Programa de debate político conduzido pelo jornalista Alexandre Praça. Braga e a região em agenda.
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Making artificial intelligence practical, productive & accessible to everyone. Practical AI is a show in which technology professionals, business people, students, enthusiasts, and expert guests engage in lively discussions about Artificial Intelligence and related topics (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, GANs, MLOps, AIOps, LLMs & more). The focus is on productive implementations and real-world scenarios that are accessible to everyone. If you want to keep up with the lates ...
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Praca w ubezpieczeniach. Oferty pracy w branży ubezpieczeniowej. Rozmowy z pracodawcami, kandydatami.
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O olhar apurado do comentarista sobre os assuntos do cotidiano.
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This is a Spanish listening practice podcast for beginners and intermediate students. The focus of each episode is to help you improve your listening comprehension through everyday topics and lots of context.
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Un espacio para brindar herramientas a los productores desde la siembra hasta la comercialización.
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Audio Smart Review for Mike Fisher (
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Wadjasay? American English Pronunciation Practice
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Lessons to help you understand and speak normal-speed American English.
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私たちの唯一のホーム、地球。美しい地球の上で、多種多様な命と共に暮らし続けるには?エメラルド プラクティシズでは、様々な分野からゲストを迎え、心豊かな未来へのヒントを、ホストのTAOとLILLIANが探求していきます。番組中盤では、最近のピックアップニュースをYuikaがお届け。 #気候変動 #気候危機 #アニマルライツ #食 #政治 #ウェルビーイング
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Stoicism is the pursuit of Virtue (Aretê), which was defined by the Ancient Greeks as "the knowledge of how to live excellently," Stoicism is a holistic life philosophy meant to guide us towards the attainment of this knowledge through the development of our character. While many other Stoicism podcasts focus on explaining Ancient Stoicism in an academic or historical context, Practical Stoicism strives to port the ancient wisdom of this 2300-plus-year-old Greek Philosophy into contemporary ...
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Podcast by Practical Living
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O Pra Viagem é o podcast do canal Minicastle Org no YouTube onde Marcel e Junião falam sobre assuntos da atualidade do mundo dos videogames.
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Providing insights into the business side of law practice, especially for the many solo and small firm lawyers out there. Attorneys interested in practice management and legal technology should tune in! Brent Hoeft, practice management advisor for the State Bar of Wisconsin's Practice Management Program (Practice 411) is the host.
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Practical Lunacy! The show about everything and nothing! Now on a podcast!
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Conversaciones relevantes entre mujeres desde una perspectiva teológica y bíblica. En Teológicamente Prácticas, queremos compartirte herramientas prácticas que nos permitan examinarlo todo, retener lo bueno y desechar lo malo. Tener una teología sólida, saber Quién es el Dios que adoramos y para el cual vivimos, se traducirá en mayor pasión por Jesús y más amor por otros. Con cariño, Clara & Ana
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Comece o dia com as emoções em harmonia
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Cześć, nazywam się Agata Jurek. W tym podcaście odkrywamy tajniki budowania kariery w ekscytującym świecie sportu. Odpowiemy na pytania, jak rozpocząć pracę w branży sportowej lub założyć własny biznes, jak rozwinąć swoją karierę i jak doskonalić umiejętności. Przygotuj się na inspirujące rozmowy i praktyczne wskazówki. Zapraszam na podcast „Praca w Sporcie”!
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Motivação em saúde
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Practical tips about Witchcraft, tarot, herbs, magic, rituals, and more from the official home of the original Practical Witch‘s Almanac, celebrating 25 years of service.
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Discussions about accounting management, best practices, controls, throughput accounting, and GAAP for the accountant, controller, or CFO.
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Listening practice for learners of B1 intermediate and B2 upper-intermediate levels of British English. Learn British English by listening to stories. Original and exciting stories written for learners and students of British English. Practise and prepare for Cambridge: B1 PET Preliminary and FCE First Certificate exams. IELTS: level 4, level 5 and level 6. Includes English grammar explanations and practice exercises, examples of vocabulary use, phrasal verbs and collocations help, British E ...
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Inspiration and ideas for applying the science of wellbeing to your everyday life. Host and Miranda Anderson casually and conversationally shares examples and lessons from her own life as well as some of the latest research from the world of positive psychology. In addition, she lets you in on humorous and engaging stories about living with her husband, three kids, two dogs, two cats, and five chickens in Richmond, Virginia.
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I share first hand and often real time application of spiritual principles to solve current real world problems. Since example is the most powerful form of leadership, some are inspired to apply spiritual principles to benefit their own lives.
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Dedicated to teaching the deep truths of Biblical theology in a way that makes sense in everyday life.
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Rakaan Kayali discusses contemporary issues related to Islamic finance, personal finance and halal investing.
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The Best Practice Network Apprenticeship Podcast, find out more at
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Umbanda & Cultura de Terreiro. David Dias é Pai de Santo de Umbanda e Mestre em Ciência da Religião (PUC-SP), promove um um mergulho aos saberes tradicionais de terreiros. Um conteúdo contendo pensamento, informação, cultura de terreiro e bate-papo. Tudo junto, misturado e descontraído. @DavidUmbanda
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This podcast is for English learners who want to practice their listening comprehension in a natural way. In each episode, an American speaker talks about different topics without reading a script. He speaks in a natural way, with native words and phrases, but he speaks a little more slowly and clearly than other native speakers. Each episode includes the transcript, which you can use to help you understand the speaker. If you want my advanced podcast episodes and my specialized training, th ...
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✨ Devocionais para a Alma ✨ Bem-vinda ao nosso podcast, onde exploramos a Palavra de Deus para fortalecer sua mente e coração! Neste espaço, oferecemos devocionais diários que irão guiar você em sua jornada espiritual, ajudando a melhorar sua saúde mental e emocional. Cada episódio é uma oportunidade de aprofundar seu relacionamento com Deus, encontrar paz em meio ao caos, e renovar sua força interior. Vamos juntas transformar nossos dias com amor, fé, e propósito! #DevocionalParaMulheres #S ...
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Welcome to PracticePeak - insights on how to build a successful practice and live life on your own terms. My mission to is document and share each and every step of how to build a thriving business, help people and have fun along the way. Join the journey and start writing your own success story today!
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Grow My Accounting Practice | Tips for Accountants, Bookkeepers and Coaches to Grow Their Business
Mike Michalowicz
A show dedicated to accountants and bookkeepers who are looking to grow their practice. We deep dive into both the theory and the exact steps you need to grow your practice in the way you always dreamed. You will learn marketing, sales, hiring, management, pricing... everything it takes to scale a practice. The one thing we don’t talk about are accounting skills. You already have those. What we do is give you business skills.
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Innovative ideas to Start, Grow, and Scale your Private Practice
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Overstressed, overworked, overstimulated? Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in. In each episode Rabbi Josh Feigelson will guide with ancient wisdom and modern mindfulness practices to help center your soul and ease you into your week. Soulful Jewish Living: Mindful Practices for Every Day is a production of Unpacked, a division of OpenDor Media, and the Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
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Providing Continuing Legal Education and Mutual Assistance To New York State Prosecutors
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This podcast is brought to you by the Law Practice Division of the American Bar Association.
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You want to follow the AI space but it's just too much? Welcome to your favorite new show. AI For Humans catches you up on all the AI news, tools & issues. Each week, Kevin Pereira & Gavin Purcell help explain exactly how this ground breaking technology will change our world. Plus, it's fun! Don't take our word for it. Fast Company says "AI For Humans may be the most entertaining way to learn about artificial intelligence". Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on one of today's most important em ...
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Pediatrics Now: Cases Updates and Discussions for the Busy Pediatric Practitioner
UT Health San Antonio
Cases, updates, and discussions for the busy pediatric practitioner brought to you by UT Health San Antonio Host and author Holly Wayment.
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Tune into the Practical Founders Podcast with host Greg Head for weekly in-depth interviews with founders who have built valuable software companies--without big funding.
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Living & Practicing by Design™ is the weekly Podcast by John Hayes Jr MD, Family and Lifestyle Medicine Direct Primary Care Physician practicing in Marshfield Massachusetts. His passion is improving patient access to Primary Care with lifestyle medicine and non-invasive pain treatment measures wherever possible. John is an Author, Speaker and Consultant. For more information go to Call or text 781-659-7989 email
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The Practiceology™Podcast brings proven tools, strategies and programs to allied health business owners across the world who want to earn more, work less and enjoy their lives. We deliver as many key business boosting ideas and concepts as we can in each “7 Questions in 7 Minutes” episode.
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The Practice Acceleration Podcast with Tristan Bond is lifting the lid on the secrets behind rapid practice growth. Tristan and his team know the world of private practice is harder and more than competitive than ever before… but with the right direction, strategies and support - growing your practice doesn’t need to take time.
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Practical Positivity is a weekly podcast hosted by Sophie Cliff (aka The Joyful Coach). Each week she shares tips on how you can squeeze more joy out of your everyday, attitude hacks that will help you feel more confident and secure, and a whole load of practical positivity. Like what you hear? Don’t forget to subscribe!
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Hi, I’m Whitney Owens. I am a group practice owner and faith based practice consulting and I’m here to tell you that YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. Want to grow your practice? Want to grow your faith? Want to enjoy your life outside of work? You have come to the right place. Each week on the Wise Practice Podcast I will give you the action steps to have a successful faith based practice while also having a good time. Let’s get started.
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Pragmatism in Practice addresses the challenges facing today’s digital leaders and gives practical approaches to overcoming them. We have candid conversations with a range of inspiring change-makers who share stories of becoming a modern digital business. 334660
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Two Roman Catholic Priests sharing the "how to" of practical living of the Gospel message through prayer and virtue!
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Devocionais bíblicos diários que nos ajudam a conhecer a palavra de Deus e o Deus da palavra.
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The Qiological Practice of Practice podcast focuses on the business of having a healing practice. Here you'll find conversations with seasoned and successfully practitioners of acupuncture and East Asian medicine that will help you to love your business, as much as you love your clinical work.
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Improve your resilience and readiness in a rapidly changing world. Jessica Beckendorf and Bob Bertsch host this exploration of personal and collective practices that empower us to work together to help each other, our families, and our communities improve our resilience and readiness.
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Microcast feed for user PracticalMagic
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Practical Criticism is a series of the Podcast for Social Research. Each episode features a discussion of a different object from the cultural sphere; the catch is that only one participant knows in advance what that object is.
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Atina Pra Isso #102: Umbanda e Carnaval
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29:37🎭🔥 CARNAVAL E UMBANDA: UMA GRANDE GIRA! 🔥🎭 É impossível dissociar o Carnaval das culturas de matrizes africanas, dos povos tradicionais e da espiritualidade afro-brasileira. Mas e na Umbanda? Existe algum preparo espiritual para essa festa? Fechamento de corpo? Preceito? No episódio de hoje, eu te convido para um papo reto sobre essa celebração que…
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Mais da metade da classe média acredita que o Brasil era melhor no 'tempo dos nossos avós'
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12:30Um levantamento da Quaest, mostra que a classe média brasileira tem novas aspirações. O diploma, por exemplo, é apontado como importante para pouco mais da metade dos entrevistados de classe média. Os dados comprovam o que todos já percebemos no dia-a-dia: as famílias estão menores. Também há um sentimento de nostalgia nesse estrato social: mais da…
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Giro No Mini - E040 | Bloodborne segue sem 60 fps | PS ficou sem PSN | Chun Li e Mai em jogos e mais
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2:00:47Se inscrevam no Minicastle e apoiem um conteúdo independente voltado à nossa incrível comunidade de jogadores de videogames!
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Uma vida com propósitos - Rick Warren
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13:52Dia 5 - Enxergando a vida do ponto de vista de Deus
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Você tem noção do quanto o Universo é vasto?
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Verb tenses review lesson 1: the simple present
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9:27Send me a text message. Suggestions? Subjects for future podcasts? Let me know--thanks! Another quickie podcast. Over the next week or two or three, I will record short podcasts going through the most commonly used English verb tenses. In this one the examples are from the simple present. This tense is used to describe habits and states of being: I…
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Mensaje para la Cuaresma 2025 con el diácono Julio César de la Cruz
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49:38Mensaje para la Cuaresma 2025 enriquecida por el Año Jubilar 'Peregrino de Esperanza' con el diácono Julio César de la Cruz
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Meditation, which is listening to ourselves allows, us to connect with the strength wisdom and solutions that we inherently are. We have a choice of which thoughts we choose to act on. Thoughts we choose to act on create our life. I can help you become more conscious of what your thoughts are and the implications of which thoughts you choose to act…
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#238 "¿El vaso está medio lleno o medio vacío?"
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5:06En este episodio hablamos acerca de la pregunta "¿El vaso medio lleno o medio vacío?". Si quieres contactarme con alguna sugerencia o solo para saludarme, escríbeme al correo electrónico Ahora también puedes escuchar el podcast en YouTube! If you would…
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How Environment Shapes Moral Progress (Meditation 3.9)
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29:01This episode explores Meditations 3.9, where Marcus Aurelius urges us to revere our rational faculty. In Stoicism, rationality is our greatest gift—it’s the tool that allows us to pursue Virtue, shape our moral character, and ultimately live in accordance with Nature. But how do we cultivate this faculty, especially when our environment doesn’t sup…
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Better Mental Wellness Series: Exploring Psychedelic Assisted Therapy with Researcher Jason Luoma | POP 1174
Meet Joe Sanok Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners who are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with […] The post Better Mental …
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Send me a text message. Suggestions? Subjects for future podcasts? Let me know--thanks! (This podcast is for Irma who reminded me about this construction.) Note: this podcast has fewer repetitions than usual. That DOES NOT mean you shouldn't play it and practice is many times. It just means my time is limited. In English we can take two questions: …
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Episode 359: Want to Hit 7 or 8 Figures? Master These 5 Productivity Hacks
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22:31If you’re serious about scaling your practice to 7 or even 8 figures, you need to work smarter, not harder. In today’s episode, Tristan and Dave are breaking down the 5 powerful productivity hacks that elite business owners use to get more done in less time with less stress. What You’ll Learn: Theme Your Days – Structure your week like an athlete t…
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See for privacy information.על ידי Practical Living
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How is Generative AI reshaping education? In this episode, we explore the latest DfE guidance, insights from Christian Turton’s expert talk and the evolving role of AI in schools. Join us as we unpack opportunities, challenges and what this means for educators and leaders. Tune in now! 🎙️ #EdTech #AIinEducation The Best Practice Network expert-led …
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48. NUEVA TEMPORADA! Nuestras cosas favoritas
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1:11:41Clara y Ana están de regreso con una temporada cuyo objetivo es animar a nuestras hermanas en Cristo. En este primer episodio te compartimos nuestras cosas favoritas, desde tradiciones que celebramos hasta nuestra música y autores favoritos. Nos encantaría saber de ti! Cuéntanos cuáles son tus cosas favoritas siguiéndonos en Instagram (@teologicame…
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Get my training and advanced episodes: US Conversations: My teacher profile: Transcript: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Mastering Legal Tech: Brett Burney's TECHSHOW Journey
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19:16In this episode of the Law Practice Podcast, host Terrell A. Turner sits down with legal tech expert Brett Burney to explore how lawyers can effectively leverage technology in their practice. Brett shares his journey from law school to specializing in electronic discovery, document management, and mobile device training. He also highlights the bene…
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Shabbat Unplugged: Escaping the Grip of Our Phones (Part 4)
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10:34Are our phones becoming our “precious”? Rabbi Josh Feigelson explores how our relationship with technology mirrors Gollum’s obsession with the Ring of Power in the Lord of the Rings Series. Drawing on Jewish wisdom and the spirit of Shabbat, Rabbi Feigelson offers practical steps to reset our digital habits and create a meaningful “tech sabbath.” I…
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Episode 307: What’s been helping me find joy during a busy period
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33:31The last few months have been hectic but I’ve been really trying to prioritise joy amidst the chaos, and today I’m sharing some tips and thoughts. The Joyful Career: Enrol now Get your copy: The Hustle Cure CONTACT SOPHIE: Coaching - Your Joyful Year Buy My Book - Choose Joy: Relieve Burnout, Focus on Your Happiness, and Infuse More Joy into Your E…
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Improving our Personal Health Habits
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10:21There's no better time to reflect on our health habits and take actionable steps toward a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. In a world dominated by social media's often overwhelming advice, it’s easy to overcomplicate what should be straightforward. Let’s simplify. This post is a great one to bookmark, print, or stick on your fridge for daily ins…
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230. B2 story The Visitors (complete version)
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28:29The Visitors This is the full version of my story The Visitors recorded in October of last year. The level is B2, but my B1 students are also invited, of course! ;-) These are the comprehension questions: (the answers are further down - but don't look at those yet!! 1) Who said he didn't want to be rescued and why? 2) What is the bridge of a ship, …
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: The best target for Solana In this episode, we will cover: Intro & Ramadan Greetings Solana’s Recent Price Drop Explained Fear & Greed Index Impact on Crypto Why Solana Dropped: FTX Unlock & Inflation Fears Solana vs. Ethereum: Pr…
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: IREN: What is happening?? In this episode, we will cover: Intro Iris Energy Drops 50%—What Happened? Financial Breakdown: Revenue, Hash Rate & Profitability Bitcoin Price Assumptions & Valuation Model What’s Next for IREN? Future …
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Własny punkt multiubezpieczeniowy Czy jest szansa na otworzenie swojego punktu nie na zasadzie franczyzy, ale we współpracy?Nad tym zastanawiają się często początkujący multiagenci ubezpieczeniowi. Na tym blogu pisałem już o odstąpieniu punktu ubezpieczeniowego, jak i o pracy w ubezpieczeniach bez doświadczenia. Na naszej grupie facebookowej „Praca…
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Join us for a deep dive into Change Management Models and Theories! In this episode, we explore Kotter’s 8-Step Process, Lewin’s Change Model, and the ADKAR framework—unpacking strategies to lead and support change effectively in education. Tune in for insights, reflections and practical takeaways! 🎙️ #ChangeManagement #EducationLeadership…
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Opening up to a more effective way of being present
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6:11In today's meditation I am inspired to accept that I can be far more conscious of the love I am. Allowing me to experience more fully the love I am keeps me more powerfully grounded in the present moment. Additonally, the more I experience accepting that I am love, the more that will be reflected back to me by the outer world. If you'd like thought…
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English Phrasal Verbs - Bet On, Black Out
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23:03Get my training and advanced episodes: US Conversations: Transcript: Learn more about your ad choices. Visitעל ידי Sonoro | Conner Pe
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#133: Bootstrapper Sells School Fundraising Platform to PE Investors - Howard Gottlieb
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58:47Howard Gottlieb started Read-A-Thon in 2012 as a reading-based fundraising platform that helped students raise money while boosting education. Their easy platform and simple fundraising approach created amazing results. The Read-a-Thon business grew steadily and profitably without any outside funding. Read-A-Thon helped over 4000 schools and studen…
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💐結花がお届け!ニュースコーナー💐 このコーナーでは、気候災害の現状や、国内外の政府・企業・地域の取り組み、そして、アニマルライツやヴィーガニズムなどなど、様々な切り口から気になるニュースをご紹介します。 今回は、2025年2月。 日本、そして世界で、どんな動きがあったのか、一緒に見ていきましょう〜! ■大江結花 埼玉県出身、神奈川県藤沢市在住。会社員、環境NGOスタッフを経て、自治体から気候変動対策を進める活動の支援や、各地の気候市民会議のファシリテーション・運営に携わる。 市民による気候ムーブメントのエンパワメントや、学び・対話の場づくりを通じて、民主的なプロセスによる脱炭素社会の共創を目指して活動。菜食を楽しみながらリジェネラティブな食文化を探究中。趣味はお花と旅。Instag…
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The goal is to live in the eternal present. A step in that direction is to live one day at a time. The more I succeed in that, the more I find myself being in the pesent moment. It's in the present moment that I experiene peace, am open to receive the wisdom that most benefits me in this moment, and in general am happier. I offer thought coaching i…
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GMAP 500: Celebrating 500 Episodes of Transforming Accounting Practices!
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37:25Show Summary: Today marks a major milestone for the Grow My Accounting Practice (GMAP) Podcast—our 500th episode! 🎉 Join hosts Mike Michalowicz, Ron Saharyan, and Liz Szporn as they take a trip down memory lane, reflecting on the journey of GMAP, the biggest lessons learned, and the incredible insights shared over the years. In this special episode…
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How to be Present for Others in their Grief
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12:02Send us a text This episode was the second in a series of three practicasts from 2024 centered around "holding space," a concept we learned from Heather Plett, author of "The Art of Holding Space." Our co-creator for this series was our OneOp colleague, Kristen Jowers. In this episode, Kristen shares two practices to help us prepare to hold space f…
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Featuring Adam Collett from Bridgwater and Taunton College, this podcast looks into the issue of sustainability in schools and educational settings. The conversation with Adam lifts the lid on legislation, including global perspectives, and suggests strategies for building sustainability into the educational sector.…
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: Is Tesla Still Overvalued? In this episode, we will cover: Introduction & Market Overview Why Has Tesla’s Stock Dropped? Tesla’s Growth Potential & The S-Curve Key Catalysts: Robotaxi, Model Y, Optimus & Energy Storage Tesla’s 203…
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Amazon's New Alexa AI, OpenAI's GPT 4.5, Claude Sonnet's Coding Power & More AI News
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1:08:45Amazon announces a huge AI-powered upgrade called Alexa+, Anthropic’s Claude Sonnet 3.7 is amazing at code, OpenAI’s GPT-4.5 is on the way, & good lord who let Grok 3 Voice out?! We go *very* deep on Claude Sonnet 3.7 as we show all of the very cool stuff that people have made with it so far (including an amazing Pokemon experience), Deepseek’s R2 …
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Meet Joe Sanok Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners who are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with […] The post Marketing Mont…
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Episode 1: Legal Research and AI with vLex's Damien Riehl
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35:53In the inaugural episode of the Practice Pulse Podcast, produced by the State Bar of Wisconsin, host Brent Hoeft interviews Damien Riehl from vLex about the transformative impact of AI on legal research. They discuss the evolution of legal research tools, the integration of AI in legal practices, and the potential shift from billable hours to flat …
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: What is the market telling us? In this episode, we will cover: Intro Market Sell-Off: What’s Behind It? Tesla & Bitcoin Take a Hit – Buying Opportunity? Consumer Confidence Falls – Should You Be Worried? Bitcoin Reserve Race & Fut…
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Meet Joe Sanok Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners who are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe. […] The post Marketing…
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The better care we take of ourselves, the better care we have to offer others. In part, that means being as present as we can manage and engaging in all the uplifting activities we can identify. I offer thought coaching for those who want to be more aware of. their thinking and the choice that exists to act on a thought or not act on a thought. My …
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When we think of data, we think about numbers and statistics, but we don’t often think about people. In the second episode of our Humanizing Data Strategy series, we discuss why storytelling, empathy, and creativity are all crucial parts of a successful data strategy. This podcast is for you if you’re a data leader looking to communicate and influe…
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Leading with Wisdom: Adding Supervision to Your Practice with Brittany Schank, LCSW | WP 122
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25:05Are new therapists in your practice getting the supervision they truly need—or just whatever happens to be available? In this episode of the Wise Practice Podcast, Brittany Schank exposes a major flaw in mental health supervision: the widespread mismatch between new clinicians and their assigned supervisors. She shares how this gap leads to burnout…
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En este episodio hablamos acerca de la pregunta "¿Qué has estado haciendo?". Si quieres contactarme con alguna sugerencia o solo para saludarme, escríbeme al correo electrónico Ahora también puedes escuchar el podcast en YouTube! If you would like to s…
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Modern interpretations of Stoicism are often wildly inaccurate, reducing the philosophy to a life hack for suppressing emotions, a tool for productivity-obsessed entrepreneurs, or a justification for toxic masculinity. But do any of these portrayals hold up under scrutiny? In this episode, I break down these misconceptions by turning to the words o…
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Doradca ubezpieczeniowy – oferta pracy
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נגן מאוחר יותר
2:34Praca w ubezpieczeniach w Krakowie Praca doradcy ubezpieczeniowego to misja, nieustanny rozwój oraz dokształcanie się. To oferta pracy w ubezpieczeniach. Jeśli jesteś pełen entuzjazmu, chęci do nauki i gotowy, aby rozwijać się pod moimi skrzydłami i czerpać inspirację ode mnie – dołącz do mojego Zespołu. Spotkajmy się jeśli: masz ukończoną min. szk…
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► If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a good review! ► More from PIF: This time is different In this episode, we will cover: Intro & Audio Issues Fixed Crypto Market Sentiment Update Why This Dip Might Be a Buying Opportunity U.S. Manufacturing & Liquidity Impact Interest Rates & Inflation Outlook C…
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Meet Joe Sanok Joe Sanok helps counselors to create thriving practices that are the envy of other counselors. He has helped counselors to grow their businesses by 50-500% and is proud of all the private practice owners who are growing their income, influence, and impact on the world. Click here to explore consulting with Joe. […] The post Marketing…
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Friday Night Lunacy - February 21, 2025
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נגן מאוחר יותר
1:40:50Luna and Baron are back at it again.
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Ministry officiant scam, exploring the complexities of psychic fraud, drawing on real experiences to highlight how genuine spiritual practices can be uplifting and insightful while exposing and addressing the dangers of fraudulent schemes.על ידי Friday Gladheart
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