Join former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara as he breaks down legal topics in the news and engages thought leaders in a podcast about power, policy, and justice. From CAFE and the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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Een Wie is de Mol? Podcast, waarin wekelijks de afleveringen besproken worden door Siem, Sam, Dean en Corné. Heb jij een vraag of wil je reageren op de podcast, stuur dan een DM naar @tunnelvisiepodcast op instagram of wordt lid van onze discord via
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Discover music through the eyes of similarity.
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Tunnel Hill Baptist Church is located in Elizabethtown, Kentucky.
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Análise da Jornada, com destaque nos jogos principais, análise da participação das equipas portuguesas, nas competições europeias e outros temas da atualidade. desportiva.
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Judge Jeanine Pirro brings her straight-shooting opinions to 77 WABC. Every Sunday morning at 11AM.
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TuneDig is an in-depth and informed conversation between two lifelong friends about the power of music — one album at a time. In each episode, we go down the rabbit hole to spend a while in the strange world we discover. We take an honest look at creativity in all its complexity—from writing and production to history and cultural impact. We promise you’ll learn something new every time, no matter how much you already love the album we explore. Sign up at to get occasional news an ...
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A new podcast from 3 born-sexy-yesterday know-nothings who won’t let their lack of facts get in the way of a good joke! Join Allie, Anne, and Lea every Sunday as they discuss the hunks, dweebs, and local bad boys of the All Elite Wrestling world.
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Wie kann man Putins Invasion stoppen? Welche Strategie verfolgt die russische Armee in der Ukraine? Wie stark sind die Verteidiger? Wie hilfreich ist die Unterstützung von Deutschland und NATO? MDR AKTUELL Moderator Tim Deisinger wird diese und andere drängende Fragen zum Ukraine-Krieg in diesem Podcast mit dem ehemaligen NATO-General Erhard Bühler in einer "Lagebesprechung" diskutieren. Im Mittelpunkt jeder Episode: eine profunde Bewertung des Kriegsgeschehens, die politische Gemengelage in ...
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Túnel de Vento é simultaneamente um podcast de comédia e um erro. Há improviso, humor, lamirés sobre literatura e poesia e, de longe em longe, javardice de elevado quilate. De Roberto Gamito e suas vozes.
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Your space for Healing, Inspiration, and Growth. Helping you create empowered relationships and life.
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The Tinsel Tunes podcast goes into great detail about Christmas music. Full of fun and interesting facts, it will get you into the Christmas Spirit! Hear about classics, modern songs, songs you love, and even those songs that you dislike. We go deep into the history of Christmas songs, explore the compositions, and play lots of music!
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Hi there! We're Game That Tune, three guys who make a fun podcast about videogame music. Each week, we all pick three pieces of music from a videogame, play them for the rest of the gang, and we all try to guess each other's songs, then discuss the game.
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Music news Podcast for Hip-Hop/Rap and R&B.Beat and Logo by @_itsmecris__
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"Andere Podcasts haben die Welt nur verschieden interpretiert, es kommt darauf an, sie zu verändern." Karl Marx Ob Mieter*innenbewegung, antirassistische Kämpfe oder Klimafragen: Im Podcast "Was tun?“ kommen einmal im Monat Aktivist*innen zu Wort. Inken Behrmann und Valentin Ihßen sprechen mit ihnen über ihre Ideen und Strategien, darüber, was politische Kampagnen erfolgreich macht und wo die großen Hebel für gesellschaftliche Veränderung liegen. Am Ende jeder Folge beantworten die Gäste ein ...
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A video game podcast about the people that make games and their favorite games! The Red Tunic Podcast features game developers from all over the industry and experiences such as legendary game designer Harvey Smith, everyones favorite voice actor Gianni Matragrano, and many many others! Join me while we learn more about the people behind your favorite games, how they got into the industry, their favorite games, who they are outside of games, and other meaningful topics and conversations to g ...
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A cool tune
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A free weekday download of standout songs, including advance releases, exclusive live tracks recorded at KCRW, remixes, and an introduction to new artists on our radar.
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Student Powered Radio
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Decades ago, WRVO Public Media began broadcasting old-time radio with a small collection comprising 20 reel-to-reel tapes. Today the collection includes nearly 7,000 reels and over 20,000 broadcasts. "Tuned to Yesterday" is public radio's premier old-time radio show, hosted by Mark Lavonier. The highest quality broadcasts are restored and played as they were heard years and years ago. You'll hear programs like "The Whistler," "The Jack Benny Show," "Fibber McGee and Molly," "Edgar Bergen and ...
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A being human podcast. Michael and an array of fellow fans discuss every episode of BBC Three’s supernatural drama in pain-staking detail. On top of that there’s audio essays AND interviews with the people who helped make the show a cult hit. Follow our journey from Bristol to Barry Island. From new born to proper dead.
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Hey, I'm Kavita Golia and I have been inspired to launch this podcast due to my own journey of transformation. I want to explore how self development and transformation can be achieved in so many different ways. I have a passion for music, psychedelic research, embodiment, and cultivating connection with ourselves and others. In this podcast you will hear stories and journeys from all walks of life from people who inspire us to learn, grow, and become the best people we can be. Please subscr ...
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Some folky stuff, some covers {please don't sue me}, some crazy stuff, some beats.
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Tune In: Discovering Your Authentic Self
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Tunnel è un podcast di calcio internazionale. Anche quello non mainstream di cui nessuno parla? Soprattutto quello non mainstream di cui nessuno parla. In ogni puntata Marco Dolcinelli, Edoardo Buganza e Gianmarco Lotti vi porteranno in giro per il mondo per scoprire storie di giocatori, squadre e allenatori, con un occhio anche al di fuori dei campi di gioco. Sigla: slumlord by lo tag blanco (c) copyright 2006 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Musica di sottofondo: Grif ...
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Join Jimbo As He Tackles The NFL, College Football, Combat Sports, Hockey, and Every Hot Topic In Sports!
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A collection of mostly AI generated music, produced by Dr. Duane Varan, with a focus on Bahá’í themes.
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Welcome to St Louis In Tune! Thank you for joining us for fresh perspectives on issues and events with experts, community leaders, and everyday people who are making a difference that shapes our society and world. The show is co-hosted by Arnold Stricker and Mark Langston.
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LE TUNNEL Tous les 1ers jeudis du mois de 19h à 20h. Un voyage d’une heure au cœur d’un courant musical. Avec une sélection aux petits oignons, ainsi qu’une mise en contexte comptée par Teurpi sur le 88.8FM
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Podcast by TuniTalks
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High Performance Academy Presents: Tuned In. A podcast interviewing influential people from around the world at the top of their respected fields. Covering topics such as Tuning, CAD, Performance Engine Building, Automotive/Motorsport Wiring, Data Analysis, Driver Coaching/Training, Motorsport Fabrication and Car Setup.
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Each week Lena and Avery listen to a CD from the 90's and talk about how awesome it was or not so awesome!
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Podcast by TuneUp
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Your Brand's Voice, Perfectly Tuned Professional podcast production and custom jingle creation to elevate your brand's audio identity. Our Services From podcast production to custom jingles, we provide everything you need to make your brand sound as good as it looks.
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Inside the Tunnel: A Virginia Tech Sports Podcast
247Sports, Virginia Tech Hokies, Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech football, College Football
A podcast on Virginia Tech Sports, brought to you by VT Scoop and 247Sports. Hosted by Andrew Alix, Evan G Watkins, Matej Sis and Doug Bowman.
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Robeco’s monthly podcast that makes sense of the latest market moves. Covering macro events, corporate news, investment insights – and the beat of the week.
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Get ready to add some joy to your little one’s day with Toddler Tunes! Join Georgie for delightful short music sessions that are perfect for creating a special bond with your toddler. Whether you’re looking for some screen-free fun or winding down after a big day, these tunes are the perfect way to bring some extra love and laughter into your day. From car rides to family sing-alongs, Toddler Tunes is the perfect soundtrack for your precious moments with your little one. Are you ready to sin ...
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Welcome Folks, to the BEST podcast that explores Wacky Wabbits, Screwy Ducks and the artistry of all classic Looney Tunes shorts, re-imaginings and motion picture appearances. Hosted by Jonathan Graves @TheDarkPilgrim. Rate, Subscribe & Like on iTunes and follow @ThisMeansPodcast because That’s NOT All Folks!
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Tuesday Tune-up is a weekly devotional that uses the Word of God to impact, encourage, and enhance our spiritual walk. We hope that the messages will grow, strengthen, and tune up your personal relationship with Christ and one another. It is our prayer that Tuesday Tune-up will aid you through practical teaching and application, so that you live life to the fullest capacity. Get ready friends, Tuesday is about to get you tuned up!
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On "In The Tunnel", Shaan and Jeremy debate opinions, predictions, and discuss what is going on in the ever-changing, ever-popular world of sports. Both Shaan and Jeremy are far from professional caliber athletes, yet somehow thought this was a good idea at the time.
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Was würde Captain Picard tun? - Der Star Trek-Management-Podcast
Thomas Krieger und Claudius Enaux
Ein Blick auf Star Trek mit einer Sicht auf Führung und Management. Was macht Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway und andere so besonders? Wie beurteilen wir Führungsverhalten und (Management-)Entscheidungen aus heutiger Sicht? Darüber unterhalten sich Claudius Enaux, langjähriger Personalleiter und Unternehmensberater, und Thomas Krieger, Star Trek- und Personal-Experte.
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Welcome to American Brews and Tunes, a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to Beer and Music. Every week, Jesse and Stephen recommend new albums for each other to listen to and review on the podcast...all while trying brand new beers. Listen in to hear about exciting new American Brews and Tunes!
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A channel where you listen to LIVE Gists, Entertaining, and Educating updates open for discussions and mind-rubbing gists. It's also an avenue to tell Nigerians about your brand and connect with positive minds.
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#258 Nach dem Eklat im Weißen Haus
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1:12:14Das Treffen zwischen US-Präsident Donald Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj am vergangenen Freitag endete im Eklat. Nach heftigen Vorwürfen von Trump und seinem Vizepräsident J.D. Vance verließ Selenskyj das Weiße Haus vorzeitig, ohne ein geplantes Abkommen über den US-Zugang zu ukrainischen Rohstoffen zu unterzeichnen. Ex-N…
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Die Strategien hinter dem Comeback der Linkspartei (1/3): Wie Heidi Reichinnek die AfD auf TikTok überholte
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1:32:30Interview mit Felix Schulz, Social-Media-Referent im Büro von Heidi Reichinnek Es ist das Comeback des Jahres: Nach langem Tiefflug in den Umfragen ist die Linkspartei als starke Fraktion zurück im Bundestag, um Merz, Weidel und Co den Kampf anzusagen. Ein Grund, warum die Linkspartei gerade bei jungen Wähler:innen so gut abgeschnitten hat, ist ihr…
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Episode XLIX – TNG S03E16 - S03E18
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1:15:10Mitarbeitende sollten sich idealerweise initiativ neuen Aufgaben und Herausforderungen stellen, um sich weiterzuentwicklen und den Sinn in ihren Tätigkeiten zu finden - nicht alles muss oder kann von der Führungskraft vorgegeben werden. Leistung und Initiative braucht auch Rahmenbedingungen, unter denen Mitarbeitende eigene Entscheidungen treffen d…
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Field Report: This 900hp Air-Cooled Sleeper is WILD!
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9:33With 903hp at the wheels, a 9.71-second quarter-mile at 161mph on an unprepped strip, and a fully air-cooled 3.6L turbocharged engine, this Porsche is the definition of a sleeper. In this video, we chat with Arthur to uncover the secrets behind his beastly build. Use ‘PODCAST75’ for $75 off your first HPA course here:…
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The Day The Earth Blew Up! and Looney Tunes Super Producer Alex Kirwan! TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
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56:03Welcome Folks to the greatest Podcast in the Looniverse! This week's episode is all about Looney Tunes Cartoons and The new feature starring Daffy and Porky Pig, The Day the Earth Blew Up! Crash Landing into Cinemas on March 14th! Alex Kirwan has been working in the animation industry for 30 years and now that the film he was a supervising producer…
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Episode 159 Shorty - Stephen's 4 Picks
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24:41Time for a new type of episode...a Shorty! On Episode 159 our hosts review one beverage each and discuss 4 songs picked by Stephen...sounds like a good time! Cheers!
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Happy Pisces Szn + Women’s History Month to us all! Electro-eclectic musical mainstay and activist Madame Gandhi is preparing to release the LP Let Me Be Water on May 16; “Pisces Knockout” is its swaggering lead single. Let Me Be Water is “made by all women and non-gender conforming individuals in partnership with the music nonprofit We Make Noise,…
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Send us a text Let's get tuned up in the Word of God together!על ידי Pastor Shirley Johnson
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#645, Romance, Silver Theater “Misty Mountain” Part 1 1/22/39 CBS, Silver Theater “Misty Mountain” Part 2 1/29/39 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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(Mark Lavonier) #1272, Series, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet “Atmosphere of Death” Part 2 3/20/52 ABC, Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police “Episode #2” 1937 Syndicated, Chandu the Magician “Episode #47” 9/1/48 MBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier…
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The Judge Jeanine Tunnel to Towers Foundation Show | 03-09-25
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51:29Jeanine discusses recent political developments, pointing out a stark contrast between President Donald Trump and the Democrats. She highlights the positive impacts of Trump's recent speech to Congress, including his alignment with American values and successful policy initiatives. Jeanine criticizes Democratic lawmakers for their perceived lack of…
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Episode 29: Early March "Anxiety"
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20:47On this episode I sum up a few artist who released and are releasing new music. Then after there is my review for "PARTY ON THE WESTSIDE" by LaRussell & Mike & Keys. Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for listening!! Please follow, like, comment, download, and subscribe to Tune Check on your favorite streaming platform and socials (Links Below.) …
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How Patriots Fight Back Against Presidents (with Corey Brettschneider)
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59:47American democracy has never been a given—it has been tested, strained, and at times, nearly broken. Some of the greatest threats have come not from foreign adversaries but from within—from presidents who sought to expand their power beyond constitutional limits. In his new book, The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy …
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#1449, Western, Gene Autry’s Melody Ranch “Uncle Billy Harlow” 9/19/48 CBS, Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters “The Mystery of the Magic Mesa” 12/16/49 MBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#1448, Romance, Lux Radio Theater “Trade Winds” 3/4/40 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis
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9:10Lena and Avery take a dreamy trip back to 1996 with Donna Lewis' unforgettable hit I Love You Always Forever. This ethereal love song dominated the airwaves, becoming an instant classic with its breathy vocals and mesmerizing synth-pop sound. The hosts dive into the song’s massive chart success, its lasting impact on 90s pop, and the romantic novel…
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There was lots to get into this week in AEW! We talk about Toni and Mariah's brilliant promo work, Ricochet's incredible and perfectly annoying heel character, RRenee’s trials (bad interviewee behavior), Megan Bayne’s trials (precarious wardrobe), the Death Rider’s trials (telling a coherent story), and Will Ospreay’s trials (immediately being aban…
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#1447, Crime, Suspense “The Thimble” 11/22/59 CBS, Radio Reader’s Digest “Murder in the Big Bowl” 11/7/46 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#1446, Comedy, Fibber McGee and Molly “Dog License” 3/19/40 NBC, Wednesdays With You 8/29/45 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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Ep 743 - Profanador de Túmulos minutos antes do Apocalipse
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34:09Apeadeiros da conversa:.Olhos de míope. .Pauzinho na máquina do algodão doce. .Profanadores de Túmulos. ----O menino está aqui:Twitter:על ידי Roberto Gamito
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#1264, Horror, Inner Sanctum “Death Wears a Lonely Smile” 4/4/49 CBS, Suspense “The Doctor Prescribed Death” 2/2/43 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#636, Science Fiction, Exploring Tomorrow “The Trouble With Robots” 5/28/58 MBS, X Minus One “Student Body” 7/31/56 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#1606, Mystery, Box 13 “Find Me, Find Death” 4/24/49 MBS, Jeff Regan, Investigator “The Pilgrim’s Progress” 11/20/48 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#388, Sitcom, My Favorite Husband 3/4/49 CBS / AFRS, Duffy’s Tavern (guest: Rudy Vallee) 9/15/44 NBC Blue. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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Releases, Re-signings, and Roster Moves • Stay Tuned Sports • 3.5.2025
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1:16:55Your Good Friend Jimbo and King discuss the flurry of NFL roster activity as teams prepare for the new league year to begin. ▪︎Donation Station: ▪︎Visit Our Merch Store: ▪︎Join The Discord: #NFL #NFLFreeAgency #RosterMoves #Raiders …
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Exploring non-monogamous relationships and attachment styles with Jemma Hardell
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43:05In this episode of the Tune. In podcast, host Kavita Golia is joined by Gemma Hardell, a therapist specialising in the LGBTQIA community, to discuss complex relationship dynamics. Gemma shares insights from her five-year therapeutic journey, focusing on gender, sex, and relationship diversity, including topics such as polyamory, monogamy, and the c…
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The Bullshitter in Chief: SOTU Edition (with Frank Bruni, Joanne Freeman, & Jonah Goldberg)
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1:17:39President Trump just delivered the longest address to Congress in recent history. What did we learn? Preet is joined by Yale history professor Joanne Freeman, columnist Frank Bruni, and political commentator Jonah Goldberg to discuss the actual state of our union. Plus, what exactly is the “unitary executive theory”? You can now watch this episode!…
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Episode 62: Project Pat's "Mista Don't Play: Everythangs Workin"
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1:32:45This life we're livin' is oh so beautiful. Take it from Patrick Houston, who has spread the gospel of the real for three decades, followed by a discipleship that has shaped 21st century culture in his image. For those still alive in 2025 by the grace of God, let us give flowers to the man from the North North. Follow us on Instagram, Threads, Blue …
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#23, Drama, On Stage "Call Me A Cab" 3/12/53 CBS, Cavalcade of America "The Store That Winked Out" 2/7/49 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#635, Adventure, Suspense “Breakthrough” 1/7/62 CBS, Rocky Jordan “Lady From Istanbul” 8/28/49 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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Lena and Avery dive into Transmission, the 1997 album that saw The Tea Party push their signature "Moroccan Roll" sound into a darker, more industrial direction. From Jeff Martin’s haunting vocals to the layered world music influences and heavy electronic production, this album was a bold evolution for the band. They discuss standout tracks like Te…
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Anti-Semitism, Activism, & Art: A Film Festival Turns 30
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41:53We celebrate the 30th anniversary of the St. Louis Jewish Film Festival, highlighting an impressive lineup of films from March 30th to April 8th at B&B Theaters in Creve Coeur. Hosts Arnold Stricker and Mark Langston discuss the festival with John Wilson, the Director of Cultural Arts at the Jewish Community Center of St. Louis, and Wendy Sachs, di…
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In questa puntata: - Focus: andiamo a est, molto a est, con Timor Estעל ידי V2B Media
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#596, Crime, The Clock “Bank Holiday” 5/2/48 ABC, Dragnet “The Big Rush” 7/5/55 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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#1422, Comedy, Ford Theater “It’s a Gift” 3/21/48 NBC. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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In an excerpt from the CAFE Insider podcast, Preet Bharara and Joyce Vance break down the legal challenges to DOGE’s controversial initiatives. Should DOGE’s actions be suspended while litigation continues? And how have federal judges questioned Elon Musk’s official role in DOGE? In the full episode, Preet and Joyce discuss: – The resignation of Ne…
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Field Report: You've Been Living A Loctite Lie! (Maybe).
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8:33When it comes to performance parts and tools we all want to reach 'straight for the top shelf' and get the best we can. While that isn't always possible for some high price components, when choosing between purple, blue or red Loctite at the same price point, many assume that red must be the strongest and therefore 'best' option. These people are w…
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We tried a show with no violence, so now it's time for INCREDIBLE VIOLENCE! Our merch store is back, now on TeePublic! Check it out and grab something absurd for you or a friend! Join us in Discord! Check out our Patreon page! is the home for exclusive content! Special thanks to our ABSURD FAN tier Patreon producers: Daniel…
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Song about the bounties associated with the Bahá’í fasting season which occurs in the 19 days leading up to the vernal equinox (start of spring), the start of the Bahá’í New Year (usually the fast runs from March 2nd thru March 20th). During this time Baha'is refrain from eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset. The lyrics are original and are ba…
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#633, Romance, Romance “The Long Way Home” 7/24/54 CBS, Rogers of the Gazette 10/15/53 CBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavonier.על ידי Mark Lavonier
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(Mark Lavonier) #1271, Series, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet “Atmosphere of Death” Part 1 3/18/52 ABC, Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police “Episode #1” 1937 Syndicated, Chandu, the Magician “Episode #46” 8/31/48 MBS. Tuned To Yesterday features programs from radio's golden era. Drama, Comedy, Western, Sci-Fi and more. Produced by Mark Lavoni…
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Episode 104 - Osama Dorias, Design Director
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48:25Hey Link here, thanks for joining me for episode 104 and New Game Plus episode 2 where I speak again with Osama Dorias. In this episode we talk a lot about diversity in games and why diversity equity initiatives and other such programs are important, Osama's Game of the Year, and some lightning round questions. Before we get started, don't forget t…
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