Kristof ציבורי
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firstfive is an immersive audio experience for people wanting daily spiritual encouragement. If you could use some encouragement to start the day and questions to keep you thinking throughout it, then you found the right podcast. Welcome to firstfive. I’m super glad you’re here. Let’s dive in. Support this podcast:
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Johan och Kristoffers podcast Vita fläckar

Johan Staël von Holstein, Kristoffer Schjött-Quist

I den här podden skall vi prata om entreprenörskap och positivaframtidsvisioner. Vi ska träffa intressanta människor och ta reda på derasframgångsfaktorer. Se hur deras affärsmodeller ser ut. Vi skall träffa entreprenörer och konnässörer. Vi ska prata om nytta för samhället och nytta för människor. För även om vi kommer prata om pengar så kommer vi prata med hjärtat om sånt vi brinner för. För det är inte alltid drivkraften är en större lägenhet eller en dyr klocka, det kan också vara att hj ...
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show series
A hang sikerült már jobban is :( Tudtad, hogy a sikeres értékesítések kulcsa sokszor a tárgyalóasztalnál dől el? Egy jó tárgyalástechnika nemcsak abban segít, hogy több üzletet zárj le, hanem abban is, hogy jobb feltételeket alkudj ki – akár árakról, akár együttműködési feltételekről van szó. Ebben az epizódban mélyére ásunk a hatékony tárgyalás ti…
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Robival mindig jó beszélgetni, mert elkötelezett értékesítő aki mindig képzi magát és mindig lázban ég a témával kapcsolatban. Beszélgettünk a kérdezéstechnikáról, ConnectED rendezvényről és, hogy miért is (nem) tukmál az értékesítő.Koch Robi LinkedIn: meg értékesíteni profin és mellette szerezz új céges …
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Handó Eszterrel és Jánossal a tapasztalati úton történő tanulásról beszélgettem. De szót ejtettünk a tacskó kutyusom 15 másodperc alatti földkerüléséről is. Ez Handóéknak 418 napba tellett. Erről és sok témáról ebben a műsorban. Ők a patcai Katica tanya megálmodói, tulajdonosai. Mindketten az üzleti világból érkeztek meg a saját vállalkozásuk világ…
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A jó kérdésfeltevés hatalmas versenyelőnyhöz juttathat minket a konkurenciánkkal szemben. Sajnos nem mindenki használja jól. Meglepően tapasztaltam azt is, hogy kifejezetten ezt a témát senki nem oktatja itthon, pedig alapvető dolog. Az értékesítés egyik alapkövéről beszélünk. Éppen ezért ezúttal nincsen vendégem. Ebben a témában 2 nagyon jó könyve…
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A jó kérdésfeltevés hatalmas versenyelőnyhöz juttathat minket a konkurenciánkkal szemben. Sajnos nem mindenki használja jól. Meglepően tapasztaltam azt is, hogy kifejezetten ezt a témát senki nem oktatja itthon, pedig alapvető dolog. Az értékesítés egyik alapkövéről beszélünk. Éppen ezért ezúttal nincsen vendégem. Ebben a témában 2 nagyon jó könyve…
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Ebben a 2. részben Gábor elárulja a "4 lépéses stratégiai évtervezés" módszerét, ami azonnal használható.Először kellett bejelölnöm az "explicit" tartalmat a feltöltésnél :) Palánkai Gábor, gyakorlati szakember, aki egyedülálló programot alkotott 20 éve cégeket vezet, így nem olvasásélmény, hanem gyakorlati tapasztalatok alapján állította össze ezt…
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Először kellett bejelölnöm az "explicit" tartalmat a feltöltésnél :) Palánkai Gáborral az Ügyvezetői Akadémia mentorával beszélgettem a stratégiai évtervezésről. Ebben az első részben a stratégiai gondolkozás mögöttes dolgairól beszélgettünk. Amennyiben Gábor 4 lépéses, azonnal használható módszerére vagy kiváncsi akkor várnod kell a következő rész…
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Tudásösszefoglaló a vendégeim véleményei alapján arról, hogy egy értékesítőnek milyen tulajdonságokkal kell rendelkeznie. Minden vendégemnek felteszek 3 állandó kérdést. Ez az összefoglaló a "Szerinted mi a TOP 3 tulajdonság amivel egy értékesítőnek rendelkeznie kell?" kérdésekből van összeválogatva.…
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Minden értékesítőnek fontos az önbizalom. Erős és talán nélkülözhetetlen fegyver. Mi is pontosan az önbizalom? Mikor van rá a legnagyobb szükségünk értékesítőként? Kell-e edzeni és mi van akkor, ha csökken? Kátai Hajnalka vendégemmel beszélgettünk a témáról.Hajnalka a honlapján írja magáról őszintén:Nem volt jó minta előttem. Szüleim ölték egymást,…
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A nehéz időkben, amikor nem jönnek könnyen az eredmények különösen fontos, hogy ne lankadjunk. Vajon milyen az a motiváció ami valóban hatásos? Nem árt ha hosszan tart és bátran lehet alkalmazni a értékesítésben is, ugye?Nagy Béla a tulajdonos-oktatója tudja a megoldást. Immár 27 éve foglalkozik értékesítőkkel és oktatja az értékesít…
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i love to people watch. as a creative and storyteller, observing human behavior allows me to tell greater stories. when you have the opportunity to watch the behavior of other people, you begin to realize things about yourself — things you like and don't like. one thing i've observed recently is my desire to embrace wisdom and reject complacency. i…
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i love planning. maybe it's just the way i'm wired, but i can't accomplish anything significant without a plan. i think planning has gotten a bad rep over the years, especially in faith circles. for many, planning seems to stand in opposition to God's divine will, but i disagree with that notion. i truly don't think God is in opposition of your pla…
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there's so much we could worry about. there's so much to be frustrated over. there's so much to fear and so much to be anxious about. but what if today, we focused on the good? what if we spent intentional time meditating on the good in our lives instead of the all the bad? how would our day change? better yet, how would our lives change? who even …
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have you ever felt unheard? don't worry, i've been there plenty of times before. and in a world that will do anything to be heard, the crowded space makes it hard to feel like anyone's listening. can i encourage you today? God hears you. when you feel unheard, and when you feel unsure, rest easy in knowing that God hears you and loves you more than…
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i'm incredibly impatient, and if we're being honest, so are you. in such a convenience driven generation, it can be so easy to lack patience, and in essence hate waiting. but I think anticipation does something really good for the human heart. there's a beauty to be found in waiting. let's explore that beauty today. who even is this guy? great ques…
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let's talk about setting boundaries in your life. for far too long, christian subcultures have demonized boundary setting for the sake of loving others well. i would argue that you're able to continue to love like Jesus when you set a boundary between you and someone who may be inflicting harm on you. healthy boundaries help to create healthy dista…
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have you heard of phantom pain before? it's when a person feels pain where a missing body part should be. it's like a ghost pain from a body part that is no longer apart of that particular person. today, i want to talk about phantom pain, but of the soul: a lingering pain from things, people, and situations that are no longer apart of us. have you …
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anybody need a reset? maybe it's just me, but i feel like so many of us have lost sight of what our ultimate goal is in fear of not hitting all the goals we've made for ourselves. maybe it's time to reset, refocus on what's most important, who's most important, and what prize we're trying to attain. who even is this guy? great question: kristoffhar…
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feeling inadequate? don't worry, you're not alone. over the last few years, i've had these waves of inadequacy that kind of wash over me. there are times where i simply don't feel like i'm enough. if you've ever been there, let's chat about how can we overcome our feelings of inadequacy and insecurity and build up our confidence. when we don't feel…
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i've experienced more fear over the last four years than ever before in my life. what causes us to fear? is it loss? is it uncertainty? when fear rises up in our lives, how can we overcome it? on this episode, we'll dive into how to deal with fear when you feel like it's dealing with you, and give a practical next step of how to overcome fear in yo…
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when was the last time you were vulnerable with someone? when is the last time you went below the line of shame and said the thing you haven't said before? vulnerability is a measure of our humanity and our love. it levels the playing field and allows us to see eye to eye. when we go first in vulnerability, we give others the luxury of going second…
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you need to hear this today: you are loved, you are seen, you are known, you are cared for, and you are valuable beyond measure. i hope that truth encourages you, adds fuel to your fire, and brightens your day! who even is this guy? great question: if you want more weekly encouragement sent directly to your phone, text the word ENC…
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there's so many reasons why we give up, but i've narrowed them down to three: we get tired, we face obstacles, and we lose focus. but what if it doesn't have to be this way? you don't have to give up, stop giving up! you can get through this, DON'T GIVE UP! who even is this guy? great question: if you want more weekly encouragement…
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we all need to get some gratitude in our day. when the negative things come our way, gratitude helps us to better appreciate the positive. what does gratitude look like in your life? *modeh ani translates more clearly to "i give thanks" who even is this guy? great question: if you want more weekly encouragement sent directly to you…
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welcome to season two of firstfive! so excited for this new season and all the fresh ideas that come along with it! today, we're talking through what we want out of this year. my answer may surprise you. i'm not actually looking to change a whole lot in this year. if anything, i'm looking for more of the same. what do you want out of this year? who…
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A történetmesélést van aki mindent eladó csodafegyvernek vallja. Mi is ez az eszköz amiről sokan beszélnek az értékesítésben? Mire, mikor és hogyan tudjuk használni? Mit szabad és mit nem amikor a történetünket meséljük? Na és hogyan tudunk megalkotni egy ütős értékesítési történetet? A válaszokat Dr. Németh Zoltán (DrPrezi) adta meg nekem aki a le…
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what does it look like for us to love the life we've been given instead of idolizing the one you want? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social med…
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i suck at silence. but it's something i'm actively trying to grow in. silence gives us the opportunity to reflect on the past, to meditate on the present, and think toward the future. so how can we grow in the practice of silence today? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscr…
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it is so important to know why you do what you do. your why needs to be clear and incorruptible because it is the driver for everything you do. what is your "why"? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this,…
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what does it look like for us to be more intentional in our relationships? when we're intentional, we show others we care. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivep…
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a wise friend once told me, "you are only in charge of your response". today, i'm taking his advice, i hope you do to. you can only control how you respond, so you can relinquish control over other people’s responses toward you. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on y…
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life is going to happen to you a lot more than you happen to it. the best you can do is stop obstructing the flow and go with it. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #fir…
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today we're talking about the one thing no encouraging podcast wants to talk about...death. how can we have a healthy co-existence with death? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a frie…
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Baranyai Dáviddal beszélgettem az ajánlás fontosságáról. Miért is jó ez az eszköz az értékesítésben? Mikor és hogyan használhatjuk? Ki érdemli ki a vevőktől? Természetesen a 3 állandó kérdésemre is válaszolt a beszélgetés végén. Az adás tele van tanulságos sztorival, amikből te is sokat tanulhatsz. Baranyai Dávid 20 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik …
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today is a day marked by hope. i have hope today, what about you? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd like to support this podc…
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have you ever struggled with wanting to be perfect? what if life is not about perfection, but rather progression? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on…
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i can't think of a better way to start or end the day than by reading the word of God. let's dig into galatians 2 together! who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfive…
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the bible will come for your neck! paul said, "share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. if you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. you are not that important." if you can't say "amen", say "ouch". who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, inst…
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if pleasing people is your goal, it’s gonna be hard to serve Christ. don't be a people pleaser, be a Christ pleaser. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast…
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what can we learn from the life of john the baptist? what does it look like to be called, commissioned, and consecrated? who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepod…
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God is always ready to help in times of trouble. so we will not fear when earthquakes come. psalm 46 is so comforting and beautiful, let's pray through it together. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this…
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"after this i saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the lamb." who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, shar…
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as the deer longs for water, so i long for you. but is that really true? to be honest, most times, it's not. but i want it to be, for you and for me. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with…
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we could worry about the future, we could wallow in the past, or we could focus on the now. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd…
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we're praying through hebrews 12 and what it means for our lives today. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd like to support thi…
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love: it’s the thing we all want most and the thing we’re so bad at giving out. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd like to sup…
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let's highlight the words of Jesus today and apply them to our lives. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd like to support this …
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we’re looking at psalm 23 for like the third time, cause it’s soooo good. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #firstfivepodcast on social media if you'd like to support t…
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i think we all could use a little bit of grace. thankfully, God says that his grace is enough, and when we are weak, we are strong because of it. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a f…
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when you don't know what to pray, praying through the scriptures is an excellent way to give back to God the words he gave to us. who even is this guy? great question: follow kristoff on tiktok, instagram, facebook, and subscribe on youtube for more encouraging content if you're encouraged by this, share it with a friend using #fir…
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