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The story of another ordinary day--by Eva Garcia.Read the text version and get other great content at fallon-chiasson-ws7t.squarespace.com.Thank you to Landing Lion for sponsoring this episode. www.landinglion.com/על ידי Fallon Chiasson
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Episode 3: Best Friends Beginning
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17:21A seemingly uneventful day--by Eva Garcia.Read the text version and get other great content at fallon-chiasson-ws7t.squarespace.com.Thank you to Landing Lion for sponsoring this episode. www.landinglion.com/על ידי Fallon Chiasson
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A story about peaches, witches and the environment--by Jordan Chauncy.Read the text version and get other great content at fallon-chiasson-ws7t.squarespace.com.Thank you to Landing Lion for sponsoring this episode. www.landinglion.com/על ידי Fallon Chiasson
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A story about a girl who writes stories--by Sophie Trist.Read the text version--and get other great content--at https://fallon-chiasson-ws7t.squarespace.com. Thank you to Landing Lion for sponsoring this episode. https://www.landinglion.com/על ידי Fallon Chiasson
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