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Welcome to one of the best marriage and relationship advice podcasts. The Dr. Wyatt Show will provide direct advice on sex, conflict resolution, sharing power, emotional intimacy, staying in love, and much more. Leave a voicemail 24/7 with your marriage questions at 303-578-0618 then Dr. Wyatt will respond to it on the next Tuesday podcast episode. Relationships can be tough work. Partners have different needs, different expectations, and different backgrounds. Therefore, it doesn't take lon ...
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Wyatt Wonders


Hey everyone! Wyatt here and these podcasts are just me talking so I can hear the sweet sound of my voice. Have fun listening! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wyatt49/support
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Wyatt Perkins

Wyatt Perkins

Wyatt is prematurely wrinkled. His teeth are rotting, his hair falling out. He is skeletal. Just skin and bones. No treatment works. No point even in trying anymore. Not even a court can order Wyatt clean. It fails. Always. Every time, he comes out even more desperate for drugs. Even more aggressive. More violent. Somebody ends up hurt. Every single time. Beaten up. Left for dead.
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The Daily Profit Show with Ian Wyatt takes you inside the biggest growth trends with the greatest profit potential. Inside the show Ian reveals his top investment ideas. Plus he interviews CEOs, investment managers and investment analysts for their top actionable investment ideas.
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Listen live Mon-Fri, 12-3:00 on ESPN "The Zone" in Jackson & central Mississippi, or in the evenings on WVBG Vicksburg 107.7/1490 from 6-8:00p, and on WBLE 100.5 Batesville 7-9:00p. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and listen on-demand. Archives are also available at www.thezone1059.com.
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In this show we welcome you the lives of Emmett and Wyatt, two mildly interesting dudes with a lot of stories to tell. We try keep our stories nice and fresh and we try to post as much as we can. If you can’t get enough of us, check out our YouTube channel, Awesome Entertainment.
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Wrestling talk for those who talk wrestling. If you love the drama of the squared circle and the personalities behind it, NEW Wrestle Nation serves up a healthy dose of what's happening today in the wild world of pro-wrestling by people who've been in the ring for people who thrive just on the other side. Tune in and subscribe today!
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Start the Day Right. And take it slow... The Slo Get Up podcasts are an eclectic selection of slow tracks-- jazz, acoustic folk, neo-soul, trip-hop, retro-soul, bossa nova, gospel acapella, fuzzy lo-fi rock, jazzy hip-hop, relaxectronica, and more -- designed to lift you into the day. Full playlists available at my Amalgamated Recordings blog www.amalrec.org. The Slo Get Up is exactly that. While good anytime, its designed for that moment in day when you're getting motivated but not revving ...
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show series
📢PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Learning how to resolve conflicts effectively is essential if you want a heathy marriage. Feelings are going to get hurt. Actions are going to be frustrating. Needs are going to be unmet. When those things occur, we need to know how to respond properly or else things will get worse. We aren't trained on how to handle conflic…
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📢SHARE WITH OTHERS! Interested in my marriage conference in Florida on 2/23/25 to resolve your resentments and rekindle your love? Learn more about the marriage retreat here to sign-up! Emotional intimacy is a mysterious topic for many partners. What is it? Why do you need it? How do you provide it? If this topic has interested or confused you in t…
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✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Ready to move your marriage from roommates back to lovers? Join my most comprehensive resource to rebuild your relationship in 90 days. Learn more about my ER Marriage Intensive here! Thinking about couples therapy but not sure what to expect? Heard both good things and negative things about couples therapy? Need support bu…
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❤️ER Marriage Intensive Begins 1/28/25! Ready to move out of roommate status and into lover status? Ready to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve your conflicts, nurture emotional intimacy, and much more? Ready to make 2025 the best year yet for your marriage? If so, join my most comprehensive resource starting 1/28. My ER Marriage Intensi…
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🤝PLEASE SHARE WITH SOMEONE! Ready to move out of roommate status and into lover status? Ready to learn how to communicate effectively, resolve your conflicts, nurture emotional intimacy, and much more? Ready to make 2025 the best year yet for your marriage? If so, join my most comprehensive resource starting 1/28. My ER Marriage Intensive. Learn mo…
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✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW If you have a heart for couples and want to help me lower the divorce rate one marriage at a time, enroll in my ICF Accredited program FRCA to become a Certified Relationship Coach in 90 days. The next cohort begins 1/15/25. Learn more here! 🛋️BOOK A SESSION If you'd like to book a full day intensive or single session with m…
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🔗SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH OTHERS! If you have a heart for couples and want to help me lower the divorce rate one marriage at a time, enroll in my ICF Accredited program FRCA to become a Certified Relationship Coach in 90 days. Learn more here! In the episode today I discuss how to become more attractive for your partner emotionally and physically. I…
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✏️PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! The fastest path to healing your marriage is having your partner make a list of their resentments, working through each one with the Reunite Tool, then making long-lasting changes. The more your partner sees your effort and consistent changes, the more hope they'll feel and the stronger their commitment will become. 👉FREE C…
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🥳SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH OTHERS! Have conflicts with your partner? Who doesn't? Unfortunately, we're not taught how to do conflicts right. Therefore, we stuff. We blow up.💥We avoid. We engage even though we're flooded. Sound familiar? We don't know ​how to do conflicts well.​😩John Gottman said the more couples have defensiveness, criticism, contemp…
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✏️LEAVE A REVEW In this new episode I share the story of my own marriage. How we started out with rose colored glasses and fell madly in love. How we thought life would be easy. How trauma surfaced in our relationship. How we developed toxic, vicious cycles. How we both developed walls and felt unsafe. How we almost divorced. How we recovered. How …
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🤝SHARE THIS EPISODE! Most couples have relationship problems. The causes are varied but the patterns are consistent. One of the most important ways to fix your relationship problems is by learning what conflict mistakes to avoid. For example, my wife and I had a conflict a few years ago about leaves. You heard me, about leaves! I did all the raking…
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✏️LEAVE A REVEW It's easy to feel hopeless when your partner asks for a separation. What you may not realize is your behavior during the separation can either push your partner further away or attract them back to you. In this new episode I discuss four steps to take to attract your partner back to you during a separation. 💥Want my FREE training on…
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🤝SHARE THIS EPISODE! In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast a caller is asking how to save his marriage. They've only been married 4 months and his wife is already asking for a divorce! It's amazing how common divorce has become. There are certainly times when divorce is recommended. However, most of the time partners want a divorce way …
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✏️LEAVE A REVEW & SHARE THE EPISODE! Do you struggle with anger? Do you get harsh with your words when you're upset? Do you say and do things you later regret? Do you ignore your partner to punish them? Do you get sarcastic with your comments? Do you know that how you handle your anger can influence your divorce risk? Dr. John Gottman found the mor…
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🤝SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH SOMEONE TODAY! Want to know what happens to a lot of people through the years of marriage? They fall asleep. They take their eye off the ball.👀 They let the fire go out. It's usually not intentional. A little emotional neglect here. A little physical neglect there. And before long you're feeling detached and walled off. In …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! There are two things needed for a good marriage. Wisdom and self-control. 🏋️‍♂️ If you have wisdom but lack self-control you won't be able to follow through on your wisdom. If you have self-control but lack wisdom you won't know how to handle certain situations. In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show podcast…
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🎉ATTEND The TEXAS MARRIAGE RETREAT 10/13 If you want to transform your marriage, you must learn the art of thoughtful gestures. Thoughtful gestures express, "I care about you, I'm thinking about you, you matter to me, etc." How often do you provide thoughtful gestures? In the new episode today on the Dr. Wyatt Show I discuss the top three ways to p…
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🎉FRCA BEGINS 9/25! If you're not careful, over time you'll develop walls from your partner. Walls are the result of unmet needs, frustration, and unresolved conflict. When walls go up, everything else breaks down. So, if you want to improve your relationship, you have to address your walls. In this archive episode, I address the top 6 reasons to ad…
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🤝SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH SOMEONE TODAY! Ever wonder why some couples make it and others don't? When you see a couple that's happy do you think, "what's the secret?" What do they know that I don't? In the podcast today I'm going to share with you three secrets to thriving relationships. These secrets aren't rocket science. You don't need a graduate …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Wish you could communicate better with your partner? Don't we all. Better communication is one of the most common requests from couples. How do we communicate our feelings? How do we communicate our desires? How do we communicate on day to day things? In this new episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show, I review a top te…
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✏️SHARE THIS EPISODE WITH SOMEONE TODAY! Are you guilty of having unrealistic expectations for marriage? I know I am. Do you wish someone would have told you how to prepare and what to expect? I do. In the archive episode today, I discuss the top 6 things I wish someone would have told me about marriage. I hope these lessons will level out your exp…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! On the podcast today I respond to two voicemails that came in. The first one is from a man asking how to tell his kids him and his wife are getting a separation, especially since he doesn't want one. The second call in was from a woman who feels like her husband is too playful with other women. She acknowledges…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Has your partner ever told you you're defensive? That you can't take any feedback without justifying your behavior? That you always have a reason why something isn't your fault? If so, that dynamic can be frustrating for both partners. It's frustrating for the partner giving constructive feedback because they f…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! One of the fastest ways to destroy your relationship is to cheat on your partner. Cheating breaks the foundation of your relationship. When someone cheats, there's lots of blame. Blame from the betrayed partner toward the wayward partner for cheating. Blame from the wayward partner toward the betrayed partner f…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Did you know there's such a thing as being a good client or bad client? It's true. Therapists often discuss how easy or difficult a client is. However, clients often don't know what mistakes to avoid in order to make the most of therapy. In this episode, I share the top 6 mistakes to avoid in couples therapy. T…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Finances are a top source of conflict for couples. In fact, the more unified a couple is on their finances, the happier they tend to be. However, many things can stand in the way of being unified. For example, one partner may be a spender, one may be a saver. One may believe in debt, one may be against all debt…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Have you ever been in winter in your marriage where your needs for affection, recreation, and emotional intimacy aren't being met in your relationship. Then, without realizing it, you start getting those needs met from one of your kids or teens instead? It's common. However, when this occurs it can slip into en…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Have conflicts in your marriage? Of course. Wish you handled them better? Of course. Managing conflict well is a massive growth area for most couples. Usually, we either stuff it, we detach, or we blow up. None of those are healthy so we need a new way. The new way is what I call the diamond. At the top of the …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Micro-cheating is a new buzz word more and more people are discussing. You may be wondering, "what is micro-cheating?" You also may be wondering "Is my partner micro-cheating or am I?" By definition, micro-cheating is when you're not being faithful to your partner visually, mentally, or emotionally but there's …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Have you brought up concerns in your marriage just to have your partner tell you it's all in your head? That you're overthinking it. That you're being too sensitive. In those moments, who's right? Are you overthinking it, or is your partner minimizing and invalidating your concerns? In the episode today on the …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Did you know that your temperament impacts how you approach intimacy? Makes sense if you think about it. Our temperament impacts everything else in our lives. For example, if you're an introvert you may be more timid or shy in the bedroom. If you're an extrovert, you might be more forward and bold in the bedroo…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Do you ever feel like you're working harder at your marriage than your partner? You're not alone. Many people feel this way and it often leads to burnout. When my wife and I were working through winter in our marriage I often felt this way. I felt like I was trying harder than my wife and I started feeling burn…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! This is a special day for my podcast because it's the first time I've offered a FREE couples therapy session. As you probably know, I have a private practice in Boulder, CO where I've been seeing clients live and virtually since 2004. Learn more about my marriage counseling here. However, I've never recorded a …
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Have you resolved your resentments and rebuilt your friendship and now you're ready to start flirting but not sure how? Moreover, do you want to start flirting but worried you'll lead your partner on? It's a common concern. Especially for low libido partners. They think, "I don't want to flirt with my high libi…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! In this call in episode, a listener describes how her husband has broken financial trust and she isn't sure how to start trusting again. If trust has been broken in your relationship, some of the principles covered may apply to you. Check out my new article on effective marriage separation here. Call 303-578-06…
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✏️RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Most people have heard of husbands wanting intimacy more than their wives but it's more rare when it's the other way around. It also can be more difficult because everyone associates men with wanting intimacy all the time. Therefore, when your husband doesn't have sexual interest it can feel deeply personal. Li…
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😊DOWNLOAD ( KTG) COUPLES APP HERE! Sometimes, the answer is not what we think. Sometimes, we must let go in order to receive. Sometimes, we must stop chasing for our partner to stop running away. I'm talking about sex. Too many low libido partners are under obligation sex. They feel pressured for intimacy. The more pressure they feel, the lower the…
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Most marriages are made up of a stuffer and a criticizer. Stuffers stuff their feelings, which creates resentments. Criticizers are blunt and blindside their partner with critiques. Obviously, both are unhealthy. In this new episode of the Dr. Wyatt Show I discuss the solution. You'll want to listen to this one a few times with your partner. 5 Step…
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Being in a blended family creates its own unique set of challenges. Unfortunately, many of us aren't informed on how to do blended families right. Which means many of us do it wrong. I was raised in a blended family so I know firsthand some of the top mistakes to avoid. I've also seen the same mistakes play out with couples I see in my practice. In…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! It's important to have a list of things to start doing in a relationship. Likewise, it's important to have a list of things to stop doing. In this archive episode of the Dr. Wyatt Show Podcast, I discuss the top behaviors to stop doing now. In fact, if you keep doing these things your marriage will get worse. You ca…
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IF YOU FOUND THIS VALUABLE, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Learning to work through conflicts is a fact of life. Unfortunately, it's a fact of life most of us are never trained in. Without resolving conflicts, you and your partner can't stay close. Unresolved conflict creates division and walls. Walls break down intimacy. In this archive episode I'll teach…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW! Want to improve your marriage? Learn how to compromise. Want your partner to be happier? Learn how to compromise. Want to lower your divorce risk? Learn how to compromise. See the common denominator? This archive episode will walk you through how to start compromising like a pro. FREE Masterclass 5/6: How To Rebuild Your Mar…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! In this mini episode I discuss one of the most common mistakes I see couples make in conflict. Listen in to see if you're guilty of doing it too! Send me a DM on Instagram if you are. Leave a voicemail at 303-578-0618 24/7 with your questions and I'll respond to them on the next Tuesday podcast episode! Want to star…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! Welcome to another Tuesday call in episode on the Dr. Wyatt Show where I respond to voicemails that have come in from listeners. Today, I respond to a woman who says her husband has ED and blames it on her weight even though she only weighs 5 pounds more than when they first met. Listen to her voicemail and then hea…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! Sick of feeling like roommates? Tired of feeling like siblings? Have you resolved your resentments? Have you rebuilt your friendship? If so, start nuddling! Nuddling is the perfect way to slowly start building your safety and security. Nuddling will bond you. Nuddling will make you feel like partners. Nuddling is yo…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! We all have expectations of what marriage will be like. And what it won't be like. What our partner will be like. And what they won't be like. These expectations come from our family of origin and our culture. Most of us aren't aware of our expectations. But they are there. Influencing our reactions to our partner a…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! Unfortunately, many people fall asleep in marriage. They stop trying. They stop putting in effort. They fall asleep. Hopelessness sets in quickly when you're on the other side of complacency. In this new call in episode, I share some steps to consider if you find yourself in a similar situation. Leave a voicemail at…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! Want a better relationship? Yes, please. Have six hours to spare per week? Probably. Then I have the perfect solution for you. In this new episode of the Dr. Wyatt Show I break down 6 hours of activities you need to build your relationship each week. These six hours are intentional and transformational. Your relatio…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW FOR MORE! Leave a voicemail 24/7 with your marriage questions at 303-578-0618 then I'll respond to it on the next Tuesday podcast episode! Not feeling attracted to your partner? Not sure what to do? You want to bring it up but when you do your partner gets their feelings hurt. So you keep it inside. But keeping it inside make…
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RATE, REVIEW, & FOLLOW For More! Are you feeling bored in the bedroom? Are you tired of no intimacy or boring intimacy? You're not alone. Many couples struggle keeping the fire alive in the bedroom. That's why I explore 8 steps to spice things up in the bedroom in this new podcast episode. Listen to it with your partner to decide which steps would …
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