The daily podcast with Richard Ellis. Follow / Like him @TalkWithRichard
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To live passionately for Jesus means that not only will you be rejected by the world -- you'll also be rejected by "religious" people. The call to follow Christ means being prepared to give up everything in order to pursue Him, but the price we might pay to is nothing compared to all that we gain.על ידי Richard Ellis
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Leaven, or yeast, is used as a biblical analogy in two very different ways. It can represent evil, like in the forms of complaining or disobedience, as an example of how an infection in one person can negatively affect the whole Church body. On the other hand, it can also represent us as Christians in the world: we're meant to infect this planet in…
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God has made a way for us to be in right relationship with Him through His Son. So when we, as His creation, are far from Him, He misses us and calls us back to Himself. It's important for our relationship with Him to be strong and healthy because whether we realize it or not, other people around us are affected by how committed we are to following…
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Real spiritual "heart change" begins with a kind of godly sorrow that leads us to repentance. But when we've repented of our sin, we should always follow it up with action steps. When we truly repent, we don't go back to doing the same thing over and over again -- we allow God to help us and strengthen us to make permanent changes in our lives.…
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Before Jesus came for us, people had to make constant sacrificial offerings as atonement for their sins. But even with those sacrifices, the guilt of their sin never went away. Jesus' death on the cross not only paid for our sins -- it removed them from us so that we could be cleared of guilt forever.…
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When Peter shared the Gospel with Cornelius -- a Gentile -- it served as an example that sometimes, God will push us outside our comfort zones and cause us to break traditions for the ultimate goal of reaching others. It's important to listen for the voice of God so that we're not venturing out and doing things on our own. The people He calls us to…
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Scripture tells us that everything in creation is held together by God, and He's present in every place. We can never get away from Him -- and when we surrender to Him, He begins to live inside of us through His Spirit. With God in us, we are never alone.על ידי Richard Ellis
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When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He showed the disciples that even death cannot stop Him. Yet when He Himself died and was placed in a tomb, they doubted what He'd promised. When we question whether God can do all things, including working miracles in our own lives, let's remember and trust that nothing is impossible for Him.…
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This world is filled with people in need of God's grace. But how can we show them His grace unless we've experienced it ourselves? Because of Christ's death on the cross, we've all been given the opportunity to be forgiven and accepted as children of God, no matter our sin. And once we experience His grace in our own lives, we can share it with tho…
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What does it actually mean to become dead to our sin? Once we've been made alive in Jesus, we're no longer slaves to the sin of the past. It might be difficult to give up old sinful habits and patterns, but we've been made more than conquerors in Christ and given God's grace as we strive to walk forward in freedom.…
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We can call ourselves Christians and be pro-choice, but we cannot call ourselves mature Christians and not be pro-life. The evil in the world today has led to millions of unwarranted deaths of unborn children. As we mature in Christ, God produces in our own hearts the value of the life He's created in the womb.…
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Every moment on earth could be our last. None of us have any idea when God will say our time here is done. That's why it's so important that we don't waste it! We have to choose to obey God -- not just every year, every week, or every day, but every second of our lives -- so that He can work through us to reach as many people as possible.…
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God specifically designed the Body of Christ in such a way that we are able to comfort each other during times of trial and suffering. In fact, it's one of the ways we demonstrate our obedience in following Christ: by showing the same compassion, care, and love to others that He first showed us.על ידי Richard Ellis
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The Bible is a textbook of instruction for God's people on what it means to turn from sinful ways and follow Him. We can't surrender fully to the Lord and give Him our whole lives while still continuing down the path of sin. Unless and until we have a "turn-around" and repent from our old nature, our lives will continue going in the wrong direction…
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Suffering isn't just possible in this life; it's guaranteed. The person who grounds themselves in the promises of Scripture will be far more prepared when tragedy strikes than the one who fails to stand on the Word of God. As we walk through seasons of trial and tribulation, our lives are a testament to His work in us.…
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God never ditches us - but we have a tendency to ditch Him when life gets tough. Scripture's full of people who suffered and, like you and me, they often felt that the Lord had abandoned them. But their stories also reveal that in each case, He was actually fulfilling a bigger plan and purpose for their lives. Through their experiences, we can find…
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When Jesus came as the Savior of the world, God chose to announce His birth in incredible and miraculous ways. But Jesus promised to come back one day, and in the meantime, God uses us to announce that He'll return. While we wait with expectation for that day to come, we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others so that their lives migh…
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Jesus came to earth in the poorest of conditions. He was born in a stable, and God chose to share the news of the Messiah with smelly, poor shepherds before anyone else. None of the circumstances under which Christ was born were accidental -- they were orchestrated by God as a reminder that Jesus would go on to be the Savior of the whole world, and…
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The world would have us believe that there are many religions and names by which we can be saved, but the Bible tells us that it's only through the mighty name of Jesus that we're offered the incredible gift of salvation. We're invited to come to Him as we are, filthy in all our sin, and be washed clean by the power of His blood that was shed for u…
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It's no accident that the King of the universe came to earth in the most humble way possible: born in a barn, surrounded by animals, with His first visitors being simple shepherds of the fields. The very nature of His birth teaches us that whether you're born in a barn or live among nobles, Jesus came for all people -- and we're all equal in our ne…
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You don't always see the difference between houses built on solid foundations and houses built on shaky foundations until the storm comes -- and the same is true of how we build our families. When we make Jesus the center of our homes and our lives, no amount of trials or tribulations will be able to shake our foundation. Only He can bring us stabi…
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In John 14, Jesus tells us that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that there is no other way to the Father except through Him. Our job as Christians is to spread that Gospel message. In a world where "truth" seems more subjective every day, are we ready to share the one and only Truth with others when the opportunity presents itself?…
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Mary wasn't perfect. She wasn't sinless. But she had a heart that was prepared to submit to God's will for her life. When we follow her example and adopt a willingness to obey, Jesus moves in us and uses us to do Kingdom work with eternal impact.על ידי Richard Ellis
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God's love was so clearly displayed when He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the Savior of this world. He loved us enough, even in our sinful state, to make the greatest sacrifice of all on our behalf. He doesn't want anyone to be condemned to hell, but we have to choose to receive the gift He's offered: salvation through Christ alone.…
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The story of the birth of Jesus is filled not only with THE wise men of the nativity story, but with other wise people who submitted to God's call on their lives. True wisdom comes when a person responds to God's leading with obedience. Only by following Him do we become "wise guys" in the best sense of the word.…
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If being a Christian were a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you? When we surrender our lives to Christ, we're born again with the Holy Spirit inside us -- and that's a heart transformation that everyone around us should be able to see!על ידי Richard Ellis
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The difference between Jesus and any earthly king is that Jesus never grew up to become a king -- He was born the King of Kings! We can't accept the gift of salvation that He gave His life to pay for without submitting ourselves in reverence to Him. When we choose to make Him the King of our lives, we're also choosing to let Him rule our every deci…
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When it comes to questioning the Bible, the Christmas story is one of the most popular examples for why it "can't" be legitimate. Skeptics who challenge Scripture are nothing new, but when we have our doubts, it's important for us to research and study God's Word ourselves instead of throwing out the whole Bible just because we don't understand eve…
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Did you know that the Pharisees of Jesus' day could have figured out who He was, simply by asking where He was born? But they didn't take the time to ask important questions, and often, neither do we. It's tempting to ignore parts of the Bible that we don't understand, but if we seek God whole-heartedly, He promises to reveal Himself to us through …
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Of all the gifts we receive at Christmas, the greatest is the gift of Jesus Christ. Through Him, God has offered us salvation from our sin. And if we accept His offer, we not only receive the present of His Son -- we receive the gift of being in His presence forever.על ידי Richard Ellis
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The God who's given us the very breath we breathe in this physical life is also the God who's given us the opportunity to have eternal life with Him. But His offer of redemption isn't meant for us to keep to ourselves -- it's meant for us to turn around and give away to others. Are we going to be selfish with our salvation, or are we going to "regi…
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When it comes to picking people who will become part of His Kingdom, God doesn't choose the ones who would seem logical in the eyes of the world. The "in crowd" is simply made up of those who hear His Word and respond in obedience.על ידי Richard Ellis
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If you or someone you know is struggling so much in this life that you wish you'd never been born, the best thing you can do is be born again. Through all of our struggles and suffering, the only hope we can cling to is in God Almighty. He sees the whole picture, He knows the whole story, and He has good plans for each and every person who puts the…
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God used Mary as a part of His plan to save the world. And if He can use a virgin to birth the Savior of all mankind, He can choose to use each of us for His purpose, too, if only we make ourselves obedient to Him. God doesn't look for "special" people to use for His glory -- He looks for open hearts ready to put His will ahead of their own.…
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God offers each of us the ultimate gift, bought and paid for with the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. The best part is that it's absolutely free -- all we have to do is reach out and accept it. And once we've received such an immeasurable act of love, we can't help but respond in worship.על ידי Richard Ellis
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God's given each and every one of us amazing gifts, talents, and abilities -- and they're best used when they glorify Him. The greatest gift that's ever been given is Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf. All we have to do is receive it.על ידי Richard Ellis
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Jesus is the "X" factor in us -- He allows us to do things that just don't seem possible from the outside looking in. When we choose to believe that God can accomplish anything and everything He says He will, we get a front-row seat to watch the impossible take place.על ידי Richard Ellis
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How many times have you heard (or said), "Jesus is the reason for the season"? The sentiment is good, but the reality is that WE are the reason for the season -- because WE are the reason He came to the world. He was born for us, He lived for us, He died for us, and He rose again for us -- all so that He could offer us a free gift of eternal life t…
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Our purpose in life is to give God our best and do anything for ourselves after -- but too often we get that backwards and do everything for ourselves first while giving God what's left over. Career, money, fame or material possessions will never bring us true joy, but when we're obedient to God and put His call on our lives first, He utilizes us f…
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God's blessed us beyond what we could ever comprehend. And the best way to thank Him for all that He's given us is to turn around and give Him all that we have. The Lord's asking us to give generously, no matter how much or how little we have, because when we do, He always fills us with so much more.…
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When Jesus ate His last meal with His disciples, He took time to teach them the importance of remembering the suffering and death He was about to experience. It's in the process of giving thanks that we remember all that God gives to us. Jesus thanked His Father for what represented the worst suffering anyone could ever endure on the cross -- so le…
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When we call out to God and ask Him to help us, then we have to be ready and willing to obey whatever He tells us to do in response -- even if it sounds crazy. And when we follow through on His answers to our call, we also have to remember to thank Him for the blessing we receive as a result.על ידי Richard Ellis
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Scripture teaches us that God is merciful. Gracious. Slow to anger. Quick to offer salvation for all those who choose to believe in Him. But His Word also reminds us that His mercy will come to an end for those who continue to hold onto their sin and refuse to repent.על ידי Richard Ellis
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When we repent from the sin that's left our lives broken and in pieces, we experience God's forgiveness. As we begin changing because of His grace, we need other people to help us pick up the pieces and show us what it looks like to live the Christian life. And as our lives begin to be made whole, we get to a place where we're able to help others i…
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People walk through the doors of a church from all kinds of backgrounds and with all kinds of baggage. But no matter how different we are, God's called each of us to be part of His Church, and to be in community with one another. Let's live our lives as both "rockers" -- rocking the world by living out the Gospel -- and "knockers" -- pursuing God a…
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Being smart is not the same thing as being wise. We can accumulate all the knowledge we want, but as children of God, we're instructed to grow in wisdom in order to make wise choices. The more we begin seeing things through God's eyes, the more we're able to live in obedience to Him.על ידי Richard Ellis
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Jesus taught us not to retaliate in the midst of our suffering, and He lived by His own words when He endured beatings and crucifixion on the day of His death. The Bible also tells us to have discernment and to seek God in every situation -- including in situations of abuse and domestic violence. If He tells us to stay and endure, we've got to trus…
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Too many people want the benefit of salvation without the lordship of Christ in their lives. Only when we fully submit to Jesus do we experience the freedom He brings from the sins and entanglements of this world.על ידי Richard Ellis
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One of the greatest ways to determine how well we're letting God use us is to examine the parts of our lives that have been wasted. Instead of falling into temptations of distraction and temporary pleasure, we've got to run with endurance down the path He's called us to. We need wisdom in order to recognize the lies that the devil uses to take us c…
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When we realize that Jesus’ death was the justice for our sin, we find peace with God. God provided a way of justice for our sins through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, so that we can be brought into perfect peace in relationship with Him. And when we have peace with God, we can see past our differences with others and extend peace to them, too.…
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