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Objectivist Academic Center auditor application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OAC_auditor_registration Van Damme Academy Documentary: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/vandamme-academy-documentary#/ Higher Ground Education: https://tohigherground.com/ Mystery Science: https://mysteryscience.com/r1 Lisa Van Damme's "Falling in Love with Poetry": …
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Links: "The Early Ayn Rand": https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Early-Ayn-Rand-Audiobook/B002V5B7FO?qid=1536682699&sr=sr_1_1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=e81b7c27-6880-467a-b5a7-13cef5d729fe&pf_rd_r=ZHJ93D7QCZ5J54FRGHZ6& Donate to Corey's Meal Train: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/20q617/updates/ Donate to Corey's Patreon: https://www.patreon…
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Recall a time in your life when you thought to yourself, "I can't do this." Obviously, you got through it: you're here! What pulled you through that seemingly impossible moment? This episode is meant to offer you ammunition for overcoming your next daunting moment. Links Winged Victory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winged_Victory_of_Samothrace Mic…
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Links “Isabella and the Pot of Basil” by John White Alexander: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Isabella_and_the_Pot_of_Basil.jpg “The Kiss” by Rodin http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/wwfeatures/wm/live/1280_640/images/live/p0/38/hp/p038hp6g.jpg “Isabella; or, The Pot of Basil” by John Keats https://www.bartleby.com/126/38.html Luc Travers…
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Links Van Damme Academy Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/VanDammeAcademy Lisa Van Damme’s blog, “Pygmalion of the Soul”: http://lisavandamme.com Lisa Van Damme’s reading group, “Read With Me”: https://readwithmebookgroup.com David Brook’s article, “Love Story”: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/02/opinion/brooks-love-story.html “To You, …
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Here are the links to which I refer in the episode: "Campus Speech: Why Reason When I Can Riot?" http://newideal.aynrand.org/campus-speech-why-reason-when-i-can-riot/ "THE STUDENT “REBELLION” AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY" https://campus.aynrand.org/works/1968/01/01/the-student-rebellion-at-columbia-university/page1 "POV: AYN RAND INTERVIEWED ON THE VALUE…
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Most don't think of "Atlas Shrugged" as a romance, yet the love relationships offer the most unique, life-affirming, exaltant scenes in fiction. In this episode, these scenes are contrasted to similar scenes in popular "romance" novels to underscore the prevailing views of romance and sex, and the unique vision Ayn Rand offers for both.…
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In their attacks on the validity of patents and copyrights, Rothbardian anarchist libertarians and even the Chicago school of economics claim that such IP rights are invalid because private property rights only apply to resources that are tangible and therefore "scarce," scarce" meaning that there is a finite number of units of that resource on the…
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Romantic art is the fuel and the spark plug of a man’s soul; its task is to set a soul on fire and never let it go out.. Check us out on stitcher, iTunes, tune in radio and follow on blogtalkradio,com Donate below: patreon.com/coreybaum Check out our website: objectivist365.comעל ידי CoreyBaum
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Blog talk went rogue last week :( sorry about that...We are back this week to go over some of the stuff we didnt get on our last podcast. find us on stitcher, iTunes, Tunein radio apps and follow us on blog talk radio Find us on facebook "In the closet Objectivists" you can donate below: patreon.com/coreybaum…
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We all wrote down some questions about Objectivism and other misc stuff find us here: stitcher, iTunes, tune in and follow us on blogtalk you can make a contribution below: patreon.com/coreybaum please note that this is a recurring payment. If you are interested in making a one time payment join our FB group "In the closet Objectivists" and I will …
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Yeah I know most shows do end of the year goals, preditions, etc.....Well so are we. Last year my goal was to grow the audience and find advertisers.I didnt get any advertisers but ITCO has a lot more listeners, Thank You!!! Find us on stitcher, iTunes and tune in radio. Follow us on blogtalkradio/intheclosetobjectivists give us 5 stars on iTunes d…
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Meg is taking this weeks show off to focus on helping poor Guatemalans build huts... Instead I'll be talking to one of our new co hosts Stuart. Listen on these other fine outlets: stitcher, iTunes and tune in radio and follow us on blog talk radio. donate here: patreon.com/coreybaumעל ידי CoreyBaum
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Objectivists often use this term to describe someone whom others call “egoistic” - a someone who brags in order to get the admiration of others (rather than valuing their own accomplishments for their own sake) and is therefore virulently second-handed. For example, Objectivists will point to Trump’s self-aggrandizement: “I will give you everything…
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