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Mimmit sijoittaa

Mimmit sijoittaa

Kuuntele Mimmit sijoittaa -podcastia ja audioartikkeleita! Mimmit sijoittaa -media puhuu sijoittamisesta, ihmisistä ja taloudesta. Käsittelyssä ajankohtaisuudet, sijoittaminen, säästäminen, ura ja raha. Lue artikkeleita osoitteessa mimmitsijoittaa.fi ja seuraa meitä Instagramissa, LinkedInissä, TikTokissa ja Facebookissa! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Mimosa Brunch is a podcast dedicated to exploring the lives and journeys of the world's top gamers. Hosted by Mimosa, each episode dives deep into the stories behind the screen, offering insights into the gaming industry, personal growth, and the strategies that have led these players to the top.
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Where does one begin when telling an Epic tale? Of course, if One is writing the Tale, the agonizing goodbyes are either whispers from the past, or sadly inevitable... Experience the joys and sorrows of Life on the run in the MimiVerse! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mimiverse/support
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: https://www.instagram.com/contaessahistoriapramim/ APOIE O PODCAST: https://apoia.se/contaessahistorirapramim
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MIm (MI minore)

Marco Mm Mennillo

C'è una storia nascosta dentro ogni canzone. MIm le racconta. ••• (MIm si pronuncia MI minore • MI minore è un podcast di Marco Mm Mennillo ) instagram: @miminore_ • linktr.ee/miminore • Il Canale telegram: http://t.me/miminorepod (15.000 Ascolti prima del Re-Up)
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A true crime podcast with a focus on lesser known crimes and the background of those who commit these heinous acts. Each case is told with a bit of southern sass, but with tons of in depth research and respect for those lost. Join this mom and daughter duo as they sip their mimosas while diving into tragic cases. New episodes every Saturday, just in time for brunch (and a mimosa of your own)!
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Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao GainCast, o podcast oficial da Clear Corretora. Aqui, os melhores analistas do mercado falam sobre suas experiências, contam suas histórias e se divertem com muita resenha sobre Bolsa de Valores e seus bastidores. Seja você um trader experiente ou um iniciante curioso, uma coisa é certa: bolsa de valores sem mimimi é aqui. Aumente o som e prepare-se para o Gain!
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Join Auntie Maim and The Divine Miss Mims, two 40 something drag queens, as they discuss the mysteries of Jessica Fletcher and Murder, She Wrote. New Episodes Every Week! Support us in Patreon: www.patreon.com/mimsandmaim Follow the Pod on Twitter @YouSlayMePod Email Us: mimsandmaim@gmail.com Call Us: 7043800618 Support us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=N8H4HPVU8CTNS Find us on Twitter: Auntie Maim: @MaimMinistry The Divine Miss Mims: @divinemissmims
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Mimics & Mathrocks

Mimics and mathrocks podcast group

DnD 5th edition homebrew podcast featuring Conor the DM, Blue as Ulaad the Aarakocra, Koi as Tasha the fabulous, Rune as Krelque the Ratfolk and Sonia as Lelith the Drow on the beautiful island of Kania and the kind of adventures you expect from adventurer's really. Join us every Sunday for just some good old listening chill.
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Porque acredito que ter 30 minutos para nós é meio caminho andado para uma vida melhor. Neste podcast vou partilhar a minha experiência como mulher, mãe, freelancer a viver fora do país. Vou partilhar histórias da minha vida, reflexões sobre o dia-a-dia, vou também responder às vossas muitas perguntas sobre como te ruma vida saudável, equilibrada e sobretudo consciente.Juntem-se aqui nestes 30 minutos para mim!
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Drei Freund*innen fragen sich: Wie wollen wir leben, arbeiten, politisch aktiv sein? Ein Podcast aus queerer und feministischer Perspektive. Mit Taiina, Lara und Philine. Instagram: @mimimi.kollektiv
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Fit, gesund und voller Energie – auch in den Wechseljahren! 💪 In meinem Podcast erfährst du, wie du deinen Körper und Geist in Bestform bringst, trotz Hormonschwankungen, Bauchfett oder Muskelabbau. Denn die Wechseljahre, Menopause oder Midlife Crisis ist nicht das Ende, sondern der Anfang eines starken, neuen Kapitels. Ich bin Mimi Lawrence, Fitness- und Gesundheitsexpertin, und ich unterstütze dich mit kostenlosen Tipps, die wirklich funktionieren: Bauchfett loswerden, Muskelmasse aufbauen ...
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در پادکست میم به چیز‌هایی گوش می‌دهید که تا به حال به فارسی نشنیده‌اید. فصل اول این پادکست به مقاله‌هایی اختصاص دارد که برنده یا فینالیست جایزه پولیتز در بخش روزنامه‌نگاری بوده‌اند.
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Podcast Mimom

Mimom Arum

Panggil saja mimom. mimom adalah ibu rumah tangga biasa yang kebetulan jadi dokter, konselor menyusui serta sedang belajar jadi spesialis gizi klinik. Podcast mimom akan banyak bercerita tentang kehidupan ibu ibu, yang erat hubungannya dengan memberi nutrisi keluarga , mengurus rumah, hingga aktualisasi dirinya sendiri. tidak menjanjikan suara merdu, sekadar berbagi suara ibu ibu:) kontak mimom di dyaharum2402@gmail.com
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Andre Wolf von Mimikama und der Timpel von 88.6 klären in diesem Podcast ganz spezifische, aktuelle Fake News auf und plaudern auch über die größten Themen und Herausforderungen in der Welt der (Falsch-)nachrichten im Social Media Zeitalter.
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ONY production

Sú dve. Herečky, jedna z národného divadla a druhá z undergroundovej nezávislej scény. Jana Kovalčíková a Lenka Libjaková. A komentujú: správy z domova aj zo sveta, ale tak trochu inak... Budú prinášať pozitívny a niekedy aj trošku dekadentný pohľad na život. Môžu inšpirovať a motivovať ako bublinky s pomarančovou šťavou cez víkend na obed.
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show series
Certo dia, Paula resolve falar "não" pra tudo. Parecia uma ótima ideia poder fazer só o que quer, na hora que quiser... Mas um dia o inesperado aconteceu e seu quarto, sua casa, virou uma selva. E agora? Texto: Susanna Isern Ilustração: Rocio Bonilla Editora: Telos Narração: Sandra Storino Sonoplastia: Rafael Filippini Se quiser apoiar o podcast ac…
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Orfani di Amedeo Umberto Rita Sebastiani, con l'apparizione di Carlo Conti al TG1 arriva l'inizio della Sanremo Season. 30 Canzoni 30, più i 4 giovani che arriveranno, per un cast estremamente variegato, pure troppo. Torna la puntata tematica di MIm dedicata alla Kermesse con i panelist e i loro messaggi vocali. E si, vi spiego anche chi sono Joan …
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Your yearly holiday treat, this year's movie: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991) Thank you to our Patrons: Sharon J Deana F Elizabeth J Adam P Crystal A Morgan W Cody H Jessie P Sheri S Email Us: mimsandmaim@gmail.com Call Us: 7043800618 Support us Via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=VNMM8UTK485XQ Special thanks to M…
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Hva betyr det at Frp suser fram som det store Nei til EU-partiet? Finnes fortsatt et progressivt nei i Norge? Møt SV-representant FREDDY ANDRÉ ØVSTEGÅRD, aktuell med boka «NEI til EU. Argumenter for en ny generasjon». Special guest: Mikael B. Løvold (FpU). Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til manifestmedia.no/supporte…
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In this mailbag special, Brad, Megan, and Adam answer some of the worst questions they've ever received, and laugh while doing it. Opening Theme 0:00 Intro 0:22 Q&A 1:13 Outro 1:10:18 Closing Theme 1:11:01 Post Credit 1:11:29 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=84724626 Website at https://www.itsa…
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #tapereading #investimento #dinheiro #RendaExtra André Moraes, Roberto Indech, Alison Correia e JP fazem uma retrospectiva do que foi o mercado em 2024 e levantam perspectivas para dólar, índice e mercado brasileiro para 2025.Ao vivo a partir das 17hRocketTrad…
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This episode on the It’s A Mimic! channel is going to look specifically at two Undead creatures from the world of Krynn (which is in Dragonlance)! Vecna: Eve of Ruin jumps around the Multiverse a lot, so you’re going to run into both of these baddies. Opening Theme 0:00 Intro 0:22 Black Rose Bearer 3:26 Deathwolf 21:26 Outro 43:32 Closing Theme 47:…
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Send us a text Hormongeheimnisse, die jede Frau kennen muss – für mehr Energie, Ausgeglichenheit und Wohlbefinden! In dieser Episode lüfte ich die geheimen Hormon-Tipps, die jede Frau kennen sollte, um sich endlich wieder voller Energie, ausgeglichen und rundum wohl zu fühlen . Erfahre, wie du deine Hormonbalance auf einfache Weise unterstützen kan…
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#Barsi #daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #tapereading #investimento #dinheiro #RendaExtra RocketTrader:https://rockettrader.com.br/info2/Flash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArenaConvidado: Luiz Barsi NetoHost: André Moraes e Roberto Indech
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25–30-vuotiaita naisia on patistettu esikoisen hankintaan syntyvyyskriisin ratkaisemiseksi. Samanaikaisesti lapsen hankinta siirtyy monilla aiempaa myöhemmälle muun muassa toimeentuloon ja uraan liittyvistä syistä. Tässä jutussa neljä nuorta naista kertoo, mikä lapsien hankinnassa mietityttää uran, työllistymisen ja toimeentulon näkökulmista. Kirjo…
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Send us a text What drives a man to commit one of the most heinous family crimes in U.S. history? We explore the chilling narrative of Ronald Gene Simmons, the so-called Christmas Killer, known for orchestrating Arkansas's largest mass murder. Tracing his life from a tumultuous upbringing through a troubled marriage to the horrific events of Decemb…
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Merry Christmas from Mims and Maim (again!) Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/mimsandmaim Thank you to our Patreons: Morgan W Cody H Sharon J Deana F Elizabeth J Adam P Crystal Jessie P Sheri S Email Us: mimsandmaim@gmail.com Call Us: 7043800618 ASupport us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=N8H4HPVU8CTNS Special thank…
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Sammen med Klassekampens MARI SKURDAL triller M&M terning på det politiske året 2024 og tar fram spåkula: HVOR høyrevennlig blir de store medienes valgdekning? KAN noen stoppe Sylvi Listhaug? Og FINNES det håp for rødgrønn valgseier? MÍMIR&MARSDAL er produsert av Manifest Media. Om du har problemer som du mener Mímir og Magnus bør løse kan du sende…
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os novos emoji para 2025, o relatório encomendado pelo ministério das mulheres sobre a machosfera, os dois documentários sobre luigi mangione que estão em produção e o filme do jovem nerd: esses são os assuntos da semana! __ relatório sobre a machosfera: https://apublica.org/nota/machismo-no-youtube-ministra-da-mulher-defende-regulacao-das-redes/ d…
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#traderbr #podcast #daytrade #dinheiro #bíblia GAIN CLASS | Cadastre-se no link: https://lp.xpi.com.br/gainclass-xpincCaio Scotte, trader e host do Arte do Trade, é o convidado deste episódio do Mapa Mental. Ele, que além de trader é estudioso de teologia, traz ensinamentos que a bíblia, o livro mais lido do mundo, tem para o dia a dia do trader.Ho…
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#trade #trading #ArianeCampolim #DayTrade #MercadoFinanceiro #RendaExtra #BolsaDeValores #Dinheiro #Podcast Flash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArena0:00 Introdução9:05 Trading virou um sonho guardado10:39 Sou muito questionadora13:40 Eu já estava entregando curriculo18:30 Paguei 28 mil reais em um curso20:40 Principais benefícios da profissão t…
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25–30-vuotiaita naisia on patistettu esikoisen hankintaan syntyvyyskriisin ratkaisemiseksi. Samanaikaisesti lapsen hankinta siirtyy monilla aiempaa myöhemmälle muun muassa toimeentuloon ja uraan liittyvistä syistä. Tässä jutussa neljä nuorta naista kertoo, mikä lapsien hankinnassa mietityttää uran, työllistymisen ja toimeentulon näkökulmista. Kirjo…
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In this episode, the panel of Dungeon Masters digs into the Drow who can lead the squads of regular Drow, or stand on their own as boss fights at the end of Tier One! Opening Theme 0:00 Intro 0:22 House Captain 2:39 Elite Warrior 15:44 Gunslinger 34:21 Minions: Giant Flying Spider 55:26 Outro 1:00:34 Closing Theme 1:01:37 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUB…
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Send us a text In dieser Episode geht es um die Kunst der schnellen Erholung – besonders in stressigen Zeiten wie der Vorweihnachtszeit. Wir kennen das alle: Geschenke kaufen, den Weihnachtsbaum schmücken, die Familie versorgen und dazu der ganz normale Alltag. Kein Wunder, dass Erholungsphasen oft zu kurz kommen! Doch was passiert, wenn der Stress…
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#daytrade #entrevista #maternidade#traderbr #podcast #daytrade #entrevista #comosertradercompoucodinheiro #dinheiro #maternidade #superação Flash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArena0:00 Introdução13:20 Maiores Desafios15:45 Problemas com peso e ansiedade21:12 Isso mudou tudo22:45 Perdi 35kg em 10 meses34:20 Como consegui lidar com isso41:20 Culp…
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#daytrade #trading #traderbr #BolsaDeValores #investimento #Dinheiro #MapaMEntal #PriceAction Flash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArenaO Mapa Mental com Leandro Ross está particularmente especial. O analista pleno da XP esteve à vontade de contou sua história como nunca. Todas as dificuldades, as renuncias, os caminhos que o levaram a deixar de …
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#JordanPeterson #12regrasparaavida #GuilhermeFreire #mudancadevida #motivacional #mercadofinanceiro #trade #traderbr #trading #BolsaDeValores #LifeStyle #Estilodevida Guilherme Freire fala sobre o aclamado livro de Jordan Peterson, 12 regras para a vida. E como essas regras podem fazer de você um trader melhor. Host: @guilhermecardoso Convidado: @g…
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Jake Lucky: From Small Town Beginnings to Gaming’s News Leader Jake Lucky reflects on his journey from growing up in Des Moines, Iowa, to becoming one of the most trusted voices in esports and gaming news. Sharing personal stories of school days, friendships, and discovering his love for gaming, Jake offers a glimpse into the foundation that shaped…
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Today's episode is a special collaboration between Afternoons With Mimi and Koala Moon, a cozy bedtime stories and sleep meditations show for children from the team at Sleepiest. Koko chats with Mimi and Kiddo to learn all about Hanukkah before sharing a very cozy Hanukkah celebration with his good friend Prickles. To learn more about Hanukkah, ple…
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Lauren Sharkey is a Chicago-based stylist and wardrobe consultant. She began her business, Styled by Lauren Sharkey, in an effort to educate and empower women to curate a closet that authentically resonates and grows with them. Lauren has an active social media presence where she shares daily outfit ideas, seasonal forecasts, trend reports and more…
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Merry Christmas from Mims and Maim (again!) Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/mimsandmaim Thank you to our Patreons: Morgan W Cody H Sharon J Deana F Elizabeth J Adam P Crystal Jessie P Sheri S Email Us: mimsandmaim@gmail.com Call Us: 7043800618 ASupport us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=N8H4HPVU8CTNS Special thank…
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Skyldes Jonas Gahr Støres havari politisk overslag til venstre, eller til høyre? Er Ap-politikerne for flinke, eller er de for dumme? Alle hypoteser skal opp på bordet, når tre fryktløse etterforskere gyver løs. Manifest Media er folkefinansiert og avhengig av din støtte: Gå til manifestmedia.no/supporter for å bli med i vår supporterklubb. MÍMIR&M…
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no episódio dessa semana a gente conversa sobre "lavender marriage" e heteropessimismo. falamos também sobre as muitas críticas à retrospectiva do spotify. discutimos sobre o atirador luigi mangione, que inusitadamente conquistou muitos corações e sobre jennifer castro, que conquistou milhões de seguidores ao recusar trocar de lugar com uma criança…
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #análisefundamentalista #ações #investimentos #Bit #Bitcoin #expert #expertxp #ExpertXp2024GAIN CLASS | Cadastre-se no link: https://lp.xpi.com.br/gainclass-xpincGuilherme Cardoso entrevista Fausto Carvalho, o criador do personagem Jorginho. Ao vivo e direto d…
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In this episode, the panel of Dungeon Masters looks at some of the most basic NPC stat blocks and how they might be used in a Drow society! Opening Theme 0:00 Intro 0:25 Drow NPC's 01:07 Minions: Quaggoths 24:58 Minions: Giant Spiders 29:34 Outro 39:20 Closing Theme 39:48 Post Credit 40:18 DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! Find Us On: Patreon at ht…
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Kung fu, tai chi, and philosophy at sea! This MiOsc podcast was recorded on board our recent cruise. We share a conversation about the importance of cultivating a broad base of knowledge—through books, experiences, and meaningful conversations—to better understand the world and the connections that shape it. Our ramblings make it clear we are in va…
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Send us a text Schlank durch die Feiertage: Genuss ohne Verbote und Verzicht Die (Vor-) Weihnachtszeit steht vor der Tür – mit all den köstlichen Versuchungen wie Plätzchen, Glühwein und Festessen. Aber wie oft trübt die Angst vor Gewichtszunahme den Genuss? Muss das wirklich sein? 👉 In dieser Podcast-Episode erfährst du: Wie du die Feiertage ohne …
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #empreender #empreendedorismo #FicarRico #imóveis #construção Flash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArenaGAIN CLASS | Cadastre-se no link: https://lp.xpi.com.br/gainclass-xpincAliakyn Pereira de Sá está no mercado há quase 20 anos. Trader de sucesso e analist…
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Tilaustalous on liiketalouden megatrendi, joka on tehnyt tavaran omistamisen tarpeettomaksi ja ostamisen yhä helpommaksi. Kuukausimaksulla voi tilata palveluita, jotka koukuttavat etenkin nuoria kuluttajia. Kirjoittaja: Anu Pekonen Lukija: Evita Lestinen Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #fibonacci #priceaction #médiasMóveis #neuroscience #mentalidade GAIN CLASS | Cadastre-se no link: https://lp.xpi.com.br/gainclass-xpincMarília é psicóloga e trader. Ela é trader há quatro anos e faz trades pesados! Tanto em swing trade quanto em day trade de …
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #fibonacci #priceaction #médiasMóveis #neuroscience #mentalidade GAIN CLASS | Cadastre-se no link: https://lp.xpi.com.br/gainclass-xpincDani Gurgell é, como ela se intitula, uma neurotrading. Especialista em cérebro e trader, ela ensina o que você precisa sabe…
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#daytrade #bolsadevalores #trading #mercadofinanceiro #dinheiro #traderbr #análisegráfica #tapereading #investimento #dinheiro #RendaExtra RocketTrader:https://rt.app.br/VKfkFlash Click - https://bit.ly/FlashClickArenaNesta quarta-feira o GainCast#222 conversa com o novo host do Arena Trader XP, a sala de trade ao vivo da XP. Alex Carvalho já estev…
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Send us a text What if the person playing Santa at your local mall harbored the darkest of secrets? Discover the chilling tale of Bruce MacArthur, a seemingly festive figure who led a horrifying double life. From his struggles with his identity and personal life to his unsettling transformation into Toronto's most notorious serial killer, we explor…
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Merry Christmas from Mims and Maim (again!) Support us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/mimsandmaim Thank you to our Patreons: Morgan W Cody H Sharon J Deana F Elizabeth J Adam P Crystal Jessie P Sheri S Email Us: mimsandmaim@gmail.com Call Us: 7043800618 ASupport us on PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=N8H4HPVU8CTNS Special thank…
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