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【聯經書房 · 點亮思想】 由聯經知名文史哲的作家、學者,以及聯經編輯等專業人士擔任講者,依據時事與議題,搭配聯經出版適合的書籍,提供不同的人文思想觀點與深度觀察。在這個訊息龐雜,世界急遽變化的時代,讓您能快速掌握書籍中的黃金知識要點,高效率的吸收資訊。 ──現在,就讓我們用聲音,陪伴您一起進入浩瀚的知識之海。 【經典聯聯看】 ★★ 聯經50週年特別企劃,50種跨時代經典說書計畫 ★★ 慶祝聯經出版50週年的時刻,精選出具代表性的50種經典作品,精心策畫的全新Podcast節目。 2024年3月15日起,每週五中午12:00更新。 由聯經出版發行人林載爵、《聯合文學》雜誌總編輯王聰威、聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩、聯經出版副總編輯陳逸華擔任各集主持人,每集以一部經典及一個主題,邀請熟習該作品的個領域專家學者、譯者與作家,帶領我們進入作品的世界,在資訊紛亂的時代,告訴你該如何又為何要重讀這些作品。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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Wir reden alle zwei Wochen über gesellschaftspolitische Themen, die uns interessieren. Ob aktuelle Ereignisse, persönliche Interessen oder kulturelle Analysen: Wir probieren den Sachen auf den Grund zu gehen, unsere Meinung nachvollziehbar darzustellen und gleichzeitig was dabei zu lernen. Klima, Feminismus, Pop-Kultur, Sexualität, Anti-Rassismus, Liebe, Aktivismus und Veganismus sind einige der Themen, die wir spannend finden, und die wir euch mit diesem Podcast näher bringen wollen. tiktok ...
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Linklaters is a leading global law firm, supporting and investing in the future of our clients wherever they do business. We combine legal expertise with a collaborative and innovative approach to help clients navigate constantly evolving markets and regulatory environments, pursuing opportunities and managing risk worldwide. Disclaimer: Podcasts are not legal advice and the views expressed in this podcast are not the views of Linklaters LLP.
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The LinkedIn Ads Show is your source for news, how-tos, and insights about the LinkedIn Ads platform. Hosted by LinkedIn Ads expert and partner, AJ Wilcox, you'll get up-to-date, actionable advice, as well as occasional interviews with LinkedIn's product that will make you a LinkedIn advertising rockstar.
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Wir reden über den Kapitalismus, was an ihm schlecht ist und wie er alle Bereiche unseres Lebens beeinflusst. Wir sprechen darüber, wie wir die Welt um uns herum besser verstehen können und wie sie veränderbar ist. Dabei arbeiten wir linke Theorien und Argumente verständlich für alle auf – egal ob ihr schon Vorwissen habt oder erst neu einsteigt. Podcast der Seite »linketheorie« auf Instagram, Twitter und TikTok. Mit einem Abo auf Patreon könnt ihr unsere Arbeit unterstützen und erhaltet zus ...
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Videojuegos y Nintendo a través del Podcast. Noticias, entrevistas, debates... Espacio que se emite cada dos semanas y en el que analizaremos todo el mundo de Nintendo. Además se irá subiendo contenido extra de forma periódica.
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De Linkse Revolte

Tim 's Jongers, Noortje Thijssen, Janneke Holman en Hans Rodenburg

Wat is er nodig om links uit te bouwen tot dé politieke beweging in Nederland? In deze podcast verkennen we met gasten uit alle hoeken van de samenleving hoe we samen kunnen werken aan échte maatschappelijke verandering. Het is tijd voor de Linkse Revolte. Die revolte komt natuurlijk alleen van de grond met jullie hulp. Praat mee en deel alles wat je vindt en voelt via Je volgt de revolte op Youtube via:
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The Metabolic Link

Dr. Dominic D'Agostino PhD, Dr. Angela Poff PhD, and Victoria Field

Welcome to The Metabolic Link, a medical and science podcast that explores the common thread of metabolism in health and disease. Join Dr. Dominic D'Agostino PhD, Dr. Angela Poff PhD, and Victoria Field as they dive into the latest research on metabolic health and therapy alongside some of the world’s leading experts. They'll also discuss how this science is being applied in the real world. This is where science meets society.
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The LinkedIn™ Branding Show

Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond (#MichelleSquared)

The LinkedIn™ Branding Show podcast empowers entrepreneurs, experts, and businesses on how to use personal and business branding on LinkedIn™ to win dream clients and land industry opportunities outside of the often talked about LinkedIn clichés. Join your hosts, Michelle B Griffin and Michelle J Raymond, aka #MichelleSquared, for fun and real conversations plus actionable takeaways with a community of powerful and impactful professionals looking to grow with a "good together" approach to pe ...
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The VBAC Link

Meagan Heaton

Here at The VBAC Link, our mission is to make birth after Cesarean better by providing education, support, and a community of like-minded people. Welcome to our circle, we are so glad you are here!
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The Movement Link Podcast

Jemma Aitken | Exercise Physiologist & Sports Nutritionist

I'm an Accredited Exercise Physiologist & Sports Nutritionist, exploring the link between movement, mindset and lifestyle. Put your earbuds in, get moving, and I hope you enjoy everything this podcast has to offer.
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Take a journey around the world of golf: This podcast covers the biggest events in the sport across the PGA Tour and beyond. Unpack the exquisite nuance behind some of the most brilliant works of art ever chiseled out of Planet Earth's soil as they play host to the best golfers in the world. This show promises thoughtful, intelligent and fun exploration into the never-ending journey of this punishing, baffling, beautiful game.
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Join us as we journey through the various pitfalls and successes of digital, get the perspectives of those professionally working in agencies, freelancing and those wearing many hats for start-up and scale-up businesses. Whether it's websites, social, content, SEO, digital PR, app development, tracking, tagging or reporting, join us for some top tips and shared experiences.
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De Vrij Links Podcast: voor een vrij en onbelemmerd debat. Genoeg van gepolariseerde discussies en tot soundbites gereduceerde standpunten? Met wisselende hosts Joep Schrijvers en Lorenzo Girardi duikt het vrijzinnige platform Vrij Links in de issues achter de issues. Meerstemmig, oprecht en uitgesproken, omdat dat de beste ideeën oplevert.
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Está à procura de conhecer mais sobre o LinkedIn™, a plataforma profissional mais importante do mundo? Sou Pedro Caramez e desde 2009, tenho ajudado milhares de Pessoas e Empresas a tirar melhor proveito do LinkedIn™ - o Senhor LinkedIn™! Este podcast fala sobre a rede, mostrando as grandes novidades, dicas, debates e entrevistas com profissionais. ⚡️ Todas as quartas-feiras um novo episódio disponível.
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Link To The Cast

Link To The Cast

A podcast about video games. What a novel idea. Dave Ryan, Mark Robinson, Jack Layzell and Garrett Kidney bring you the latest in video games and nerd culture ephemera.
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Interventionistische Linke [iL*] Podcast

Interventionistische Linke [iL*]

Die Interventionistische Linke ist ein Zusammenschluss linksradikaler Gruppen und Einzelpersonen aus der undogmatischen und emanzipatorischen Linken im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wir sind u.a. in sozialen, antirassistischen, feministischen und Klimakämpfen aktiv und engagieren uns in den Bereichen Antifaschismus und Antikriegspolitik. Wir wollen eine Linke sein, die sich einmischt. Deshalb versuchen wir in all diese Auseinandersetzungen durch offene und breite Bündnispolitik unsere Positionen z ...
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LinkedIn Ads Radio

Anthony Blatner, Popcast Studio

Learn LinkedIn Ads strategies and best practices battle-tested from over $100M in online advertising across 300+ companies. Get a masterclass on the best practices. Stay up to date on the LinkedIn Ads platform. LI Ads is constantly releasing new features. Marketing is constantly evolving. Keep your finger on the pulse so that you can get the best results from your marketing campaigns. Hear from experts who will provide insights into all things advertising. Learn ad creative best practices, c ...
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Welcome to the Fierce Business Babe Podcast! This podcast is designed to help inspire all entrepreneuers that are ready to start/ grow their businesses! You will find me sharing things I've learned over the years and items from other successful entrepreneurs with their growth and struggles along the way! This is a place of fun, laughter, and personal talk. I hope you enjoy the Fierce Fitness Business Babe Podcast!
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Dive deep into the world of link building and Off-page SEO with firsthand insights from the top experts in the field. Listen to the experiences of SEO agency founders, e-commerce wizards, super-affiliates, and PR maestros who have mastered the art of link building and digital PR. We dissect what truly works in link building, offering actionable tips on outreach tactics, assembling high-performance outreach teams, and fostering business growth. By tuning into Link Masters, you're not just lis ...
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We talk with people from across our vibrant planet who have something stimulating to share. Big subjects like Consciousness, Extra-terrestrial Contact and Spirituality. We talk with channelers, mediums, researchers, starseeds and experiencers. Learn different perspectives on our human experience, our Soul Journey and Ascension concepts. These could be the most important topics for humanity to understand right now. Or maybe not. You decide. 'Off World Link' is all about exploring human and of ...
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Mushroom Link

Applied Horticultural Research

Welcome to MushroomLink, the new Australian mushroom industry communications program, funded by Hort Innovation using the mushroom research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Led by Applied Horticultural Research, MushroomLink aims to bring you the latest research, development and marketing news from here and around the world.Link to the website:
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Wer trifft sich regelmäßig im „Gasthof zum Kaiser Friedrich“ im Schnoor und warum? Wer zieht in Bremen im Hintergrund die Strippen? Und wer stemmt sich dagegen? Worüber wird im Rathaus und drum herum geschnackt? Um aktuelle bremische Politik dreht sich der Podcast des WESER-KURIER namens „Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich“ von und mit Silke Hellwig und Michael Brandt, immer sonnabends auf und den gängigen Streaming-Plattformen.
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show series
Don't miss the latest episode of the Lin. Woods Gospel Entertainment Podcast! This week, Gospel Recording Artist De'Ante Duckett of De'Ante Duckett and the Justified Crew opens up about his personal battle with depression and how he asked God for a different "Yes". Plus, find out why choir robes are making a comeback and get the inside scoop on Sur…
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Today, I am going to be talking about your audience. I will be diving deep into how to grow your audience, along with busting some of the many myths we hear about how our audience affects our business and so much more. Topics we cover include: The Audience Size Myth Growing Your Audience Create Viral & Polarizing Content Collaborating Be Your Authe…
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"Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich" findet einmal wöchentlich im namensgebenden Gasthof statt. Hartwig Schepker leitet seit bald 20 Jahren den Botanischen Garten und den Rhododendronpark. Expertise hat er reichlich: Er ist gelernter Gärtner, Gartenbauingenieur und Pflanzenökologe. Außerdem hat er die halbe Welt bereist, um sich „Rhodos“(O-Ton Schepk…
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It's time for an update from Sustainable Contra Costa. Their special theme this summer is to prepare for the next drought by developing those good water efficiency habits in the Summer Water Savers Challenge. Learn what's up with Laura Wehrley. Then sign up to help Sustainable Contra Costa reach their goal!…
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A Link To The Podcast. Nintendo y videojuegos. Programa 19, temporada 5. Llegamos al final de esta quinta temporada. Aquí tienes el último programa que viene con todo el contenido posible, Siempre nos gusta cerrar con una entrevista poderosa, es por ello que hemos invitado a Conrad Roset, director creativo en Nomada Studio para que nos hable de GRI…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|林啟屏 國立政治大學中國文學系教授 本集節目邀請到政治大學中文系教授林啟屏,與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩,一起談錢穆先生的《孔子與論語》,全書共由十八篇專文組成,寫成文章年代跨度二十餘年,內容從論語的重要性談及孔子的主要思想,是錢先生整個學識歷程當中闡述精神內涵的重要著作。 融入生命的文化底蘊 錢穆先生在新亞書院時,曾因胃痛躺臥在教室的地板上,當時的學生余英時先生前去拜訪,擔憂的詢問可以為老師做些什麼?在病中的錢穆先生回答想閱讀王陽明文集,而後余先生真的為他取來。錢先生患疾仍不忘國學,足以顯示文化的精神已經融入到血肉當中,成為他生命的底蘊。 最上至極宇宙第一書 錢穆先生推崇《論語》及孔子思想,主張兼讀歷代的注本。其原因為儒學是逐漸積累的精神文化,各家的註解或…
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Show Resources: Here were the resources we covered in the episode: Tiny Thumbnail Links on LinkedIn Join the LinkedIn Ads Fanatics community and get access to our 4 courses to take you from beginner to expert Follow AJ on LinkedIn B2Linked's YouTube Channel LinkedIn Learning Course Contact us at with any questions, suggestions,…
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“De bondigste manier om de wereldwijde politieke ontwikkelingen van de laatste decennia samen te vatten is een omkering van die wapenspreuk: videri quam esse”, lijken in plaats van zijn, vorm is belangrijker dan inhoud. Dat schreef Ilja Leonard Pfeiffer in zijn essay voor de Vlaamse krant De Morgen over de Franse verkiezingen en de radicaal-rechtse…
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IN THIS EPISODE: One of the fastest ways to build your brand and business is by referral partners. Does your profile communicate clearly what you do, for whom, and how you serve others? Without a clear, specific, compelling profile, you may miss out on "referable ready." We share our personal stories, tips, and top profile areas to optimize so you'…
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El espacio de oyentes de A Link To The Podcast, el rinconcito de la comunidad. Aquí puedes expresarte libremente (o no). Llega el último capítulo de la temporada de la Peña Nintenpera. Ha sido una temporada bastante convulsa que ha tenido que buscar sustitutos a cada dos por tres. Afortunadamente, hemos tenido voluntarios que, con su buen hacer, ha…
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00:30 Desserts, Euros and Garrett's jollies21:30 Inside Out 232:15 Doctor Who Finale35:45 Bill Nighy and Love Actually for some reason37:45 Acolyte is kinda fun40:10 Elden Ring has new game plus'd Garrett out of the DLC45:25 Combat games/Tekken46:25 Roadrunner/Wil-E-Coyote48:50 Isles of Sea and Sky53:10 Game difficulty and game puzzles1:03:45 Steam…
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Episode 6: WINS: Women IN Sports In episode six of WINS, Jess Cao, Senior Legal Counsel at Australian Football League (AFL) Players’ Association, joins Georgina King, Managing Associate, and Sophia Kaiko, Associate in Linklaters’ Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations practice, for a conversation around issues concerning gender equality, racism…
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In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share consoling information about the Devil and demons. They share that demons cannot read your mind and they cannot read your soul. The Devil's and the demons' goal is to make one dislike God. All of their tactics distract us from our relationship with God. They can even lead us …
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This episode goes back to the basics and is a great place to start on your VBAC journey! Julie joins Meagan today as they talk about many common questions beginning with reasons why providers tell women they can’t go for a VBAC. Topics today include: Nuchal cords Big babies Small pelvises Arrest of descent Third-trimester ultrasounds Cervical dilat…
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Episode 17: The Linklaters Ideas Foundry Speakers: Kitty Perrin and Ian Rodwell We all know what it’s like to work in teams and how, at times, that experience can be invigorating, motivational and fulfilling. At other times, however, the experience may leave a lot to be desired. In her recent Radio 4 series, Split Ends, singer-songwriter and BBC In…
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The integration of biometric technology for employee management represents a significant advancement in how industries approach workforce optimization and security. By harnessing the power of biometric authentication and real-time monitoring capabilities, industries can streamline operations, enhance safety measures, and ensure regulatory complianc…
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В июньском эпизоде linkmeup telecom говорим об Образовании. О Высшем Образовании. Сейчас начинается раж подачи документов, поступлений, у кого-то даже ещё не сделан выбор куда именно и на какую специальность, а через два месяца уже идти туда, чему собираешься посвятить немалую часть своих следующих четырёх-шести лет. Самое время поговорить о ВО в т…
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Teeing off an all-new season of the LINKS Golf Podcast, co-hosts Al Lunsford and Joe Passov take turns arguing which golf courses deserve a chance to host the men’s U.S. Open Championship. Their course selections are split into three categories: realistic, possible, and pure fantasy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Good Old Father’s Day! What could go wrong? In this episode, Rhett and Link talk about their Father’s Day adventures, with Rhett realizing his “dad thoughts” and Link attempting to save the day in a way that almost ended in disaster. Tune in to see whether he salvaged himself. Reminder that over the summer, episodes are going to be a little short t…
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Upon arriving at the hospital during her first labor, Sami was told that her baby’s heart rate wasn’t stable, Pitocin was necessary, and a C-section was most likely going to be the safest mode of delivery. After laboring for a while, she was wheeled to the OR but the anesthesiologist was running behind schedule. Sami was checked and discovered she …
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Genug kritisiert, wir wollen Zukunft gestalten! Um Gesellschaft zu verändern, braucht es nicht bloß eine Kritik des bestehenden Systems, sondern vor allem eine gemeinsame Vision, wie Gesellschaft verändert werden kann. Und diese Vision kann nicht einfach von oben herab an die Hand gegeben werden, sondern wir müssen sie uns gemeinsam erarbeiten. Um …
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We often come across people on LinkedIn™️ who look interesting and produce content we find we follow or connect and over time we feel as though we get to know them better. But do we REALLY know them? interesting People interviews are designed to reveal more about the background, personal lives and characteristics of some of our favour…
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In this podcast recorded at the 2024 ISMS congress, Dr Jenny Ekman chats to Eoin O'Connor, post-doctoral scholar at Penn State University, about his studies in Ireland, where he was inspired and mentored by Dr. David Fitzpatrick and Dr Helen Grogan, the latter of whom opened his world to mushroom science, and particularly virus X, and his current r…
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Eindelijk zijn B, W en A weer compleet! En dat belooft wat. W is wat minder apathisch en Bram heeft weer van alles meegemaakt. Volgende week zaterdag hebben we een live-show in Groningen met Tim Hofman, over zijn nieuwe boek Goede Moed. We praten alvast even voor. Tickets kan je kopen via onze website trouwens! We bellen ook met toeslagenouder Mand…
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"Hinten links im Kaiser Friedrich" findet einmal wöchentlich im namensgebenden Gasthof statt. Florian Boehlke ist Burglesumer durch und durch. Gäbe es dort eine Uni, hätte der Sozialdemokrat womöglich auch dort studiert. Der Marßeler studierte aber an der Uni Bremen Politikwissenschaften, absolvierte zuvor eine duale Ausbildung zum Betriebswirt und…
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Don't miss this Rewind episode of Lin. Woods Gospel Entertainment Podcast as Producers and Songwriters Kierre Bjorn and Rodney L. East talk hymns vs. praise and worship music, is the choir dead, recording live in South Africa, and more. Listen Now. Subscribe FREE. Download FREE. #LInWoodsGospelEntertainmentPodcast #Rodneyleast #kierreBjorn #gospel …
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Tivemos problemas com a gravação então vocês estão ouvindo o áudio do VOD, perdão! Estamos testando streamar as gravações no YouTube e ainda temos muitos problemas técnicos para resolver hehehe obrigado pela paciência!O Café com Videogames é gravado às segundas, 9h30 da manhã, lá na Lucas Zavadil | @lucased…
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Episode Description Here were the resources we covered in the episode: Lead Gen Form Ads Join the LinkedIn Ads Fanatics community and get access to our 4 courses to take you from beginner to expert Follow AJ on LinkedIn B2Linked's YouTube Channel LinkedIn Learning Course Contact us at with any questions, suggestions, correction…
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主持人|涂豐恩 聯經出版總編輯 來 賓|黃銘崇 中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員 本集節目邀請到中研院史語所研究員黃銘崇,與聯經出版總編輯涂豐恩,一起談談甫獲得第六屆唐獎漢學獎的許倬雲院士代表作品──《西周史》。《西周史》是一部綜合性的西周文化史,許院士總結過去累積的原始資料及研究成果,以「華夏國家」的形成為中心議題,透過西周時代的發展,觀察中華民族及文化逐漸成形的過程,並對西周史上聚訟紛紜的議題,提出信而有徵的合理解說。不僅具有學術專著的深度,也是適合一般讀者的通論性讀物。 商王朝與周王朝的不同 相較於商王朝以征戰和鬼神之說鞏固權力,周王朝以通婚方式鞏固社會結構。並建立了以人為主的文化、禮教制度。黃銘崇先生戲稱商沒有朋友,而周與鄰近部族締結關係,以此發展有別以往的社會文化制度。 了解上古史提…
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SEASON 5 - Episode 4# Save The Children CINDY, who describes never once feeling freaked out, talks candidly about her family and the generational ET contact they all had. And the special relationship with her grandfather and the ET experiences throughout her life. Cindy also talks about the time she was a first hand witness to the famous 1997 Phoen…
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Zelfs als het nieuwe kabinet op niets uitloopt, kan Wilders daar garen bij spinnen. Hij zal de schuld in de schoenen schuiven van rechters en Europa. Het is een van de vele uitdagingen waar zijn tegenstanders voor staan. Hoe stoppen we de rechts-radicale opmars? Koen Haegens is journalist en benoemde in de Groene Amsterdammer, waar hij voor schrijf…
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מדריך עזר מהיר