Politics. Sports. Mental health. Money Talk. Big Dreaming. Libertarianisms. Follow on Twitter: @tangentsreveal SUBSCRIBE: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGAC8RvK9kkVe6a2HYeyxYA Email me: [email protected]
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The Modern Philosopher: Started from the Bottom
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14:32The ancient philosophers used to be humble and poor. That, my friends, is no more. The new, wise, deep-thinking individual is the rich man who started the journey from scratch. Little formal education. No inheritance. Very few, if any, backers. The person who has learned to climb the social ladder, by sheer grit and self-actualization, is the new S…
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Who would have thought that life isn't all about pleasing ourselves? I hope you have.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Men, we are depressed for a number of reasons. Some of us have a messed up chemical makeup. God bless you. Hope you get the help you need. The rest of us are just scratching our sack for far too long.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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A new presidential cycle is barreling down the pipeline. Many things have changed since 2016, and others have changed dramatically. Nothing, except the candidates from 2020, are the same. Though, probably not. I can't imagine the Democrats wheeling out a cognitively deficient puppet, again. But I digress! We have seen much worse happen. Only time w…
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The President with the Biggest Balls
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7:18Thre letters: JFKעל ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Who do we look up to? Why do we look up to them? Should we?על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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As a wise man once said: we didnt get to this point just to get to this point. Right?על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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We will never seize to be taught. By life, by others, and by our own mistakes. Such is life. Just when we hit a peak, we will be denied perpetual joy. We will be humbled when we most need it it. Sit in it. Don't get mad or cynical.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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It's on you. Do what thou wilt.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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On the Brink: World War 3 Already Here?
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5:20The 1st major war of the 21st century is unfolding before our eyes. Should we be worried?על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Energy is always present. Get it in motion and let the magic happen.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Forward we must go.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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What Does Know Thyself Mean, Anyway?
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7:32Who are you, and how do you know?על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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It's not just about being smart, but being smart about emotions.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Work for the sake of work.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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This is the year we make no excuses.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Leap! The Other Side Is Not That Far
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10:46Do it!I'm scared. You are scared.We are ALL scared!But the time has come to do what you have been telling yourself you would, for YEARS!Me included.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Libertarian ideals get destroyed by a libertarian on this ep. Or do they?....על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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We are living in a dichotomy. We are either rich, with enough money and assets to provide for your progenitors, or poor, a hamster on a debt wheel.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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The Late Halloween Ep. – Male Mental Health and Money
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9:40Never went trick or treating with the kids. This year, it's time to appease the children and take them out. And being that Halloween is about all things scary, it's also time to talk about a serious issue no one talks about — mental health and money.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Controlling Oil For Power by The Mexican Libertarianעל ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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There Is No Limit But The One You Give Yourself
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6:50There is no limit to what you can and cannot do. We forget to push all of our resources to the brink and falsely rely on ourselves only. Whether God, friends or business associates — we shouldn't feel like it's entirely on us. If we push ourselves to the brink, we earn the right to push everything and everyone available to us.…
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The time to turn the tide is now. It starts with the individual.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Interview With The Cannabis Patriot
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10:39Our first interview on the podcast!Thanks to the Cannabis Patriot for his candid responses. Legalize it ALL!על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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When doors close on you—stay firm in positivity. One hit to our ego can make us stumble, but it shouldn't drop us to the canvas. There is more to it than being positive. We have to be mad at anything that tries to sap our good energy. There is strength in positive aggression. What does that mean? Being hard-headed when you get push back on your dre…
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Who is, or was, the most advanced civilization ever?In my opinion, it's up for debate. Hear me out...על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Mrs. Pelosi, career politician of notoriety, has once again lied boldly about China.She was the same person who came on television to claim that COVID19 was not a problem, and that no, you shouldn't stop coming to Chinatown, because there was no way we'd be affected by a virus of Chinese origin. The same person who has benefited from inside informa…
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Your Plate Is Yours To Eat ‐ Don't Pass It Off
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3:21Your Plate Is Yours To Eat ‐ Don't Pass It Off by The Mexican Libertarianעל ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Whatever Pops Is The Way by The Mexican Libertarianעל ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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The Blockchain is Coming For Your Job
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9:53Don't think A.I. is coming for your job?Think again. Once blockchain technology permeates all facets of life, none of us are safe.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Do not take a day off! Stay vigilant at all times. Nothing can be held as sacred or off limits. The madness abounds year round. The 4th of July was no different.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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New concept.Dont follow what's hot on the news. let others go crazy. Let others get violent. You sit back and assess, and watch your anxiety drop dramatically.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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It is time to talk about practical, real, and realistic changes to the avenues of purchasing guns and ammo.Not everyone is healthy enough, mentally competent, or skilled enough to maneuver weapons. Take my liberty card if you must.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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Is It Time To Trade With The Elites?
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9:46It's time that as libertarians, Americans, patriots, and humans, we come to the table and have a real discussion.על ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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America's current president has said many things that he'd probably take back if he could—but won't, because his political opponents would pounce after smelling blood in the water—but the one thing that's unforgivable by a public servant, is to take his people for idiots. Joe, my friends, has done just that......…
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The world is in a tailspin of sorts. People in America fighting over everything. War in Ukraine, and who knows who's telling the truth. The economy is ready to burst at the seams from the high prices of everything. The savings in your bank account are worth less every day.And YET! There are still things to hold us together and thankful. You only ne…
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The world is embroiled in another Cold War. Though we all have our opinions on the subject, we cannot underestimate the role of oil in the issue. Russia has been antagonized by America, for years and years, mainly because it's the wild card nation in oil production. Not only is Russia not part of OPEC, but it has agreements with Europe and China, t…
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US Tapping Oil Reserves ‐ Green Planning No Longer?
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14:43US Tapping Oil Reserves ‐ Green Planning No Longer? by The Mexican Libertarianעל ידי The Mexican Libertarian
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It's the same characters controlling our monetary policies; the federal reserve banks in the US, the central banks in foreign countries, the war-prone politicians who line their friends' pockets (and their own). Their is nothing we can do to change those individuals' minds, but what we can do is unite with like-minded people, tired of being set aga…
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It's the age old relationship of money and the military. It has always been the number one cause for tax collection. Now, the focus is on Ukraine, and the propaganda won't let up. We know what the media outlets tell us and nothing more.The money in the military, however, cannot be denied nor misconstrued. The ugly stench will not go away.It's impor…
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MoviePass—Bringing Big Brother Along in A Big Way
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12:48MoviePass, the once bankrupt company that brought you an all-you-can-watch theater service for a monthly fee, is back.And this time, it's bringing a different business model that's all too popular with many ubiquitous services like Netflix and its competitors. Tiered subscriptions. And if you're thinking free, you might be right. But it won't be as…
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When it comes to any decision or choice, there is no perfect one. They all come with baggage and cons. Even the right ones.That goes for the people you elect over others, our choices in ideology, and work-related balancing acts. Remember—we are all weighing things in our minds and hearts. Inaction would be the biggest detriment to our future causes…
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Do What You Must When You Most Don't Want To
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8:12Nike had it right. I mean, they haven't built a multibillion dollar corporation for not getting the simple things right, right?Unfortunately, the slogan now goes over our heads. The noise and distractions in our little bubbles keep us from gleaning the little lessons that have been there all along:Just Do It.…
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The world is full of opportunities. Yet, we all seem to whine and complain about everything under the sun. ClimateCivil RightsSexual Rights This Amendment That Amendment But, we forget to examine things from first principles. That's why it's important to understand what the root of the matter is:What, And How We Utter—Any And Everything.…
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We all have worries and things that drive us to the brink of our patience. Every day we can rattle off a number of things that stress us out. Well, what if I told you that you cannot lose more than the next man/woman in death?That's right. While millions complain about equality in our every day lives; leveling comes at the end.…
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Three million petitioners are pleading for more government cheese, but the outcome would be bad for everyone not rich already. We have already seen what artificial money dumps have done to the pump, taking premium gas to over 5 dollars/gal; anymore handouts, and the price of comestibles would go up to unfathomable levels (dare I say 8 dollars for a…
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Copying Materpieces to Piece Your Own
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5:44Only now, have I realized that there is no place for winning at life alone. Sure, some of us have a deep-rooted faith, or yogi-like patience that gives us an edge against those that don't--but NONE of us can do it alone. Not your favorite actor, athlete, YouTuber, philosopher, teacher, or parent. Though, sometimes it may seem as though our heroes c…
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Giving Is The Only Way to Make Millions
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7:10People want to win. Who wants a life of scarcity and financial struggle? Nobody in their right mind, that's who.And so, it's obvious that we all WANT, but who is willing to GIVE to receive? Because, that's the game now. People are too smart to not see through empty, hacky marketing campaigns. Folks will only buy from others they can relate to on a …
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Experts (not I) swear that you can achieve, do , and accomplish many (some say all) goals , dreams and wishes by simply scribbling them down. Some of you might write it off (lol) as woo woo, but I would like to suggest you don't. There is nothing like clarity of mind for inner peace. It sounds corny and yogaish, but the technique works! That is why…
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America : STILL, the Land of Opportunity
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18:04If your situation feels hopeless, and you live in America, it's far from it. Really.Go abroad, to any developed country, and you will understand how many avenues to success we have readily available for us to tread on, compared to damn near any country you can place your feet on. This episode is for those who feel like time is ticking away fruitles…
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