Cinthia Hiett - Be Your Own Best Version
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Welcome to Cinthia Vasquez, where amazing things happen.
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Real Talk with Cinthia is a weekly Podcast about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible version of ourselves.
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על ידי Cinthia Hiett
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על ידי Cinthia Hiett
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Replay: Being in Charge of Your Own Brain (3/3/24)
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42:47oday’s topic is the neuroplasticity of the brain and how we can use it to take charge of our own thought processes. Cinthia opened today with a quote usually attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” We see the problems that occur with repeating behaviors that are not working…
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How do you approach the issue of trusting others? Every human being is a risk. This does not necessarily mean that we are all dangerous at deep levels, but it does mean we are fallible and that we have the capacity and potential to hurt and fail one another. We all yearn for acceptance, accept ugly things, and are still trying to figure out who we …
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Why Does God Want Us in Relationship?
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42:48Today Cinthia noted just a few of the many Bible verses that indicate human beings are supposed to be in relationships with God, ourselves, and others. These included John 15:1-2, Proverbs 27:17, and II Corinthians 1:3-7. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 talks specifically about this, as well. These verses do not indicate that we should all be extroverts or tha…
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Feelings are very real but not always true. They are real because they are actual sensations that are really happening in your body, often related to the chemicals your body is creating and releasing. However, the thoughts that often come in tandem with our feelings can be untrue. Feelings do give us information, and some of it can be true. However…
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Do you let people love you? Do you let them know you? Love takes time. There are some acts of love, mercy, grace, and kindness that require very little and can be accepted without any commitment. When someone opens the door for you in the store, smiles at you, or lets you have a parking place, you can generally accept it without trying to interpret…
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Do you struggle with letting others love you? Today Cinthia reviews some important concepts about letting others love you. We all need grace, kindness, even smiles; you can receive and give these things. The better your boundaries are, the more loving you can be. Extending grace does not mean the person owes you something. I Corinthians 13, as well…
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Today Cinthia discusses an important issue and then welcomes Kelsey Pritchard of SBA Pro-Life America to discuss it further. Cinthia and Pritchard explain that the political conversation about abortion this election season includes significant misinformation and some outright lies. For example, candidates have indicated that abortions do not curren…
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Humans deeply need love and acceptance, so it may be surprising that they can have so much trouble accepting it. People may turn away compliments, shut down attempts to get to know them, or reject others before they can be rejected. How can beings who so desperately need relationships with other humans fight so hard against it? Why do people shut d…
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The word “discernment” can have a lot of different meanings; today Cinthia discusses it as the process of determining what God is calling you to do. This can apply to vocation, marriage or singleness, and so many other important questions, and a given person can have several different callings at once (e.g., being married, working a particular job,…
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You Always Have A Choice (Replay of 9-1-24)
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43:53Do you acknowledge the choices you have? You may not always have the choices that you wish you had, but you always have a choice. Today Cinthia discussed what it means to take ownership of your life and the choices you have. Acknowledging your own choices means giving up the option to blame others for the entire direction of your life (although it …
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Let Them Love You (Replay from 8-13-23)
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43:48Do you reject compliments, explaining why you don’t really deserve them? Do you get nervous when someone does something nice for you, turn down offers of help even when you could really use them, or hate the feeling you get when someone forgives you or extends grace and kindness your way? Today’s show is on letting other people love you. It can be …
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How Much Does Your Pleasure Cost You and Others?
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42:48Today Cinthia talked about the costs and value of pleasure and virtue. In our culture, pursuing pleasure seems to make sense, to be part of living our best life. And pleasure can be a good thing; sometimes it can help us enjoy good things, mitigate pain, etc. But pleasure always has a price. Sometimes pleasure is worth the price, but sometimes it i…
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Ten Ways to Quickly Boost Your Good Vibes
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42:49The phrase “good vibes” has been around for a few decades now, and it is sometimes associated with cultural eccentricity. In fact, however, the phrase can be associated with electricity because the human body has electrical currents that travel up to 120 meters per second. The electricity in our bodies is real, and it is impacted by our habits, par…
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Why Are You So Hard on Yourself? (Replay from 5-26-24)
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42:49For many of us, the harshest litany in our lives is the stream of self-evaluations running through our heads. This can seem harmless and even necessary to control our behavior; it is easily confused with appropriately holding ourselves accountable. But the way we deal with ourselves reveals a lot about our views of reality, and it tends to leak out…
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Have you ever thought that relationships and drama have to go together? That shouting matches and stand-offs are simply the price you pay to have any kind of intimacy in your life? It is true that relationships require effort, but work and drama do not have to be the same thing. Today Cinthia discussed her book Wars to Peace: When Relationships Go …
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How Do You Know They Love You?- Part Two
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42:48Today Cinthia continues a topic she started earlier in the month: how to know whether someone loves you. Relationships are complicated, whether they are romantic relationships, friendships, or family ones. When we are most vulnerable, sometimes the wrong things get exaggerated, and the things that are true get minimized. So how do we know when some…
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Current Events: Interviews with Kelsey Pritchard and Dr. Mitch Glasser
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42:49Today Cinthia conducted two interviews with individuals who work in areas significant to events happening in the world. First, she talked with Kelsey Pritchard, who is the director of state public affairs for SBA Pro-Life America; she was previously the communications director for former South Dakota governor Dennis Daugaard and has also worked in …
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Replay of "Helping the Ones You Love" (7-16-23)
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42:52For every person in the world diagnosed with an addiction or mental disorder, there is at least one other person trying to help someone in this condition. Families are deeply impacted, and these situations can be ripe for misunderstanding, misinformation, and stigma. Today Cinthia explores how to love well when a loved one struggles with a mental i…
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Have you noticed that love can look different ways at different times? Sometimes love is soft and gentle, and sometimes it is firm. Sometimes it tells us everything we need to hear, and sometimes it waits silently. It can be confusing, so how do we know when we are truly loved and when we are loving others well? Today Cinthia discusses characterist…
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Why do human beings get defensive? Why does defensiveness feel so powerful when it arises inside us? And what can we do to deal with it? Defensiveness is a way to protect the self-concept; it often occurs when a person perceives that his image or self-image is under attack. The truth is that we spend a lot of time misrepresenting ourselves to one a…
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Our society focuses a lot on identity. We take personality tests, craft careful social media posts, curate bumper stickers, and select our preferences --news channels, political parties, even our churches -- with an eye toward presenting ourselves as who we think we are or who we want to be. But, for all our self-fascination, we have surprisingly l…
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Stories have power, regardless of whether they are true. True stories, however, have special power, and God kindly gives us so many examples of how He deals with humans. Today Cinthia discusses the stories of three real people who encountered the mercy of God: John Newton, Hagar, and Sarai. John Newton was profane even for a sailor. He denounced Go…
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Today Cinthia discusses motivation and inspiration, two concepts that are related but not identical. She uses a variety of quotes and offers a number of questions to ask ourselves as we examine our own ongoing motivation and inspiration. The first was the following by Thomas Carlyle: “Let him who would be moved to convince others be first moved to …
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Why Are You So Hard on Yourself?
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43:35For many of us, the harshest litany in our lives is the stream of self-evaluations running through our heads. This can seem harmless and even necessary to control our behavior; it is easily confused with appropriately holding ourselves accountable. But the way we deal with ourselves reveals a lot about our views of reality, and it tends to leak out…
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Redemption, Protection, and Safety, with an Interview with Kevin Sorbo
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43:50Today's broadcast had two parts. The first was an interview with Kevin Sorbo, a well-known actor who has played many roles, including that of Hercules in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and that of Captain Dylan Hunt in Andromeda. He is currently promoting a movie that will be coming out in August called Firing Squad, in which Sorbo acts along wit…
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God Does Not Cover Up Bad Things; He Covers Us
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42:51I Peter 4:8 tells us, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” But what does this mean, and how do we walk it out in a healthy way? Does it mean dismissing sin, hiding abuse and allowing it to continue, accepting ongoing mistreatment without ever setting a boundary? Covering has several dimensions, and God is ou…
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What Is Really Happening: Interviews with Emily Erin Davis and Dr. Skop
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42:50The topic of abortion is making a huge appearance this election year, but political speeches often distort the realities on the ground. Misinformation and carefully-crafted language can make it easy to think that a vote for abortion is a vote for the empowerment of women while a vote against it endangers women’s health, dignity, and welfare. Today …
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Attractiveness (Replay of 5-14-23)
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43:35Is attraction something that just comes and goes, completely beyond our control? Today Cinthia explores attractiveness as a responsibility we have to others, one that is not primarily about our physical makeup. While she introduces this topic in terms of spouses who are no longer attracted to their spouses, she explores it further as it applies to …
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Today Cinthia continues a conversation she began a few weeks ago with the episode “Why Don’t You Believe Me?” Trust is impacted by many factors on both sides of a relationship, and it is difficult to sort out when our fears indicate legitimate warning signs about another person and when they signal our own trust issues or immaturity. (And sometimes…
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Today Cinthia discussed what it means that we as human beings are made in the image of God. We say all kinds of things about ourselves, and not all of the things we say are true. We work hard to define ourselves, to figure out who we are and grasp some kind of identity for ourselves. But these attempts will never make us free until they line up wit…
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Today’s title is one that requires some definitions. First of all, what is an addict? What is addiction? Addiction has more than one definition but usually involves becoming physically or psychologically dependent on a substance; it can sometimes apply to compulsive involvement in behavior, such as gambling or sexual compulsions. Not all habits nec…
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Easter Twilights (Replay of 4-9-23)
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42:50Twilight seems like a wisp of time; it comes and goes and is gone. It occurs twice a day, bookending the days and nights. Is this simply an accident of the Earth’s rotation and revolutions around the sun? Nothing God creates is without meaning and purpose, and twilight, Cinthia explains, is a beautiful gift to us. Cinthia explored dictionary defini…
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Have you ever told the truth and yet not been believed? Have you ever struggled to know whether to believe someone else? Distrust can be painful on both sides, but knowing what to believe can be difficult. Today Cinthia tackles the dual topic of trusting and being trusted, starting with the statement that everything is a risk. Trust is necessary fo…
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Practice Makes Perfect, Right? (Replay of 3-12-23)
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42:57Practice makes perfect, right? Well, that depends on what we are practicing. Habits are powerful, and repetition makes them stronger. This can be a huge advantage when we form and reinforce positive habits; it means we automatically do positive things without the decision fatigue that can come with making so many conscious decisions. Habits are use…
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The past is hard for everyone. Some long for the past, while others want to erase or avoid it. Many of us want to erase parts of our pasts while holding onto others. But the key to dealing with the past is not romanticizing it or avoiding it; it is learning from it. Cinthia states today that “time is either a guide into your future or a tormentor t…
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Being in Charge of Your Own Brain
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42:47Today’s topic is the neuroplasticity of the brain and how we can use it to take charge of our own thought processes. Cinthia opened today with a quote usually attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” We see the problems that occur with repeating behaviors that are not workin…
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Human beings are locked in time while we live on the earth, and we used to know it. The sun went down, and people could no longer see to continue working, which meant they had to end the day’s work and rest. Time used to pace us, just as our bodies used to do. Now, however, we seem to be in a game against time. Our technology allows us to multitask…
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How Much Does Your Pleasure Cost Others?
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43:29When we do not take responsibility for being the best versions of ourselves, we often move toward pleasure to mitigate the pain. Now, pleasure is not bad -- it’s great, actually. But pleasure always has a price. Sometimes the price is worth paying, but, when we are using pleasure to mitigate pain, we often pay more than we acknowledge ourselves to …
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Let Them Love You (Replay of 8-13-23)
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43:48Do you reject compliments, explaining why you don’t really deserve them? Do you get nervous when someone does something nice for you, turn down offers of help even when you could really use them, or hate the feeling you get when someone forgives you or extends grace and kindness your way? Today’s show is on letting other people love you. It can be …
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Today's topic is devotion, devotions, and the interaction between the two. Devotion has to do with love, loyalty, enthusiasm for someone or something, faithfulness, fidelity, and even strong emotional attachment. It can also have to do with religious worship or observance. A devotion can be a quiet time spent praying, reading the Bible, reflecting,…
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Like it or not, humans need to attach to other humans. We may not want to need that; we may associate it with pain and fear, or may simply not have developed the skills to attach well. We may actually push away the very thing we need. But it doesn’t stop us from needing to be loved, seen, understood by someone. Today Cinthia challenged us to let “t…
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How To Be Attractive (Replay of 10-22-23)
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42:48What does it take to be attractive? Often we think of characteristics that are beyond our control or measures that require lots of time and money. Some changes would even require compromises to a person’s value system. Is attractiveness something that most of us are doomed to miss, or that we can have only briefly before age takes it away from us? …
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Do You Trust Me in the New Year?
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42:50We all have problems with trust. We want to trust. We get scared to trust. Some of us resist trusting, as if we could get through a single day without trusting anyone or anything. We have all found ourselves to be untrustworthy at times. Some of us trust too easily, layering our hopes on things that have not proven themselves worthy of it. Most of …
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A.N.G.E.R. is for Survival, Not Superiority (Replay of 1-15-23)
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43:09Anger is a gift that helps us survive and protect, but it can also be used to destroy or to protect the wrong things in the wrong ways. Especially when paired with fear, anger can enable us to do things we would not or could not otherwise do. The adrenaline it triggers to flow through our bodies can energize us, helping us to confront wrongs and fa…
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Caregiving: An Interview with Peter Rosenberger
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31:12Today Cinthia welcomes Peter Rosenberger to talk about his newest book, A Minute For Caregivers: When Every Day Feels Like Monday. As his website explains, Peter has been a caregiver to his wife Gracie for about four decades now since a tragic car accident at age 17 changed the direction of her life. Gracie has had more …
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Garrison Keillor once said, “The lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.” Whether you are working Christmas, spending it alone, hosting a gathering you hope will be beautiful, or gearing up to attend the usual round of work and family activities, you are in this with all the rest…
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Today Cinthia talks with Michael Johnson, president of the Slavic Gospel Association. Michael discusses his own story including his conversion, journey from corporate to non-profit work, and time in ministry. He notes that we tend to want to know God’s plan for our lives, but that God wants our obedience step-by-step. Mr. Johnson discusses some of …
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Adulting By Accepting Three Core Truths
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42:55What does it mean to act like an adult? We all know it includes things like laundry, bill-paying, and going to the dentist, but what underlies those activities and determines the priorities of an emotional adult? Today Cinthia explains how the three core truths she teaches apply to the topic of growing up emotionally. As an example of what this loo…
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