15 minute daily Biblical studies to help you get excited about Jesus and to learn how the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is ALL about Jesus! Enjoy these conversational style studies.
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Enjoy these 1 minute daily devotionals for those on the go to help you refocus your life on Jesus! Jesus 101 exists to introduce people to the real Jesus of the gospel and to equip them to share His love with others!
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Audio books by Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot for you to listen and enjoy! The primary purpose of the Institute is to offer Biblical training for seekers, church members, lay leaders and ministers, using sound gospel interpretive tools. The secondary purpose of the institute is to develop resources that motivate and equip for the study of Scripture. Thank you for joining us and let’s get excited about Jesus!
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Welcome to the Breaking Curses 101 Deliverance Ministry where Jesus always wins. Cover art photo provided by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@darthxuan
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Our capacity to love comes from God filling up our cup first. "We love because He first loved us." (see 1 John 4:19)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Are you scared of repentance? Don't be! God is waiting for you with open arms.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When you receive Jesus, His spirit is poured out on you and He guides you to your calling. (see Acts 21)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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In this life we will suffer, but don't be afraid, Jesus has already won! He secured our salvation and offers us everlasting life.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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We aren't saved because we are worthy, we are saved because God found a way. (see Revelation 7:10)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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If we believe and accept Jesus' sacrifice for our sins, we will be in paradise with Him. Woo Hoo!!על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God sees us as perfect when we accept Jesus' death in our place. (see Revelation 7:14)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus is revealed to us in the book of Revelation. We don't have anything to fear because God is always by our side.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus holds us in such high esteem that He gave His life so we could be with Him for eternity. (see Revelation 19)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Next time you feel helpless, turn to God and let Him take control. He won't let you down. (see John 15:5)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Our viewpoint may not always align with God’s plan. But be encouraged! When we surrender to Him, God fulfills His divine purpose in our lives. Trust God’s way!!על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Whenever fear starts to take over, remember that God's hands are holding you. (see Deuteronomy 33:27)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God only gives us the next step so that we can learn to fully rely on Him. Will you trust His plan even when it doesn’t make sense?על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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There is nothing that will be able to separate us from the love of God. (see Romans 8:38-39)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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At times we may think that God won’t be able to use us when our lives are full of bad decisions and failures. Join us as we learn how God was still able to accomplish His mission through the messy life of Samson.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God has the power to resurrect "dead" situations. Let's hold on to this hope that's found in Jesus. (see 1 Kings 17:22)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Often times our lives take detours and things don’t turn out the way we hoped, but never forget that God uses everything for the good of those who love Him.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God guides us one step at a time. All we need to do is trust Him. (see 1 Kings 17)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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It’s easy to get discouraged when we look at our past and our imperfections, but God often uses the least likely to fulfill His divine purpose.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we don't forgive ourselves for past mistakes, we reject blessings from God. Jesus already paid the price for our peace and offers us healing. (see 2 Samuel 12:13)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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If God’s way was easy, it would defeat the purpose of needing to trust in His power. Join us as we learn about the "impossible" victory God gave Gideon and his men.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When things get out of our control, turn to God and praise His name. He makes a way where there is no way. (see 1 Samuel 1-2)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ! May we learn to trust His sovereign way.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we walk by faith, we are saying we believe our God is willing and able to do what He promised He would do. (see Hebrews 11)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Faith is the catalyst for God to do unexpected things in your life. Won't you trust Him?על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Dwelling on failures can leave us feeling discouraged and "stuck", but God's help and support are always available to those who seek it. (see Genesis 4:1)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Do you feel left out or unworthy? Join us as we discover one of the most important criteria that God uses when calling us to do His will.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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If you have run out of options, then you are a candidate for a miracle! God is revealed when self is removed. (see Exodus 2:3)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Our assurance for the future is found at the cross! It is only through Jesus that we can have peace.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we look to the past, present and future, and realize that God's been there with us throughout, we can't help but praise His name! (see Revelation 4)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God is faithful to His promises! Just like Caleb received His inheritance after 45 years, so we too, will received the Promised Land because, through His blood, Jesus purchased our inheritance. TRUST HIM!על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Are you in need of FREEDOM? Freedom from fear, anxiety, addictions or shame? Jesus paid the penalty for all our sins. "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed!" (see John 8:36)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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It’s easy to forget about God when our problems seem too big for us, but just like the Lord fought for Israel, He will also fight for you if you let Him. "If God is for us, who can be against us?”על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Even when we find ourselves in the middle of darkness, we can always count on the light of God's presence to guide us. (see John 8:12)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God can take even our worst failures and turn them into blessings if we surrender to Him. Be courageous! Let God fight the battle.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Have you fallen into a "dark pit"? Let God bring you out and fill you with a new song! Woo Hoo! (see Psalm 40:2-3)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Our strength does not come from the wisdom or might of man, our strength comes solely from the God of our salvation. May we learn to rely wholly on Jesus, our Divine Leader.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Feeling overwhelmed with the "battle" ahead? Trust God! He is more than capable and wants to fight for you. The "battle" is His!! (see Zechariah 4:6)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Are you entering uncharted territory in your life? Do not be afraid! The Lord goes ahead of us and promises to be with us every step of the way.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Are you needing some R&R today? God is the Great Shepherd who knows just what we need, so let Him take care of you today! (see: Psalm 23)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Have you ever felt like an outsider? Join us as we learn how God used Rahab, an outsiders, for His glory.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Jesus purchased our peace and healing when He died for us on the cross! Accept His grace today and live free! Woo Hoo! (see: Isaiah 53:5)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God doesn't promise that we won't go through scary situations in our life, but He does promise to be with us when we go through them.על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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Even if your life may seem lost and out of control, God knows exactly what you need and will show you the way! His GPS is never wrong. (see: Isaiah 30:20-21)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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God's faithfulness to His covenant is the root of our faith. Whenever we become fearful, remember Deuteronomy 33:27 - "underneath are the everlasting arms."על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we truly understand what God has done for us and just how great His love is, it can't help but bubble over and spill into all parts of our lives. (see: Luke 10)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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When we become fearful of the present and the future, rememebr to look to the past. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross gives us hope for the future. Woo Hoo!!על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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We have a Savior who offers us peace in the middle of the storm. (see Matthew 8:26)על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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We empower that which we give energy to. God invites us to trust His plan, choosing faith over fear!על ידי Jesus 101 and Elizabeth Talbot
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