Dan Mason ציבורי
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Elvis Duran Presents: Life Amplified with Dan Mason. Dan Mason is a nationally recognized career and life reinvention coach, TV personality, and keynote speaker. He has helped people in 18 countries trade the corporate grind for their true calling and create more happiness at work and at home. Dan has been featured at CBS, FOX, ABC, The Tamron Hall Show, Huffpost, Thrive Global, and more. Each week, Dan will interview thought leaders, celebrities, and everyday people who have done extraordin ...
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show series
In a time of recession, inflation, unprecedented violence, culture wars, civil unrest. In an era where our very freedom and liberties seem to be taken away from us, it's okay to feel angry and anxious about the state of the world. But, as a listener to this podcast, Dan believes you're a purpose-driven person. It's the chaotic times like right now …
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One of the hallmarks of any healthy relationship is trust. But that also includes the relationship with yourself. How many times have you had a career reinvention that you've put on hold because you didn't trust yourself to make the right choice? How many things have you not created in the world because you didn't trust your instinct or vision? May…
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One of the biggest conversations happening in Dan's coaching community is about how to feel safe. Safe enough to use your voice and be seen as a leader. Safe enough to leave an unfulfilling corporate job to follow your calling. Safe enough to set boundaries at work and in relationships. Safe enough to ask for your needs. And unfortunately with rece…
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Over 50 million people have quit their jobs since January 2021, but the latest data from The Muse says The Great Resignation has turned into The Great Regret. In fact, 72% of job changes are experiencing what is known as "shift shock." Meaning the grass wasn't greener at a new opportunity and are regretting their decision to leave their former empl…
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It's said that people don't quit jobs... they quit managers. But how can a manager be an effective leader at work and at home if they're overwhelmed, burnt out and unchallenged in their own life? This life on on the podcast, Dan has a conversation with his dear friend and client, Brian McAleer, about how the pandemic led him to his purpose and and …
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The #1 life reinvention roadblock for many unfulfilled high performers is what Dan likes to call "the burden of the breadwinner." On one hand, you feel a duty to financially provide for and protect the people you love. On the other hand, your soul is crying out to be a whole human being. One with a healthy balance of purposeful work, authentic self…
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You've tried the positive affirmations. You've tried the visualization. You write your goals in your journal. yet there's still this gap between the life you want and the life you're actually living. This week, our friend Mandy Morris is back to help you close the gap. Mandy Morris is is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and manifestation expert. She…
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Dan recently asked his social media followers "What would you do with your career in 2022 if you knew with total certainty that success was assured?" Would you leave your corporate job and start your own business? Would you stay in the stability of a 9-5 but pivot into a new, more fulfilling career? Or would you stay in your current career and simp…
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We've all heard the phrase "Money can't buy happiness." But is it true? When you look at the research on wealth, there's a lot of conflicting data. On one hand, living in extreme poverty makes it difficult although nto impossible to create sustained happiness. On the other hand, we know that ever increasing income has diminishing returns on our lif…
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It's been called an obsession, a drug and the New York Times even referred to it as "a love story." We're talking about Wordle, the online vocabulary game that is taking the world by storm. It now has over 2.5 million daily players. If you haven't heard of it or don't play it, fear not! There are four valuable life lessons that we can take away fro…
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Welcome to 2022! A fresh canvas with 365 days of new possibilities. 52 weeks of deciding who you want to be and what goals are going to make your life more meaningful to you. If you're like most people, the motivation to reach those goals starts to fall by the wayside around Valentine's Day. Over 80% of goal setters give up on their New Year's Reso…
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Brian Tracy was where Dan once heard this great fact: an airplane uses 10x more energy to go from 0 to 85 MPH to achieve lift off than it does to maintain 400 MPH at 35,000 feet. Think about that when you wonder why you might not have reached your goals in 2021. The hardest part of any journey is just generating the energy and momentum to get your …
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Have you been watching the new Beatles documentary on Disney Plus? Dan has! And while he's been watching it, he's noticed so many correlations between the members of the band AND the things he teaches. This week, Dan goes over what he's seen from the series and how you can use the lessons to help you get back to your highest potential. Sign Up for …
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This week, Dan is giving you a sneak peek into his brand new course, Move From Your Purpose! Take a listen to module #1 and get ready to shift your way into an amazing 2022! Sign Up for the Move From Your Purpose course now! Follow Dan on Instagram To learn more how to work one-on-one with Dan, visit creativesoulcoaching.net Learn more about your a…
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There's so much out there to help you figure out what you want to do with your life. Coaches and self help books galore can help you figure out why you're on this earth, what you're here to do and who you're here to help. But what's the most important part? Having the courage to walk away from life that is expected you live. So you cn truly live th…
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People know what goal they're working towards in their life. But have you ever stopped to consider why you want the things you want? Are your ambitions pulled by a purpose that connects you to something bigger than you or are you pushing to prove yourself to someone else? This week, we're digging deep into this topic with Coach Casey Radumus, where…
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Welcome to the fall equinox! There's a real spiritual significance to this season. It's about gratitude for this year's harvest, celebrating the progress you've made this year. It's also about celebrating change. Nature is showing it to you. Why do they do it? It's about letting go of anything that is going to suck up excess energy before winter. B…
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Over the course of the pandemic, Gallup has been doing an ongoing study tracking American optimism. Back in May, when the vaccine was rolling out, not surprisingly, optimism was through the roof. Just 3 months ago, 85% of Americans said they felt positive about the direction of the pandemic and the way the country was headed. Three months later, an…
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Everybody wants to manifest a better life. Yet why do so many people live day to day in a state of survival, wishing for better life results and not actually creating it? This week, we're talking to our old friend Sarah Reilly to give you the three key steps to move from wishing to manifesting. Sarah is an international performance coach for entrep…
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Over the last six years of coaching clients around the globe, it's become obvious to Dan that the two places where we carry the most shame, guilt and even judgments are around the topics of money and sex. But what happens when online sex work becomes a huge portion of your income? What does that stir up in YOU? What are the judgements and perceptio…
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We've all been there. The moment when you're ready to demand more from life. A more purposeful career, more income, more abundance. And that little critic in the back of your head steps in and whispers "Who do you think you are to want this?" Imposter syndrome is real and it is the #1 factor that prevents people from truly creating their amplified …
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A study was released that said 50% of Americas are unsure they'll ever recover from the stress of living through the pandemic. We know when our body faces a threat or stress, it goes to a fight to fight response. So many people need a long vacation or even want to quit their job before they go back to the 9-5 work week. It's creating a trend call "…
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If you're the 50% of the workforce that has self evaluated during the pandemic and you know that you're in a job that you're good at but is also leaving you spiritually and creatively bankrupt, this week's interview could be the first step to reinventing your life. We're going to help you move away from your mundane 9-5 and live a life that is trul…
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What is it that keeps us from achieving our goals and what we really want in our lives? Our blind spots. This week, you get to listen in on an actual coaching session Dan did with someone in a group training. In less than 18 minutes, Dan and our guest was able to find the block and story that held her back from love and relationships with people fo…
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No matter where you are in your life, there's a next level you want to get to. So often, when we can't seem to close that gap between where we're at and where we want to be, we look for some external solution to solve our problem. But the real work that will help you move forward is by going within. Unhealed unemotional trauma is not just a block t…
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Sometimes when we interact with people, it doesn't go the way we planned. A potential online date doesn't always respond to your messages. A friend not returning your call when you reached out and needed help. We've all had that experience of a strange flashing you a dirty look as they walk past you. These are just normal experiences in life but ho…
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It's often been said that decisions shape our destiny. If you traced the dots back, you could probably find the one decision that might have seemed inconsequential in the moment that led to some of the greatest joys of your life. On the other side, there are probably some things that happened in your life that didn't go the way you want that all st…
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Over the last year, Dan has shown you people he's worked that that have been flourishing during the pandemic. He's also talked a lot about how to handle the mental health challenges so many are facing right now. One thing that hasn't been discussed are people living in the messy middle: people not necessarily crushing it and not necessarily depress…
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We can spend years reading the self help books. We can intellectually understand all the events of our life that have blocked us as fully and vibrantly as we want. But we stay in the place of intellectualizing. We understand, but we never embody a new way of being. This week's guest is going to get you out of your head and back into your heart. Tha…
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Why should we wait to pursue our dreams after retirement? There's such a push to work really hard right now and sacrifice the present for the future. Why not create happiness right now in the present moment? Dan believes this YOLO economy signifies the fact that as a global workforce, we've awakened to the biggest lie that corporate America has sol…
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According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 50% of Americans are experiencing symptoms of re-entry anxiety. Yes, people are getting nervous about returning to work and life going "back to normal." Even with the vaccine rolling out, people are still feeling uncomfortable about getting out again. After reading this, Dan asked his grou…
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Recently, Dan was on The Tamron Hall show to talk about his journey. The show focused on men who are going through changes in their life. Especially those going through a midlife crisis. But really it's not a midlife crisis, but a midlife AWAKENING. It can happen at any age and to anyone! It's not just exclusive to men. Women go through it as well,…
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It's the curse of the high achiever. You climb the ladder of success, get everything you want and yet you can still feel yourself feeling unfulfilled. How do we create a life with lasting meaning? How do we create a legacy we can be proud of to leave? Alan Weiss, PhD is a consultant, speaker and best selling author. Described by the New York Post a…
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If living in a pandemic the last year has taught us anything, it's the importance of emotional resilience during times of crisis. This week's guest is going to give us a roadmap to create that for ourselves and some inspiration to make it happen. Dr. Tara Scott is known as The Hormone Guru. With over 25 years of experience as a doctor and three boa…
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The only reason you're not experiencing the full levels of success that you want in your life is generally because there's a subconscious part of you that believes having the thing you want is a threat. But it's subconscious. It's hidden to you. How do we identify and move beyond those internal blocks? How do we identify these blocks and move beyon…
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It's one of the most difficult parts of the spiritual journey. How do you learn to distinguish between the chatter of the mind and the natural intuition and wisdom of your body? This week, Dan gets some help answering this question from his good friend, Shannon Algeo! Named one of the 35 under 35 in wellness to watch in Wanderlust, Shannon Algeo is…
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One of the things that makes Dan compassionately angry is when he comes across good people with a big heart and a desire to serve that have a gift to give the world, yet are playing small and not fully embracing and expressing their potential. Yet if they allowed themselves to share it with the world, it could transform the lives of not only their …
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You've accomplished your goal! You set the intention, did the work and accomplished the thing! Congratulations! But then, all of a sudden, the high starts to disappear. You get bored. You feel lost. The rush is no longer there. Now what? So how do you handle that feeling? Maybe you feel that way with where you're at in life now! Dan explains the sc…
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One word. One singular way of being. One that will determine whether 2021 is a year of massive growth and success or another year of treading water and just getting by and going through the motions. This will be an episode that might trigger you because the word itself is triggering. The word? Responsibility. You might feel heavy or even feel fear …
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A few days ago, Dan joined his friend Elvis Duran and the crew from The Elvis Duran Morning Show on their 15 Minute Morning Show Podcast! On it, he shared his three hacks for more joy in 2021. Take a listen to the episode PLUS stay until the end for a special bonus ah-ha moment he had in the last week. Follow Dan on Instagram for daily tips and mot…
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So many people never have the courage to chase their dreams because they mistakenly believe their small beginnings equal a small life. Today's guest will show you that is wrong. And not only that, her life story will blow you away. Magie Cook is a CEO, keynote speaker and author whose journey began in an orphanage in Mexico alongside 68 brothers an…
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Welcome to 2021! Grab your notebook and pen. Dan has some homework for you to do. This week on the pod, Dan shares with you 21 questions to help you get clarity with your life going into this new year. Not only is this about your professional life, but about you are as a person. Who you want to be. Who you want to be around. The people you love and…
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If you're like many people, you might fee that you can't be happy until you get "the next big thing." A new job. A new car. More money in the account. A new relationship. Once you get that? Boom. Happiness is here! But the thing is... you could have a net worth of $700 million and STILL be tortured internally and not have inner peace. In the last f…
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According to a new study, only 1 in 5 families have any sort of in-person help as they juggle the responsibilities of being a present partner, parent and a good employee during the work from home culture. It's left many Americans feeling overwhelmed, anxious and abandoned. As the world is potentially facing another lockdown, this week, we're here t…
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For anyone that is working that 9-5 job you hate, you bought into that conditioning that the world say the only way to a reliable income is to play the game. Climb the ladder, kiss the ring and know when you have to bite your tongue instead of speaking up with how you feel. But it becomes unsustainable. Especially if you know you have a spark, a cr…
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What if we told you that there was a magic wand that you could wave that could rapidly transform your life in 2021? What if there was a magic potion that would improve your own self-esteem? Increase your self worth? Improve your relationships with other people? AND increase your productivity up to 300% It's such a simple concept, yet it's the #1 pl…
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It's so easy to want to control everything in life. We try our best to control the outcome of situations. How people will react. What will happen. I mean, yeah it'd be nice if we could control exactly how the outside world in our life happens! But the thing is... you can't. And the things you TRY to control the most outside of yourself actually are…
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The awards. The acknowledgement from family members. The recognition. So often, when we're going through life, it's as if we're just doing things to get validated. Maybe from our family. Our friends. Our boss. "I'll show them! I can do it!" But so often, this leaves us feeling unfulfilled. It's a journey we go down where we're constantly chasing th…
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Over the last few weeks, you've been sending Dan some fantastic questions in his Instagram DMs and email! This week, he's here to take some of them and share his answers with YOU! It's our listener Q&A mailbag! He'll talk about how to handle family and friends in your inner circle that might not agree with you politically and how to interact with t…
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Purpose is more than just a spiritual need. There's more data that shows that purpose is an evolutionary adaptive response that's helped people survive individually, but also as a species. What does that mean? We are here to accomplish big things, but to accomplish it together. Yet so much of the conversation about purpose focuses on the individual…
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