Presented as a series of highlights from government surveillance and secret media archives, Weird Cassette Radio is a sketch comedy podcast created by three friends from Birmingham, Alabama. Sometimes written, sometimes improvised, each episode is an absurdist mini-marathon, densely packed with fast-paced bits and ridiculous characters. Sporadically produced and released as often as life will allow, WCR is on its way to becoming a new favorite for fans of other great shows like Superego, Com ...
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The Triumphant Return! Join us as we continue to find our voice and improve our audio quality. Enjoy that new sweet goodness, featuring Drug Lord Camp, Terry at Reception, Cory's Candle Haul, and a whole bunch more!על ידי Weird Cassette Radio
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Episode 1 - This Is Your Pilot Speaking
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Welcome to Adventures in Privacy Violation! Our first episode is kicking off with modern classics like Deck or Patio, The Outlawyer, HotMatches, National Radio Newstime, and Scary Campfire Stories. Enjoy, and be gentle, it's our first time.על ידי Weird Cassette Radio
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