Richard Herrings ציבורי
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TOF #99f Gargara and Cuggy Groccoli - Rich is back with a brand new, seductive co-host and a lot of talk about licking things that you really don't want to be licking. Ally is back to talk about whether he will be the new James Bond, if a woman can be Jesus, whether Neighbours will ever end and the imminent collision between our galaxy and another …
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Twitch of Fun is back but it's just a quick one this week, so not worthy of being Episode 100. But Rich and friends are going full out to be placed in the dustbin of Light Entertainment. Egg Wallace has a new ovoid pal and Marvin the Monkey tries out for main presenter. The team cover Israel/Palestine, Soleros, double bananas (Cocky Carrot fails to…
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Episode 99d - Seig Heil. Another Friday afternoon catch up - not an official or canonical episode in which Rich attempts to remember what some of his characters do, as well as discussing the Musky arm movement, why Putin was in such a rush, if Obama has got himself a Rachel, how fast Craig David Iikes to move things along, whether Elizabeth I was a…
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It's Friday, it's 3pm and the computer's back but the tech has screws up. But it's all sorted in 3 minutes flat for a non-canon and non-cannon episode of your favourite afternoon topical news show with a washed up TV celebrity and a 133 year-old ventriloquist dummy that also includes a hippopotamus that is obsessed with mammary glands. All right, s…
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Due to computer malfunctions this is the first Twitch Of Fun ever to be released without any kind of audience, leaving us in an uncanny valley which is both weird and revealing, freeing and constricting, hilarious and tragic. There's a new co-host, due to popular demand and Rich and one puppet or another cover Musk going mad, pornographic prison of…
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Twitch of Fun Christmas Eve Eve Special - Hawk Tuah. It's 23rd December 2024 and what better date for a Christmas Eve Eve Special of the show that no one has really been calling to come back? And it's an absolute spitshow full of technical difficulties, dropped props and a host with little to no memory of what the show involves. Ally and Herring co…
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Twitch of Fun springs back to life for its 99th episode and it's a heartfelt tribute to the fallen of D Day, amongst other things. There's no pressure to be funny luckily and this is just a conversation between two old mates that encompasses Rupert Murdoch's ventriloquist dummy face, the escalation in the chocolate button war, the two words the Que…
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An unexpected Wednesday Twitch of Fun from an overly tired Richard Herring, but those are usually the worst and thus the best ones. Ally and Herring discuss walking in Noel Edmonds' shoes, whether the Queen has a furry muff, why blood is like a butterfly, whether there's room for a Baby Reindeer character on the show, Terry's work with various Davi…
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Richard has had a gig cancelled due to flooding but Bedford's loss is your probably loss as well as you spend nearly an hour of your life in the company of him and a piece of Victorian papier mache. Ally and Herring discuss inserting batteries where the sun don't shine, the end of sex (not a problem for my viewers), a very old tortoise and Noel Edm…
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You thought we'd gone away, but we're getting to 100 if it kills us and then 1000 and won't stop until everyone on the planet earth is watching. Plus God. In this extended tribute to our King, like all other news outlets we speculate on the tiny amount we know about the issue for hours on end. What will be the best cancer for the King to have? Is i…
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Twitch of Fun is back for 2024 and Rich doesn't seem very happy about it. Has this really been going for four flicking years? God. The team chat about Rwanda, double fisting, dental improvement, various Royal lies and liars, a Chinese wang and Ronnie O'Sullivan stealing Ally's already stolen catchphrase. Plus a creepy visit from a largely silent Vi…
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There's a new host for the show and they're going to scare your pants off (as if you had any pants on to start with), but in a show beset by technical difficulties, interruptions and parental exhaustion things never quite get into (gottle of) gear. Though the ventriloquism is coming on. But who is the dummy? Rich and Ally talk about Princess Anne's…
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There's plenty of incident in this week's show including an extended set by Victorian Ghost Child, only ended by a flood and then Ally and Herring talk about stopping the boats, Russian votes, scanning teenage porn users, pissing in lay-bys, who the real queen is, humping on Good Morning Britain, the lies that pilots tell you, how to get a job and …
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Twitch of Fun is back and there are no children spoiling (improving) it. It's just Ally Darling and Richy Sweetie and the Birthday Donkey and the death throes of a wasp. The pair talk about celebrity deaths, Dutch Pancakes, lying liars, why men should wash their hands after going to the toilet, whether Elon Musk should rename Twitter again and Eric…
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Twitch of Fun is back and there's a double pitch invasion this time, but soon Rich restores order to discuss a year of Richie Sunaq, if you can fire Richard Madeley for doing his job, the moon on holiday, how not to say you're sorry and a beautiful rendition of most of the film Encanto.על ידי British Comedy Guide
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This doesn't happen on Channel 5 (I expect, don't watch it) but the first 10 mins of the show was not broadcast - but it's here for you now. And the show is then interrupted later for a family emergency. But for a brief few minutes everything worked, with chat about robotic hands, the king's love of kids' pants, the shaming of Captain Tom's daughte…
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It's back. Staggering it's way back into existence with a host who doesn't even remember that Henry the Hippo existed. For now it's just Ally and Herring (with some interventions from the younger Herring and a phallic carrot - should they be on the same show?) Herring is tired and Sloper is in surprisingly thoughtful mood, but eventually we got on …
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With a once friendly partnership turning nasty, there may be big changes on Twitch of Fun, but the cast are contracted to appear one more time before the traditional summer break. Terry fondly remembers a fallen comrade, Henry the Hippo is given one last chance and Rich and Ally discuss the surprising illiteracy of the Princess of Wales, Rolf's las…
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A tired Richard Herring attempts to do a topical news story, but is not only sabotaged by puppets but also by doubts about the whole project and then technical gremlins until he just gives up. Maybe this will be his last ever performance and if so it is a testament to his life's work. Hopefully see you next week with better wifi.…
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A new character brings the possibility of refinement to the show. But don't worry, even if this is a simulation being run an infinite number of times, this show will never be refined. We chat about Coronation Oaths, Trios with no biscuits in, whether they have Cornettos in Venice, what wine gums are made of, Mike Tindall's favourite room in his mas…
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Despite Terry's best efforts, it's a cavalcade of hecklers to start the show, but order is eventually restored and subjects include a possible new opera, Prince Charles' Coronation surprise, a terrible surprise in someone's ear, the awful journalism of the Daily Mirror, why remainers are to blame for the way things have turned out and the return of…
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Richard continues to be edged out of his own show by his own sentient gametes and is also unable to keep up with the thought processes of a 131 year old inanimate bit of papier mache, that should, by all rights, have a shard of itself in the Coronation Crucifix. Ally is very angry about the Royal Family and if nothing else this episode is testament…
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The Fluffy Rabbit show continues with Richard outsmarted and out joked by the Victorian Ghost Child at every turn. He's still a bit ill, but Ally ups his game again as they discuss the new sitcom King Mother, how tightly scripted the show is, the terrible people of Manchester, the 11 words that Rupert Murdoch used to end his marriage to Jerry Hall,…
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Richard has been ill for a month and truth be told he's not really better, but luckily Fluffy Rabbit and Ally take up the strain and double their workload to make up for his stilted brain. The chat revolves around mathematical achievements, fossilised urine, a high profile convert to self-playing snooker, bags of carbon dioxide and rivers full of y…
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Twitch Of Fun is back for a new series and we can promise you a cast of all new characters. We can promise that, but we might not deliver it. Ally is in fine and filthy form as they discuss dead pilots, world war three, Denise Coffey and turnips, helmets, Roman dildos, Roald Dahl and Veneziana seduction techniques. Plus the follow up to Deal Or No …
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Rich and Ally take to the air to try and drum up support for their eBay items and it's a veritable flurry of excitement as the prices go through the roof LIVE on air! It's a tired end to the year for Rich but we get a haunting rendition of a pop song from Ally and then discuss the absolute front of Paul Burrell, misuse of time travel, winter penis,…
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Ally owes the Victorian Ghost Child an apology. Ally and Rich discuss passports, the new Queen, Jenny Agutter's fine acting, a big fish, a big bum and an old cat. Prince Andrew performs a musical about himself and Sibyl makes some bold and bald predictions. Richard questions what he is doing and whether he'd get so few viewers if he was imagining a…
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The Victorian Ghost Child has had a taste of success and it's going to be hard to shake her off, but she's still comfortably the most accomplished thing in the show, Rich and Ally discuss the resurrection of Neighbours, pornographic meteors, taboos you should bust to save your marriage, who the monarch of Christmas is, the main talking point from t…
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Episode 77 - Diana's Hand. It's turning into the Victorian Ghost show, which means there is a danger of things actually being funny. But Rich and Ally discuss the nerve endings in a clitoris, whether you are beholden to agree with the person who gave you your first job, what to do if your writers hate you, the dangers of taking your own toilet seat…
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Richard is back and his very own Matthew Corbett is trying to steal focus, but he soon has things back on track with a very tired attempt at looking at the days news which includes whether Jimmy Carr is better or worse than Hitler, a new way to become the greatest footballer on earth, a surprising downfall for a beloved 80s celebrity and another un…
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Rich is keen for Ally to stop doing the bawdy songs of the Victorian era that will surely get them cancelled and tries to move things into the political - rather than the genital - region. He has limited success. The team discuss the rules of chess, Velma's sexuality, whether Truss and Kwasi are of this world, who voted for this and whether if you …
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Rich is flying high - he's back on the telly and he's got a book coming out, so he's doing this thing alone. No props. Which is very handy. He talks about water on Mars and Motorhead murderers. Plus unusual wallpaper choices, some bawdy Victorian Music Hall songs, the Queen's profession, the health of Bob Mortimer and a special cartoon.…
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It's another LIVE show in front of an audience of absolute idiots. The kind of people who would cheer a Marmite Lid. Rich has just performed an emotional hour of scripted stand-up about his testicular cancer, so what would be a more inappropriate juxtaposition than an attempt to improvise comedy with some uninspiring news stories with some puppets?…
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It's been a difficult time for us all this week, but we finally hear what the Duke of York has to say about it all. Also Ally explains why some hand holding is unacceptable and other hand holding is fine, how the rings of Saturn were formed, how to cheat at chess, what would make dinosaurs happy and how Bing might have disrespected the Queen. Plus …
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In a solemn Twitch of Fun recorded at 8pm on the 8th September 2022, the darkest day in UK history, we reflect on the life of an amazing woman, plus why you shouldn't hold in farts, living in a 170km long city, a woman upset with Greggs not stocking something that they were stocking and a eulogy from an excised testicle. Plus Richard is haunted by …
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Twitch of Fun #70 - Nude. Richard and his puppet pals are back from their holidays and trying to remember how everything works. Unfortunately for us they more or less manage it, although they need to resort to a tiny amount of puppet porn to keep viewer figures up. Apart from that, it's business as usual - a bit of singing, a touch of satire, and s…
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It's the end of the current series of Twitch of Fun and what a number to go out on! But will we return or will Richard finally have made the breakthrough to proper TV. That's right TV. Which has ten years left. Just the right time to leave the internet behind. Does Sybil see more Twitch of Fun in the future? And why didn't she see the tyre blowout …
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Richard has been taken advantage of by Ian Pizza Express, but at least he now knows the best way to cut up a pepper. He is (eventually) joined by Ally and they discuss Richard's glittering new TV career, whether Rich is married to his mum, dolphins pooing on coral reefs, Brad Pitt being unable to recognise faces and why only three Michael Jackson r…
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Richard is killing time before the Champion of Champions Taskmaster show airs - has he beaten the odds to win? He and Ally discuss the perverts in our pores, newly single Jerry Hall and soon to be married (?) Olivia Wilde and insensitive to people who obviously weren't witches. There's a return from the dead for an unpopular character and perhaps i…
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History has been made. Twitch of Fun has gone live, in front of a studio audience, full of countless fans (if you're unable to count over 60). In an impressively unprepared show on a very slow news day, Rich and Ally and the puppets that could fit in Richard's bag discuss the world's loneliest tortoise, the hands of Prince Charles, the world's most…
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Rich is back after a week off due to illness and there's lots of exciting robot sex news for him to chow down on, and lots of peanuts. He and Ally discuss what they'd do with a sweaty finger, how long they'd wait for a girlfriend in a coma and whether they would eat poop in order to defy ageing. A Twitch of Fun fan pretends to have a wife to impres…
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Richard is out of the gates and ready for his sideways looks at the news, but wi-fi issues buffer everything up. People watching live get a terrible experience and the disruption takes the wind out of Richard's star sails. The recording has no buffering though so you can finally see what was going on. Rich talks about monkey pox, replacing hands, E…
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Richard has been booted back to the Thursday night slot by a furious Ian Twitch, but is it better not to be in the harsh light of the mainstream spot? The team chat about Euromillions, penis flowers, a tribute to Vangelis and Harry Potter's self-love. Plus advice from 105 years ago about how to throw your voice. Which Ally proves to be pretty good …
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Richard is nervous about Twitch Of Fun being moved to the prime time Friday evening slot, but is determined to do the show without the stupid puppets ruining his big break. He talks about moon cress, skewers the Tories with his incredible satire that is sure to change minds and discusses arseholes a lot. Should the Queen resign? Is there a door on …
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A cock in the BFG and questions over Richard's mental health, plus a clip that will be played on the news and suddenly not seem so funny. Plus THREE jokes and the start of a nuclear war. There's also time to talk about Prince Charles's hobbies, grim health news, Dave Chapelle and why Countdown is a job for life.…
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Rich makes a pitch to Elon Musk in the hope he might be interested in purchasing another hot internet property. Also on the agenda are watching porn at work, losing the freedom of the city of York and how Right Bollock has inadvertently sent Rich's career on an incredible trajectory that sees him in the prime slot of 8.50am on Sky News. Plus a char…
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Twitch of Fun is BACK for an unprecedented third series, but some changes have been made. Who is out and who is in? Will Rich make it into the squad? Ally is on hand to make some slightly out of date topical references and discuss Adrian Chiles' urinal, Johnny Depp's poo in the bed and what makes the Queen laugh. Her son, Andrew Windsor crops up to…
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A physically and mentally drained Richard Herring is glad to see the end of the second series of Twitch Of Fun (we're taking a break, but as long as Ian Twitch recommissions the show we should be back in a few weeks), but the less prepared and more knackered it is, the better the show and Ally really steps up to bring in the required energy. The pa…
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Richard isn't in the mood for a sideways look at the news, is he damaging his legacy? Or do you need to first have a legacy to damage it? The puppets are in an unpleasantly frisky mood as they discuss Boris Johnson, Jimmy Savile, testicular cysts, what it takes to impress Holly Willoughby, how it's possible that so many viewers of this show are mar…
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Richard has a sincere apology to make about his Covid lockdown transgressions, but once that's over we're straight into meeting a terrifying new character who is going to kill you in your sleep. Ally and Richard discuss eternal youth, whether it's time for The Edge to let it go, a terrifying new conflict and how the Queen consumes her fruit. There'…
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