Every week, Rabbis Muskin, Mahler and Weiner will tape a fifteen-minute podcast discussion on one Pasuk chosen from the Parshat HaShavua, sharing their different views and allowing for a free flow of ideas between the rabbis. Each Thursday the podcast will be distributed helping the listening audience to prepare for the coming Shabbat. The first podcast will be produced for Parashat Noach and will be distributed on Thursday October 31.
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On this episode, the Rabbis discuss some unique aspects of Shabbat.
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On this episode, the Rabbis discuss the unique feature of the half shekel. n
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On this episode, the rabbis discuss the uniqueness of the command to light the menorah with olive oil.
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On this episode, the rabbis discuss the idea of tzedaka and its connection to the beginning of our parsha.
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On this episode, the Rabbis discuss the opening pasuk and its relevance to the 10 Commandments.
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On this episode, the rabbis discuss Yitro’s joining Bnei Israel as they begin to travel towards Eretz Yisrael.
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On this episode, the Rabbis discuss the opening pasuk of Parshat Beshalach.
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On this week’s episode the Rabbis discuss the unique introduction to the plague of locust.
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On this episode the rabbis discuss the unique relationship Moshe had with the different names of Hashem.
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On this episode, the Rabbis discuss the opening Pasuk of Sefer Shemot.
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On This week’s episode the Rabbis discuss the opening pasuk of the parsha
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On this episode the Rabbis discuss the confrontation between Yehuda and Yosef .
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On this week’s episode the Rabbis discuss the opening pasuk introducing Paroh’s two dreams.
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On this week’s episode, the Rabbis discuss the multiple aspects of the Parsha’s second Pasuk.
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On this week’s episode, the Rabbis discuss the pending confrontation between Yaakov and Eisav.
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The is week the rabbis discuss Yaakov’s dream of angels ascending and descending the ladder
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In this week’s podcast the rabbis discuss the marriage of Yitzchak and Rivka and its implications for Shalom Bayit.
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In this week’s podcast, the rabbis discuss the greatness of our matriarch Sarah and the lessons we can learn from both her life and death.
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On this episode the Rabbis discuss the sudden appearance of three angels as well as Avraham’s defining act of kindness and hospitality.
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The Rabbis discussed the opening Pasuk of Lech Lecha focusing on how Avraham's historic journey has impacted Jewish life to this very day.
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The Noach podcast addressed the very first Pasuk in the Parasha and focused on what the word "Tzadik" means.
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