Seit über 18 Jahren sucht Julia Leischik weltweit nach verschwundenen Menschen. Zusammen mit ihrer Kollegin Sylvia Lutz erzählt sie nun in „Julia Leischik: Spurlos“ besondere, emotionale und rätselhafte Vermisstengeschichten. Die Betroffenen schildern dabei selbst spannende Details und emotionale Hintergründe. Julia Leischik ist nahe dran an jedem einzelnen Fall. Manche Verschwundenen konnten von ihr und ihrem Team bereits gefunden werden, bei anderen werden die Zuhörer um Mithilfe gebeten. ...
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Nahbarkeit, Empowerment, Selbstironie und viel „kennen wir!“ statt „told you so“ Du möchtest Werbung in diesem Podcast schalten? Dann erfahre hier mehr über die Werbemöglichkeiten bei Seven.One Audio:
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Welcome to The Earn Your Leisure Podcast. Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings will be your host. Earn Your Leisure will be giving you behind the scenes financial views into the entertainment and sports industries as well as highlighting back stories of entrepreneurs. We will also be breaking down business models and examining the latest trends in finance. Earn Your Leisure is a college business class mixed with pop culture. We blend the two together for a unique and exciting look into the world o ...
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Die wöchentliche Podcast-Show, um wissenschaftlich Deine Gesundheit zu optimieren und Deine athletische Performance zu verbessern. Lerne wie Du wissenschaftliche Strategie richtig anwendest und dein Training, deine Erholung und deine täglichen Routinen auf das nächste Level heben kannst, by Dr. med. Golo Röhrken.
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Discover stories, tips, and insights from the heart of YMCA Leisure City. Join us for engaging conversations about fitness, wellness, and community connections.
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Wake up to Leisel Jones, Liam & Spida for Breakfast each weekday morning as they serve up only the Gold and Tweed Coast’s Greatest Hits to get your day started. Get the most up to date news and information for your drive to work. No two days are the same! Every weekday morning on Triple M Gold.
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LW Direct is the official audio news source of the Golden Rain Foundation, serving the residents of Leisure World Seal Beach.
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Get ready to dive into PANTS, with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey. They met over twenty years ago playing best friends on the iconic, groundbreaking show THE L WORD. Each week, these two real-life BFFs catch up with each other on the big and small things going on in their lives, complete with hilarious oversharing, unqualified advice, and heated debates. PANTS is about friendship, queer life, chosen family and all things DIY. Listen to PANTS and eavesdrop on a friendship that’s as dynamic an ...
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Mindgame Fußball Podcast - Mentaltraining für Fußballer - Deine Beste Leistung auf dem Fußballplatz
Christoph Kleinert - Football Leverage
Der Mindgame Fussball Podcast ist der Podcast für alle Fußballer, die ihre beste Leistung auf den Platz bringen wollen. Denn: Mentalität entscheidet Spiele. Bist Du bereit Mental auf das nächste Level zu kommen und so wirklich kontinuierlich, alles was in Dir steckt auf den Fußballplatz zu bringen? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig!
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Welcome to My Life of Leisure! Join us as we explore the world of leisure like never before! From theme parks to escape rooms, arcades to immersive experiences, we dive into all the fun, thrills, and behind-the-scenes magic that the leisure industry has to offer. As a big family living and breathing leisure, we’ll share our unique perspective—whether we’re enjoying these adventures as guests or building unforgettable experiences ourselves. Expect insider stories, honest reviews, and a whole ...
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Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft - Der soziologische Podcast von Berthold Vogel und Julia Kropf
Berthold Vogel, Julia Kropf
Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Wir, das sind: Berthold Vogel, Geschäftsführender Direktor des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) sowie Sprecher des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ) am Standort Göttingen und Julia Kropf, Soziologin und freie Moderatorin. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft im Gespräch über Fragen und Themen, die unsere Zeit bewegen. Wir leisten uns Gesellschaft | Das klingt selbstverständlich. Aber es klingt in diesen Zeiten auch nach Luxus ...
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A semi-entertaining podcast by your favorite Filipina-American host dedicated to books, current issues, and daily (somewhat trivial) dilemmas that she feels called to speak on. Disclaimer: This podcast may or may not be disguised as a platform for all listeners of all backgrounds to connect and interact to tackle important issues in our world today, but also could be masked as a verbal scapegoat. The possibilities are endless. Ways you can yell at me! Follow @janinebetweenthelines on Instagr ...
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Themen rund um den Leistungssport
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Club Soda's new Podcast where we hold the mic up to some of Croydon's best artists, performers and musicians with learning disabilities. We also feature interviews with inclusive arts and leisure organisations from Croydon and we'll drop in at our favourite local venues too.
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برامج يهدف لنشر الثقافة القانونية
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you need people like us so u can point ya fingers and say those are the Bad Guys. LeisureWorldPodcast features hosts @Yerrp08 and Cohost @TheRealKandilady speaking on everyday issues,entertainment,music & life.
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Tired of the same old nonsense in the aesthetics industry? Craving unfiltered insights to take your practice to the next level? Look no further than The Scalpel of Truth Podcast, hosted by Leisa Krauss, The Bitch'n Beautician. With three decades of experience, Leisa peels back the surface to reveal the truth behind medical aesthetics. Each episode dives deep into the hottest topics, delivered with precision and punch. From provocative Rant-a-roonies to practice growth strategies, The Scalpel ...
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Problemas de la actualidad
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Sport und Karriere: Leistungssportler trifft Wirtschaftseliten Jannik spricht mit Machern und Lenkern über die Liebe zum Sport, die Idee der dualen Karriere und den Transfer ins Berufsleben.
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Kieu, My, Anna und Talisa springen vom Zehnmeterturm. Sie werden bewundert, sie träumen von Olympia. 13 Jahre haben wir sie begleitet, wie sie dabei erwachsen werden. Die Angst vor dem Sprung bleibt. Und die vor der Frage: Was wäre ich ohne den Sport?
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No Limits podcast brings you insightful conversations about relationships, psychology, self-development, and mental health. Everyone has a story to tell or something to teach, our guests range from experts and public figures to your next-door friend. New episodes every week, find us on Youtube, Spotify, or on Apple Podcasts.
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Welcome to Self-Perspective podcast hosted by Leishon Turner, self-care advocate, wife, mom. This podcast was created to cultivate a positive, and healthy environment in hopes to inspire and uplift. It is a safe environment that will allow you to be heard and understood. Join me every Sunday as we discover ways to decompress, through helpful self-care tips and enjoy great conversation. When sharing this podcast us the hashtag #selfperspectivepodcast Follow on Instagram @theeselfcareadvocate ...
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Adam and Michael share a long friendship fueled by their love for cycling. Through ups and downs, they have pedaled side by side, creating a rich tapestry of experiences and playful banter that underscores their connection. Their adventures highlight the joy of authentic friendship, whether tackling tough trails or enjoying leisurely rides. If you're looking for a podcast that embodies friendship and cycling excitement, join them on this audio journey. They share engaging stories and welcome ...
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Leise aber Laut sind Sika und Marco. Wir quatschen uns einmal Quer durch Filme, Musik, Serien, Anime und Fischstäbchenpizza. Hier ist wirklich für JE-DEN was dabei!
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Estudos sobre solução adequada de conflitos. Você conhece a constelação? As relações obedecem a 3 leis sistêmicas, verificadas pelo filósofo, teólogo e pedagogo Bert Hellinger (1925-2019). Sintetizando: 1) Pertencimento: todos têm direito de pertencer; 2) Hierarquia: quem chega primeiro tem precedência; 3) Equilíbrio: relações horizontais são recíprocas no dar e receber. Dúvidas? Sugestões? Envie áudio no link dos episódios!
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Good news stories from employees and members and how the centre has helped them.
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Kannst Du am Tag x Deine Bestleistungen abrufen? In unserer anspruchsvollen Zeit dreht sich alles um Leistung. Doch wie kann man seine Ressourcen zu 100% nutzen? Im Podcast "Leistungsoptimierung im Sport" gebe ich Dir in 5-10 min Sequenzen Tipps zu Deiner mentalen Stärke.
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Sejam bem vindos aos melhores podcasts de Leis comentadas e Informativos do STF!! Agora você pode otimizar seu tempo realizando diversas atividades e estudando. Vamos comigo!!
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Alles und Nichts, gelegentlich mehr als zu wenig. Dabei immer herrlich unkonkret und spezifisch zugleich. Fatma, Tobias und Joon versenken ihr Erspartes in diesem Podcast und sprechen darüber, was sie im Alltag so bewegt oder auch stillstehen lässt.
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Hey everyone, I'm Jayson Leisenring, and this is the Tell Me Why series. In this series we focus on topics in the health and fitness world and try to learn more about different aspects of getting healthy.
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Black Women In White America & A Tribute to historic figures
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Als Heilpraktiker in Köln und Haslach (Schwarzwald, in Kinzigtal) sind meine Behandlungsverfahren Myoreflextherapie nach Dr. med. Kurt Mosetter (kein Verfahren der Krankenkasse), Myohydro nach Rachl, Akkupunktur westlich orientiert, Schmerztherapie, KiD Kraft in Dehnung als DehnKraft Training. Als ehemaliger Leistungssportler und Trainer habe ich viel Erfahrung im Rettungsswimmen, Jiu-Jitsu und Ju-Jutsu, Turnen und vielen anderen Freizeitsportarten. Aus allen Verletzungen, Ausbildungen und B ...
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Life & Leisure Television is an informative magazine style program that exhibits the hottest stories, trends and breakthroughs that will educate and motivate our viewers.
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Expert interviews, top marketing tips and digital know how for the tourism & leisure industry. Presented by David Kilkelly from BlinkBack - Video Production and Marketing
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Lawn Care and Leisure
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New episodes every Sunday at 12:00 PM CST Classic Creepypasta, True scary stories, and even original stories are to be expected Find us on Spotify, Deezer, Iheart radio, Amazon Music and more!
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When life gives you lemons, make sure you wash them before using them. And wash your hands too! My other podcasts:
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Welcome to Ignite The Power in you with LEISA TIMMS, where amazing things happen. This podcast is to bring awareness to how you think and move through struggles in life. We speak into ways you can uplift your spirit, soul, and body through different contemplations. We would love to invite you into your very own wellness vault for Zen Success Here: These podcasts are aimed at giving you the tools to help you explore and navigate life. Join us here: ...
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Sharing my life of leisure with you and helping you be A Woman Of Leisure too if that's what YOU want to do. 😉
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"Mutig, Mutig! - Dein Empowerment-Podcast" von Coach und Autorin Martina Leisten
Martina Leisten - Business-Coach / Autorin / Podcasterin
"Mutig, Mutig! - Dein Empowerment-Podcast" ist für alle, die sich hilfreiche Tipps und Praxisbeispiele wünschen, um ihr Leben selbstwirksam hin zu mehr Lebensfreude, Zufriedenheit und innerer Fülle gestalten zu können. Die drei großen Themen-Säulen sind hierbei Resilienz, Authentizität und Selbstwertstärkung. In meinen Solo-Talks lade ich euch ein, mir als systemischem Coach zu der Vielzahl an Unterthemen und Ausprägungen der drei Podcast-Säulen zu lauschen. Mit vielen konkreten Fragestellun ...
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Gemma Cairney interviews cultural icons, tastemakers, artists and musicians about their pastimes, hobbies, collections and loves beyond what they are known for.
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Ganz neu bei der #rp18 dabei ist das Segment “Leisure & Lifestyle”. Nicht nur auf dem Innenhof haben diese Themen sowieso schon stattgefunden, deswegen jetzt auch mit eigenem Label.
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When you hear words that heal, you hear words that light up your eyes, or make you remember forgotten joys. Think of life as a journey with sounds.
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This podcast will tackle about the teaching world--classroom and ESL, life in the province, life lessons, love, interests, culture, volunteering and community. Let's learn from each others' life experiences and be inspired. Let your voice be heard! 🤴👸🗣️📣
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Welcome to my new podcast Leisure! Here to discuss the black community and how to gain financial freedom. We're here to learn together. Support this podcast:
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Since the dawn of time, man has competed and relaxed. UCB Sports & Leisure celebrates both. Hosts Matt Walsh (Veep) and Scot Armstrong (Dice, Hangover 2) investigate the biggest names and characters in comedy to bring you the biggest stories in sports, and the wide world of leisure.
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How My 2025 Is Going | Janine Between The Lines
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30:43I made my goals and manifestations super realistic and measurable this year, and it has actually helped me feel successful and proud of myself! Did you set goals for this year? Or are you winging it? There is literally no wrong answer Thank you so much for joining me 🌸 let me know if there is anything that you want to see or want me to chat about i…
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NVIDIA STOCK: Will It Skyrocket or Crash? (Future Predictions)
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7:06In this engaging clip from Market Mondays, hosts Ian Dunlap, Troy Millings, and Rashad Bilal delve into the latest developments surrounding Nvidia and the broader chip sector. With Nvidia's stock showing significant volatility in recent times, the hosts provide a critical analysis of the factors influencing the semiconductor market and what investo…
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Indoor Tennis Courts - Indoor Tennis Lessons - Tennis Near Me
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3:45Frequently Asked Questions about Tennis at Y Leisure City What tennis facilities are available at Y Leisure City? Y Leisure City offers five indoor tennis courts, allowing individuals to play tennis year-round, regardless of the weather. What types of tennis programs are offered for different age groups? For children aged 4 to 10, Y Leisure City pr…
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Personal training - The Y Leisure City
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3:15The Y Leisure City Personal Training: Benefits and Options What are the benefits of personal training at The Y Leisure City? Personal training at The Y Leisure City offers several benefits, including personalized workout plans tailored to your specific goals, increased motivation and support from experienced trainers, and access to a safe and fun e…
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How Carolyn Aronson Built a $500M Haircare Empire, and Changed The Game with It’s A 10 Haircare
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50:22In this episode of Earn Your Leisure, we sit down with Carolyn Aronson, the CEO and founder of It’s A 10 Haircare, to uncover how she built one of the most successful independent beauty brands in the world. Carolyn shares the strategies behind It’s A 10’s explosive growth, including how giving away millions of free samples turned her brand into a m…
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Sind wir gute Mütter? Und was zur Hölle passiert hier gerade?
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1:09:35Geneigte Leserschaft, man munkelt, dass sich in den geschätzten Kreisen dieses Podcasts eine spektakuläre Veränderung anbahnt. Doch zu viel sei an dieser Stelle noch nicht verraten.Doch widmen wir uns zunächst einer Frage, die schwerer wiegt als jede elterliche Perfektion: Sind wir gute Mütter? Alina und Fanny lassen die Fassade bröckeln und sprech…
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Herzfrequenz, Power und Laktat - Welche Gadgets brauchst Du wirklich?
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50:22Send us a text Im Ausdauersport gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Gadgets die immer wieder besprochen und auch benutzt werden. Doch nicht alle Gadgets machen immer Sinn. In dieser Folge gebe ich Dir meine Einschätzung welche Gadgets Du wirklich brauchst und wann ab wann zb Laktat oder Power und Pace sinnvoll ist. 👉 Kostenloser Trainingsplan: https://www…
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Why Are We Still Friends? (Replay)
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46:18From “hot friends to hot flashes” Leisha and Kate discuss what makes their decades-long friendship work and talk about the pains of friend breakups. Pre-Order Our Book at PANTS with Kate Moennig and Leisha Hailey Produced and Edited by Arwen Nicks Mixing by Valentino Rivera Executive Produced by Katie Rhodes and Peg Donegan Our musi…
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Reformer Pilates - The Y Leisure City
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18:38Y Camp Journeys: NDIS Respite Camps What are NDIS Respite Camps offered by Y Camp Journeys? NDIS Respite Camps by Y Camp Journeys are supported, person-centred camping experiences designed for individuals with disabilities funded by the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). These camps provide a break (respite) for caregivers while offering …
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#59 Der Fall Peter: Was verschweigt die Familie?
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1:05:48Zwei Jungen auf einem gelben Motorrad.Ein Mann, der weinend am Küchentisch sitzt. Und ein Vater, der plötzlich verschwindet. Heute – bei Spurlos. [email protected] Instagram TikTok Redaktion Sylvia Lutz Natalya ProkhorenkoFranziska Böhmer Ton Migo Fecke (S…
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How Trump’s Unpredictability Is Hurting the Markets
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2:56In this insightful clip of Market Mondays, hosts Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings delve into the complexities of market fluctuations under unpredictable political decisions. Join them as they discuss the uncertainty faced by Fortune 500 companies and global markets during unpredictable leadership. Rashad shares his personal experience after expressin…
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The Cost of Hesitation: If You’re Waiting to Invest, You’re Already Behind
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3:44Welcome, Bitchachos, to another episode of The Scalpel of Truth—the only podcast where business reality gets sliced thinner than prosciutto at a bougie brunch spot. Today’s topic? The utterly baffling phenomenon of aesthetic business owners clutching their wallets like a Victorian maiden clutching her pearls. That’s right—if you're waiting for a my…
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FAQ: The Y Leisure City Health Club •What are the key features of The Y Leisure City health club? The Y Leisure City health club offers 24/7 access (for most memberships), a range of modern equipment, and Reformer Pilates classes. New members receive an initial health consultation and a personalized exercise program from qualified health profession…
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TUESDAY POD | Tropical Cyclone Alfred: What You Need to Know
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3:29Today's episode of The Leisel Jones, Liam & Spida Podcast is a little different as we go full-blown Cyclone Alfred mode. Instead of the usual best bits, we're making sure you have the latest info to stay prepared. 🔹 Key resources: Gold Coast Dashboard & Get Ready Queensland 🔹 How to prepare yourself, your pets, and your community 🔹 What to expect i…
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Staying active is essential, but exercising alone can sometimes feel like a chore. That’s where group fitness classes come in. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, joining a group class can boost motivation, improve technique, and make workouts more enjoyable. Why Choose Group Fitness? Group exercise sessions are structured workouts…
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MONDAY POD | Fitness, Facts & a $50K Challenge? Adam Sullivan Tells It Like It Is!
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10:14Welcome to a brand-new week on the podcast! As we brace for unpredictable weather thanks to Cyclone Alfred, the Gold Coast is still buzzing with events like the Australian WPGA, Green Day, and the Jewel race day. But today, we’re joined by someone who’s always prepared - fitness expert Adam Sullivan, the man behind Evidence-Based Training! With ove…
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From Florida Sunshine to Frosty Returns, and Cycling Adventures: A Journey of Laughter and Leisure with Adam, Michael, Jimmy and Dave
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1:19:21Send us a text Returning from the sunshine of Florida to the frosty embrace of home brought a mix of joy and challenges, a journey Adam and I, Michael, recount with warmth and humor. Ever wondered about the true fashion crime of bucket hats? We tackle this hard-hitting issue, fueled by listener feedback, while also sharing heartwarming stories from…
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The Truth About Black Americas in Ghana: Breaking Myths, Building Wealth, and Unifying Communities!
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6:13In this enlightening Market Mondays clip, Rashad Bilal and Troy Millings converse with special guest Alvin Bekoe about the burgeoning connections between African Americans and Ghana, and the misconceptions that often accompany these efforts. The discussion begins with the hosts highlighting the negative feedback some Americans receive when choosing…
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Leisure City Open Gym: Unstructured Fun for Kids What is Leisure City Open Gym? Leisure City Open Gym is a 3-hour unstructured gym session designed for children aged 5-12 during school holidays. It offers kids a chance to freely explore gymnastics equipment and engage in active play. The focus is on fun, fitness, and self-directed discovery in a su…
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In this exciting Market Mondays clip, hosts Rashad Bilal, Troy Millings, and Ian Dunlap discuss Apple’s latest product announcement and the company's overall strategy moving forward. The clip kicks off with a bold statement from Rashad Bilal, noting the "flop" of Apple's 16e announcement, as Troy Millings congratulates him on predicting it would be…
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We're So Back | Janine Between The Lines #401
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12:15Are you ready for this jelly? New year, new Janine Between, new and improved and consistent content that brings me joy and I hope will bring you joy, too ❤️ Please excuse the shakey screen, will be doing some set up changes as I go on! Let me know how you guys feel about the video uploads! Do you prefer me talking directly to you guys, or are you s…
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Germophob vs. Matsch-Muddi - Desinfektion zum Frühstück
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48:04Hochverehrte Leserschaft, man sagt, Gegensätze ziehen sich an – doch in dieser Folge zeigt sich, dass sie vor allem für allerfeinste Unterhaltung sorgen. Während Alina bereits beim ersten Hüsteln Desinfektionsmittel in der Hand hat, lässt Fanny die Kinder auch mal beherzt in den Matsch fallen. Germophob trifft auf laissez-faire, Angstschweiß auf Sc…
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See for privacy information.על ידי Triple M
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Friday Pod | Friday Vibes, Animal Jokes & Lincoln Lewis!
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14:58It's Friday, and the fun is in full swing on The Leisel Jones, Liam & Spida Podcast! Then, Spida brings a gym spa dilemma - how many people is too many for a shared soak? And is it weird to turn on the bubbles? You be the judge! Finally, the always-energetic local legend Lincoln Lewis joins us in studio to chat about his new role in Good Cop, Bad C…
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THURSDAY POD | Missile Madness: When the Ocean Delivers a Bombshell!
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12:07Some days, news is slow… and then there are days like today! A missile, yes, a real-life missile washed up on Main Beach, and we were all over it. Our sunrise listener and beach-walker Paul broke the story, the bomb squad arrived, and before we knew it, the ADF was on the way to investigate further. Was it a Cold War relic? A Hollywood movie prop? …
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The War for Green Energy: The Crisis in Congo Explained with Chakabars
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10:35In this impactful clip from Market Mondays, we dive deep into the economic, geopolitical, and humanitarian complexities surrounding the Democratic Republic of Congo—a country rich in valuable minerals but plagued by exploitation and violence. Guest Chaka Zulu shares his firsthand insights on how Congo's vast mineral wealth, including resources crit…
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PANTS discuss We Could Be Rats by Emily Austin, plus! Q+As on friendship, and some words of encouragement for the baby gays *A note to our listeners, this episode does contain conversations about suicide and suicidality for this week’s bookclub. If you or anyone you know is struggling call or text 988 anytime for help. You can also visit 988lifelin…
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WEDNESDAY POD | Triple M Gold's Marketing Army & Do Bats Swoop?
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12:19Liesel, Liam, and Spida turn to the Triple M Gold family for fresh (and cheap!) ways to promote the show. From classic bumper sticker ideas to wild marketing stunts.. like wrapping a 70-foot boat, listeners deliver some fun suggestions. Plus, "Don't Google It!" where the team tackles the question: Do bats swoop and bite? Turns out, they just might …
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The Anti-Objection Formula: Why I Don’t “Objection-Handle”
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5:49In the world of high-end medical aesthetics, where luxury meets science, there exists an unspoken rule: if you have to convince someone to care about their own face, you’ve already lost. Leisa rejects the well-worn script of salesmanship. She doesn't "handle" objections. She eliminates them before they even arise. And in this episode of Scalpel of …
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TUESDAY POD | Help Us Grow Our Brand On a Budget & Olympic Dreams For The GC!
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17:07In today’s episode we enlist the Triple M Gold family to help us grow our brand on a budget.. because when your big marketing move is a DIY bus stop poster, you know you're hustling! So, do we stand at the bus stop in person? Launch bumper stickers? Sell feet pics? (No, really, WE NEED YOUR IDEAS) Plus, we chat with Deputy Mayor Donna Gates about t…
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Should You Buy New or Used Cars? Pros, Cons & Insider Tips Revealed!
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9:40In this clip of EYL featuring special guest Christian Charvet, we dive deep into the impactful decision-making process of purchasing a car. Whether it's a new vehicle or a pre-owned one, Christian breaks down the pros and cons of each choice and shares crucial tips to help you make the best financial decision for your needs. 🚗 *Used Cars vs New Car…
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MONDAY POD | From Casino Losses to a Crane 40 Stories High – One Man’s Wake-Up Call
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8:16In today’s episode, we dive into the shocking story that had all of Broadbeach talking last Friday - a young man found asleep atop a moving crane, 40 stories above the ground. Keegan Verho joins us to share his harrowing journey through gambling addiction, the devastating losses that led him to that moment, and how he’s turning his life around. Thi…
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Starting From Scratch: Money Moves and Creating Wealth
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7:34Welcome back to another engaging clip of Market Mondays! In this edition, Rashad, Troy, and Ian dive deep into the insightful question: If you had to restart from scratch today, knowing everything you know now, what would your top three money moves be? Hear Rashad Bilal share his personal journey, breaking down why starting with a service-based bus…
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Wann und Wie viel solltest Du trainieren ? Richtige Struktur für Anfänger Vs Fortgeschrittene
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50:34Send us a text Im heutigen Podcast sprechen wir über Wann Du trainieren solltest und welche Trainingsintensität Du langfristig für Deine sportliche Leistung brauchst. Ich teile meine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus der Coaching-Praxis, insbesondere über die Vorteile des Trainings zu unterschiedlichen Tageszeiten. 00:00 Einführung in Trainingsrhyth…
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Car Buying SECRETS You NEED to Know! Buy vs. Lease, Tips for Best Deals, & Hidden Dealer Hacks
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נגן מאוחר יותר
1:16:30Buying a car can be overwhelming, but we’ve got you covered! In this episode of Black Out, we sit down with car expert Christian Charvet to break down everything you need to know before making a purchase. We explore the pros and cons of leasing vs. buying, helping you decide which option makes the most sense for your financial situation. We also un…
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