Connecting… It’s what we all do, it’s what we all need. We long to be connected, to be a part of, and to be valued. Join us as we discuss a deeper/richer/fuller life and the many aspects of it that strengthens our connections to each other, ourselves, and the world around us. Explore these connections with us through the sharing of stories, conversation, and a variety of topics.
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The idea of creativity has been bubbling up lately. We chat about how it can help us in our problem solving, furniture layout, or our favorite hobby. We discuss some of our processes and what helps us to be more creative.
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There's often more than one way to do something. We discuss some of our favorite methods across many topics.
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Mike shares some stories of his brushes with mortality and we discuss how they can be a call to action in our lives.
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When you've got aging parents and raising children, you're right in the middle and part of the sandwich generation. We talk about the challenges and offer some ideas to keep in balance.
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We're back and kicking off season two! We had an over the top busy year. After a recap Mike then shares being beyond his limits of overwhelmed and working through it.
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Well… we need to extend our break, listen for the details…
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We're taking a summer break to rejuvenate, spend time outdoors, and connect with family and friends. Be sure to set a calendar reminder for September 10th when our next episode will drop. Thanks for listening and we'll be back soon!
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Father's Day focuses us on our father's and how they shaped us and helped us to be who we are today. Mike talks about fathering and what it means to him.
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Opportunities for new experiences surround us. Local papers and community calendars often have a list of things to do and explore. Bring your friends, make some memories, and try something new.
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We share stories about our mothers and talk about the influence they had on who we are today. Adrian shares her thoughts on being a mother and how important that is to her.
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I'm Turning to the Left This Time
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53:49An ancient Jewish ritual connects us to our brokenness and heartache, and helps us to learn that we do not have to try to heal alone. Mike turns to the left as in the ancient ways and shares what's breaking his heart. Link to Simon Sinek - A Bit of Optimism We Cannot Heal Alone with Rabbi Sharon Brous…
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We all have our favorite things, foods, songs, and so much more. Our favorites are often tied to special moments in time. Knowing other people's favorite things can help us connect with them. Today we share some of ours.על ידי Mike & Adrian
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We all have internal power. Our awareness helps us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. When we learn and believe in ourselves, our confidence grows and we feel more ready to take on new challenges. As we tie our awareness and confidence together, our internal power flourishes to self reliance.…
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The naysayer can stop us in our tracks, save us from pitfalls, or even add fuel to the fire of whatever it is we have set our mind to. We first discuss the naysayer and how to handle them, and then move on to the positive affects of validation. Link to Validation Video
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Winning and losing are thrust upon us at an early age and if we let it, everything can become a competition. Whether we choose to continually go for the short term win or for the long game, makes all the difference in our relationships, fulfillment, and happiness.
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We talk about being intentional in many of our episodes. A listener asked us to explain the methods of how we can all be more intentional in our daily lives. So we stepped back, took a look, and share some ideas and thinking that has helped us.
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Change is hard, and it can seem like as soon as we get used to the new normal it changes again. We discuss why change is so hard sometimes and ways that we can prepare ourselves for it and even work through it.
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Autumn joins us in this episode and talks about her passion for architecture and how it and her interest in sustainability has shaped her life and career path.
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It's that time of year again when many of us make goals for the new year. We talk about the origin of New Year's resolutions, why they often fail, and some strategies to help increase the likelihood of achieving them.
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Emotions help us to communicate what we are feeling to the world around us. Though sometimes they are misread or misunderstood. Adrian breaks down some common emotions and we dig in to discuss how to better communicate our feelings and understand others.
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Self-Esteem is at the core of how we perceive ourselves. If we allow the connection, the words of others can lift us up or tear us down. We talk about how life can alter our self-esteem if we let it and ways to safeguard it.
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Join us as we discuss a listener's question about how we got our kids to help around the house and how we handled rewards, and encouragement and compliments. Everyone has something to contribute whether at home, work, or groups that we are involved with.
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I could try to do it all myself, or we could do it together and share the load. The to-do list is long and sometimes seems never-ending, but when we work together the load is lighter and manageable. We share our experiences and how 1+1 = more.
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We love to laugh. It lightens a heavy day, reduces stress, and brings us together. When we gather as friends, laughter is usually part of the mix and that which we remember most.
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We live in a big world where we are still discovering the history of past civilizations through ancient ruins. The world is filled with mysteries and things peculiar. We discuss some of these, Mike's favorite shows, and the magic number nine.
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Connecting with Written Hugs Designs
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57:15The founder of Written Hugs Designs, Christi Kmecik, joins us to share her story and her passion for connecting people by saying the hard things in beautiful and impactful cards. Be sure to visit Christi's website Follow Christi on Facebook: IG: @writtenhugsdesigns…
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The loss of a loved one is a tender milestone. It can be challenging to approach the topic of grief and loss with family, friends, and co-workers; let alone process our own personal thoughts and feelings as we experience it. In this episode we listed some of the many resources available. Here’s the ones we mentioned: https://brighterdaysgriefcenter…
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Honesty…is it a lonely word? Join us as we try to get to the truth about this core value and why it is important to our relationships.
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Tanner joins us in this episode and talks about his passion for music and how it and his love for people have shaped his life and career path.על ידי Mike Olsen
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"C'mon, let's go, it'll be fun." These are words often heard just before spontaneity occurs, opening the door to perhaps some new adventure or things not done before. Spontaneity urges us out of our comfort zone and often creates lasting memories.
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It's a roll of the dice as to who sits next to you when you get a seat on an airplane. Mike recounts an engaging experience of a morning flight to LAX.
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Heroes don't always wear capes, and they may be hard to spot. But everyday heroes are out there making a difference for sometimes one or sometimes many, and they are doing what needs to be done to help those in need.
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Those that we connect with, often become our friends. The deeper the connection - the closer we become, and the more we share, laugh, cry, listen, and are there for each other. Friendships can be the gold thread in the fabric of our lives.
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Why did that happen? How does that work? What do you think? What was your experience like? Curiosity is the gateway to understanding why something happened, how things work, and a persons perspective. When we are curious, the door to lifelong learning is wide open.
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Timing is everything, a chance encounter or conversation can alter the course of our lives. A glimpse into our personal story shows how a sliding door moment brought our two lives together.
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Having a mantra can help us keep focused on what we deem important in life. Sometimes even old adages and sage advice can keep us from trouble. We share our mantras, how they've helped us, and ways we've kept them in the forefront of our thoughts.
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We read everyday without really thinking about it. Something magical happens when we read aloud, as the story seems comes to life before us. Our love for reading and the shared story inspired us to share our experiences and why we continue to love to read aloud as adults.
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One Afternoon at the Post Office
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32:54A chance encounter at the Post Office affords the opportunity to lend a helping hand. Adrian recounts her experience and frustration with the situation. Who will step out of line to help?
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Patterns, they're all around us and in us. Adrian interviews Mike in this episode and he talks about how patterns have played a big role in how he sees the world, and how they have helped in his relationships.
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Our relationships with our pets is another way we connect with each other. Animals have brought us companionship, joy, sometimes heartache, and have lifted us up when we needed it. Pets are part of the family, and we discuss the many benefits they bring to our lives.
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At some point the kids leave the nest, and this is a big change for all involved. There are many things we can do to help prepare them, but we also need to prepare ourselves. How do we work through the separation from our adult children, and yet find ways to remain connected?
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It's Valentine's Day, what a great day to talk about love. Love exists in many forms in our daily lives. What does love look like? How do we become more loving? Can we create a culture of love daily, giving and receiving love, in all of our relationships?
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Sometimes, life or tasks can be extra challenging and require perseverance. We discuss tools that have helped us and how we applied them to keep pushing on.
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Oh the family vacation! Camping, road trips with Adrian's family of five squishing into a Dodge Omni, Mike bouncing around in the rear seat of the family station wagon, and high school mission trips. We share our stories and talk about the process of building relationships and making connections along the journey.…
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Playing games together has been an important way that we connect as a family and spend quality time with friends. Hear about some of the different types and a few of our favorites. Game play is good for keeping our brains active and helps with our cognitive skills. The pandemic reduced our in person play, but there are many ways to play together ac…
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Come on in, we're glad you're here, make yourself at home. Join us as we talk about hospitality and the impact it can have on those who visit. Adrian shares her stories of growing up in a home where welcoming others was her family culture. We'll talk about how we carried that model forward into our home and also sharing the feeling wherever we go.…
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Traditions are one of the many threads that run through a family, society, and cultures. When we are intentional about our traditions we create more shared experiences, which can strengthen our connections to each other.על ידי Mike & Adrian
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Communication is a vital part of our lives and it's everywhere in advertisements, TV shows, radio, podcasts, social media, and most importantly in our relationships. We identify the different ways we communicate with each other, and discuss methods to be a better communicator and listener.
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Happiness & Joy is probably something we could all use a little more of in our lives and many times can be a challenge. Mike talks about his early struggles with finding it and how he turned it around. We discuss the traps we make for ourselves and ways to increase our own happiness
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Listen and get connected to Mike & Adrian
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