025)
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53:20Alabama Shakes-en itzulera, Nick Cave Europan, Esne Beltzaren agurra, latinoa piloa eta... Sorkun-ek 48. ZORIONAK!...על ידי EITB
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Mariko Aoki Phenomenon, el projecte de l'NBA per Europa, Jokic és el millor.
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1:37:30Al CPK 302: · Sembla que hi ha gent que quan entra en un comerç d'aquests on venen eines, ciment, coses per la dutxa o lavabos els hi entren unes ganes imparables de cagar. Sembla també que al Japó això succeix amb les tendes de llibres. Atenció al nom del doctor que ens explica el perquè. · Adam Silver ha passat una setmana a Europa i aprofitem pe…
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Episode 77: The future of the digital shelf with Coca-Cola's Lindsey Aitken
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46:05With competition for the digital shelf at an all-time high, how can you make your products stand out, look attractive, and drive conversions? Lindsey Aitken, senior director of ecommerce planning at Coca-Cola, joins Kantar’s Barry Thomas, senior retail thought leader, and Rachel Dalton, head of retail insights, on episode 77 of Kantar’s Retail Soun…
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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1:26:48Al CPK d'avui: · Marxem a la part més feixista de la Roma futbolísitica a parlar del cas del Falconer tormentat i la seva pròtesi penial. Mises, àguiles, pocs accents despectius pel que un es podia esperar i, per descomptat, proposta de pitch. Tot una mica més llarg de l'habitual, perdò i gràcies! · De la forma més contraintuïtiva possible, però am…
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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AI, FX Narratives, ESG and Risk Management in 2025 with Eleanor Hill
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40:03Send us a text 🎙️Season 10 of #CurrencyCast is live! In our latest episode, we are joined by Eleanor Hill, founder of Treasury Storyteller and seasoned Treasury journalist, to dive into the year’s top priorities and trends for Treasurers. 🔑 Key topics we discuss: The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in Treasury management Navigating FX narrativ…
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Euskadi Irratiko bazkal osteak kantuz eta kontuz janzten ditu Joseina Etxeberriak....על ידי EITB
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Wetterbericht vom Fichtelberg / Falkos Küche / neue Gewichte fürs Sportstudio /על ידי Norbert Hermann & Falko Faix
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