Podcast mensual de la revista de videojocs Lúdica. Parlem sobre el videojoc en tots els seus aspectes artístics, socials i en la relació a la resta d’indústries culturals. ludica.cat
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Programa de ràdio setmanal dedicat als Jocs de Taula moderns. Parlem de novetats i clàssics, destaquem campanyes de micro-mecenatge i entrevistem a dissenyadors, editorials, associacions... Cada dimecres a partir de les 22h Un programa fet des de Ràdio Arenys per la Xarxa de Comunicació Local de Catalunya. Presentat per Juan Carlos Reigosa i Javi Rodríguez. https://linktr.ee/hora.ludica horaludica @radioarenys.cat 🎧📻🎙🎛🎲
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Three movies. One improbable connection. Countless puns. Endless pedantry. From the grindhouse to the arthouse, join Doug Dillaman, Steve Skeet and Darren Waugh on this New Zealand-based, Internet-distributed audio podcast. That’s not just specific - that’s *ludicrously* specific.
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Podcast voltado a games e hobbies geeks no geral.
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Notícias, reviews, dicas e muito mais sobre o universo dos Games e Jogos de Tabuleiro (Boardgames).
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Gaming podcast about games, by gamers, for everyone.
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Podcast sobre los nuevos juegos de mesa, eurogames, temáticos y wargames.
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The Ludicrous Feed EV Adoption Podcast highlights the current state of electric vehicle adoption in Australia | Catch us LIVE each week on YouTube! youtube.com/ludicrousfeed
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In questo podcast esploreremo il mondo del gioco: prevalentemente parleremo di videogames, ma anche GDR, Giochi da Tavolo o di carte e anche tutto quel che, in qualche modo, riguarda il nostro hobby preferito: analisi tecniche, aspetti psicologici e quant'altro. I miei social: https://linktr.ee/laspiraleludica Se ti piace quello che faccio e vuoi supportarmi economicamente, offrimi un caffè: https://ko-fi.com/laspiraleludica Seguici su Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/22KwkmtAVvKVmvhtV ...
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Témy a zaujímaví ľudia zo sveta HR, marketingu, podnikania, spoločenského života či tretieho sektora – idúci viac do hĺbky.
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Kisah seorang pejuang pelajar dokter gigi bernama Ludi (?) Manfaat: buat nemenin dijalan, teman bobo, berbagi curhatan juga boleh dengan sedikit berbincang melalui: https://anchor.fm/ludi6/message , ludipodcast@gmail.com . saran sih denger dari episode 1 biar ga bingung:)
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Hey, enjoy our conversations about some ludicrous things. Remember to stay strange :P
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Podcast by Renata Aguilar
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Profil ludique est un balado universitaire spécialisé en études vidéoludiques. Sa mission est de dresser le profil de différents sujets propres au monde du jeu vidéo, qu'il s'agisse de jeux vidéo, de textes savants, de genres vidéoludiques ou encore de phénomènes culturels.
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We chat about games in order to stop chatting about games Formerly “Party Chat Peoples” https://www.instagram.com/ludic.encumbrance.club First Cover art photo provided by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com@samuelzeller New Cover Art by Xaví Matos through Canva
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Dé Nederlandse podcast over kaart- en bordspellen.
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BreVis Ludica es un podcast breve de Vis Ludica que trata temas relacionados con los juegos de mesa.
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Bienvenue sur les podcasts du site homo-ludis.fr ! Jeu de rôle, ludisme, imaginaire et peut être bien plus !
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Quand l'art et le divertissement se rencontrent, cela donne toujours de merveilleuses expositions ! Aidé de son équipe de choc, Alexleserveur vous emmène dans les galeries d'art pour découvrir l'envers du décor de l'art ludique ! La peinture, le cinéma, le jeu vidéo et le dessin n'auront plus de secrets pour vous !
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Welcome to Ludicrous Speed, the podcast where we return to the films of our youth to see if they still hold up like we remember them.
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Ludicrous Podcast is a podcast that talks about the latest news in gaming, movies, and other popculture with the hosts Evil Walrus and Goaty.
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Everyone plays. Kids and adults. Men and women. Uptight or relaxed. Tall or short, from any place on the Earth and with any skin colour. We play with our hair and our food. We play when we tease our friends and family about their weird habits. We play videogames and boardgames. We roleplay as practice for a big interview or new job, or just for fun. Play is a natural part of being human, and even if we don't realise it we all spend at least some of the time every day playing. Ludiphilia is a ...
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La Pause Ludique est un podcast de discussion sur des sujets choisis par le public qui entoure la pop culture! 3 passionnés du podcast se réunissent chaque semaine pour discuter 2 sujets et un face à face qui provient du public!
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Conversations, presentations, and readings about democratizing smart technology such as Artificial Intelligence to benefit everyone and reshaping our civilization for beneficial outcomes and a better future in the Smart Technology Era. It takes us on a holistic sense-making journey and lays a foundation to synthesize a more balanced view and better understanding of smart technology, its applications, its benefits, its risks, its limitations, its progress, and its likely future paths. Our cur ...
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A podcast about movies and TV by four friends who once went to film school.
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In this podcast, I will be talking about the story and facts of the ride of Sybil Ludington. Sybil was a 16-year-old GIRL who went on a very important journey during the era of the American revolution. Who was she and why was she important to the revolution? Listen to find out and enjoy!
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Santé mentale et jeux; jeux de société, jeux vidéo et jeux de rôle. Entrevues, discussions et formations en format audio.
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Welcome the LCR or Ludicrous Car Reviewer. A podcast were I rant and rave about cars, new and old, and even custom mods and builds. I will also be discuss methods and tips on fixing your own ride. Cars I love, cars I hate and automotive news all get “discussed” in a “calm manner”. So join me and my crazy mind on my weekly rants. Socials Twitter @LudicrousCar https://www.lcreviewer.com Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/ludicrouscar/support
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Máte radi podcasty, no neviete, ktorý z nich si pustiť? Strácate sa v ich množstve a premýšľate, ktorý skutočne stojí za váš čas? V tom prípade ste tu správne. V SME produkujeme podcasty už niekoľko rokov a dnes ich v našom portfóliu nájdete približne 20. Popri tom však radi objavujeme aj nové kvalitné podcasty od nezávislých tvorcov a tvorkýň či mimovládnych organizácii. V SME výber im poskytujeme priestor, aby sa dostali k širšiemu okruhu podcastových poslucháčov a poslucháčiek.
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Our Ludicrous Future is a collaboration between Joe Scott, Tim Dodd, and Ben Sullins. We have an obsession with how wild our future is going to be given the pace of technological innovation. Each week we get together to talk about the latest from SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, Neuralink, and more.
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Troppo vecchi per parlare di soli videogiochi; troppo giovani per smettere di farlo. Ludico Forum, come spesso accade, non è niente di più che l'espressione di dieci anni di podcast con miscugli ed esperimenti vari. Come sempre accade in Runtime ogni programma finisce per confluire in un altro. In questo caso parleremo di tecnologia, videogiochi, film, libri, giochi di altro genere e di tutta quella tecnologia collegata al mondo dell'intrattenimento che si mescola in ibridi vari per fini sci ...
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Depuis sa création en 2012, la webradio associative tooBordo est sensible à l’éducation populaire et à la notion du ‘bien-vivre ensemble’, des valeurs essentielles de son projet social. Ce média pédagogique et participatif a pour ambition de : - Faire connaître les acteurs (associations, collectifs d'habitants...) qui dynamisent le quotidien de nos quartiers - Permettre à tous les publics (jeunes, seniors, personnes handicapées...) de préparer et concevoir leurs pépites radio (interviews, ch ...
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Two episodes in one month?!? Hold onto your monocles, the surprises are only beginning as we explore the best and worst of cinema in 2024. Will Skeet praise a film that rhymes with "curiosa"? Will we talk for two hours yet again? Who's to say?
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed | Mon 30 December - Final Show of 2024!
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Featuring special guest: Roland Lam from Zapped YouTube Channel! Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Fol…
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Al programa 219 ens visita a l'estudi en César Sánchez, responsable de SD Games, per presentar-nos en primícia, els jocs que la seva editorial publicarà en català: Micro Macro ciutat del crim, 111 Formigues, Pèl, Pota, Cacota, Smart 10 i Vudú... i molts d'altres que vindran amb el 2025. En César ens explicat també com ha anat l'any 2024 i la projec…
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Neil Druckmann, Naughty Dog e i successi artefatti
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Chi mi segue da un po' sa che non nutro grande stima per Il capoccia creativo di Naughty Dog. Ma non mi limito a questo, credo anche che il suo grande successo sia tutto fumo negli occhi e l'immagine che tentano di darci di lui sia artefatta. E questa è un ennesima stortura a cui l'industria ci sottopone. Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: ht…
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¡Civolution, Bus! ¿Caera Clint en las garras de Cthulhu?
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¡Saludos, chavalería! En este episodio número 247 de Vis Ludica: Midara: ¿Un juego de mesa de 600 horas?. ¿Es realmente tan bueno como dicen? ¿Vale la pena invertir tanto tiempo en él? Ni idea, pero lo comentamos El dilema de Clint: ¿Caerá en la tentación de Cthulhu Death May Day? Nuestro compañero Clint se enfrenta a una difícil decisión: ¿inverti…
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You know we couldn't let the year go by without another episode, right? (Well, we *could*, but we didn't.) Join us for everything from Dr. Seuss to Dr. Acula, from sheep to ants, from laughter to tears, from digressions to distracting cats, and - yes - more!
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Forse è ora di mandare in pensione i voti...
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Da tempo immemore, una delle discussioni più accese nella community dei videogames è sui voti: i voti che la critica attribuisce nelle recensioni, i voti medi del pubblico. Ma sono davvero un mezzo così efficiente? Cosa ci danno veramente? Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Stori…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 18 Dec 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X Support the show Catch us LIVE on Wedne…
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Mi sono approcciato ai Game Awards come tutti gli ultimi anni: disinteresse per i premi, scetticismo e basse aspettative per gli annunci. E se per i premi, bene o male è andata più o meno come mi aspettavo, gli annunci mi hanno stupito... Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia…
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Programa especial sobre els Premis SAGA 2024 en què expliquem com funcionen els premis i comentem els videojocs finalistes i alguns altres candidats. Els Premis SAGA els organitzem Plataforma per la Llengua, GamingCat i Lúdica, i alguns membres d’aquestes entitats també formem part del jurat. Per això hem convidat la Cristina Font, que és la repres…
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Dopo poco che faccio la puntata sul preservare i videogames come opere dell'inventiva umana, ecco che scopro che GOG ha un programma apposta. Siccome si criticano le cose brutte, vanno apprezzate apertamente quelle belle e quindi oggi si spendono parole di lode per questa iniziativa. Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 11 Dec 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Featuring special guest: Roland Lam from Zapped YouTube Channel! Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Fol…
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Entrevistem a Roman Aixendri sobre la campanya del joc Successió a Verkami, en Roman ens explica els orígens d'aquest original joc narratiu. I parlem també amb Joan Marc Conflent, dissenyador de jocs de cartes amb qui fem un repàs dels últims any on ha anat publicant jocs sempre versats en la cultura popular. La seva darrera producció és "No puc! t…
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Avui truquem a en Javi que ens explica el joc El Señor de los Anillos: Aventuras hacia el monte del destino, Juguem amb la Iaia a jocs que semblen altres jocs però no… i com sempre baixem al bar i fem notícies lúdiques.
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Sviluppatori Deliranti: Cosa NON fare per vendere il tuo gioco.
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Intenret è sempre stato un megafono per tutti, ma c'è chi lo usa nel peggiore dei modi. Da qualche anno a questa parte, nel mondo del videogioco(e non solo) c'è una nuova dannosa moda, parlare a ruota libera senza pensare... Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fighting …
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Lúdica #40 - Els gamers ofesos (amb La Barra Roja)
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Al SAGA 2024 vam fer un programa conjunt amb el pòdcast La Barra Roja, amb qui compartim el seu presentador. Com que La Barra Roja és un programa d'humor i política parlant de videojocs, vam decidir dedicar l'episodi a riure'ns de les polèmiques creades per certs grupets d'homes autodenominats gamers que defensen idees d'extrema dreta i que odien a…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 4 Dec 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X Support the show Catch us LIVE on Wedne…
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Negli ultimi giorni hanno cominciato a girare voci su Mortal Kombat 1. Voci poco rassicuranti sul futuro del gioco. Forse sono vere, forse no. Ma cosa implica questo per il gioco? Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.…
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¡El mercado de segunda mano EXPLOTA por el Black Friday!
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En este episodio 246 de Vis Ludica, nos adentramos en el fascinante mundo de los juegos de mesa. Exploramos las últimas novedades, incluyendo el análisis de juegos como el Europa Universalis y El Señor de los Anillos: El Duelo por la Tierra Media. También repasamos las ofertas del Black Friday. Además, discutimos el impacto del Black Friday en el m…
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Da quando ottimizzare non è più una priorità?
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Da un po' di tempo a questa parte i giochi diventano sempre più pesanti, occupano sempre più spazio, e l'ottimizzazione non sembra più avere un'importanza primaria. Da quanto tempo va avanti? Cosa è successo? Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: …
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 27 Nov 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Featuring special guest: Neerav Bhatt from Electrifying Everything YouTube Channel! Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akht…
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Steam cambia le regole per i Season Pass
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Steam sgancia una bomba, che però passa in sordina. Le implicazioni sono abbastanza importanti, anche se quetso cambiamento non avrà conseguenze rumorose, ma la scelta di Valve è molto importante... Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: …
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MidGen: verso cosa vanno i Videogiochi?
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Siamo arrivati alla seconda mid generation di console, un fenomeno che per molto tempo non era neanche concepibile, eppure è successo, una console che fa il salto di potenza, ma non porta una nuova generazione di giochi. Perché succede? E cosa ci indica sul futuro del nostro hobby preferito? Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.e…
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Aquesta setmana ens visita en Mikel, no per parlar de rol com ens te acostumats, ens ve a explicar la festa d'aniversari de l'Associació Dodecaedre d'Arenys de Mar que el proper dia 30 compleix el seu primer any de vida! I agafem la Màquina Lúdica del Temps per parlar de coses que van passar, músiques que van sonar i jocs que es van editar el passa…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 20 Nov 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X Support the show Catch us LIVE on Wedne…
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Nominations Interessanti ai Game Awards...
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Le nominations dei Game Awards sono uscite e devo dire che quest'anno c'è veramente della carne al fuoco, non tanto per i premi in sé, ma per I giochi che sono stati scelti... Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify…
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Lúdica #39 - La fantasia i els jocs de rol (amb Iker Mons)
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En l’episodi d’avui desgranem el gènere de fantasia i els seus subgèneres, i com s'expressen en els videojocs de rol. És un tema difícil d’abastar, que mereix una retrospectiva des de la tradició literària, passant pels jocs de rol de llapis i paper. Per parlar-ne hem convidat l’Iker Mons, periodista cultural membre del programa de ràdio El Quimèri…
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Da qualche anno a questa parte i legislatori (almeno quelli occidentali) si stanno accorgendo che il mondo videoludico sta andando un po' fuori controllo, grazie anche all'intervento di tanti giocatori che cominciano ad essere stanchi. Supportate Stop Destroying Videogames: https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home Playlist La Storia dei Fi…
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Entrevistem a Anna López, directora i a Dàlia Crespo responsable de comunicació i màrqueting del DAU Barcelona 2024, que ens expliquen les novetats d’aquest any al festival de Barcelona. Traiem el Divan Lúdic per posar-nos existencialistes i parlem del joc de l'Any a Italia.
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 13 Nov 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Featuring special guest: Roland Lam from Zapped YouTube Channel! Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Fol…
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Al programa 214 rebem a l'estudi un dels autors més prolífics del panorama lúdic català: Eloi Pujades. L’Eloi va visitar-nos fa moltes temporades amb un dels sus primers jocs, ara més de 6 anys després torna amb un catàleg de publicacions impressionants i moltes històries per compartir. Amb ell parlem de la seva trajectòria, metodologia de treball,…
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Review Bombing, Review Bombing Everywhere...
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L'uso disinvolto del termine "review bombing" da parte della stampa videoludica è uno dei segnali che è un settore in profonda crisi, in primis di credibilità. Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7 Playlist sulle Microtransazion…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 6 Nov 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed and Riz Akhtar from Carloop Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X Support the show Catch us LIVE on Wedne…
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Cthulhu, Speakeasy y juegos que nadie espera
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Saludos, jugones! En este episodio de Vis Ludica nos enfrentamos a una semana difícil, Clint nos lleva en un viaje a bordo del Orient Express, donde el terror y la intriga se combinan en un juego que te dejará sin aliento por el precio del Kickstarter. ¿Logrará Clint detener a los cultistas antes de que venda el juego en Wallapop? Y seguimos adentr…
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Especial Halloween! Fem una tria de jocs que, per algun motiu, creiem ideals per aquestes dates! I ens deixem aconsellar per una molt bona representació de l'esfera lúdica catalana. Un plaer escoltar les seves recomanacions i compartir-les amb tot vosaltres. 3...2..1... Acció! Truc o confit?
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S03E02 - NaissanceE d’une architecture vidéoludique visionnaire
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Dans ce 2e épisode de la saison 3 de Profil Ludique, nous explorons l’ouvrage The Semiotics of Architecture in Video Games, écrit par Gabriele Aroni et publié en 2022 chez Bloomsbury. Cette exploration nous amène à réfléchir aux trois approches de la représentation architecturale en jeu vidéo : la reconstruction, le fantastique et le visionnaire. O…
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Prey, un Immersive sim horror per Halloween, un capolavoro.
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Nel 2017, Arkane, faceva uscire quello che avrebbe dovuto essere il seguito di un gioco di anni prima , della HumanHead, ma si rivelerà essere tutt'altro, nonchè un capolavoro. Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7 Playlist sull…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 30 Oct 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed aka Tesla Tom aka BYD Tom Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X All Automotive with Matt Clawson Automoti…
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Aquesta setmana baixem al bar per plantejar-nos si quan busquem parella la seva afició als jocs de taula és o no un condicionant... a les notícies parlem de tot una miqueta, fem crònica sentimental de l’edició 2024 del Calders Juga i us recomanem jocs familiars per jugar amb una dels números més complicats de jugadors... 5! Comenta el programa a iV…
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Il mercato tripla A soffre sempre di più.
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Sembra che il mercato tripla A stia precipitando prima del previsto. I guadagni sono ancora buoni, ma, come avevo già sostenuto in passato, la prospettiva non è più troppo rosea per questo mercato... Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 23 Oct 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed aka Tesla Tom aka BYD Tom Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X All Automotive with Matt Clawson Automoti…
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Mythic Games ¿CIERRA?: ¿Qué pasará con tus juegos? 😱 - Vis Ludica 244
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En este episodio, lamentamos adelantarnos a la liquidación de Mythic Games, han cerrado una filial, pero no la empresa principal, hsta , recordando su trayectoria y el impacto en los mecenas. Analizamos Pole Position, un juego de Fórmula 1 con sus luces y sombras en simulación, y celebramos la entrada de Men-Nefer en el Territorio Barton, un euroga…
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Con l'uscita di Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, alcuni giocatori hanno cominciato a lamentarsi del fatto che ci sia uno squilibrio di potere tra i vari personaggi, ma quanto è davvero fondata questa critica? Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7…
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Al programa 211, com sempre a part de baixar al bar i revisar les notícies, en Javi ens porta la biografia d’un conegut autor de jocs, aquesta vegada molt proper… sereu els primers en esbrinar qui és? Per acabar ens vestim de publicistes per obrir el joc Pop Com que acaba d’editar SD Games. Per cert! al final del programa us llancem un repte! Comen…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 16 Oct 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed aka Tesla Tom aka BYD Tom Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X All Automotive with Matt Clawson Automoti…
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Aquesta setmana baixem al bar per llegir els comentaris que ens deixeu a iVoox, correus o Spotify. Fem un cop d’ull a les darreres notícies i entrevistem a Miquel Villalba que ens explica tots els detalls de les jornades Vilajuga 2024 que es faran el 2 i 3 de novembre a Vilafranca del Penedés. Per acabar treiem el divàn on en Javi ens explica com a…
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Speculazioni varie sul prossimo DLC di Tekken
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Tre DLC dellla prima season di Tekken sono andati, ne manca uno. Quale potrà essere? Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7 Playlist sulle Microtransazioni: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/58hI2Gp59e47…
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Lúdica #38 - El Japó feudal (amb Jonathan López Vera)
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Emprenem la 5a temporada d’aquest programa en què reflexionem sobre els videojocs de forma transversal i, com avui, sovint els videojocs en serveixen de punt de partida per aprendre sobre filosofia, cultura o història. En aquest cas comptem amb la participació d’en Jonathan López Vera, doctor en història japonesa i autor dels llibres Història dels …
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Ma l'innovazione che fine ha fatto?
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Negli anni sembra che il medium videoludico sia cambiato parecchio, eppure tutto cambia perché nulla cambi davvero. Playlist La Storia dei Fighting Games: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xEow7Ybdv0L8Eax3Ifik5?si=83103fb5430045b7 Playlist sulle Microtransazioni: https://open.sp…
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The EV Show by Ludicrous Feed on Wednesday Nights! | Wed 9 Oct 2024
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Got a Question or Comment? Send us a Text Message! Catch up on the latest in Electric Vehicle news from Australia and around the world! Hosted by Tom Gan of Ludicrous Feed aka Tesla Tom aka BYD Tom Watch this episode on YouTube With thanks to our co-host: Riz Akhtar from Carloop Follow Riz on LinkedIn and X All Automotive with Matt Clawson Automoti…
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