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Geldtaboe door Slim Sparen

Charlotte Van Brabander van Slim Sparen

Veel mensen liggen vandaag wakker van geld, los van hoeveel ze er hebben. Het is een topic waar we weinig hulp en een open gesprek vinden bij elkaar. Er is een overvloed aan coaches voor je mentale en fysieke gezondheid maar niet voor je financiële gezondheid. In geldtaboe wil ik kunnen praten over geld. Het beheerst een groot deel van ieders leven. Of we het nu zelf belangrijk vinden of niet. Geld maakt ons niet als persoon maar hoe goed we het financieel hebben heeft wel vaak te maken met ...
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Pair and a Spare Podcast


Ryan Burns, Chip Scoggins and Justin Gaard join forces to discuss all things college football. From the Gophers to the national scene these guys have what you need for your college football fix!
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Spare a Thought

Be the change. Media Network and Tom Spare

Welcome to Spare a Thought, the podcast that shines a light on the people and organisations tackling some of society’s biggest challenges. Join host Tom Spare for thought-provoking conversations with engaging guests whose work and lives are often overlooked or misrepresented in the media. Whether you’re navigating the morning commute, taking a Sunday stroll or looking for a lunchtime listen - take time out of your day to Spare a Thought.
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Spare No Arrows

Cody Lawrence

Spare No Arrows is all about equipping believers to stand for Biblical Christianity in Babylon by applying all of Christ to all of life. I want to equip Christians to tear down the idols in our confused world, by knowing Bible well, courageously standing up for truth, and taking aim at the abundance of opposition to Biblical Christianity both inside and outside of the church. Set yourselves in array against Babylon all around, all you who bend the bow; shoot at her, spare no arrows, for she ...
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Vom Sparer zum Investor

Fabian Schuster und Marcus Jurowski

Vom Sparer zum Investor | Dein Podcast für wissenschaftliches Investieren und Vermögensaufbau mit Immobilien Fabian Schuster und Marcus Jurowski: Investoren, Business-Strategen & Finanzberater aus Berlin & Dresden Ob beim Sport, in der S-Bahn oder am Strand: Mit unserem Podcast kannst Du Dich von überall aus weiterbilden, um Herr über Deine eigenen Finanzen zu sein. Fabian Schuster und Marcus Jurowski, private Investoren und Inhaber einer sehr erfolgreichen Finanzberatung in Deutschland nehm ...
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The SpareRoom Podcast

SpareRoom Podcast

The SpareRoom Podcast is discussion motivated not content driven podcast. We strive for open communication about a wide variety of topics - all from two college students point of view. Support this podcast:
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Du bist privat krankenversichert oder spielst mit dem Gedanken, dich privat zu versichern? Du stellst dir zurecht die Frage: Wie ist das denn mit den Beiträgen im Alltag? Was ist erst, wenn ich 60, 70 oder 80 bin, die Beiträge permanent steigen? Kann ich mir dann eine gute Krankenversicherung überhaupt leisten? Und wenn ja, wie mache ich es richtig und wie sorge ich dafür, dass die Beiträge bezahlbar bleiben? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Hier bekommst du alle Informationen, die normaler ...
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Fraser Allan Best

Host of 'Leading Tone' on CIUT 89.5FM in Toronto. New episodes of the podcast 'Spare' every 24 hours -- taking apart a news story of the day!
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Spare Ideas

The Very Good Network

On each episode, Spare Ideas invites a guest inventor to pitch their inventions. Serious, surreal or just silly, the resident judges judge them all.
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Welcome to The Spare Minute! This podcast centers around the spare minutes I can find to discuss topics I find interesting. The goal is to produce rich and engaging content that makes you, the audience, think about various topics. I hope you enjoy these spare minutes I share with you! Contact: [email protected] Cover art photo provided by Eduardo Olszewski on Unsplash:
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The Spare Room

Sam Eubanks

This a place where we put all our random thoughts. Kinda like the spare room in your house where you keep all your random stuff that doesn't have a place, like that guitar that you're going to learn to play one day.
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We work on, Drive and Talk about all things car and car related. I'm Bradley, He's Henry and We are the Spare Parts Podcast! If you enjoy listening to us don't forget to check out our Youtube channel Carrespondents for more automotive goodness!
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Spare Change Podcast Launch

Spare Change Podcast

Spare Change podcast is the humorous guide to navigating through relationships, health and wellness, and a dose of pop-culture. Co-hosts Belyne and Sherrell, combine their unofficial opinions and two-cents to provide the audience with some “spare change”.
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Spare Prats

Spare Prats

What happens when 4 people at different levels of fandom get together to listen to audio and see what they think! Stuart, Jo, Doug and Chris get together and talk about their love of science fiction, specifically Doctor Who. Listen as huge Big Finish fan Stuart gets together with long tme scifi fan Doug, Jo - who is getting into classic Who having come from nu-Who, and Chris - big fan of all things geek but new to the audios all discuss this episodes story! We hope to have special guests vis ...
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Steuern sparen Gewinne steigern

Steuerberaterin Sabine Banse-Funke Vesting & Partner

Dieser Podcast richtet sich im Schwerpunkt an Ärzte, Apotheken, Heilberufe und alle Unternehmen, die auf legale und wirksame Weise STEUERN SPAREN und GEWINNE STEIGERN möchten. Gemeinsam mit Diplom-Finanzwirtin (FH) Steuerberaterin Sabine Banse-Funke (Fachberaterin im Gesundheitswesen H:G/metax), bekommen Sie Podcast-Folgen zu Themen wie: Steueroptimierung, Steigerung der Einnahmen, Minderung der Kosten, Gehaltsgestaltungen, Nettolohnoptimierung, Existenzgründung, Steuergestaltung, Unternehme ...
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show series
To celebrate international women’s day, Tom speaks to Professor Laura McAllister CBE and Lowri Roberts about Welsh Women’s football. Together Tom, Laura and Lowri discuss the development of the women’s game in Wales, Cymru’s journey to the 2025 Women’s Euros and the opportunities that will open up. Professor Laura McAllister is Vice President at UE…
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Send us a text Is division always a sin? Or is there a good kind of division that Scripture actually commands? In this episode, I break down the difference between godly separation and fleshly division, especially when truth is on the line. I also respond to the controversy stirred by a previous episode about Joel Webbon and why this conversation m…
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Selbstständige und Besserverdiener stehen vor der wichtigen Frage: gesetzliche oder private Krankenversicherung? Die Entscheidung hat langfristige finanzielle und gesundheitliche Auswirkungen. Deshalb solltest du die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile genau kennen. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, welche Faktoren entscheidend sind, um die richtige W…
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Gwern Gwynfil is the acting Director of New Wales, a new Welsh cross-party think tank, and is the former CEO of Yes Cymru, Wales’ independence campaign group. In this episode Tom speaks to Gwern about the Welsh language, surprising facts about Wales, the successes and shortcomings of devolution, and the future of Wales. You can find out more about …
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Frauen sind im Sozialversicherungssystem oft benachteiligt – sei es bei der Altersvorsorge oder der Gesundheitsversorgung. Doch mit der richtigen Strategie kannst du dich optimal absichern und langfristig von einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung profitieren. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum Frauen sich gezielt mit ihrer Krankenversiche…
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In deze aflevering ga ik in gesprek met Wouter Torfs, voormalig CEO van Schoenen Torfs en pionier in bedrijfscultuur en leiderschap. We hebben het over geld, werkgeluk en waarom een hoog loon niet altijd de sleutel is tot tevredenheid. 💡 Wat je ontdekt in deze aflevering: ✅ Hoe Schoenen Torfs de beste werkgever van Europa werd – zonder hoge lonen o…
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Setzt Ihr bei der Geldanlage alles auf eine Karte? Ob Amazon, Salesforce oder andere große Unternehmen - viele Anleger halten Aktien ihres Arbeitgebers. Mitarbeiteraktienprogramme bieten attraktive Vorteile. Doch rechnet sich ein Investment in einzelne Aktien wirklich? Und bedeutet mehr Risiko automatisch mehr Rendite? Das erfahrt Ihr in unserer ne…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard get back together to discuss the reports coming out of the conference meetings as well as the College Football Playoff Committee meetings. They also react to the news that Big Ten Football Media Days are moving from Indianapolis this year and heading to Las Vegas!…
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Eine private Krankenversicherung bietet viele Vorteile – von schnelleren Arztterminen bis hin zu einer besseren medizinischen Versorgung. Doch viele Menschen warten zu lange mit der Entscheidung und übersehen, dass ihr Gesundheitszustand den Versicherungsabschluss erschweren kann. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum es so wichtig ist, sich f…
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Die Beiträge zur gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung steigen 2025 so stark wie nie zuvor. Die Beitragsbemessungsgrenze wird auf 5.512,50 € angehoben und auch Zusatzbeiträge sowie die Pflegeversicherung werden teurer. Doch warum steigen die Beiträge so drastisch? Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum das deutsche Krankenversicherungssystem zunehme…
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🎧 Geldtaboe Seizoen 2, Aflevering 1: Dorien Nuts – “Twee weken later had ik de sleutel… ineens stond ik in dat frituur.” In deze eerste aflevering van seizoen 2 van Geldtaboe praat Charlotte Van Brabanter met Dorien Nuts, de frituriste die op Instagram duizenden volgers aan het lachen brengt met haar eerlijke en grappige verhalen. Maar achter de hu…
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In der heutigen Folge spreche ich mit meinem Gast Johannes darüber, wie er die optimale private Krankenversicherung für sich gefunden hat. Der Weg zur bestmöglichen Absicherung seiner Gesundheit war auch bei ihm von einigen Herausforderungen und Stolpersteinen geprägt. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge aus erster Hand, auf welche Faktoren du bei …
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard are back for a busy offseason show discussing two coaches leaving Minnesota for the NFL and where PJ Fleck looked to replace them. They also discuss a deep dive from The Athletic into Big Ten spending before Gaardsy somehow gets going on a meltdown regarding Minnesota basketball that left the other guys sp…
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Eine Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung kann im Ernstfall deine finanzielle Existenz sichern. Doch viele unterschätzen die Risiken oder schließen unzureichende Verträge ab. Dabei gibt es einige entscheidende Punkte, die du beachten solltest, um wirklich abgesichert zu sein. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, worauf es bei einer guten Berufsunfähigkei…
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Send us a text Will Spencer joins me on the show today to discuss the recent trend of Christians abandoning evangelicalism for something a little more traditional. At least that's the perception. We discuss what's really happening here, and how it's connected to misunderstanding tradition, masculinity, and accountability. Check out the Will Spencer…
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In der heutigen Folge sprechen wir über die häufigsten Fehler beim Wechsel des PKV-Tarifs innerhalb der eigenen Versicherung. Viele Versicherte wechseln ihren Tarif, um Beiträge zu sparen oder bessere Leistungen zu erhalten. Doch dabei gibt es einige Stolperfallen, die langfristig teuer werden können. Deshalb erfährst du in dieser Folge, worauf du …
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Der Jahreswechsel bringt wie gewohnt spannende Neuerungen im Bereich Finanzen mit sich. 2025 macht da keine Ausnahme. Ob Zinsentwicklung, Immobilienfinanzierung oder Steuererleichterungen - in dieser Folge sprechen wir darüber, welche Änderungen uns bevorstehen, was bleibt und welche Chancen das neue Jahr für Eure Investments bereithält. Wir verrat…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard are back and open the show talking about the vibe at Williams Arena over the weekend for Gopher basketball and how it relates to football. Gaardsy thinks he figured out why Burnsie was so mad about the delay in announcing Danny Collins as Gopher defensive coordinator. The guys react to the report that Ohio…
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Send us a text In this episode I discuss the origins of the phrase “Christian Nationalism,” its connotations, the bozos who are recently turning a lot of people against the label, and if I’m personally still willing to use the label. Support the show Support the Show! Check out the video Podcast: https://www.yo…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard are back to review Ohio State's win over Notre Dame to win the National Championship. What does it mean for the Buckeyes moving forward? What does it mean for Notre Dame? They also talk a little bit about some Gopher portal stuff and the controversy over a former Wisconsin player having issues getting into…
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Ob ein Immobilieninvestment erfolgreich sein wird, steht und fällt unter Umständen bereits mit der ersten Entscheidung: der Wahl des Standortes. Die Lage der Immobilie beeinflusst zu einem entscheidenden Teil, wie viel Rendite das Investment in 10, 20 oder 30 Jahren abwirft. Genau aus dem Grund sprechen wir in dieser Folge darüber, welche Faktoren …
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard are back to discuss the shocking news that Corey Heatherman is off to Miami just a few weeks after getting a new contract from the Gophers. A heated discussion about assistant coaches salaries follows before the guys talk a bit about the National Championship Game between Ohio State and Notre Dame.…
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Send us a text I prepared over 200 hours by reading 19 books, I have a bibliography of at least 900 sources, and I consulted at least 23 PhD's in irrelevant subjects to bring you this episode. Just kidding. I just had my eyes open and used common sense (something evidently pretty rare these days) to answer this very simple question. Are there conse…
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Ihr träumt von den eigenen vier Wänden oder plant ein Immobilieninvestment? Wenn Ihr dieses Vorhaben mit einer Finanzierung umsetzten wollt, ist die richtige Vorbereitung das A und O. Deshalb teilen wir in dieser Folge drei praktische Tipps, mit denen Ihr Eure Bank überzeugt. Fabian verrät, worauf es beim Finanzierungsgespräch ankommt und welche Do…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard usher in the New Year with a recap from Charlotte and the Duke's Mayo Bowl festivities. They also discuss generally the solid ground they feel the Gopher program is on right now as they look ahead to 2025. Plenty of College Football Playoff conversation as well with the semifinals coming up this week!…
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Send us a text I've noticed some things about an upstart church leader and I'm asking a few sincere questions. Joel Webbon himself has said it's not wrong simply to notice things and ask sincere questions, so I'm sure his followers will love this one. Support the show Support the Show! Check out the video Podca…
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Briony Goffin is a writer, tutor, and mentor. She teaches creative writing at Cardiff University and is a specialist in facilitating creative writing experiences in community and healthcare settings. In this episode, I spoke to Briony about where ideas come from, being creative, getting back into writing and facilitating workshops. You can find out…
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Stephen Wheatley is a volunteer crew member for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) in London. In this episode Stephen speaks to host Tom Spare about the RNLI’s mission, its history and his experience of volunteering for the 200 year old charity. So, sit back and spare a thought for the RNLI. Stephen’s Just Giving Page raising money for …
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard react to the latest Gopher Transfer Portal pickups, talk a little bit about the Duke's Mayo Bowl and recap the opening round of the new College Football Playoff! The guys also react to Chip suffering his "first fall" of the winter.על ידי KFAN FM 100.3 (KFXN-FM)
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Wer will, kann seine Immobilie ohne Eigenkapital kaufen. Das Konzept der 100%-Finanzierung klingt verlockend: Keine eigenen Mittel einsetzen, sondern den gesamten Kaufpreis über die Bank finanzieren. Aber ist das auch eine kluge Entscheidung? Gesunkene Kreditzinsen und stark gestiegene Mieten machen diese Finanzierungsform für viele Käufer attrakti…
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Send us a text It's Christmas time, and that means megachurch Christmas shows with acrobats, professional bands, actors, costumes, and pyrotechnics costing hundreds of thousands of dollars (tax free of course). Is what God intends for the church? Is it just a fun strategy to bring more people in to church? Or is there something wrong with the expen…
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Content warning: This episode includes reference to genocide, sexual assault, coercion, torture and other topics listeners might find distressing. Listener discretion is advised. Dima Hamdan is a Palestinian filmmaker and former journalist. In this episode Dima Hamdan talks about why she became a filmmaker, her experience of being a member of the P…
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This fifth episode of Spare a Thought completes a miniseries focused on international students studying in UK universities. In this episode Tom interviews Tanya Thomas, a partner at Spencer West solicitors, who specialises in Higher Education disputes and dispute resolution. During their conversation Tom and Tanya discuss the issues that students r…
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This fourth episode of Spare a Thought continues a mini series focused on international students studying in the UK. In this episode, Tom interviews four former international students and one current, all from Cardiff University - Sidd, Lily, Sumani, Zuzanna and Nathan. He finds out why they chose to study in the UK, the barriers to living here and…
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This third episode of Spare a Thought starts a mini series focused on international students studying in the UK. In episode three, Tom chats with Julie Campbell, International Student Advisory Manager at Ulster University about international students and the Higher Education sector. International students provide a net contribution to the UK econom…
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In the second episode of Spare a Thought, Tom chats with Dr Samantha James, an NHS doctor who volunteered for the German charity Sea Watch collecting refugees in distress in the Mediterranean in 2022. Together, Sam and Tom discuss why Sam became a doctor, how she found out about Sea Watch and explore her experience in the Mediterranean. To donate t…
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In this inaugural episode of Spare a Thought, Tom chats with Berwyn Rowlands, Director of the Iris Prize, the world’s largest LGBTQ+ short film prize. Together, Berwyn and Tom discuss first cinema memories, delve into the origins of Iris, consider the challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, and reveal what’s in store for the upcoming Iris Prize L…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard are back to review a busy first week of Transfer Portal Season, give their thoughts on Bill Belichick to UNC and talk a little College Football Playoffs and 2025 Gopher schedule.על ידי KFAN FM 100.3 (KFXN-FM)
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Send us a text We learned a lot in recent years about the limits of authority of the civil government. But a lot of people have completely failed to carry that over into other spheres, and instead believe that while governments are very limited, husbands evidently have boundless authority in their homes. The Bible's call to submit to the government…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard discuss the Duke's Mayo Bowl bid for the Gophers, some early Transfer Portal discussion, Corey Heatherman is staying at the U and a lot of talk about the College Football Playoffsעל ידי KFAN FM 100.3 (KFXN-FM)
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Send us a text "No More Brother Wars" sounds like a call to unity from the Christian Right, but when we look deeper at the behavior of the people calling for it, we learn a very different story that perfectly reflects events that we've seen in recent history from the Christian Left. Why is this and what exactly is happening here? My episode with @m…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard review the Gophers dominant performance over Wisconsin on Black Friday, salute a couple players that had great seasons, talk about Wisconsin's issues and discuss the flag-planting mania from Rivalry Weekend.על ידי KFAN FM 100.3 (KFXN-FM)
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In dieser Folge sprechen Fabian und Marcus über die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die ein Erbe mit sich bringt. Von rechtlichen Grundlagen wie Testament und Erbschaftssteuer bis hin zu praktischen Tipps für den Vermögensaufbau: Erfahrt, wie Ihr kluge Entscheidungen trefft, Schulden abbaut und Euer Erbe als „Finanzturbo“ für Eure Zukunft nutzt. Auß…
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With Thanksgiving approaching Justin Gaard wanted to let Chip Scoggins and Ryan Burns talk through their disagreement regarding one particular play of the Gophers loss to Penn State on Saturday night. The guys then recapped what was a great college football game where the Gophers came up just short before talking about Ohio State/Indiana and what i…
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Send us a text The newly released Antioch Declaration is causing waves on the internet. The Antioch Declaration is a statement made by a group of respected Christian pastors and leaders, urging resistance against contemporary racial ideologies that they view as incompatible with the gospel. It addresses concerns over secular narratives, identity po…
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Send us a text Today we revisit Midwestern Seminary and their Missions Program, Fusion, with a debate. A brave student comes on to defend Fusion, and agrees with the massive corruption in Midwestern Seminary and the SBC, while attempting to debunk my previous guest's claims about Fusion. Support the show Support the Show!…
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Veraltete Fondsstrukturen, teure Gebühren und intransparente Performance? Herkömmliche Investmentfonds sind Schnee von gestern. Es ist Zeit, auf moderne Investmentlösungen umzusteigen. Wer Rendite will, muss upgraden! Marcus verrät Euch in dieser Folge, warum Indexfonds und ETFs die bessere Wahl sind und wie Ihr Eurer Portfolio wirklich effektiv st…
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The boys are back after the Gopher bye and spend some time previewing Gophers/Penn State before Gaardsy gets Burnsie going about the latest PJ Fleck press conference. They also talk about the offensive coordinator change at Wisconsin, Gaardsy's love of Dan Lanning, the college football playoff rankings and: Tim Brewster is BACK!…
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Chip Scoggins, Ryan Burns and Justin Gaard return to discuss a deflating Gophers loss at Rutgers. The micro missed opportunities in the game in all three phases lead to a loss and potentially a missed opportunity to get into the rankings and a trip to Florida for a bowl game. Parity has been a theme in college football season and the guys examine j…
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