Speaking Russian ציבורי
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 184.1. RUSSIAN VERBS. To TEACH. To LEARN. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (184.1. УЧИТЬ – to teach, to learn).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Всем приве́т! Hello everyone! Давне́нько мы с ва́ми не слы́шались. Зато́ за э́то вре́мя у меня́ накопи́лся прили́чный спи́сок выраже́ний, кото́рыми мне хоте́лось бы с ва́ми подели́ться. Так что без замедле́ний, дава́йте перейдём к пе́рвому сего́дняшнему приме́ру: It’s been a while you haven’t heard from me. But since then, I have accumulated a dece…
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Приве́т, друзья́, Hi friends, Сего́дня мы с ва́ми вы́учим не́сколько но́вых разгово́рных ру́сских выраже́ний. Хотя́ по смы́слу все они соверше́нно ра́зные, о́бщего ме́жду ни́ми то, что все они упомина́ют каку́ю-ли́бо из часте́й те́ла. Today, we’re going to learn some new colloquial Russian expressions. Although they’re completely different in meani…
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Speaking Russian.Lesson 184. In winter, in summer, in autumn, in spring. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (184. In winter).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Приве́т, друзья́, Hi friends, Наткну́лась я на днях на одно́ фо́то в интерне́те, и не смогла́ удержа́ться, что́бы не сде́лать о нём подка́ст… Recently I came across one photo on the Internet, and I could not help making a podcast about it … Де́ло в том, что в Росси́и сейча́с, в предверии приближа́ющихся вы́боров в госду́му, активи́руются рекла́мные…
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Приве́т, друзья́, Hi friends, В про́шлый раз мы с ва́ми разобра́ли одну́ из совреме́нных аббревиату́р – СМРАД. Last time, we discussed one of the modern Russian abbreviations – SMRAD. Э́то подтоклнуло меня́ на иде́ю найти́ други́е аббревиату́ры и́ли про́сто слова́, кото́рые лю́ди умудри́лись расшифрова́ть други́м, нестанда́ртным и остроу́мным спо́с…
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Приве́т, друзья́! Hi friends! Сего́дня я реши́ла подели́ться с ва́ми свое́й нахо́дкой – слове́сным наро́дным тво́рчеством, вдохновлённым (е́сли э́то сло́во в да́нном слу́чае примени́мо) совреме́нными реа́лиями. А реа́лии, к сожале́нию, таковы́: профессионали́зм, а са́мое гла́вное, объекти́вность СМИ – средств ма́ссовой информа́ции – в на́ши дни ост…
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 183. How to say in Russian: in the morning, in the afternoon and more. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (183. In the morning).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 183.1. Russian Verbs. To SELL. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (183.1. ПРОДАВАТЬ – to sell).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 182.1. Russian Verbs. To BUY. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (182.1. ПОКУПАТЬ – to buy).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 182. Is there a place to get a nice, not expensive lunch around here? Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (182. Do you know a nice place to eat?)If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]
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Пе́рвый приве́т вам в э́том но́вом году́, друзья́! First hello to you in this new year, my friends! Я наде́юсь, что год у вас начался́ хорошо́ и вы гото́вы продолжа́ть изуча́ть ру́сский язы́к. I hope the year started good for you and you are ready to continue learning Russian.. Сего́дня мы с ва́ми возвраща́емся к вопро́су вранья и лжи… Today we are…
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Приве́т, друзья́! Hello friends! Как ча́сто вам прихо́дится спо́рить и́ли дока́зывать свою́ то́чку зре́ния? Знако́мо ли вам то чу́вство удовлетворе́ния и побе́ды, когда́ ваш оппоне́нт соглаша́ется с ва́шими аргуме́нтами и не нахо́дит ничего́ возрази́ть? How often do you have to argue or prove your point? Do you know that feeling of satisfaction and…
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 181.1. Russian Verbs. To WALK. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (181.1. ГУЛЯТЬ – to walk).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 181. How to say in Russian "on Monday", "on Mondays". Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (181. On Monday).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Предупрежде́ние: в те́ксте подкаста прису́тствует немного гру́бой ле́ксики. Warning: the text of the podcast contains a bit of rough vocabulary. Приве́т друзья́! Hello friends! Прочита́в заголо́вок сего́дняшнего подкаста, вы, возмо́жно, гада́ете, из како́го тако́го “не того́” ме́ста мо́гут расти́ ру́ки и почему́ они́ отту́да расту́т? Having read th…
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 180.1. Russian Verbs. To LIE, TO LIE DOWN. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (180.1. ЛЕЖАТЬ – to lie down).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 179.1. Russian Verbs. To STAND. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (179.1. СТОЯТЬ – to stand).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 179. How to say in Russian "to learn Russian" and "to understand Russian". Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (179. To learn Russian).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Приве́т, друзья́! Hello friends! Быва́ют ли у вас ситуа́ции, когда́ хо́чется всё посла́ть пода́льше? Когда́ разочарова́ние достига́ет тако́го у́ровня, что жела́ние сде́лать что́-то лу́чше и́ли испра́вить ситуа́цию по́лностью пропада́ет? Когда́ хо́чется про́сто поста́вить крест на чём-ли́бо? Does it happen to you when you want to just send everythin…
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Приве́т, друзья́! Hello friends! Не бу́ду скрыва́ть, что вдохнове́нием на ка́ждый эпизо́д подкаста явля́ется жизнь вокру́г нас. I don’t mind telling you that the inspiration for all the episodes of this podcast is the life around us. Вот смо́тришь поро́й телеви́зор, просма́триваешь страни́цы в интерне́те, и́ли чита́ешь но́вости, и не перестаёшь уди…
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 178.1. Russian Verbs. To READ. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (178.1. ЧИТАТЬ – to read).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 178. How to say in Russian: "I would like to book a taxi". Part 2. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (178. Book a taxi - 2).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 177.1. Russian Verbs. To PREFER. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (177.1. ПРЕДПОЧИТАТЬ – to prefer).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 177. How to say in Russian: "I would like to book a taxi". Part 1. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (177. Book a taxi - 1).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 176.1. Russian Verbs. To HOPE. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (176.1. НАДЕЯТЬСЯ – to hope).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 176. How to say in Russian "It's time to…" Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (176. It's time to work!).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 175.1. Russian Verbs. To WAIT. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (175.1. ЖДАТЬ – to wait).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 175. How to say in Russian: "Stop talking!" and more. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (175. Stop talking!).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 174.1. Russian Verbs. To COUNT. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (174.1. СЧИТАТЬ – to count).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 173.1. Russian Verbs. To START. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (173.1. НАЧИНАТЬ – to start).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 173. How to propose a toast in Russian. Learn how to say in Russian: Cheers! To friendship! and more Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (173. Cheers!)If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 172. To the health of guests! Learn how to say in Russian: "Come and see us", "Come through, be my guest" and more. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (172. To the health of guests!)If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 172.1. Russian Verbs. To BECOME. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (172.1. СТАТЬ – to become).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 171.1. Russian Verbs. To HAVE. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (171.1. ИМЕТЬ – to have).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 171. How to say in Russian "a guest", "to visit somebody". Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (171. A guest.).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 170.1. Russian Verbs. To SEARCH. Conjugation and examples. Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (170.1. ИСКАТЬ – to search).If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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Speaking Russian. Lesson 170. How to say in Russian "Do you have a driving licence?". Check the words and phrases by following the link on www.russianeasy.com (170. A driving licence.)If you have any comments or suggestions you can write on our e-mail: [email protected]על ידי Elvira IVANOVA
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