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show episodes
Ni Makala yanayoangazia kwa jicho la tatu mazingira halisi ya dunia yalivyo bila kusahau kile ambacho kinachangia kuyaharibu. Utapata kufahamu namna ambavyo mazingira na rasilimali zinavyoharibiwa huku pia teknolojia ikijumuishwa. Hakika mazingira mazuri ya leo ni dunia yako kesho.
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Sundays show deliver the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover more about tracks and artists, ON AIR every week at 22.00 CET. FOLLOW TRANCE EVOLUTION ON FACEBOOK: on facebook @AndreaMazzaOfficial on inststagram djandreamazza
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„Ir ļaunāki noziegumi par grāmatu dedzināšanu. Piemēram – to nelasīšana,” tā teicis Josifs Brodskis. Mēs aicināt lasīt un tikties „Radio mazajā lasītavā”, kad jaunāko grāmatu fragmentus priekšā lasa aktieris Gundars Āboliņš. Studijā žurnālistes Ingvildas Strautmanes un Gundara Āboliņa saruna ar grāmatu autoriem, tulkotājiem un redaktoriem, kuri neformālā gaisotnē atbild uz viņu jautājumiem. Mūs atbalsta Borisa un Ināras Teterevu fonds.
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Acompañame en este Espacio creado con amor y luz para ti🌟🌟🌟🌟 Este espacio es para motivarnos,empoderarnos, superar miedos, romper patrones, llenarnos de amor propio 💗 Un espacio de crecimiento personal , vibras positivas ,decretos diarios ,espiritualidad y más... Bienvenid@s un abrazo de luz 🤗✨🤗✨🤗✨🤗 Iraenny Maza Sigueme en instagram Puedes colaborar con la producción del programa a través de PayPal
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Marta Napoleone Mazzoni is host of the award winning podcast Marta on the Move. Created in 2015 the show shines light on her’s and other people’s journey through life, and what makes us human. Guests of Marta On The Move have included- Chelsea Handler, Alec Baldwin, David K Harbour, Patrick Page, Tom Savini, Paige Davis, Mayor Bill Peduto, Peter Max, and Patrick Wilson and more. You can find the show wherever you listen to podcasts. Twitter @icantfindmarta Instagram- @martasonthemove Inquiri ...
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Mazan Movie Club

Steve Mazan Host/Comedian/Writer

Dissecting, discussing, and debating (sometimes destroying?) the IMDB Top 100 Rated Movies list one at a time. Counting down to #1 Got an opinion? Join in! It's a Movie Club.
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Mazingira yetu radio

Mazingira yetu radio

Mazingira yetu radio podcast operates under the slogan ‘’empower and inform’’ by bringing to it’s listeners educative, entertaining and informative environmental podcasts that are tailor made to suit the East African audience.
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Mathias Furch

MAZZ AB - der Interview-Podcast mit den einzigartigen Fragen, der jeden 13. Tag des Monats erscheint. Hier stelle ich ungewöhnliche Fragen an faszinierende Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen. Gemeinsam tauchen wir in inspirierende Gespräche ein, die euch unterhalten, zum Nachdenken anregen und motivieren sollen. Seid bereit für außergewöhnliche Einblicke in die Welt meiner Gäste und in die Tiefe ihrer Gedanken. Reinhören. Abonnieren. Staunen. Ich freue mich auf euch!
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From time to time attorneys from the law offices of Martin, Harding & Mazzotti LLP in Albany, NY will share their input and insight with local media outlets to help better shine a light on the issues we all face on a day to day basis. Visit: for more information
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Bookings - MAZZULA.NET "my favourite modern electro artist" - Dave Clarke The Mazzula project has been an incredible ride. It’s been great fun pushing the electro boundaries and bearing witness to reactions, good and bad over the last few years. I've always written for the love of the music and will continue to do so. I don't think you need to be making money to enjoy what you do, although it does help to concentrate the mind when people are prepared to buy your art. Keep ...
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Luciano Maz

Luciano Martinez Velazquez

Comentar algunos de los temas que me parecen interesantes, usamos nuestra libertad de expresión y además ayudamos a generar más opiniones... Entretenimiento y algo de crítica.
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The Mazin Shaikh Show gives you a backstage pass to the most fascinating conversations with solo founders, entrepreneurs and thought leaders around the world. Hear inspiring stories from them, learn how to become one yourself, and be a part of an amazing community that's changing the world together. Rate this podcast if you enjoy listening. Happy listening!
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daugiau mažiau

Vilniaus etninės kultūros centras

Vilniaus etninės kultūros centro tinklalaidės „daugiau mažiau“ idėja kilo norint geriau pažinti etninės kultūros lauke veikiančius žmones. Pokalbių temos aprėps įvairiausius kultūros barus, kuriuose naudojamos etninės kultūros detalės. Sieksime susipažinti su etninės kultūros įvairialypumu, atrasti netikėtas, mažai aptariamas, o gal kartais ir neteisingai interpretuojamas temas, ieškoti etninės kultūros visumos ir naujų panaudojimo galimybių.
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show series
back once again with a live set from our good mates at the summer sessions at the Lorne cinema turned night club !! . hosted by our good friend Chunky Athlete this was 2 hours of house and Tek house that had every one going . OK lets gooooo !!
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Mashirika kadhaa ya kilimo pamoja na serikali ya Kenya yaliwakutanisha wadau wa kilimo—wakulima, wataalamu wa mabadiliko ya tabianchi, na watunga sera—jijini Nairobi mwezi Novemba mwaka uliopita. Mkutano huo ukilenga kuweka bayana mwelekeo wa kutumia kilimo kinachokabili mabadiliko ya tabianchi yaani climate smart agriculture ili kuongeza uzalishaj…
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✨ Scopri il Premium Kit di MindCenter: il tuo alleato per la crescita personale Se hai bisogno di un supporto in più, noi ci siamo. Prenota il tuo primo colloquio con uno specialista del nostro team e ricevi il nostro esclusivo Premium Kit. Clicca qui: Perché abbiamo ideato il Premium Kit? (00:00:00) 🌱 Il nostro obietti…
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Reizēm rakstnieki paredz nākotni vai vismaz to modelē savos romānos. Vācijā dzīvojošā un vāciski rakstošā gruzīnu rakstniece Nino Haratišvili romānā "Astotā dzīve", sekojot leģendām un gadsimta vēsturei, noraksta to, kas pašlaik notiek Gruzijā. Viss sākas ar pilnīgi slepenu karstās šokolādes recepti un šokolādi kā vienlaikus mierinājumu dodošu un b…
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Pronta/o a iniziare il 2025 all'insegna del successo? Ecco che ti presento 4 frasi guida per orientare il nuovo anno sulla giusta direzione. Se vuoi crescere nel 2025 con me, clicca qui: Cosa puoi imparare ogni anno (00:00:00) 📖Solo quando interroghi il tuo passato, allora il passato può trasformarsi in conoscenza. Int…
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Monthly show delivers the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover More about tracks and artists, ON AIR every month at 21.00 CET. Don't miss the other shows live on YouTube: Every monthly 21.00 CET of eac…
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Hola. hola, en este episodio el último del 2024 te comparto unos rituales para que puedas hacer para recibir el 2025 ✨✨✨✨ Deseo que este nuevo comienzo este lleno de bendiciones y mucha luz ✨ te espero por aquí para seguir compartiendo más luz y más amor ❤😘 te espero en Instagram @iraennymaza Feliz año Nuevo 🎊🕛…
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Tunaangazia ikiwa tunaweza kuwa na mazingira tulivu bila kelele chafuzi katika maeneo tunayoishi lakini pia sehemu tunazofanya kazi. Tunaangazia ikiwa tunaweza kuwa na mazingira tulivu bila kelele chafuzi katika maeneo tunayoishi lakini pia sehemu tunazofanya kazi.על ידי RFI Kiswahili
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Lai arī kādas būtu filmas „Zeme, kas dzied” kvalitātes, tā labā nozīmē ir izprovocējusi divu grāmatu rašanos – kamēr viņu grimēja, Vilis Daudziņš telefonā zīmēja, līdz tapa grāmata „Pirmie latviešu dziedāšanas svētki bildēs”, savukārt scenārija līdzautors Dainis Īvāns kopā ar režisoru Māri Martinsonu iedziļinājās 1873. gada norisēs, kā bija iespēja…
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Hola hola, Este episodio es para ti si quieres describrir si en tu otra vida fuiste una Bruja sabia y poderosa 🔮🖤🐈‍⬛ sígueme en Instagram @iraennymaza y comparte este episodio con otras mujeres 💖💖💖💖💖💖 te abrazo 👐
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Last week was a rough one for Phil, myself and many other’s who lost a dear friend- Joshua James Antoon. In the midst of the deep swells of grief there was so much gratitude that came forward, and our heads feel above the water a bit, yet our hearts still ache and will for the rest of our lives. I went live on this past Monday to honor our friend, …
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Makala haya yanazungumzia jinsi dampo la Taka la Nkumba nchini Uganda limekuwa tishio la kimazingira kwa ziwa victoria ambalo ndilo chanzo kuu cha mto Nile.Baada ya dampo la Kiteezi jijini Uganda kuporomoka Agosti 9 mwaka wa 2024 na kuwauwa watu kadhaa,serikali nchini humo ilitoa amri taka zote kutoka Kampala ielekezwe Nkumba karibu na ziwa ,hatua …
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Acquista il tuo biglietto per assistere a "Terapia al Contrario" a (errata corrige) Teatro Villoresi di Monza qui: L'annuncio che ti devo fare oggi (00:00:00) Cara ascoltatrice, caro ascoltatore, oggi sono qui per comunicarti che il 16 Maggio 2025 debut…
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Teksts, kurš būtībā kļūst par apziņas stāvokli – Klarisas Lispektores „Dzīvais ūdens” Edvīna Raupa tulkojumā no portugāļu valodas. Vēstule (sev, lasītājam vai kādam mīļam cilvēkam?) – dzejolis-eseja, bet par ko – nezina pati autore. Teksts ir tik īpatnējs, ka Gundars Āboliņš nolasa kādu fragmentu vienreiz, tad – mēs ar Edvīnu Raupu runājām, un Gund…
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🎯Hai bisogno di motivazione per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi? Nel video ti spiego 9 step per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi e realizzare i tuoi sogni. Tratto questo tema nel mio libro Fattore 1%, per acquistarlo clicca qui: Perché non mi sento motivato? (00:00:00) Perdere la motivazione può portarti alla frustrazione e a chied…
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Katika miji ya pwani ya Kenya, vita dhidi ya uraibu vimepata mwelekeo mpya wa kusisimua. Kupitia miradi ya kimazingira, vijana kutoka vituo vya kuwarekebisha tabia hawajizuia tu na mihadarati, bali wanabadili jamii zao pia kupitia miradi hiyo. Mwanahabari wetu Victor Moturi alitembelea Mtopanga, Kaunti ya Mombasa, ambako vijana wamepata matumaini k…
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👉 Iscriviti alla newsletter per ricevere in anteprima il calendario del MazzuTeam e per ricevere aggiornamenti sui miei nuovi progetti. Qui il link: GIOCA BENE LE TUE CARTE (00:00:00) 🔮 Cosa ti serve per prendere decisioni importanti nella tua vita? Ti serve fare chiarezza. Scopri gli step che ti aiuteranno…
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Trance Evolution, the house of trance and progressive since 2002 - previously aired nationwide in Italy over FM. Monthly show delivers the latest in trance and progressive music, hosted by Andrea Mazza. Discover More about tracks and artists, ON AIR every month at 21.00 CET. Don't miss the other shows live on YouTube: Every monthly 21.00 CET of eac…
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Mēs tā sen nebijām smējušies, kā lasot Silvijas Brices „Pikto sentimentu”. Droši vien tagad uz mūžu prātā paliks kāda tulkotāja neveiklība „viņš tupus stāv aiz mašīnas”. Silvijas Brices ilgā tulkotājas un redaktores pieredze neļauj mierīgi palasīt tulkotu krimiķi uz nakti. Bet vispār viņa dara tā – ja tulko no vācu valodas, tad arī vakarā lasa vāci…
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Vuoi imparare a comunicare in modo efficace nella tua azienda e fuori? Scopri la nostra nuova academy "Fattore Comunicazione": Cosa fare se l'aumento non arriva (00:00:00) 🙁 Gestire il rifiuto di un aumento può non essere facile da digerire. In questo video ti do 4 suggerimenti su cosa fare se l'aumento non arri…
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מדריך עזר מהיר

האזן לתוכנית הזו בזמן שאתה חוקר