Hi, we're Ben Stiller and Adam Scott. We have severed ourselves from the world for 5 years, making the workplace thriller Severance. While we have no memory of what happened during that time, we thought we should make a companion podcast for all the Innies who will have no recollection of watching, in an attempt to reintegrate them with their memory of the show. This is the Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller and Adam Scott, an episode-by-episode, behind-the-scenes breakdown with the creators ...
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Interviewing those who're different. Notable or not I ask them questions about themselves and try to learn a side of them they've never shown.
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He's loud, he's opinionated, but most of all he's passionate. He is... Jared Stillman. Join Jared and other special guests each weekday from 2p-6p as they cover the Titans, Predators and what is important to Nashville.
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20 years after walking off of the Red Carpets of the world, Steve Kmetko is back behind the microphone and talking to the biggest stars of Film and TV, along with some stars that we haven't seen in a minute. Steve is STILL HERE HOLLYWOOD, and this time he's sticking around.
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StillBack Podcast “Tempat Berbenah, Tempat Kembali.” Selamat datang di StillBack Podcast—ruang ngobrol santai buat kamu yang ingin tumbuh dan berbenah, baik di karier maupun kehidupan pribadi. Di sini, kita bahas topik-topik seputar perbaikan diri, komunikasi efektif, dan tantangan di dunia kerja dengan sudut pandang yang relevan untuk karyawan Muslim masa kini. Karena setiap langkah kecil menuju perubahan itu berarti. Yuk, mulai perjalanan perbaikan diri kamu di StillBack Podcast! Instagram ...
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The business podcast that trades in scarce thinking for community, conversation, and ideas in abundance.
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Join Matt Ferrell from the YouTube Channel, Undecided, and his brother Sean Ferrell as they discuss electric vehicles, renewable energy, smart technologies, and how they impact our lives. Still TBD continues the conversation from the Undecided YouTube channel.
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Ruben Stillerin keskusteluohjelmassa puhutaan arvokkaasti Suomen arvoista, arvojohtajista ja arvottomista. Ohjelman moniarvoisessa ilmapiirissä ruoditaan ajan ilmiöitä, puheenaiheita ja kansakunnan kohtalonkysymyksiä. Vieraina on tunnettuja ja tuntemattomia näkijöitä, tekijöitä ja kokijoita. Ohjelmassa kysytään, kuka oikein käsikirjoittaa Suomen suurta draamaa ja kuka kuittaa esityspalkkiot. Yle Radio 1 perjantaisin klo 10, toinen lähetys lauantaina klo 14.
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Bring some Spirit-filled peace into your hectic schedule every weekday morning with this new Daily Devotional.
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ブルックリン在住の夫婦が、色んなことを話し合うポッドキャストです。ハッシュタグ #スティレン で感想など教えてね✨
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A True Crime podcast bringing the genre back to its roots. Think Unsolved Mysteries but for your ears.
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Two longtime friends, a librarian and teacher, talk about movies.
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A monthly podcast exploring lesser discussed Science Fiction films. Some famous. Some obscure.
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Welcome to The Stillroom's Grimoire, featuring Head Witch, April Eckwielen. Join her around the cauldron to talk spells, tarot, and her spiritual journey into all things witchcraft.
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Endlich Ruhe fr Podcast-Junkies
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Little did I know that having my portrait painted by Andy Warhol in his infamous Factory would inspire my arts as his protégé. As the only ordained female Feng Shui Grandmaster, I have modernized Feng Shui for feminine embodiment. Each week, we will sit down with celebrities, other artists and even doctors for how they move the needle and break the mold for success. Have a cup of tea, let’s meditate and get to the core. Will it be boring? I don’t think so! https://caroleshashona.com
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A podcast in which one film lecturer and one scaredy-cat discuss creepy, spooky and disturbing children's books, films and tv.
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It’s a podcast about video games and various tangentially related topics from the perspective of three game developers.
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Podcast by Stillwater Bible Church
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Av Ebba Kleberg von Sydow & Emilia de Poret, varje torsdag! Trender, stiltips och annat som gör livet värt att leva... @sakerstil #SäkerStil Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Welcome to Still Unbelievable!, where we examine Christianity. Sometimes we will discuss an episode of the Unbelievable? podcast, sometimes we will test how well Christian arguments stand up because, as sceptics, we think that all beliefs should be challenged.
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Mehrmals die Woche spricht Moderator Ruben Giuliano mit den wichtigsten Akteuren des politischen Berlins über die aktuellen Themen. Ohne Bevormundung, ohne Schaum vorm Mund - mit Stil! Hören Sie fast täglich unter der Woche ab 5 Uhr die neuesten Interviews. Schließe ein Abo ab: https://anchor.fm/politik-mit-stil/subscribe
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This is a boutique podcast that will be largely political but can include other topics.
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Pouring on the freshest takes and the best drinks. Pour yourself a drink and join the Still Drippin Crew to get your news about this week’s top drops, things Hayes hates and find out who’s trippin’.
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A podcast where we look at old movies and ask "Does this still work?"
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Lifelong friends & guests sample the best tequilas & more so you only spend your money on the good stuff. Sip what we are sampling, bring your own drink OR just listen and chill. Tell your friends! You'll be Still Chillin in no time.
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Creator Justin co-hosts the funnest hangout on the internet with a rotating panel of co-hosts & producers cracking jokes, interviewing, & promoting the most interesting people in the world.
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Join us as we dive into the minds of Disney Legends, Horror Producers, NFL champions, Cancer Survivors, Actors, Actresses, Musicians and so much more. You never know who we will be getting crazy with.
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#StillServing: The VFW Podcast is the official podcast of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the oldest combat veterans service organization advocating for and serving our veterans, service members and military families worldwide. #StillServing will feature interviews, one-of-a-kind perspectives and insightful conversations concerning veteran legislation, educational and financial assistance programs, national veterans’ services, critical initiatives from the VFW National Commander, and much more.
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The Stillpoints Podcast with Scott Johnson brings insightful, inspiring and moving conversation into how contemplative practice has evolved in our modern culture. Scott talks to the many people, yoga/dharma teachers, practitioners, authors and creatives who have inspired him, as director of Stillpoint Yoga London, to see how their practices have landed in the world.
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Still Noise is a podcast hosted by Jake McKeown, where creativity meets conversation. Each episode features a deep dive with freakishly talented individuals—artists, musicians, filmmakers, visionaries and everything in-between—who share their stories, struggles, and successes. Blending humor, insight, and raw authenticity, Still Noise cuts through the static to uncover the voices that deserve to be heard.
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A daily Celtics and NBA show hosted by Jay King, Sam "Jam" Packard and Brian Robb (formerly of the Winning Plays podcast).
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Communicating the message of hope and God's grace. https://stillgrowingingrace.ca
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A show about video games, video game culture and video game history. New episodes every Sunday at 7PM EST.
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Stiljournalen är ett program om stil i alla dess former. Från kläder till konst via inredning och manér. Författaren Fredrik af Klercker och hans goda vän Filip Strömbäck står vid rodret och guidar lyssnarna till att bli ännu stiligare. Fredrik är till vardags medgrundare till Pete & Harry, webshop för eleganta vintage-accessoarer. Filip är kommersiellt ansvarig på Exparang, ett digitalt matchningsverktyg på lednings- och styrelsenivå. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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'The Light Is Still On' is a podcast from First Presbyterian Church Fort Dodge of sermons and stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
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A candid podcast. How do Dads deal with the train wreck of baby loss?
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Fast food reviews, movie reviews, & my wife n keeeds
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We run the risk of ruining our childhoods by revisiting fondly remembered films. Hosted by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb.
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A raw and uncut conversation about the world today. ITMSO covers a wide range of topics from social issues to life lessons delivered through the same hilarious unfiltered voices that you’ve come to love and appreciate.
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Noted artist Rob Israel and former academic Dr. Joseph Kaye discuss movies, pop culture, art, music, and the zeitgeist. Digressions abound.
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The Still Connect Podcast is your backstage pass to the stories shaping Stillwater, Oklahoma! Hosted by Denver Evans, a proud Stillwater local with a passion for building connections, this podcast dives into the journeys of business and community leaders who make our town thrive. When life gets busy, make sure you Still Connect!
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Do movies hold up over time? Three brothers watch movies from their childhood and go off on wild tangents while they discover if these retro flicks are still GOOD... We watch the movies of yesterday, today... so tomorrow, you may want to.
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A cross-generational guide to the culture that made us, by Sydnee McElroy, Teylor Smirl, and Rileigh Smirl. New episodes every Thursday.
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We're Still Spinning: We are two entertainment PR specialists that have spent the last 20 years of our lives manufacturing mainstream headlines from the taint of society (the media machine) and would now like to dedicate the next chapter of our careers to dissecting our collective newsfeeds through a delightfully ruthless (and very qualified) PR lens. Brand apologies, celebrity statements, new products that aim to disrupt but mostly just disturb...we talk (tawk) about it all.
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SVARAR: Rött från topp till tå? Toteme-väskan? Vårens trench!
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27:20Du frågar, vi svarar! Säker stil svarar, med Emilia de Poret och Ebba Kleberg von Sydow - varje måndag! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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SPD-Politiker Serdar Yüksel offen für Reform: Bürgergeld ist kein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen
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12:57Serdar Yüksel (SPD) ist einer der 230 neuen Bundestagsabgeordneten. Bei der Bundestagswahl gewann er seinen Wahlkreis Bochum I mit 32,7 Prozent. Doch verdoppelte sich auch in seinem Wahlkreis die AfD, ähnlich wie in weiteren Wahlkreisen des Ruhrgebiets. Wie konnte es die AfD schaffen, auch in einstigen SPD-Hochburgen erfolgreich zu sein? Yüksel sie…
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This is Still Here Hollywood. I’m Steve Kmetko. Join me with today’s guest, and groundbreaking actress, Julia Duffy. Okay all… If you grew up on the amazing shows “Friends” and “Seinfeld” from the 90’s you missed out on some of the TV comedies of the 80’s that laid the groundwork for the genre. One of those shows centered around he driest, funniest…
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We ate the best frozen pizza of our entire lives
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39:42it's Motor City Pizza Co, available at your local costco and other participating retailers nationwide
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5867 vom 10.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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1 Peter 2:16 You are free, yet you are God’s slaves, so don’t use your freedom as an excuse to do evil.On the face of it this verse doesn’t seem to make much sense. Surely freedom means that you can do whatever you like? All constraints have been thrown off and you can do exactly what pleases you. But it doesn’t take long to realise that this kind …
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Still Loading #346: Paper Mario w/ Nerdbomber and Techtic
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1:43:04Looks like it's time to dust off my origami skills because this week's episode is all about Paper Mario, specifically the first Paper Mario game for the N64. Joining me to make some paper airplanes are returning friends to the show Nerdbomber and Techtic from the Online Warriors Podcast. For all of us, this was our first experience with the Paper M…
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5866 vom 09.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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SGIG E257 Loving Your Enemies Pt 3 Who Does It Apply To?
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28:15SGIG E257 Loving Your Enemies Pt 3 Who Does It Apply To? There is life after periods of deconstruction. What does it look like? Unlearning and detaching from doctrines andbeliefs that were never meant to be embraced has great value. But there has got to be more. If we want to truly grow in our knowledge and understanding of the ‘Love Of God’, we ne…
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1 Peter 2:12 Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbours. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honourable behaviour, and they will give honour to God when he judges the world.Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, once said “the unconsidered life is not worth living”. Peter would have agreed with him, b…
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43: 最強にオンラインの二人が語る「オフラインラブ」(途中からネタバレあり)
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56:41Netflix Japanの恋愛リアリティーショー「オフラインラブ」見ましたか?! デジタルデバイスを使うことなく、ニースの街で男女十人が旅をしながら恋愛するという番組です。二人ともめちゃくちゃハマってしまいましたが、我々はデジタルデバイスなしで生きていけない、オンライン人間なのでよりロマンチックに感じてしまったのかもしれません🥹最初はまだ見てない方に魅力を語る感じですが、途中からネタバレ有りになります! 00:00 イントロ 11:32 ここからネタバレあり!⚠️ 38:48 推しメン 41:05 Wish Letter 46:06 令和ロマン 50:45 取り入れたオフライン
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S6E8 - Still Toking with Gary Sohmers (King of Pop Culture & Singer)
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1:09:45Episode Notes S6E8 Join us as we dive into the mind of The King of Pop Culture Gary Sohmers. He'll be in the house telling tales from Antuqe Road Show to Beasties A Sci- Fi Rock Opera and beyondGary Sohmers, also known as the “King of Pop Culture”, is an appraiser, musician, producer, author, mentor, and entrepreneur. Throughout his career, he has …
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Have you ever dreamed of a better version of this podcast? (Probably) This week we're taking a joy ride through the body horror thriller that is The Substance. Also the Oscars happened. The world is on fire but it's fun to look at pretty people in nice dresses congratulate themselves all the same, yeah? URL: Music: "Baby You Change Your Mind" by ht…
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#046 Memories of Sharath - Episode 1
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1:37:11Memories of Sharath Jois (episode 1) | Stillpoints Podcast Join Scott Johnson on a journey through the life and legacy of Sharath Jois, one of the most influential figures in the Ashtanga Yoga community. In this special series of the Stillpoints Podcast, Scott brings together the voices of those who knew Sharath personally—his family, long-time stu…
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5865 vom 08.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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1 Peter 2:10 “Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy.”The television series, Who do you think you are? always makes fascinating viewing. Researchers delve into the lives of famous people and reveal amazing details about their family history. It is interesting to …
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Hour 4: Chad Withrow Interview; Brunette's Future; Darnold's Future (3-7-25)
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38:29Chad Withrow from Hot Mic joins the show for his weekly visit to talk Titans and NFL Draft. We head to the hot seat. What do we make of a quote from Barry Trotz about Andrew Brunette and do we think he returns next season for the Preds? Could today be the last day we talk about Sam Darnold?על ידי 102.5 The Game
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Hour 3: Free Agency Plan for Titans; Preds Make Minor Move (3-7-25)
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40:45NFL free agency begins next week and Jared shares his plan for the Titans and who he would target for the team. ESPN had some more thoughts on the QB situation for the Titans and named another possible bridge option. Are we really buying the Titans are out on Darnold and what Charles Davis said about the situation. We take more phones and the Preds…
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Hour 2: Barry Trotz Interview and Reaction (3-7-25)
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41:03Preds GM Barry Trotz joins the show following the trade deadline to share his thoughts on what the Preds did and didn't do. What do we make of what he had to say? We head to more phones on the Preds and trade deadline.על ידי 102.5 The Game
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Hour 1: Latest on the Preds and NHL Trade Deadline (3-7-25)
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42:51It is NHL trade deadline day and Jared opens the show with latest on the Preds. What do we make of the lack of moves? Should they have gotten more in some previous trades this week? How worried are we about the direction of the team? We head to the phones.על ידי 102.5 The Game
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Epävarmuus on myrkkyä markkinoille. Mihin Trumpin luoma kaaos johtaa? Miten käy Suomen talouden, jos 25 prosentin tullit EU:lle toteutuvat?Mihin talousteoriaan Trumpin ajattelu perustuu?Tuuli Koivu on Nordean pääekonomisti. Hän kohtaa ohjelmassa toimittaja Stillerin, jolle maailmantalouden syy- ja seuraussuhteet ovat usein hämäriä.Selkeää puhetta m…
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S2E8: Sweet Vitriol (with Patricia Arquette and Jimmy Kimmel)
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55:49For Season 2 Episode 8 of Severance, it’s the Harmony Cobel Show. And there’s no one better to break it down with Ben and Adam than Cobel herself — Patricia Arquette! They talk all about how she built Cobel’s backstory and how Newfoundland became the perfect Salt’s Neck. Then, Ben and Adam are joined by Severance superfan Jimmy Kimmel to answer som…
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216 - Connecting Investors and Founders with Ashrith Athmaram and Srikar Srinivasan of Arcangel
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37:00Mark connects us with the founders of Arcangel, Ashrith Athmaram and Srikar Srinivasan, who discuss the challenges and opportunities in early-stage investments, particularly in angel investing. They explain how their platform connects accredited investors with startup founders, aiming to simplify the investment process and broaden the types of busi…
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458. Hur åker man till svenska fjällen på stiligast sätt?
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24:52Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5864 vom 07.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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1 Peter 2:9 You are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.In the Old Testament we learn that God decided that the people of Israel should be his chosen people. In Exodus 19 and Isaiah 43 th…
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Hour 4: Titans and Roster; Hal Gill and Preds Gameday (3-6-25)
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32:46Chad Brinker of the Titans loves the "Moneyball" philosophy and Jared is concerned that he has no idea what he is doing and can't build a roster. Why are the Titans not willing to pony up for Darnold and competent QB play? The Preds host Seattle tonight and the trade deadline is tomorrow. Hal Gill joins the show and we finish up with Preds Gameday.…
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Hour 3: TD Power Hour with Turron Davenport (3-6-25)
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44:51ESPN Titans reporter Turron Davenport joins Jared in studio this hour talking all things Titans and NFL Draft. What is hearing about the Darnold market? What is the latest with the rookie QBs and Shedeur Sanders fall? How badly do the Titans want to trade back in the draft? We take your phones for TD.…
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Hour 2: Titans QB Situation and Market for Darnold (3-6-25)
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39:47Jared says he knows he's right about the Darnold situation because every time the fans disagree and hate what Jared has to say, he's right. Is Titans' ownership willing to spend the money to field a competitive team this season? Brinker and his beloved Packers had no problem paying Jordan Love after only one good season. We head to the phones and i…
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Hour 1: Preds Makings Moves; Titans Trading Out? (3-6-25)
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41:24Jared opens the show with the latest on the Nashville Predators after the team traded away Tommy Novak and Luke Schenn last night. What do we make of the moves and direction of the team at the trade deadline? How much do they need a top 3 pick this year and what is the future looking like for next season? We take your phones. We wrap up the hour wi…
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YSGOAT News: March 6, 2025
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2:13:00We’re talking about the return of Daredevil, another great episode of Severance, and a pretty good new show called Running Point before shifting gears and talking about Trump betraying our allies in Ukraine, Trump‘s horrible speech in front of Congress, the Democrat’s tepid and disappointing response, and the tearing down of American government. We…
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LexBreezy is STILL Hawaii's 'It Girl' | Still Friends Show Ep.105
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42:29Alexis Akiona, known as the legendary LexBreezy talks winning the award for Hawaii's 2024 Entrepreneur of The Year, how a fight got her kicked out of Kamehameha, her prominent rise alongside Hawaii's greatest streetwear brand 'Farmers Market Hawaii', her keys to success in business, breaking news & more on episode 105 of Still Friends Show. Follow …
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DET har Bianca, Meghan och Gynning gemensamt!
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41:2712 skotrender vi ÄLSKAR i vår! Nya klacken, flätat och sneakers vi älskar. Dessutom: Ebba recenserar Meghans nya Netflix-serie! Bianca Ingrosso tycker till om Säker stil-podden och Emilia har sett nya sexserien… Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5863 vom 06.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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1 Peter 2:4-5 You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honour. And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. In the Old Testament, huge attention is given to the building of the temple. King David took the Ark of the Covenant to…
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Hour 4: Jared vs Joe and Reaction (3-5-25)
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40:20Joe Rexrode and Caroline Fenton join the show for our weekly Jared vs Joe debate talking all things Titans and draft. Who does Caroline name the winner this week? We react and share some more thoughts on Darnold and his possible fit with the Titans.על ידי 102.5 The Game
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Hour 3: Callahan's QB Thoughts; Darnold too Expensive?; Jason Fitz Interview (3-5-25)
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41:10How do we think HC Brian Callahan is feeling about the QB options for the Titans given his job status? What do we think of this idea that Sam Darnold is too expensive for the Titans? We take your phones. Jason Fitz from Yahoo hops on the show for his weekly chat to talk all things Titans and NFL. Could the Giants be interested in Darnold?…
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Hour 2: More on Darnold and QB Market for Titans; Preds Beat Boston (3-5-25)
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38:44How much are we buying the report on Sam Darnold and what are the possibilities they are lying about the situation? Who could be the team that is behind the Sanders poor meeting rumor? Paul Kuharksy texts Jared about his report and we head to the phones. The Preds beat Boston last night and Jared says trade away everyone.…
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Hour 1: Are the Titans Out on Darnold?; Chris Sanders Interview (3-5-25)
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43:12Jared opens the show with the latest on the Titans and QB market. What do we make of the report from Paul Kuharsky that the Titans do not have interest in Sam Darnold? Does that mean they like Cam Ward? How can the team build around a young QB? What is all this talk about Will Levis and his future next season? Forever Titans WR Chris Sanders joins …
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Zelensky's Critical Beatdown
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2:45:32In this episode, we break down the week kicking things off with the blackout and huge fight between Trump and Zelensky. Plus, we talk about Lil Baby being called out by Atlanta police, a bizarre lottery ticket theft, Kash Patel’s FBI training idea and Gene Hackman’s death. Stick around for all this and more! Time Stamps: 0:59 - Fun Facts We kick of…
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Stiletto Heals is about Healing, and with all of us spending so much time inside our homes these days, it’s really important to heal that space. In this episode, I show you how to turn your home into your own personal retreat and oasis, with a special emphasis on each room. We’ll then end with a special meditation that you can do in your own specia…
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257: Let’s Talk About Tech - Battery “Breakthroughs”
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27:28Matt and Sean talk about new battery research, potential shifts in cost, and why we’re having this conversation in the first place. Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, Why This Ultra Cheap Battery Breakthrough Matters https://youtu.be/qZ8z5tFzuIw?list=PLnTSM-ORSgi7uzySCXq8VXhodHB5B5OiQ (00:00) - - Intro & Feedback (10:04) - - Battery Bre…
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Why? Just why do people love Trump?על ידי Kathryn Williams
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Whitney Houston may always love you but will the boys love this movie? Links You can rate and review us in these places (and more, probably) Does This Still Work? - TV Podcast https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/does-this-still-work-1088105 Does This Still Work? on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/does-this-still-work/id14925708…
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133. Fight Club (w. James Trevena)
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1:26:13In a truly rule-breaking episode, we talk about it - it would be a pretty quick episode if we didn't. We're delighted to be joined by the actor James Trevena to talk about the 1999 frenzy FIGHT CLUB. Rest assured, there have been no mucky sounds subliminally pasted into the recording, although it might occasionally sound like - but that's just Chri…
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10 Minuten Ruhe fr gestresste Podcast-Junkies. Folge 5862 vom 05.03.2025על ידי [email protected]
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1 Peter 2:2-3 Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.Babies are not subtle in their demand for milk. When they need feeding they are very happy to let everyone know about it! Peter uses this …
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