The only podcast dedicated to making you a faster cyclist. TrainerRoad's Ask a Cycling Coach podcast gives you the chance to get answers to your cycling and triathlon training questions with USAC/USAT certified coaches, pro athletes, and other special guests.
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A Pokemon-inspired tabletop roleplaying game
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If you would like to rapidly increase profitability and learn what it takes to run a successful fitness business, then you’re in great hands. Trainer HQ provides a step-by-step proven system for building six and seven-figure fitness businesses.
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A podcast of the Global Proclamation Commission for Trainers of Pastors
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Practical tips to help you become a better coach so you can help more people.
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ATD Accidental Trainer is an ATD podcast featuring bimonthly interviews with industry experts who share stories and tips about how to grow your training career. Hosted by Alexandria Clapp, ATD Accidental Trainer covers trends, strategies, and actionable information for talent development professionals.
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I'm a balanced dog trainer who loves to keep it real. I want to empower YOU to bring out the best in your dogs through training and support you along the way. I hope these episodes help you feel less alone!
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The Retirement Trainer with Ed Siddell: A podcast about helping you find ways to become financially fit for your future, no matter what kind of shape you’re in now.
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Welcome to the Nik and Ant - PTMA Podcast. All things fitness, business, personal training, etc.
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Tyson discusses everything related to nutrition, training, health and everything in between in the fitness industry and shares his advice, opinion and research to help simplify nutrition in easy to understand terms.
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Welcome to ”The Empathetic Trainer,” the podcast that explores the power of empathetic animal training Animals just want to be heard. This is an emerging trend among trainers, veterinarians, pet professionals and animal lovers just like yourself. Join us as we learn the challenges our guests faced, as they grew their understanding and connection with the animals in their lives.
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Motivation! Mindset! No Product Sales! Program Works for Everybody! Gym Gossip! Did you ever exercise with me? Maybe you will hear YOUR Fitness Story on my Podcast...
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The Barefoot Trainer reveals an avant-garde approach to health, fitness, nutrition and more with the simple idea that movement is medicine... Host Amanda Buckner pulls back the curtain on fitness and nutrition, by presenting experience-based solutions that result in improved overall fitness, mental health and wellness, while simultaneously decreasing risk of future injury. With her quick wit and "prehab" approach to fitness, Amanda tackles common questions she'd encountered during her 10 yea ...
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Bundesliga-Trainer im Interview. Der erste Podcast, der alle Facetten des Jobs eines Profi-Trainers beleuchtet. Mit wertvollem Tipps zur Mannschaftsführung, zur Taktik und zu Trainingseinheiten, die alle Amateurtrainer auf das nächste Level bringen. Tiefgründig, privat, ehrlich. So ausführlich hast du die Elite Trainer noch nie erlebt. Während der Bundesligasaison immer montags mit einer neuen Episode. Folge und like uns bitte auf Spotify und Youtube. Komm in den PREMIUM SUPPORTERS CLUB und ...
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Hello and welcome everyone to the VGC Trainer School Podcast where we focus on the competitive side of Pokemon. Whether you are a ladder scholar or newcomer to VGC, we will help you learn. Class…is in session.
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The Executive Function Brain Trainer Podcast, co-hosted by Dr. Erica Warren and Darius Namdaran, is a biweekly exploration into improving executive functions. The series transforms complex brain science into accessible, practical strategies for enhancing cognitive skills. It investigates areas like boosting memory, improving cognitive flexibility, and offers tailored strategies. The podcast also examines lifestyle factors and technology on cognitive performance. Aimed at a diverse audience, ...
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A podcast dedicated to all firearm instructors in Military, Law Enforcement, and Civilian contexts. Content focuses on building a business as well as being a better instructor and helping more American Gun Owners become better prepared for active armed defense. Part of the network.
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Life is more than simply existing. LIFE is about living in abundance and maximizing your potential in every area. Everyone is born with a purpose and every opportunity begins and ends with a decision. Understanding how to execute and obtain results requires the ability to see beyond current conditions and positions. Veronica, affectionately known as "Trainer V" is all about getting results. Her goal and purpose is to help you see differently, and change the narratives by overcoming obstacles ...
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Im DFB-Akademie-Podcast Trainer*innen-Kompetenzen im Profifußball sprechen Dennis Schunke und Anselm Küchle mit spannenden Gästen aus dem Fußball. In jeder Folge rückt eine der wichtigsten Kompetenzen für Trainer*innen in den Mittelpunkt. Neben der Theorie geht es vor allem um den Übertrag bzw. die tatsächliche Relevanz der jeweiligen Kompetenz im Alltag der Profitrainer*innen – getreu dem Motto „von Trainer*innen, für Trainer*innen.“ Mit der 21sten Folge mit Christian Ilzer sind nun alle Ko ...
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DEB Eishockey-Trainerausbildung I COACH THE COACH Podcast
Karl Schwarzenbrunner, Julia Eisenrieder
Bevor wir mit unserer ersten Folge starten, hier ein paar allgemeine Informationen vorab: Mein Name ist Karl Schwarzenbrunner und ich bin Bundestrainer Wissenschaft und Ausbildung beim Deutschen Eishockey-Bund e.V. Der COACH THE COACH-Podcast des DEB ist in erster Linie ein Interview-Podcast mit zusätzlichen Elementen zur Wissensvermittlung, der Trainern*innen, Vereins-Verantwortlichen, Spielern*innen und Eltern spezifisches Trainingswissen vermittelt, Einblicke in den DEB gibt, Weiterbildun ...
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The Unreal Results podcast helps physical therapists and certified athletic trainers feel confident and get better outcomes for their clients by teaching about the influence of the viscera organs and the nervous system on human movement, pain, and injury. Explore how a visceral and neural-based lens of view can provide a new perspective to performance-based physical therapy, athletic training, and sports medicine.
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One Trainership; One Voice; Consistency with a Plan
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Ins Netz gegangen – Der Jugendfußball-Podcast für Eltern und Trainer von und mit Susanne Amar. Persönlich, kritisch und authentisch. Susanne ist Coach für Fußballer-Eltern und Trainer, Autorin und Bloggerin. Sie ist Expertin darin, eine wertvolle Kommunikation zwischen Eltern und Trainern zu schaffen und zeigt, dass ein effektives Miteinander im Jugendfußball möglich ist. Sie gibt Tipps und Impulse, wie Trainer eine gute Beziehung zu den Eltern ihrer Spieler aufbauen können und spricht über ...
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Hey guys. Mariano Alvarez here! Brent LaBrada and I are long-time friends who share a passion for dog training. Together, we have accumulated over 20 years of experience in dog training, business ownership, and mentoring newer trainers. We have always shared a love for exploring the world and culture of dog training. This motivates us to share the three major principles of DTP: inspiration, education, and collaboration. Each of us lean on our specific skills to come together and create quali ...
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Welcome to Trainer Radio - Pokemon Podcasts and Shows!
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Wir geben den Trainer*innen in Sportdeutschland eine Stimme. Was treibt sie an? Was bewegt sie? Wie definieren sie Erfolg?
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In this podcast, I’ll be giving away free training for business language trainers, including top tips, tools and techniques.
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Konshuhs Agility-Project Manager Coach & Agile Coach, Trainer, Mentor & Author
Edward Coke, Jr, MSPM,PMP, CAPM, CSM, Agile Coach
Are you tired of the same old approach to project management? As a seasoned project manager, I'm here to shake things up. By blending the foundational principles of PMBOK, Scrum, and Sales/Marketing, I'm disrupting the traditional project management landscape. And that's not all - I'm sharing the invaluable lessons and wisdom that I've accumulated over a decade of experience in the field. Buckle up and get ready to revolutionize the way you approach project management - CLICK HERE FOR FREE R ...
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Freedom Trainer Radio Interviews the TOP Personal Trainers and FitPros in the industry to give you the inside habits, secrets, and strategies used by high level fitness entrepreneurs.
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Dog Tricks For People! Flipping the script on dog training by putting accountability on ourselves as owners to be better trainers.
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We make the world a better place by movement. How we do this best is by providing personal training.
continue reading - Free video podcast, downloadable exercises, weekly workout plans, nutrition tips
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This is my podcast!
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This is an information based podcast focusing on improvement and insight on Mental & Physical Performance, Health & Wellness, and valuable tips & tricks to achieving your goals in the realm of fitness.
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Berisi motivasi dan informasi, tips tips dan strategi yang Insya Allah bermanfaat buat kita semua
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Fitness Education Online Podcast I For Personal Trainers, Fitness Professionals, Gym Owners & the Fitness Industry
Fitness Education Online
Fitness Education Online are one of the largest providers in world when it comes to online CEC / CEU courses for Fitness Professionals. This podcast is a free resource for Personal Trainers, Bootcamp Operators, Group Fitness Instructors, Gym / Studio Owners and anyone else in the Fitness Industry who is looking to up skill their knowledge. Every week your hosts Jono Petrohilos and Travis Mattern will interview a different expert in the Fitness Industry who will share their expertise and give ...
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The Science of Getting Faster Podcast cuts through the noise and talks directly to the scientists doing the latest research into how to become a faster cyclist, stronger athlete, and healthier person. Join Sarah Laverty of TrainerRoad as she interviews a new researcher every month about their latest studies, what question they were hoping to answer, how they structured the study, what they observed and what they are still hoping to learn.
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Sunshinestar has casual Conversation about Fitness w Paula Castro
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The Badass Confidence Coach is your go-to podcast for high-achieving women and men ready to step into their full potential. Hosted by Anna Marolin, therapist, life coach, and 20-year triathlete, this show is not your average therapy session. Anna is on a mission to empower everyone to overcome their self-doubt, crush their goals, and live their most badass lives. Tune in to discover practical strategies, candid conversations, and actionable advice to conquer the challenges holding you back. ...
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The Successful Athletes Podcast makes you faster with athlete interviews that dig into the details of outstanding accomplishments. From world record performances to personal records and life changing health improvements, get an inside look at what it takes to get faster.
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A place were I rant and talking about things happening with my YouTube channel when I'm to tired or busy to make a video on it
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The Health & Fitness world that people don't know or understand. Support this podcast:
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Welcome to the The Longevity Trainer podcast, where we learn and talk about fitness philosophies, the business of fitness, and overall health and wellness.
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A show about Health, Fitness and Stationery Addiction, with an element of humour (she hopes) through the eyes of a 40+ PT, with two adorable children who both fart, a lot!
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Sono un Personal Trainer Online e posso aiutarti a distanza ovunque tu sia.
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Online-Trainer - Podcast für Business-Trainer bringt dir Train-the-Trainer Inhalte, die ideal passen, wenn du eine Online-Trainer-Ausbildung machen willst oder vielleicht bereits Business-Trainer bist. Selbständige & angestellte Trainer finden bei uns erprobte Tools für digitale Trainings, tonnenweise Praxiserfahrungen zum Halten von Firmenseminaren und Tipps zum Ausbau der eigenen Trainerkarriere! Melde dich im Mitgliederbereich an, um die Management-Summary PDFs zu sichern und unsere Train ...
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Study the Bible with Dr. Timmy Tezeno, founder of Oval Bible College, and gain a greater knowledge and a deeper understanding of God's word. website:
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how to help clients stop calorie tracking and trust their intuition more in a maintenance phase + Q&A No.176
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34:31Questions covered int his episode; I'm having dreams about looking round spaces that could be for a studio - is it a sign? What coaching software would you recommend for online coaches? How would you get clients to complete a critical feedback survey. How would you phrase the message in the client groupchat? What non-fitness related hobbies do you …
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Australia's Leading Business Coaching For PT's and Online Coaches #145
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23:53PT's work with us to grow and scale their fitness business to $2K to $5K+ per week. Find out how here: If you’d like to automate your business operation to grow and scale, check out MxP: Join us on today's episode as Brad Sheppard is a special guest on …
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Try the nasal strips here
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How Great Project Managers Inspire Their Teams |Leadership Secrets!
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17:37Mastering Project Leadership: 8 Critical Insights for Success In this episode, Ed reviews the common pitfalls that project managers face and shares personal stories and actionable tips to effectively lead a team. Ed discusses the importance of setting the emotional tone, showing radical transparency, making every team member feel heard, solving inv…
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223. Developing the Strength & Capacity to Continue Growing, Even When It's Hard
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37:38Growth isn’t just about success—it’s about pushing forward, even when everything feels overwhelming. Whether it's career struggles, personal setbacks, or just the exhaustion of always being "strong," we’ve all asked: When does it get easier? Join Anna and Tim as they unpack the mental strength and resilience needed to keep going. Learn how to embra…
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106 – Eltern zu motivieren ist oft leichter, als du denkst
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16:03Diese 5 Impulse helfen dir dabei Schön, dass du wieder beim Jugendfußball-Podcast für Eltern und Trainer*innen dabei bist! Kennst du das? Du stellst eine Frage in die WhatsApp-Gruppe, aber niemand antwortet? Ob es um Fahrgemeinschaften, Kuchen fürs Turnier oder andere Unterstützung geht – oft bleibt das Engagement der Eltern aus. Doch das muss nich…
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How Tuberculosis Shaped Today's Weight Loss Culture
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21:14It's hard to believe that a disease from the 18th century still holds influence over our society today, but it's true! Join Amanda Buckner, owner of Untamed Fitness as we explore the history of this deadly disease, how it became "beautified", and how it's deadly talons have shaped not only the health industry, but fashion, medicine, feminism and mo…
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In this episode, we discuss the brand new and updated Instagram Growth Guide inside The Fitness Business Mentorship, as well as important strategies for you to use to grow your audience and business on Instagram in 2025. We hope you enjoy this episode and if you'd like to join us in The Online Fitness Business Mentorship, you can grab your seat at …
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Jessica Gonzales - Every Horse and Every Person Deserves a Second Chance S3 E25
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44:22Send us a text In this episode of The Empathetic Trainer podcast, host Barbara O’Brien chats with Jessica Gonzalez, a dedicated horse rescuer and author of Equine Empowerment. They discuss how horses help people heal, the power of positive reinforcement training, and the deep bond between horses and young people. Jessica shares her journey, the cha…
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Noelle’s Journey: Overcoming Reactivity with the E-Collar
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37:38Is your dog’s reactivity keeping you from enjoying walks? In this episode, I’m breaking down exactly how I worked with Noelle, a highly reactive Australian Shepherd mix, and the game-changing approach that made all the difference using the e-collar. I’ll walk you through: ✅ The most common mistake owners make when correcting reactivity ✅ How I dete…
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Episode 50: The Back Pain Issue with Conny (L3/L4) & Sandy (Fusion)
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10:45Tune in to our back pain issue - solutions, solutions, solutions on every level.על ידי Conny Gyura
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Go Beyond a Checklist Mentality and Design for All Learners with Sarah Mercier
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43:44Sarah Mercier is the CEO of Build Capable and the editor of the newly released book, Design for All Learners: Create Accessible and Inclusive Learning Experiences. Sarah joins the podcast to share an inside look into Design for All Learners, revealing why everyone benefits from more inclusive design, and actionable steps you can take immediately to…
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Athletiktrainer der Nationalmannschaft Das Konzept und alle Folgen von Staffel 1 Das Konzept und alle bisherigen Folgen von Staffel 2על ידי Deutscher Fußball-Bund
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#81: Nutrients and Supplements can Boost Executive Functions
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51:45In this episode of The Executive Function Brain Trainer Podcast,' hosts Dr. Erica Warren and Darius Namdaran delve into the controversial yet crucial topic of supplements and executive functioning. The discussion highlights key nutrients like iron, vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, choline, and zinc. They explore how these elem…
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102: Dr. Marc Faber on Inflation, Global Instability and the Risks of Tariffs & Trade Wars
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38:52Economic uncertainty, inflation, global instability, and tariffs are heavily weighing on the minds of investors. Which begs the question: How will rising debt, geopolitical tensions, and new monetary policies shape the future? Here to help provide some answers to these challenging questions is Dr. Marc Faber. Dr. Faber is a legendary investor, econ…
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11: Interview with guest "The Unknown Preacher"
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42:35Relationship development with God is the most important thing for your growth and maturity as a believer. This episode is an interview with my guest Alonzo James who host of the popular podcast "The Unknown Preacher".על ידי Veronica Burnette Hunter
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