Echoes Of St John Homilies And Reflections ציבורי
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Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections

Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections

Reflections and homilies rooted in the Gospel of John and the wisdom of the Church, helping you walk the journey of faith. Join Fr. Michael, a priest of the Community of St. John in New Zealand, as he unpacks the Word of God, explores the depths of grace, and leads you to encounter Christ, the Word made flesh.
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show series
In this homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent (Year C), we reflect on Jesus’ urgent call to repentance through the parable of the barren fig tree. Fr. Michael explores how different generations in the Church have approached justice and mercy—and how both extremes can miss the heart of the Gospel. Drawing from personal experience, Church history, and Sc…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Transfiguration and the meaning of “glory” as Christ reveals it—a glory that comes through love and self-gift. He shares how glory is not worldly success, but the radiance of a life given in love, like Christ on the Cross. Fr. Michael draws on personal experience to show how embracing responsibility, whet…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on Jesus’ forty days in the desert and the invitation for each of us to follow Him into that place of encounter. Sharing his personal experience of time in hermitage and the story of St. Catherine of Siena, he explains how the “desert” is where we learn to listen to God and face our temptations. Lent is a time t…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on Jesus’ teaching that a tree is known by its fruits. He explores how we often misjudge ourselves, focusing on exterior success instead of the true interior fruits of peace, love, and forgiveness. Through powerful stories of family wounds, forgiveness, and accompanying the dying, he highlights how the spiritual…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Gospel’s call to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—not as outward displays but as acts of deep interiority. Through personal stories, he explores how our Lenten practices must flow from an inner relationship with God, rather than seeking recognition. True transformation comes when we give our soul through p…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael unpacks the radical nature of the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Luke. True happiness, he explains, is not found in wealth, success, or external behaviors, but in placing everything in God’s hands. Through powerful personal stories, he illustrates how those who let go of worldly attachments and embrace God’s love discover t…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the call of Peter and the words of Jesus: “Put out into the deep.” (Duc in altum). He explores the maturation of faith, using Peter as a model of spiritual growth. From listening in faith to stepping out in faith to becoming a fisher of souls, we see how Christ calls each of us into deeper trust, discipleship…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple and how Mary lived interiorly of the liturgy. She offered her Son to the Father, consecrating Him to God, while remaining open to the prophecy of Simeon and Anna. Fr. Michael challenges us to do the same—placing our lives, our children, our work, and all that we have…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the profound proclamation of Jesus in the Gospel. Though suffering and injustice remain, Christ’s mission brings a revolutionary transformation through God’s grace, flowing from His wounded heart. Fr. Michael explores how this grace has reshaped the world, bearing fruit in politics, education, care for the po…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Gospel of the Wedding at Cana and the First Reading, revealing how Christ invites us into a profound, loving, and joyful marriage covenant with God. By turning water into wine as His first miracle, Jesus shows His intent to draw us into a deep union with Him as the spouse of our soul. Fr. Michael explores…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Baptism of the Lord, exploring its profound significance as adoption into God’s family and the beginning of a journey toward glory. Baptism is more than a moment; it is the seed of eternal life, calling us to live lives of virtue, especially charity. Fr. Michael illustrates how the grace of Baptism transf…
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In this New Year’s homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the profound example of Mary, the Mother of God, who embraced an entirely new beginning by saying “yes” to God’s will. Her words, “Let it be done to me according to your will,” changed the course of history and brought the Savior into the world. Fr. Michael invites us to begin this year by surrende…
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In this homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, Fr. Michael reflects on the journey of the Magi, exploring what we know and don’t know about their historic arrival. He highlights the radical importance of wonder—wonder that drives us to search for God, just as the Magi did. Fr. Michael challenges us to resist the creeping influence of atheistic mater…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the true meaning of Advent as a time of preparation for Christ’s Second Coming. He challenges us to engage in the spiritual battle against pride and to cultivate real virtue, especially the virtues of hope and courage. Hope sustains us in trusting God’s providence and victory, while courage empowers us to con…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on Jesus’ words to the scribe, “You are not far from the Kingdom.” While love of God and neighbor is essential, it brings us only close to the Kingdom. Fr. Michael explains that true entry requires a leap of faith in God’s providence and mercy, made known through Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. This homily ch…
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n this homily, Fr. Michael explores Jesus’ teaching on marriage, reflecting on why Christ renews the covenant of marriage and calls us to a deeper fidelity. He explains that while Moses permitted divorce because of the hardness of people’s hearts, Jesus invites us to embrace a new heart—one transformed by grace and committed to the permanence of ma…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Gospel where Jesus teaches His disciples about true greatness. As they argue about who will be the greatest, Jesus brings a child into their midst and challenges them to be childlike in their faith. Fr. Michael explains that being childlike is not about immaturity, but about trust, humility, and openness …
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In this homily, Fr. Michael examines Peter’s journey in the Gospel of Mark, highlighting three key stages: his bold act of faith in recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, his misguided attempt to control the narrative by rejecting the idea of Jesus going to the Cross, and finally, Jesus’ teaching that true discipleship involves picking up one’s cross an…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael explores the recurring theme in the Gospel of Mark where Jesus often tells people not to reveal His miracles or identity too soon. He reflects on how Jesus gradually unveils His divinity throughout His ministry, culminating in the Transfiguration and ultimately the Crucifixion. Fr. Michael draws a parallel to how God rev…
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In this homily, Fr. Michael reflects on Jesus’ critique of empty worship, highlighting the danger of honouring God only with our lips while our hearts remain distant. He explores how authentic worship requires submitting our entire lives—including our politics, actions, and intentions—to God’s law. Fr. Michael challenges us to govern our hearts wit…
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In this homily for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Michael reflects on the powerful and challenging message in the Gospel, where many disciples leave Jesus after hearing His hard teachings. He delves into the scandal of the Gospel, the importance of mutual submission, and the radical trust required in faith. Fr. Michael challenges us to respo…
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In this powerful homily, Fr. Michael explores the profound meaning behind Jesus' words, "This is my body, given for you." Drawing inspiration from Mary's example, he illuminates the connection between our self-giving and receiving Christ's Body in the Eucharist, urging us to become one body with Him through a life of sacrifice and love.…
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In this insightful homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the Israelites' complaints in the wilderness, revealing how a complaining mind closes us off from God's blessings. Discover the transformative power of gratitude and how it opens our hearts to receive God's abundance in our lives.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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Join Fr. Michael for a reflection on the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time, delving into the Second Reading's call for conformity to Christ. Discover how this transformation leads us to a deeper understanding of the Eucharist, where Jesus declares, "I am the bread of life." Explore how receiving the Eucharist nourishes our souls and empowers us to live …
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Join Fr. Michael for a reflection on the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Discover how our seemingly small contributions, like the boy's offering, can be transformed through God's abundant providence. Explore the deeper meaning behind this miracle and how it connects to the Old and New Law in our lives.…
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In our busy world, true rest seems elusive. Join Fr. Michael as he explores Jesus' invitation to "come away and rest a while." Discover how rest for the body leads to rest for the soul through contemplation of God's face, and how cultivating a spirit of awe and wonder opens us to God's transformative presence in our lives.…
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Join Fr. Michael for a reflection on Jesus sending the Twelve Apostles, highlighting their unburdened focus on repentance and the Kingdom of God. In a world overflowing with distractions, discover the urgent need for conversion and how we, like the Apostles, can embrace a life centered on what truly matters.…
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In this reflection on Mark 6:1-6, we explore how familiarity can obscure our vision of God's presence and power. Join us as we delve into the mystery of faith, seeking to encounter Christ anew in the ordinary moments of our lives.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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Join Fr. Michael for a reflection on the unwavering faith of the hemorrhaging woman and Jairus in the Gospel of Mark (5:21-43). Discover how their persistent trust in God, even amidst suffering, reveals the transformative power of "costly grace" in our own lives.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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Join Fr. Michael as he unpacks the story of Jesus calming the storm (Mark 4:35-41), revealing the profound trust we're called to place in God even amidst life's tempests. Explore the difference between worldly trust and radical faith, and discover how complete reliance on God can transform our lives.…
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Join Fr. Michael for a reflection on the parable of the mustard seed, exploring how God's grace, like a tiny seed, takes root and grows within us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Discover the vital role of virtue in nurturing this growth, leading to a life filled with the fruits of the Spirit and transforming our relationships and communities.…
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In this thought-provoking homily, Fr. Michael explores the Gospel's warning about the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit. Drawing parallels with Adam and Eve's story of shame and blame, he reveals how true repentance requires confronting our sin honestly, allowing God's mercy to flow.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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In this insightful talk, Fr. Michael unpacks the multi-layered meaning of grace, from a simple gift to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Discover how sanctifying grace, the heart of our spiritual journey, unfolds into virtues, gifts, and fruits, leading us to a life of deeper union with God.…
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Join Fr. Michael for a profound reflection on the Eucharist, delving into the "what" – the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine – and the "why" – the transformative power of this gift for our lives and our mission.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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This Trinity Sunday, Fr. Michael reflects on how the Holy Spirit empowers us to become true children of God, echoing Mary's "yes" to God's invitation. Discover how our lives, like Mary's, can be filled with the Spirit, bearing witness to Christ's love in the world.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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In this Pentecost homily, Fr. Michael explores how the Holy Spirit transforms our spiritual lives, nurturing us from a tiny seed of faith to a flourishing tree that bears abundant fruit. Discover how the Gifts of the Spirit empower us for a life of love, joy, and service.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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Feeling spiritually hesitant? Fr. Michael unpacks how the Risen Christ transforms our doubts into a burning desire to share His love. Discover how the Holy Spirit empowers us to be fearless witnesses, just like the apostles.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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Fr. Michael explores how Divine Mercy isn't just about grand gestures but about transforming the "messiness" of everyday life – especially within our homes. He delves into how strong, tender and loving marriages are a powerful sign of God's mercy at work in the world.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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On this holiest night, Fr. Michael explores how Christ's Resurrection isn't just about us but the reordering of all creation. We are called to reorder our lives and become active participants in this transformation.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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This Good Friday, Fr. Michael reflects on how the stark liturgy draws us into Christ's Passion, making us not just spectators but participants. We enter the story contemplating His wounds and emerge transformed by His self-giving love.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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On Holy Thursday, Fr. Michael explores how the Eucharist, the ultimate gift of Christ's self, transforms us into people of mission. We receive the Body and Blood of Christ not just for ourselves, but to become broken and poured out for the world.על ידי Echoes of St. John: Homilies and Reflections
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In this Palm Sunday homily, Fr. Michael Therese explores the question, "What kind of world do I want to live in?" He examines the paradoxes of Christian faith – strength in weakness, kingship in service, victory in defeat. This reflection challenges us to embrace the upside-down logic of Christ's kingdom as we enter into Holy Week.…
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In this homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Year B), Fr. Michael Therese examines the story of the Raising of Lazarus. He explores Martha and Mary's contrasting reactions to their brother's death and how Jesus guides them through suffering. This reflection offers insights into facing anguish, finding hope within grief, and trusting Christ's transfor…
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In this enlightening homily for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, Fr. Michael Therese shares his personal experiences, providing a unique perspective on this Sunday's Gospel. He delves into the profound themes of faith as the foundation for action, the importance of trusting in God's timing, and the transformative power of faith and trust. T…
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In this homily for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr. Michael explores the profound significance of prayer in the Christian life, drawing inspiration from St. Teresa of Avila's Ecce Homo and her Bookmark prayer. Delving into three pivotal aspects - prayer as a relationship, its transformative power, and the perseverance it fosters in facing lif…
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This podcast features Fr. Michael's homily from the fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, focusing on the Authority of Christ and His Word. He delves into how great saints like Augustine, Aquinas, John of the Cross, and Mother Teresa encountered and responded to Christ's authoritative voice in their lives. The homily offers a profound exploration…
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In this enlightening homily for the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, we delve into the compelling themes of the Parable of the Talents and the crucial call to respond to God's grace in our lives. Reflecting on the balance between the hard work of grace and the dangers of spiritual sloth, this podcast offers profound insights into the Christian journey…
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Join us in this week's homily as Fr. Michael delves into the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids, shedding light on the profound theme of wisdom in our daily walk with Christ. He reflects on the importance of spiritual vigilance and the necessity of being prepared for the ultimate encounter with the Bridegroom, our Lord Jesus Christ. This message will i…
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In this homily, we explore the profound teachings of Jesus from the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A. We are challenged to consider our dual roles as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and the world. Delving deeper, we reflect on how our primary allegiance to the Kingdom of Heaven informs and directs our earthly responsibilities. Through insight…
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In today's homily, Fr. Michael delves into the theme of responding to God's call, drawing striking comparisons between the Parable of the Wedding Feast from Matthew's Gospel and the classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". Both narratives warn of the dangers of becoming so consumed with our worldly affairs that we miss or e…
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האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר