Bill Nordstrom ציבורי
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We examine the biblical events that 'must' precede the return of Jesus Christ. There are many, but also an abundance of prophetic teachings in the Word of God only to be understood by connecting the dots presented by the authors of both the Old Testament and the apostolic writers of the New.There are significant apocalyptic mysteries in the bible the Church will be made responsible for communicating to a dull and lethargic multitude seeking answers in these last days. In the grace of God, th ...
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Just as Daniel's intercession in Chapter 9 was necessary to release the prophetic revelation in Chapter 10 by releasing the Archangel Michael to remove the opposing Prince of Persia, we must ask, will a Church facing its greatest spiritual challenge be appointed to know what’s coming and by means of intercession become an end-time Daniel and likewi…
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As we adjust to the so-called new ‘normals,' what will be the condition of our collective hearts and how will we respond in the crisis? The Church is little prepared to navigate THAT new normal, neglecting one of the greatest tools of evangelism, the witness of apocalyptic prophetic evangelism, an instrument the Holy Spirit will use to ignite the g…
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One of the most frequently stated arguments for an early rapture is found in Revelation. Pre-trib defenders argue the Church is never mentioned after chapter 4 in the book. That after the Lord reprimands the seven churches in Asia Minor, Revelation goes ‘silent’ on the subject. And, because the word ‘Church’ is absent from the discussion, it’s beli…
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If you and I are alive and well on planet earth when events begin to take place that leads to the great tribulation, you and I had better know in whom we’ve believed and have unwavering confidence that He is faithful to keep that which we’ve committed to Him, against that Day!! Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out…
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Among many in the church today who embrace Christian theology, even go to church regularly and support the creeds and the canon of scripture, hold to the idea that God is somehow finished with the Jews. That they may have some relevance in the plan of God in the sweet by and by, but the Church has replaced Israel as the ‘apple of His eye.’ Nothing …
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The Son of God wastes no time letting His followers know what should have their undivided attention. That knowledge is important now and especially in the next few years. Scripture reveals the approximate time of His return, albeit in a way that would remain hidden from the majority of professing Christians until the last moments. Subscribe to the …
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Do we embrace the truth or the lie? This is not about succumbing to ‘false’ doctrine or deception at an unguarded moment in life. That can be momentary and perhaps rob us of our peace of mind and cause us to question our spiritual destiny. God’s not threatened by our wrong ideas about Him. But our Lord does give us significant warnings of an intern…
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What’s God saying? He’s saying His prophetic servants will stand in His divine counsels. And that He’ll have a praying Church that operates in the prophetic and follows closely His Template For Transition. Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our websit…
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I strongly suggest the Church will soon become incapacitated with anything less than worldwide prophetic houses of prayer. The Church is a 'gathering house.' Might the Spirit be saying, 'let's start gathering now?' Learning how to pray in the Spirit, receiving a prophetic unction, an expression that arises deep within the soul. Subscribe to the Pod…
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God is revealing His long-held mysteries these days. Mysteries He's held in plain sight for millennia. Revealing timing indicators He wants us to recognize; time frames that are more precise than often considered. Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to ou…
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Can we say, based on Daniel's vision in chapter 11 and the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, we are now in the birth pains that will precede the Lord's return? Daniel's vision of the military and ethnic conflicts in chapter 11, and Jesus' careful instructions to His disciples in Matthew 24 present us with a harmony of scripture that should gain our att…
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Given present-day events in Israel and elsewhere, we might find this episode even more relevant than six months ago!! Just how do we see the coming Apocalyptic events of today in the context of a Church that's still sorta 'scratching' its head? Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with…
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If we believe the civic process is THE answer for our future, we might want to think twice when the coming Harlot Babylon soon begins presenting humanity with all the 21st—century essentials of the good life. What began as a lame, man-made tower in ancient Mesopotamia, will end as the most shocking expression of man’s brazen desire to build a relig…
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Is God about to give us 3 1/2 years to get off dead center, identify coming signs, and make them known to the nations AND a bewildered church? Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at "" All episodes are graciously…
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With the unfolding events in the Middle East, it’s difficult to present information in real-time. So what I plan to do is pass on timely information from beloved and trusted friends who, along with myself have invested some time studying what the Bible says about this ancient hotly contested region in the Middle East. But, most importantly seeing t…
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Ever thought about how the prophet Joel might be counseling the Church in this hour of history? What sort of warnings would he be issuing? Many of us might be celebrating new peace agreements between Israel and her Arab neighbors. But Joel might be sounding the alarm of coming judgment. Joel may be issuing warnings more significant TO OUR generatio…
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What did King David know in Psalm 2 that few know today or even consider? David knew a much future obsessive rage would overtake global governments to the point of seeking to destroy Israel and her spiritual offspring. I believe David knew a summoned assembly of the Body of Messiah would fulfill its end-time mandate and destiny of doing the greater…
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We don't have the next couple of decades to run from what the Holy Spirit has been whispering to the Church, those hushed tones that are warning of a coming blast from a trumpet in Zion, and the sounding of an alarm on the Holy Mountain of God. He's informing His Body of some coming bad news and some coming good news. Subscribe to the Podcasts so y…
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There IS a coming ‘peace and safety" in Israel. There IS a coming resumption of animal sacrifices, there IS a new third Temple to be built and celebrated… and yes, there IS a coming abominable event when this man of peace and safety will enter that third Temple as the incarnation of Satan himself. And yes, there IS a Great Tribulation to follow tha…
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Why so long? Why nearly 2000 years between the two comings of Messiah? If you’re like most of us in the Church you’ve probably NOT given it much thought. But I’m finding insight into this question provides answers to why Israel remains the centerpiece in God's end-time plan and the mysteries surrounding the timing of the Lord's return. Subscribe to…
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Pastors appear to be keeping the gospel message pretty vanilla these days, sticking to the fundamentals of the faith, encouraging witnessing, reading their Bibles, etc. A solid gospel message. But if generational and global transitions are well underway, and they are, what must be the 'in season' message from the pulpit? What must pastors and teach…
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Has there been any greater mystery or controversy in history than Israel and its earthly journey from antiquity? The one to whom God spoke and the prophets wrote. So many mysteries God has held closely for eons are now being revealed. From the long journey of the two seeds in the Garden. To the mystery of the sealed scroll of Daniel 12. Where now, …
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Enter the FORERUNNER! Those postmoderns going for the ‘experience.’ Not an enterprise. A journey into Spiritual intimacy centered on a relationship with God rather than with religious institutions. As I’ve recently heard some musically gifted intercessors proclaim, let’s move it out of the building and into a Vessel. Amen to that!! Subscribe to the…
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The prophet Joel, three short chapters. Only five pages in my Bible! But packed with the Word of the Lord. I predict the Book of Joel is going to get more ‘air time’ in Churches in light of the “Isaiah 62 fast’ that’s quickly gathering the attention and participation of many multi-national ministries and prayer assemblies from all over the world. A…
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We’re living in a transitional generation. When the majority of God’s people will begin to experience the power of God on a very regular basis, and supernatural events will take place with much greater frequency. God is highly vested in our emotional maturity. Will it come from an unsurrendered over-active soul of the flesh? Or is it going to come …
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Jesus is speaking to our generation, the conference crowd of today. He’s declaring the greater privilege of prophetic knowability coming upon God’s people, will demand a much greater response than what we’re giving it. And, if that remains the case. If the Church remains dull and unresponsive it will result in greater judgment. Subscribe to the Pod…
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The Church may need a tribulation. The Great Tribulation that will lead the present discombobulated, fractured, often compromising Church into a spirit of holiness, a resolve… a Bride that has made herself ready for the return of the Bridegroom. Building up a highway of holiness, taking out the stones of offense and accusation, lifting a banner bef…
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The most interpretive key to the timing of the Lord's return is found in the most unexpected place... the resumption of animal sacrifices on the most hotly contested pieces of real estate in the world. Temple Mount in Jerusalem. While the Israeli government has taken steps to head off attempts to get these unsanctioned sacrifices underway, Jerusale…
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Let's say it this way, if Bible-believing, God-fearing men in our generation, give in to the undermining and emasculation perpetrated by 21st-century culture, I believe we'll be absent the prophetic insight necessary for the days leading to the Lord’s return. In short, men, we must re-establish our long-absent priestly position in the home, and emb…
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An extraordinary solemn assembly and fast will take place May 7-28 for Israel. A call to the Church to climb the 'watchtowers' of Israel to cry out to her day and night, and give God no rest till her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns. My friends, this is an unprecedented event. Already, 300 thousand acro…
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Getting to where I become everything the Word of God says I am, even amid great tribulation. Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at "" All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.…
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There’s more written in the Bible about David than any other person except Jesus. A man after God’s own heart. But David had some issues. He was persecuted while living in sin and loving God at the same time. On the other hand, he was more concerned about how his misdeeds might mess up the lives of others. Outward and Inward issues to contend with……
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As of today, that revival at Ashbury University in Kentucky is nine days old... and counting! Those kids praying in Kentucky didn’t wake up on chapel day and decided to kick things up a notch! Instead, the Holy Spirit, bypassed their carnality, their flesh, and their human weaknesses, and accommodated their love-sick hearts with a new demonstration…
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We live in a transitional generation, when the majority of God’s redeemed will experience the manifest power of God on a regular basis. And the Lord is presently raising up a Forerunner generation to announce that transition is about to begin across the face of the earth. A people of ‘one thing.’ A people who experience the power of God on a regula…
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The latest word from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists… they’ve moved the Doomsday Clock forward to 90 sec. to midnight. What happens when the doomsday clock hits midnight? Hypothetically speaking, it's the “theoretical point of annihilation;” the apocalypse, or the end of the world as we know it. Let’s see what the Bible says about God’s atomi…
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When Abraham lifted the knife over his only son Issac as he lay on the altar of sacrifice, God interrupted the proceedings with three important words, 'Now I Know.' Convinced by the most harrowing step faith the old patriarch could take, the Lord was convinced He chose the right guy! As we approach the end of the age with all the trauma accompanyin…
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There's a soon-coming cosmic battle in the heavens that end the mystery of who and what is restraining the revelation of the Antichrist and the return of Christ. A revelation that will come in the Twinkling of an Eye. Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head t…
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Israel and Jordan, building a multi-million dollar tourist site on the Jordan River, to celebrate the two-thousand-year anniversary of the baptism of Jesus Christ. What could that possibly mean in the context of bible prophecy? And, does it point to a significant timing indicator for the Lord's return? Let's find out! Subscribe to the Podcasts so y…
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Is God coming to take us all to heaven, or is He returning to empty heaven? The Return is presented in so many ways. Theories, prognostications, pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. The subject of the Return of the Lord generates serious discussions these days. It's no longer just a novelty item to be bantered around by prophecy pundits. Let's discover w…
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If you’re hanging on to the popular idea inside and outside the Church, that new political leadership, an insurmountable military, a revisionist social justice, and monetary structure will somehow reverse the global course we’re on and ease the rage among the nations, you'll be sadly disappointed. God saw this coming long before we did and He sees …
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I want to go to the scriptures to better understand the set times of God, and perhaps more importantly, explore the prophetic words shared by the Hebrew writers of both the Old and New Testaments. Sixty-six books, written by some 35 traditional authors and assembled over 1,500 years. And, in all those complexities… comes forth a harmony of Scriptur…
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The Hebrew Scriptures frequently speak about volcanoes and earthquakes, and some of today’s rabbis in Israel view these geological events as preliminaries to the return of the Messiah. We might differ on the details, but we can certainly agree the Time of Jacob's Trouble is soon to come and will usher in the Lord's Millennial Kingdom on the earth. …
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The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 are the Messengers GOD provides to declare His final intents for earth and humanity; two distinct Messengers, providing a final witness to the City of the Great King. But might they also be accompanied by a corporate Body of Maskilim? Forerunners, equipped with a mighty release of God’s power. An end-time voice to…
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"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." Many of you have read or spoken those words of Jesus from John 14:12 with full-throated conviction. With expectancy for unusual manifestations, miracles, and extraordinary signs and wonders.…
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A new ‘cattle-crossing’ seems to have suddenly emerged between Texas and Tel-A-Viv. Of all places. Red Heifers have arrived in Israel. A major move that has stirred the prophetic sensibilities of prophecy teachers and excited Israel’s religious community. Is Israel going to actually begin animal sacrifices… or is this some stunning prophetic occurr…
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Many of you know I favor an apocalyptic approach to evangelism. Clear, Biblical handling of prophetic scriptures from both Testaments that point to the activities on the earth during Daniel’s 70th. Week, the final seven years of this age. And what that will mean for Israel, the Church, and the nations in the days ahead. A reformation of end-times t…
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My friends, we are quickly approaching a time when our seemingly secure categories will be literally shattered. We believe it will take the martyr witness of a Tribulation Church to prepare the nations and a surviving Jewish remnant for the worldwide lifting of a veil that will have been draped over their collective eyes for the past two millennia.…
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There's no 'chill pill' for persistent anxiety. But there is a God-ordained way to move that fear, doubt, and unbelief into a place of tranquility and peace that only the Holy Spirit can provide. Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at "bill…
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