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show episodes

The Tolkien Professor

The Tolkien Professor (Corey Olsen)

The Tolkien Professor podcast is a series of lectures, discussions, and seminars on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien by Corey Olsen, President of Signum University. All are welcome to enter – even those without any party business!
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The Tolkien Road

John Carswell

A long walk through Middle-earth! Join co-hosts John & Greta as they go chapter-by-chapter through The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and all of Tolkien's other works.
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Einschlafen mit Tolkien

Schønlein Media

Wir lesen dir aus Tolkiens Welt zum Einschlafen vor... Mach’s dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: CC BY-SA 4.0
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TolkCast - Der Tolkien Podcast

Tobias M. Eckrich

„Willkommen in der TolkCast-WG! Setzt Euch zu uns, nehmt Euch ein Stück Pizza und lasst uns über Tolkien reden!“ In diesem „Laber-Podcast“ besprechen die fünf Hosts auf unterhaltsame Weise alles, was mit Tolkien und Mittelerde zu tun hat. Ob das News zu neuen Büchern oder Spielen sind, Ankündigungen und Berichte von tolkienesen Veranstaltungen, Kurioses aus der Community oder ein kruder Käsefakt, der irgendwie was mit JRRT zu tun haben könnte – hier ist sicherlich für alle was dabei! Die Tol ...
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The Tolkien Podcast

Larry D Curtis

You've found THE TOLKIEN PODCAST where we will explore three essential things you need to know about J.R.R. Tolkien: 1. Why he is THE author of the 20th Century 2. Why six movies made outside of Hollywood in New Zealand have earned a stunning $6 billion just at the box office from all around the globe while earning so much more money in so many other ways 3. And why and how the author's words changed and will continue to influence the world we all live in. That's the launching point of the T ...
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Tolkien Takeaway

Vasilios Asimakos

An energetic exploration of Tolkien's works by Tolkien nerd Vasilios Asimakos, ceaselessly delving into unpredictable Tolkien topics, because "not all those who wander are lost."
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Keep On Tolkien

Keep On Tolkien

Keep on Tolkien is a podcast that takes you on a sarcastic and passionate journey through the Tolkien Legendarium. Our aim is to provide quality information about Tolkien lore while keeping a fun-loving and casual atmosphere. It's like hanging out with your buddies...if your buddies were three foul-mouthed nerds with a rather unhealthy obsession with how terrible the hobbit movies are. Have questions, comments, or suggestions? Shoot us a message on your favorite social media site! We want to ...
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In which four toys named Tierra Williams, Susie Speckles, Kerrie Chang, and Humphrey Goldstein talk about everything having to do with the exciting world of J. R. R. Tolkien, with many mishaps along the way.
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Legal Marketing Launch is for lawyers and attorneys (whether at the beginning, intermediate or expert level) who want to launch their law firm marketing and client development to a higher level. It provides strategies, tools, inspiration and motivation that can be listened to during your daily commute, workout or unwind time.
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Tipples and Tolkien

Night Shift Radio

Lord of the Rings: Rings of Power after show featuring a themed mixed drink. Catch brand new episodes after the RoP drops every Friday/Saturday. We continue on after the show with lore drops and insights into what may be next!
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W najnowszym podcaście Stacji7 zapraszamy do krainy hobbitów, elfów, ludzi i orków. Ksiądz Staszek Adamiak, na co dzień wykładowca Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, człowiek-encyklopedia, pasjonat historii i znawca literatury odkrywa w opowieściach ze Śródziemia najważniejsze prawdy chrześcijaństwa.
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Welcome to “An Unexpected Podcast: Talkin’ Tolkien”. We invite you to join us in an adventure as Ezra and Lane delve deep into Middle Earth. Each fortnight we will gather for a book re-read, show speculation, and much more! So grab your book, a highlighter, cup of coffee, and keep a pocket-handkerchief close at hand. Remember, “Not all those who wander are lost” and we intend to let our imagination wander far and wide. Speak "Friend" and ENTER!!!
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ARC: A Tolkien Podcast

ARC: A Tolkien Podcast

Charlie Lein, Pip Parker, and various guests discuss and analyze each chapter of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Music credit: "Long Road Ahead B" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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The Tolkien Experience Podcast

Sara Brown and Luke Shelton

Since 2018, the Tolkien Experience Project has been collecting stories from Tolkien scholars and fans around the world. Now, we have partnered with The Prancing Pony Podcast and Dr. Sara Brown to create the Tolkien Experience Podcast — an attempt to bring the fan and scholarly communities together around our shared passion: the works of J.R.R. Tolkien! Each episode, Luke and Sara ask a notable scholar or member of the fan community to share their responses to the original Tolkien Experience ...
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Tolkien's Road

Jim Seals & Jason Tondro

Tolkien's Road is a chapter-by-chapter walkthrough of the collected writings of acclaimed author J. R. R. Tolkien starting with THE HOBBIT, continuing with THE LORD OF THE RINGS and beyond. Each episode will tackle two chapters in sequential order as co-hosts Jim Seals & Jason Tondro attempt to unpack the deeper meanings and themes to be found therein.
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Hello and welcome to the rebranded and re-themed podcast where three gay nerds gush about Tolkien for an hour every month. (We could totally go over an hour, but anchor has restrictions.) Follow along as we read through his various works, book by book, and (in some cases) chapter by chapter and discuss their content. We hope you'll stay with us along the road that goes ever on. Tumblr: Twitter:
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Hosted by Chads from Texas.This is a podcast for you! We may be based in Texas but this podcast is not just for Texans. On this podcast, fans of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien from all over the world can come on with us and others for discussions on topics of your choosing. Anyone can sign up to come on and record an episode with us and other fans just like you, who are passionate about The Professor and his Legendarium. Or, if that's not your bale of hay, you can simply download and listen.New ...
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Moesgaard Museum syd for Aarhus er altid på jagt efter fortiden. Med sin enorme udstillingsbygning graver Moesgaard sig ind i fortiden. Museet formidler de store og små historier, som betød noget dengang - og som stadig har betydning for mennesker i dag. Kunsten og kulturen har altid hentet næring i fortidens muld. Den engelske forfatter J. R. R. Tolkien studerede fortiden og dens sprog hele sit liv. Det blev til hans berømte fortællinger om ‘Hobbitten’ og ‘Ringenes Herre’. I 5 podcasts unde ...
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This channel combines two of my great interests, the Late Roman state and the legendarium of Middle Earth. The two topics have much in common and I aim on analyzing these similarities as well as sparking conversation to figure out how much Middle Earth is influenced by the world of Europe and the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity.
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show series
Hey there, fellow travelers! Our 2025 Silmarillion journey continues with Chapter 4 of Quenta Silmarillion - Of Thingol and Melian! Over the next several months, we'll be continuing to revisit the entire 30-episode Silmarillion series that Greta and I recorded back in 2022. And while you're listening, check out for guides to individua…
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One thing that becomes clear with enough time spent in Middle-earth is that Eru can work with anything you throw at him. That includes Boromir taking Faramir’s spot in Rivendell. Other Links: Playeur (formerly Utreon): Rumble: Odysee: Twitter: h…
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Denna vecka blickar vi tillbaka i tiden och får ta del av ett återblicksavsnitt. Veckans avsnitt ställer frågor som: Är veckans evangelietext ett 2000 år gammalt feministiskt manifest? Var det modigt av kvinnan att kliva in i huset som Jesus gästade - trots att hon visste hur alla redan hade dömt henne? Och vem är förlåtelsen riktad till? Det är Id…
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Das finnische Nationalepos Guten Abend. Schön, dass Du da bist! Mach es Dir bequem und schließ die Augen. Heute erzählen wir Dir zum Einschlafen etwas über Kalevala Den Ardapedia Artikel dazu findest Du hier: Über die Ardapedia In der Ardapedia könnt Ihr in tausenden Artikeln alle wichtigen Informationen zur …
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Flüsse spielen in Mittelerde eine zentrale Rolle als geografische Landmarken, Handelswege, natürliche Grenzen und Schauplätze bedeutender Ereignisse. Die zweite Folge widmet sich den Flüssen in Rohan und Mordor... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: https://l…
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Hey there, fellow travelers! Our 2025 Silmarillion journey continues with Chapter 3 of Quenta Silmarillion - Of The Awakening of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor! Over the next several months, we'll be continuing to revisit the entire 30-episode Silmarillion series that Greta and I recorded back in 2022. And while you're listening, check out S…
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In response to my video on how Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy managed to win the loyalty of many book fans despite its many changes from the source material, I received a number of comments explaining how his changes were necessitated by the adaptation of a book to a movie. But does that excuse really hold water? I don’t think so. For my video…
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Sir Richard Taylor, knighted in 2010 and named New Zealand's Man of the Year, has won five of the six Academy Awards he was nominated for. He co-founded Weta Workshop with his now wife Tanya Rodger and is responsible for the miniatures (bigitures), costumes, prosthetics, props and weapons on screen in Peter Jackson's LORD OF THE RINGS film trilogy.…
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Feanors ältester Sohn Guten Abend. Schön, dass Du da bist! Mach es Dir bequem und schließ die Augen. Heute erzählen wir Dir zum Einschlafen etwas über Maedhros Den Ardapedia Artikel dazu findest Du hier: Über die Ardapedia In der Ardapedia könnt Ihr in tausenden Artikeln alle wichtigen Informationen zur Perso…
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Vad betyder det att ha begär till något eller någon? Är det mänskliga begäret alltid av ondo? Där börjar samtalet mellan Hanna Stark och Ida Wreland och de ser starka kopplingar till världsläget i vår tid i episteltexten. De fortsätter att prata om ansvar, befrielsen när man avstår något, om lidande, skam och teologin som går ut på att legitimera s…
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I det nittiofjärde avsnittet av Tolkienpodden tar vi oss en närmare titt på den tecknade filmen Sagan om Ringen: Striden vid Rohan från förra året. Vi diskuterar handlingen och hur den skiljer sig från boken, tar upp hur den fungerar som film kontra Tolkienskildring och far även iväg på ett par sidospår. Från och med det här avsnittet plockar vi bo…
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Flüsse spielen in Mittelerde eine zentrale Rolle als geografische Landmarken, Handelswege, natürliche Grenzen und Schauplätze bedeutender Ereignisse. Die erste Folge widmet sich den Flüssen in Eriador und Gondor... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: https://…
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Was für eine Sendung, aus der wir alle mit Muskelkater im Zwerchfell und tiefen Lachfalten rausgekommen sind! Endlich ist die TolkCast-WG wieder vollständig zu fünft und meint es gut mit Euren Lachmuskeln. Zu gewinnen gibt es auch wieder was! Wusstet Ihr eigentlich schon, dass Elben eine invasive Art sind? „Elfen sind aber ok.“ Boromir ist wahrsche…
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Join the SilmFilm team for a discussion of the script for Episode 10 of Season 7. It's time for everyone to say goodbye! And fight dragons. Join us on the Signum University Discord server: Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the…
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Corey and Maggie turn to Narnia! Anticipating a new adaptation, we look at the earlier adaptations of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Thank you for your support for our project. Rings & Realms:The Lord of the Rings-The War of the Rohirrim…
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Tonight the SilmFilm team moves on to Episode 9, "The Death of Laughter". Join us for the uplifting discussion! Join us on the Signum University Discord server: Thank you for your support for our Annual Fundraising Campaign. If you missed the campaign event broadcasts, you can watch the recordings here. • https://…
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Hey there, fellow travellers! Our 2025 Silmarillion journey continues with Chapter 2 of Quenta Silmarillion - Of Aulë and Yavanna! Over the next several months, we'll be continuing to revisit the entire 30-episode Silmarillion series that Greta and I recorded back in 2022. And while you're listening, check out for guides to individual…
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Finally completing this project in one fell swoop, because there's not much good to find here.... For the prior video on An Unexpected Journey, check here: Other Links: Playeur (formerly Utreon): Rumble: Odysee:…
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Tolkien conosceva Dante, e faceva pure parte della Oxford Dante Society. Ma lo apprezzava? Si è ispirato a lui? Quali tematiche possono accomunare questi due autori? Proviamo a stabilire delle connessioni tra "Il Signore degli Anelli" e la "Divina Commedia". 📚 Visita il nostro e-commerce: 📹 Abbonati a questo canale per …
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John Perry och Jessica Nordqvist är veckans tolkar som talar om ”Kärlekens väg”. Fastlagen är karnevalens tid och innebär att allt ställs upp och ned, bak och fram. Så är det ju ofta med Jesus när han talar. Hur kan man gestalta detta? Vad betyder det att hedningarna vill SE Jesus? Associationerna går till rockstjärnor som man vill komma nära och s…
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Eine versunkene Region Guten Abend. Schön, dass Du da bist! Mach es Dir bequem und schließ die Augen. Heute erzählen wir Dir zum Einschlafen etwas über Beleriand Den Ardapedia Artikel dazu findest Du hier: Über die Ardapedia In der Ardapedia könnt Ihr in tausenden Artikeln alle wichtigen Informationen zur Pe…
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Ëarnur war der 33. und letzte König von Gondor. Er hatte keine Nachkommen und so übernahm der Truchsess Mardil die Herrschaft und wurde erster Herrschender Truchsess von Gondor... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Werbepartner: Hie…
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Hey there, fellow travellers! Our 2025 Silmarillion journey continues with Chapter 1 of Quenta Silmarillion - Of the Beginning of Days, part 2! Yes, Chapter 1 had so much to discuss that we had to break it into two parts, so you're getting the second half right now! Over the next several months, we'll be continuing to revisit the entire 30-episode …
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A while back I got an email from a viewer arguing that Gandalf was, to put it politely, a little slow when it comes to making sure Frodo got started on his quest. But just how big a mistake was that, really? Other Links: Playeur (formerly Utreon): Rumble: Odysee:…
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Eine Stadt in Eriador Guten Abend. Schön, dass Du da bist! Mach es Dir bequem und schließ die Augen. Heute erzählen wir Dir zum Einschlafen etwas über Tharbad Den Ardapedia Artikel dazu findest Du hier: Über die Ardapedia In der Ardapedia könnt Ihr in tausenden Artikeln alle wichtigen Informationen zur Person …
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Texten om tempelvakterna som inte ville gripa Jesus eftersom hans budskap berörde deras hjärtan ger ett eko rakt in i vår tid. Vem har egentligen rätt kristet budskap och vem är en falsk profet? Jessica G Nordqvist och Ida Wreland pratar om att stå upp för det man tror på och riskerna med det. Det blir ett fortsatt samtal om att ta reda på hur sake…
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Haradrim - Sindarin für "Südvolk" - ist im Legendarium eine Bezeichnung für die Menschen, die den Süden Mittelerdes bewohnten. Der dritte Teil beleuchtet den grundlegenden Aufsatz "The Sigelwaran" und die Darstellung in Adaptionen... Mach's dir bequem und kuschel dich ein! Dieser Podcast wird durch Werbung finanziert. Infos und Angebote unserer Wer…
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Die drei Piepnasen Johnny, Tobias und Jonas sind heute alleine und treffen sich in der Läster-Runde. Sie haben sehr interessante Themen dabei, aber es gibt null Extras. Wusstet Ihr eigentlich schon, dass Elben eine invasive Art sind? „Elfen sind aber ok.“ Boromir ist wahrscheinlich auf deutsch noch lustiger als auf englisch, „Rings of Power“ geht m…
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Hey there, fellow travellers! Our 2025 Silmarillion journey continues with Chapter 1 of Quenta Silmarillion - Of the Beginning of Days. Just to be clear, "Quenta Silmarillion" means "The History of the Silmarils". While Tolkien intended "Ainulindalë" and "Valaquenta" to be essentially standalone works, Quenta Silmarillion encompasses the next 24 ch…
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In response to my video about the character flaws of Tolkien’s heroes (,a few people commented that Gandalf’s real issue was the fact that he basically threw other people into dangerous situations to achieve his own ends. Turns out, that’s really not true. Other Links: Playeur (formerly Utreon):https://pl…
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Eine Geschichte über Geschichten anderer Geschichten. Guten Abend. Schön, dass Du da bist! Mach es Dir bequem und schließ die Augen. Heute erzählen wir Dir zum Einschlafen etwas über Fan-Fiction Den Ardapedia Artikel dazu findest Du hier: Über die Ardapedia In der Ardapedia könnt Ihr in tausenden Artikeln …
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר