Consider Molly Sims and her best friend Emese Gormley your new girlfriends on speed dial for all your pressing beauty and wellness needs. Is Botox a good idea? Should you try that new diet you saw on the Today Show? Molly and Emese have your back. With guests ranging from top health and beauty experts to their industry friends, you’ll get the scoop on the latest trends, which products and procedures to try, and which to run from-- and they just might be doing it all with a drink in hand. Prepare to be obsessed.
The Right’s And Wrongs of Pro-Wrestling podcast features Mr. Green discussing (but not limited to) pro-wrestling in this niche’ of women wrestlers from a variety of promotions including weekly WOW Superhero episode reviews. It is a full breakdown of their weekly program and we talk about what was good and not so much. Join Us and tune in! Follow us on Instagram & Facebook (wpnwrestling) Visit us at
The Right’s And Wrongs of Pro-Wrestling podcast features Mr. Green discussing (but not limited to) pro-wrestling in this niche’ of women wrestlers from a variety of promotions including weekly WOW Superhero episode reviews. It is a full breakdown of their weekly program and we talk about what was good and not so much. Join Us and tune in! Follow us on Instagram & Facebook (wpnwrestling) Visit us at
The original upload of this file (unfortunately) was corrupted and anyone that listened to this episode likely only heard "dead air". I fully apologize for this error and will endeavor not to repeat this error. Thank you for your understanding and patience. The WOW episode titled, "Class Now In Session" was a fascinating title for this episode, particularly when The Classmaster and her manager, Samantha Smart are absent for 90% of the show. What began as a show of the new champion celebrating her win was quickly cut off by the other set of champions, Big Rigs & Bourbon. CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:03:54 - News, Views and Updates 0:09:54 - Kevin Can F*** Himself 0:15:55 - News, Views and Updates II 0:29:46 - Show Break 0:31:51 - WOW Show Open (Classmaster - Big Rigs & Bourbon - Animal Instinct segment) 0:59:15 - Sibley Scoles introduction 0:59:57 - Xena Phoenix & The Dojo Defenders vs Top Tier 1:22:00 - Genesis vs Tormenta 1:37:37 - Reina Del Rey (w/ The Alliance) vs Holidead 1:56:10 - The Sibley Scoles interview with Xena Phoenix 2:08:41 - Penelope Pink (w/Lana Star & HollySwag) vs Ashley Blaze 2:30:27 - Reddit Post reading (Subject: Thoughts on the new Champ) 2:39:21 - Next Episode Rundown 2:45:51 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
Championship Demands review. The story of Chainsaw and Pep Riley continues (somehow) but despite seeing the story here the big event of the show was The Classmaster's first title defense against former champion, Princess Aussie. Also, matches featuring The Fabulous Four, Paola Mayfield, Ashley Blaze, Chainsaw and others. How did the show fair in their creative? Tune in and let's see! CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show intro 0:04:31 - No News, Views or Updates (my explanation why) 0:07:58 - What happened to Maestro and Ms. New-Hire? 0:22:05 - WOW Episode starts (Abilene Maverick & Paola Mayfield entrance) 0:27:48 - Paola Mayfield (w/Abilene Maverick) vs Santana Garrett 0:40:24 - Penelope Pink & HollySwag (w/Lana Star) vs The Dojo Defenders 1:01:58 - Scout Parker vs Ashley Blaze 1:22:45 - Pep Riley/Chainsaw recap video (Strange Things???) 1:27:30 - Video Package/Sibley Scoles interview segment w/The Classmaster & Samantha Smart 1:37:49 - Promo for next week's show (Genesis vs Xena Phoenix) 1:38:15 - Princess Aussie vs The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) 1:54:36 - Ashley Blaze's knee brace/the name value of Terri Gold (WOW's 1st Champion) 2:04:10 - Next episode preview: "Dolls and Playthings" 2:11:04 - Show outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
The losing team eats dog food? Well, not exactly in this episode but it did the opening for a follow-up and potential blow off match. Given those circumstances did this episode deliver what you wanted and/or expected? How were the undercard matches on the show? Did the Chainsaw - Angelica Dante' segment excite you for what's next? We'll be discussing all those things and more on this weeks podcast review! Tune in! CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Open 0:08:48 - News, Views and Updates 0:40:53 - WOW Show Open (Classmaster & Samantha Smart promo segment) 0:46:25 - Miami Sweet Heat (w/Lana Star) vs Chantilly Chella & Kalaki "The Island Girl" 1:08:02 - The Brat Pack vs The Fierce Sisters 1:27:34 - Chainsaw (w/Angelica Dante') vs Crystal Waters 1:51:40 - Recap video Animal Instinct / Big Rigs & Bourbon feud 1:54:55 - The Sibley Scoles dog food pitch 2:00:50 - Next Episode preview (Princess Aussie vs The Classmaster) 2:01:23 - Animal Instinct vs Big Rigs & Bourbon (Dog Food Match) 2:36:56 - Voting results for WOW episode 2:38:37 - Reddit Post reading (Subject: Who do you want to see more and less?) 2:54:53 - Next Episode Rundown/Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
The Classmaster (and Samantha Smart) have finally accomplished their goal and won the WOW Championship in the long, long, loooong promoted (mildly anticipated) battle royal. Although this episode was promoted as being a full episode, this was largely a one episode match. Two preceding matches, one that didn't make air (Veronica VaRoom vs Kalaki "The Island Girl"), several promos and the battle royal itself made up this "historic" episode of WOW but was it any good? Let's take a listen and find out!! CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Open 0:04:52 - News, Views and Updates 0:42:51 - Show Break 0:44:47 - WOW Review (Opening Slate) 0:48:42 - The Recap of WOW's original Battle Royal 0:54:04 - The Environmentalists vs The Dojo Defenders 1:01:20 - Promo segment - Lana Star, HollySwag & Penelope Pink // Princess Aussie 1:06:24 - "Magnificent" Miranda Mirage (w/Siren "The Voodoo Doll") vs Pep Riley 1:31:44 - Veronica VaRoom vs Kalaki "The Island Girl - The Missing Match??? (+ poll results) 1:36:04 - Promos segment II - Genesis // Tormenta // The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) 1:40:58 - WOW Video promotion (Be Yourself & Win) 1:46:01 - Promos segment III - Reina Del Rey // Santana Garrett 1:50:15 - The Sibley Scoles (new backstage interviewer) promotional package 2:00:50 - Big Rigs & Bourbon/Animal Instinct backstage segment 2:11:47 - WOW's 12-Woman Battle Royal 2:54:34 - The Classmaster wins (Does her win help WOW?) 3:06:06 - Next Episode Preview 3:10:25 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
The full review of WOW episode 317 - Three's a Crowd featuring the triple threat match for the WOW tag team champions with Animal Instinct, Miami's Sweet Heat and "Big Rigs" and Bourbon. CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Open 0:04:41 - News, Views and Updates 0:20:16 - Show Break 0:22:23 - WOW Review start/Abilene Maverick and The Paola introduction 0:32:00 - Ashley Blaze vs Paola The Columbian Goat 0:50:26 - The Brat Pack vs Tiki Charmorro & Brittney Bay 1:09:36 - Top Tier (w/Gloria Glitter) vs The Mighty Mights 1:10:42 - Ms New Hire's "review" notes 1:16:09 - Top Tier (w/Gloria Glitter) vs The Mighty Mights (continued review) 1:33:04 - Top Tier compared to The Freebirds??? 1:40:25 - Video Package for the main event/Team Promos 1:45:41 - Promo for next episodes Battle Royal 1:46:05 - Animal Instinct vs Miami's Sweet Heat vs "Big Rigs" & Bourbon 2:12:37 - Next Episode preview 2:16:48 - Show Outro (Closing Comments) Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
Welcome to the show as Mr. Green reviews this latest episode of WOW wrestling and it's main event featuring The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) vs Tormenta. Who walks into the match with no preparations. CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro (So Boring) 0:03:12 - News, Views and Updates 0:36:14 - Show Break 0:38:12 - WOW Episode Review (start) 0:38:52 - Opening Segment (The Fabulous 4, Animal Instinct and "Big Rigs" & Bourbon segment) 0:48:33 - Fury vs Princess Aussie 0:55:12 - Top Tier new promotional video?? 1:04:12 - Gloria Glitter (w/Top Tier) vs Chantilly Chella 1:19:05 - Chainsaw/Pep Reilly Backstage segment/Holidead promo 1:24:51 - Chainsaw (w/Angelica Dante') vs Holidead 1:38:04 - The Battle Royal Qualifiers Billboard 1:40:19 - Samantha Smart and The Classmaster "study session" II/Tormenta (subtitled) promo 1:48:41 - WOW Ad Billboard 1:49:09 - The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) vs Tormenta 2:14:28 - Verizon Christmas spots/Episode Recap 2:25:40 - Next Episode (Three's a Crowd)Preview 2:32:24 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
Did you enjoy this episode? Was the debut (and re-debut of Scout Parker) worth the wait? Are all the wrestlers that you wanted to see in the upcoming Battle Royal for the championship making it in like you want? All of these things and more we discuss on this episode of the podcast! Tune In! CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro (B.K. Rhythm/HollySwag promo exchange) 0:03:40 - News, Views and Updates 0:23:22 - The Beast on the Beast Games(on Amazon Prime)?!? 1:00:06 - WOW Episode Review (start) 1:00:36 - Opening Segment (The Alliance enters the arena) 1:07:04 - Reina Del Rey (w/The Alliance) vs Foxy Fierce 1:23:03 - The Environmentalist vs The Mighty Mites 1:35:20 - The Alliance Backstage 1:37:20 - B.K. Rhythm vs HollySwag (w/Lana Star) 1:52:20 - Samantha Smart and The Classmaster "study session" 1:55:27 - Fabulous Four Backstage segment 1:56:20 - Next Episode promotional spot: Gloria Glitter and Chantilly Chella preview 1:56:25 - Miami Sweet Heat (w/Lana Star) vs The Dojo Defenders 2:15:04 - Next Episode Preview 2:21:17 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
The match for the WOW tag team championships are on the line with Animal Instinct challenging Big Rigs and Bourbon. The match is good but the show is riddled with other issues that took away from the episode (IMO). Tune in and see what I mean. CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:04:44 - News, Views and Updates 0:47:36 - Show Break 0:50:11 - Ms. New Hire's Notes 0:56:53 - WOW Episode start (Opening segments - Pep Reilly & Chainsaw/Top Tier promo) 1:03:26 - Top Tier vs Pep Reilly and Tiki Charmorro 1:25:47 - Ashley Blaze promo 1:27:47 - Ashley Blaze vs Genesis 1:43:52 - Xena Phoenix vignette 1:46:08 - Website spot 1:46:19 - Xena Phoenix vs "Vicious" Veronica VaRoom 2:01:41 - Animal Instinct/ "Big Rigs" & Bourbon backstage segments 2:04:11 - Animal Instinct vs "Big Rigs" and Bourbon 2:32:39 - Next Episode Preview 2:36:56 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
Review of WOW episode 117 "All Eyes on Gold". CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show start 0:06:05 - News, Views and Updates 0:35:46 - Show Break 0:37:54 - Review returns 0:44:33 - Ms. New Hire's Show notes 0:59:19 - Episode Start (Jones/Big Rig - Fab 4 promo) 1:09:55 - Tormenta promo 1:13:06 - Fury vs Santana Garrett 1:29:31 - SIren the VooDoo Doll (w/Miranda Mirage) vs Tormenta 1:41:34 - Fab 4 Segment 1:48:01 - Gigi Gianni (w/B.K. Rhythm) vs HollySwag (w/Lana Star) 2:00:00 - Penelope Pink (w/Lana Star) vs Roxxy Fierce 2:40:39 - Next Episode preview 2:44:34 - Show Close Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
The review of WOW's "Shockwaves" episode featuring two debuts to the company, "Vicious" Veronica VaRoom and "Magnificent" Miranda Mirage. Also in this episode The Dojo Defenders team with Valentina Diamanté to take on Top Tier and the main event featuring "Big Rig" Betty and Jessie Jones challenging Miami's Sweet Heat for the WOW tag team championships. Was this episode any good? Join us and lets find out! #wowwrestling #womenswrestling #independentwrestling #prowrestling #womenssports #wrestlingnews #wrestlingpodcast CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show start 0:05:11 - News, Views and Updates 0:28:19 - Show Break 0:30:59 - WOW episode Open/Beast Recap/Title Vacated 0:46:28 - "Magnificent" Miranda Mirage vs Xena Phoenix 0:59:32 - Dojo Defenders - Top Tier recap segment 1:02:22 - The Dojo Defenders & Valentina Diamanté vs Top Tier (Trios Championship match) 1:22:18 - "Vicious" Veronica VaRoom vs Tiki Charmorro 1:42:01 - WOW website spot!!! 1:42:39 - "Big Rig" Betty & Jessie Jones vs Miami Sweet Heat (Tag Team Championship match) Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
HUGE episode in review! Here's the reviews for Ep. 114: "An Even Fabber Four" and Ep. 115: "A Smart Main Event". Of course, episode 115 features a message from The Beast and her future with WOW (and by proxy, the WOW championship). Let's discuss the matches and see what was good, what was bad and what was terrible. Tune in! #wowwrestling #womenswrestling #independentwrestling CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Episode 114 (opening segment) 0:05:13 - Show Open w/The Fabulous Four 0:12:56 - Ashley Blaze vs HollySwag 0:41:02 - Coach Campanelli vs Valentina Diamante' 0:54:26 - Chainsaw/Angelica Dante' backstage segment (w/Pep Reilly) 0:58:55 - Chainsaw & Siren vs Princess Aussie & Tormenta 1:24:34 - Fabulous Four backstage segment 1:30:40 - Penelope Pink vs Santana Garrett (#1 contenders match) 1:49:02 - Sponsorship Spot 1:51:34 - Episode 115 (opening segment) 1:58:47 - The Alliance vs The Mighty Mights & Keta Rush 2:20:27 - Fury, Sylvia Sanchez & Genesis vs Chantilly Chella, Holidead & Kalaki 2:37:15 - Backstage promo (Jessie Jones & "Big Rig" Betty) 2:40:18 - Animal Instinct vs The Fierce Sisters 3:04:47 - Backstage promo (Miami Sweet Heat) 3:07:56 - The Classmaster vs The Beast (replaced by Santana Garrett - #1 contenders match) 3:28:49 -The Beast Quits 3:45:11 - Show Close Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
WOW (Women Of Wrestling) has existed, in some form or another, since 2001. WOW has also managed to get wide spread television distribution (now through syndication) but despite that, often times WOW isn't covered by most wrestling media at all. What is it about this promotion/show that makes WOW avoidable? Leave your comments as to why below Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
In this episode of WOW does HollySwag leave her mom and "aunt" Jessie Jones to live the high life of L.A. and Lana Star? CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:02:28 - The Mike Tyson/Jake Paul "fight" review 0:13:10 - News, Views and Updates 0:33:28 - The Muddled (but true) History of the WOW Championship 1:13:26 - WOW Show Open/The "New" Fab 4 Opening Segment 1:24:17 - Scout Parker vs Xena Phoenix 1:39:50 - Animal Instinct vs The Fierce Sisters 2:04:42 - Reina Del Rey vs Tiki Charmorro 2:22:17 - Valentina Diamante promotional video 2:24:14 - "Big Rig" Betty & Jessie Jones/HollySwag & Lana Star segment 2:27:39 - WOW's #RoadtotheChampion promo 2:33:49 - Miami's Sweet Heat vs "Big Rig" Betty vs Jessie James 3:04:09 - Next Episode Preview (and results of WOW episode poll) 3:07:00 - Show Outro Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
A HUGE episode reviewing WOW (Ep Title - The Cost of Freedom). So much to talk about including the angle of The Mother Truckers, Jessie Jones to the rescue, Genesis and her "new" alignment, The Classmaster overcoming a wrestling obstacle and more!! CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:07:24 - News, Views and Updates 0:44:44 - WOW Stars on PWI/An open door to WOW stars for interview 0:54:57 - WOW Episode Opening/Jessie Jones at Lana Star's Mansion Pt. I 1:04:54 - Top Tier vs The Dojo Defenders 1:30:46 - Jessie Jones at Lana Star's Mansion Pt. II 1:46:00 - Holly Swag vs Siren The Voodoo Doll 1:55:19 - Fury, Sylvia Sanchez & Genesis vs Chantilly Chella, Holidead & Kalaki The Island Girl 2:22:12 - Jessie Jones at Lana Star's Mansion Pt. III 2:26:58 - The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) vs Santana Garrett 2:44:45 - The episode summary 2:48:29 - The Beast and The WOW Championship 3:00:13 - Next WOW Episode preview 3:06:02 - This Week's Match Suggestion Aysha vs Jacey Love (fka WOW's Sasha Sparks) 3:07:36- Show Close DOWNLOAD MP3: Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
WOW's latest review featuring some good matches and awful storylines. Join Mr. Green as he talks about the repercussions of the on-going angles in WOW including the Mother Truckers with the Fabulous Four, who has information on The Beast's attackers (where is she by the way???) and of course the matches of the episodes. CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:06:07 - News, Views and Updates 0:36:47 - Jessie Jones unveils who attacked The Beast (The Fab 4's reaction) 0:49:12 - Tormenta & Princess Aussie vs Animal Instinct 1:02:27 - The Brat Pack vs Pep Reilly & Tiki Charmorro (plus Pep Reilly aftermath) 1:09:40 - Chainsaw (w/Angelica Dante') vs Brittany Bay 1:22:30 - Samantha Smart unveils a 2nd attacker?? 1:38:14 - The Mighty Mights vs Miami Sweet Heat 1:57:10 - Spoiler (WOW's Vegas Show results) 2:06:45 - Mr Green's Women's Match Suggestion (Mickie James vs Vix Crowe fka Alicia Fox) 2:10:49 - Next WOW Episode preview 2:15:08- Show Close Want your own custom championship belt? Visit Trophy Smack Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM: Be sure to watch our 24/7 live stream at All our videos from 2013 until now are there FREE for you to watch!! BE SURE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL!! Use the link and purchase a shirt! (Purchases support new matches and content!) FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Like & Share!!!…
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