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スキマ時間に刺さる厳選ニュース🎧NIKKEI PODCAST(日経ポッドキャスト)の番組「日経プライムボイス」毎週木曜配信!専門メディアの編集長6人が週替わりでイチ押し記事をお届けします。 【NIKKEI PODCAST】 日経電子版Podcastポータルサイト:⁠ Xアカウント:⁠@nikkeipodcast⁠ (⁠⁠) Instagramアカウント:⁠@nikkeipodcast⁠(⁠⁠)
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UOL Prime tem diversas temporadas com o melhor do jornalismo do UOL. Temporada 4. "UOL Prime", apresentado por José Roberto de Toledo, tem novos episódios às quintas-feiras. O jornalista conversa com repórteres que revelam detalhes e bastidores das reportagens publicadas em UOL Prime --área com notícias exclusivas e o melhor do jornalismo do UOL. Temporada 3. “Brennand” revela áudios inéditos de um dos processos mais detalhados contra o empresário Thiago Brennand –inclusive com admissão de e ...
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A Primeira Vez

Daniel Carapeto, Pedro Alves, Rui Iggy

A Primeira Vez: um programa de entretenimento para toda a família. Com Daniel Carapeto, Pedro Alves e Rui Iggy. Também disponível no YouTube.
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Welcome to Prime Factors where we review each UK Prime Minister from Robert Walpole to Keir Starmer. We discuss their biography, highs and lows, and then rate them on a scale designed by a 10-year old before awarding the ultimate prize: Are they ”Known” or an ”Ice Cream Cone”? Some dads build a treehouse with their kid. We’re doing a history podcast.
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Prime Bookselling

Eric Wulterkens

Jumpstart your Amazon bookselling business. Join us biweekly, as we answer listener questions, cover all the important concepts you will need to understand when starting your Amazon bookselling Journey
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Gustavo Carvalho entrevista pessoas para quem a comédia é paixão e profissão. Por vezes abre a porta a conversas sobre outros temas culturais que o entusiasmam, seja sobre teatro, música, digital, televisão ou cinema. A comédia, a arte e a cultura que estão para acontecer, todas as terças-feiras no Humor À Primeira Vista.
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With a career spanning over 40 years in both retail and wholesale furniture and mattress industries, Pete Primeau shares his insights on sales & marketing. Regularly joined by guests from a variety of industries, this show is not just for those in the mattress and furniture business - but for any business owner or sales professional.
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Welcome to Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, the podcast that gives you a peek inside the minds of some truly inspirational primary teachers. Whether you're new to the profession or a school leader with tons of experience this podcast is a must listen. For references, links and extended cut video episodes head over to
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Primera Hora

Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa

De dilluns a divendres de 8:30h a 9:00h, a la Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa. Un repàs a l’actualitat més destacada de la nostra ciutat així com dels temes més importants d’arreu. Presentat per Francesc Novell. Autor: Ràdio Municipal de Terrassa/
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Regina Prime

Reality Engineer Productions

How much of yourself can you give away before there's nothing left to give? Regina Prime follows the search for a 21st Century urban explorer who stumbles onto a disturbing discovery while vlogging an abandoned scientific research facility. This centuries-spanning story explores the sacrifices people make in order to leave an imprint on the world, even if it means hurting others along the way.
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Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain Dale’s book The Prime Ministers: Three Hundred Years of History. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne and Henry Pelham to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, these podcasts provide a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements. Season Two, gives the same treatment t ...
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O futebol feminino ganha um novo espaço de destaque no zerozero. O "Primeiro as Senhoras" é um novo podcast de análise e debate aos temas mais prementes do futebol feminino nacional, com olhar ainda para as portuguesas lá fora. Rodrigo Coimbra é o moderador e conta com a companhia de Rita David e Pedro Dias
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Four healthily skeptical primary care physicians discuss the latest in primary care medicine. Join Essential Evidence Editor Mark Ebell MD, Rush University's Kate Rowland MD, MSU Professor of Medicine Gary Ferenchick MD, and POEMs co-founder Henry Barry MD, MS for this fast-paced weekly update on evidence-based primary care.
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Você quer conhecer histórias transformadoras? Conhecer pessoas que superaram o medo e foram atrás de seus sonhos? Então o “45 Do Primeiro Tempo” é o seu podcast. Toda semana um papo muito legal com pessoas que se reinventaram, que foram em busca de mais propósito e que tem muito a nos ensinar.
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En compañía de corresponsales de la prensa extranjera en París y de expertos analizamos cada semana lo más destacado de la actualidad. Un programa coproducido con France 24 en español.
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NFL Primeira Descida é o podcast semanal do em parceria com a NFL Brasil com análises, informações e tudo o que acontece na principal liga de futebol americano, cada dia mais popular também no Brasil.
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The Somatic Primer Podcast promotes a cross discipline of somatic dialogues that strive to discover the common threads that run through them all. The Somatic Primer Podcast hosts interdisciplinary conversations from experts in their fields and sharing those ideas within the larger somatic community.
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Beer Prime

Paul Newton

Podcast about Craft Beer. I talk to guests from around the craft beer community - not just breweries. There will also be chances to WIN beer from some of the guests, so subscribe to be kept up-to-date!
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The Prime League Podcast

Tim Ohalek, Shayne McClain & Jason Ryan

League commish Shayne McClain, co-commish Jason Ryan and owner of "The Fantasy Football Team" Tim Ohalek team up to bring you all the latest in the Papau New Guinea Prime League fantasy football league!
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Primary Care Knowledge Boost

Primary Care Knowledge Boost

All things General Practice! Join doctors Sara and Lisa as they interview specialists from around Greater Manchester with the aim of improving the confidence and knowledge of local primary care clinicians. The podcast has been made possible due to the support of Wigan CCG and GP Excellence in Greater Manchester.
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Prime Time is a casual history Rexy-Pod ranking all the British Prime Ministers from Robert Walpole to the modern day. On our way, we'll tell the story of this nation, cast judgement on our forebears, and explore some of the weird, wonderful, and time-worn bits of modern British Politics that are still around today. @primetime_cast For bonus episodes and our Discord, join us on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Illuminating Primary Care

Menlo Park Recruitment

Welcome to Illuminating Primary Care! On our channel, we will be talking about all things Primary Care. We will be speaking to decision-makers and innovators from the world of General Practice. Our first few episodes will be hosted by James Truswell, Director of Menlo Park Recruitment. We will also be featuring some of our specialist consultants as guest hosts in future episodes, so make sure to follow us so that you don’t miss out.
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show series
Com Daniel Carapeto, Pedro Alves e Rui Iggy. Rui IggyRealização: Rodrigo Bonito Edição: Daniel Carapeto Grafismos: Rui Iggy Música: Som: Rui BonifácioLuz: Rui Bonif…
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De dilluns a divendres, de 8:30h a 9h Primera Hora és el programa que t’informa de totes les novetats de la ciutat. Aquesta mitja hora et porta informació de servei, com el trànsit, el temps i les notícies més importants del dia. A més, cada matí fem un repàs als diaris per tenir-te actualitzat de totes les notícies.…
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Três notícias em 10 minutos: mercado reage mal ao pacote do governo, e economistas defendem aumento maior da Selic, que pode subir até 1 ponto; brasileiro desaparecido em Paris há seis dias mobiliza autoridades e levanta mistérios sobre o caso; Botafogo comemora sua primeira Libertadores com festa histórica no Rio após vitória épica sobre o Atlétic…
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The Pete Primeau Show is turning 200! Join us for a very special live celebration as we honor Pete Primeau, the legend who’s been the guiding light for mattress industry veterans, newbies, and everyone in between. For two decades, Pete has empowered business owners with actionable advice, insider knowledge, and an unshakable passion for helping oth…
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Olá Personas! Bem vindos novamente ao Minha Primeira Vez! Neste programa, o objetivo é capturar todas as minhas reações e sentimentos ao experimentar algo pela primeira vez: pode ser filme, série, jogo, livro, quadrinho e o que mais der para encapsular em áudio. Para a segunda temporada escolhi um dos animes mais pedidos por vocês: Devilman Crybaby…
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Fue la flamante ganadora de La Voz Kids, le puso voz a la canción de la BSO de Vahiana... esta gaditana no tiene límites y nos sorprende canción tras canción con una voz portentosa y un carácter alegre y desenfadado. Hacía mucho que queríamos tenerla en Primer Plano y las circunstancias por fin se dieron. Con todos vosotros... ¡María Parrado!…
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Episode 205: This week on Thinking Deeply about Primary Education, Elliot Morgan and I dive into what’s in store at the upcoming TDaPE London Conference on Saturday, 18th January 2025. We explore the talks, themes, and workshops that will bring together educators passionate about primary education, with practical insights to enhance teaching and le…
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I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving with their friends and family. Today on this cold windy Black Friday in New Orleans, I am giving you guys a preview of the Pelicans game vs Grizzlies. Game is at 4pm CT in Memphis. So while you are out Black Friday shopping listen to this brand new episode. I am thankful for everyone that has support and list…
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On the Smoking Syndicate Roundtable 16, the Cigar Coop Coalition tackles the Room101 Johnny Tobacconaut Toro. Tonight’s show will be a special one in that we are raising funds for Operation Airdrop to help our fiends impacted by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Helene in Western North Carolina. Also scheduled to appear is Matt Booth of Scandinavian Tobacco…
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On the Smoking Syndicate Roundtable 16, the Cigar Coop Coalition tackles the Room101 Johnny Tobacconaut Toro. Tonight’s show will be a special one in that we are raising funds for Operation Airdrop to help our fiends impacted by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Helene in Western North Carolina. Also scheduled to appear is Matt Booth of Scandinavian Tobacco…
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Arlindo Marcon costuma dizer que apenas 10% da nossa mente é consciente e os outros 90% influenciam profundamente nossos pensamentos, emoções e comportamentos sem que percebamos. Aliás, foi assim, com o inconsciente controlando grande parte de sua jornada, que Arlindo viveu até o final dos anos 90, quando começou a se dar conta de que existem outra…
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Três notícias em 10 minutos: dólar atinge nova marca histórica após pacote e Lula chama plano de extraordinário; décimo terceiro faz comércio prever vendas turbinadas na Black Friday; Jair Bolsonaro admite discussão com militares sobre Estado de Sitio e faz apelo por anistia.
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Cada vez más países se han lanzado a elaborar una ley para regular la actividad de los influencers para evitar que, por ejemplo, se salten las leyes publicitarias en campos como el tabaco o el alcohol. Hoy En Primera Plana analizamos el poder de los influencers en nuestra sociedad, cómo la modelan y si se han convertido en algo aspiracional para lo…
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On Episode 144 of Prime Time Jukebox, we present Christmas and Holiday Music 2024. This is an annual tradition going back to the Cigar Jukebox days. To ring in the festivities, we are proud to welcome Fred Rewey now of Cigar Press as our special guest. Plus we got music news, cigar news, the music pairing of the week, and the Developing Palates Rev…
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On Episode 144 of Prime Time Jukebox, we present Christmas and Holiday Music 2024. This is an annual tradition going back to the Cigar Jukebox days. To ring in the festivities, we are proud to welcome Fred Rewey now of Cigar Press as our special guest. Plus we got music news, cigar news, the music pairing of the week, and the Developing Palates Rev…
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Três notícias em 10 minutos: Lula inclui isenção de Imposto de Renda em pacote de cortes e dólar tem máxima histórica; inquérito do golpe deve ser analisado por turma alinhada a Alexandre de Moraes, no Supremo; PEC que acaba com aborto legal no país avança na Câmara.
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De dilluns a divendres, de 8:30h a 9h Primera Hora és el programa que t’informa de totes les novetats de la ciutat. Aquesta mitja hora et porta informació de servei, com el trànsit, el temps i les notícies més importants del dia. A més, cada matí fem un repàs als diaris per tenir-te actualitzat de totes les notícies. Ara també ens pots seguir en di…
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Casos de cegueira, necrose e outras complicações graves expõem os riscos dos procedimentos estéticos no Brasil. Neste episódio do UOL Prime, José Roberto de Toledo conversa com a repórter Camila Brandalise sobre sua reportagem que revelou negligências impressionantes, como o caso de uma médica que perdeu a visão após uma rinomodelação. A conversa t…
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中国のハイブリッド車(HV)市場の勢いが弱まり、トヨタが誇る高級車レクサスすら値下げ。プラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)の人気が高まっていることが背景にあります。日本の自動車メーカーに求められる戦略を、NIKKEI Mobilityの深尾幸生編集長が解説します。 スキマ時間に刺さるポッドキャスト「NIKKEI PrimeVOICE」は日本経済新聞社の専門メディア編集長6人がイチ押し記事をお届けします。 日経プライムボイスは毎週木曜配信。公式SNS「日経ポッドキャスト」から #プライムボイス で感想をお寄せください。 ■NIKKEI Mobility編集長 深尾幸生  自動車、エレクトロニクス、IT、素材などの各業界を担当。2017年から5年間はフランクフルトに駐在し、EVに急旋回する欧州の自…
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Don Hanlon Johnson is a professor at CIIS in San Francisco and the founder of the first graduate degree program in Somatics. He is the author of a body of literature on the intersections among bodily experience, the natural world, spirituality, social justice, and health. Don Hanlon Johnson began his training with Dr. Ida Rolf and joined Thomas Han…
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In this episode we discuss why it is important for every business owner to think outside the box and how you can become comfortable thinking outside the box. Get Unlimited Email support for starting your business visit Need Inventory? Check out one of a kind inventory sourcing method for any book selle…
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Três notícias em 10 minutos: Polícia Federal conclui que Jair Bolsonaro ‘planejou, atuou e teve domínio’ de plano golpista; após demora do governo, deputados fazem PEC alternativa para corte de gastos; começa o cessar-fogo entre Israel e o Hezbollah.
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Tonight on Prime Time Special Edition 168 we present The Stories Behind Cigars. On this episode Bear and Coop peel the onion and look at some cigar brands and lines that have a great story or theme behind them. They also tackle the stories they haven’t been sold on. Finally, they look at some stories yet to be told in a cigar. Plus, we have our U.S…
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Tonight on Prime Time Special Edition 168 we present The Stories Behind Cigars. On this episode Bear and Coop peel the onion and look at some cigar brands and lines that have a great story or theme behind them. They also tackle the stories they haven’t been sold on. Finally, they look at some stories yet to be told in a cigar. Plus, we have our U.S…
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