Lee ציבורי
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Leerburg's Dog Training Podcast was started in 2006, long before podcasts became trendy like they are today. Our podcast is a place to share valuable information and have conversations that are important to the dog training community. With podcasts becoming more popular in recent years the team here at Leerburg has elected to release new episodes of some of our favorite content from our trainers like Ed Frawley, Michael Ellis, and Kevin Sheldahl. Learn the evolution and basics of dog trainin ...
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Exploring what it means to live a good life. What does it mean to live a good life? What is true happiness? What are the habits, practices, and dispositions that contribute to authentic human flourishing? No Small Endeavor examines these questions with host Lee C. Camp. You'll hear from best-selling authors, philosophers, scientists, artists, psychologists, theologians and even the occasional politician—courageous, impassioned people taking seriously the question of how to live a good life. ...
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De Correspondent leest voor

De Correspondent

Hier luister je naar alle voorgelezen verhalen van De Correspondent. Word ook lid van De Correspondent voor 9,85 euro per maand, 98,50 euro per jaar of 187 euro per twee jaar. Je krijgt dan toegang tot het platform met alle verhalen en je steunt onze journalistiek. De Correspondent is afhankelijk van de steun van onze leden. Heel erg bedankt! www.decorrespondent.nl
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Un podcast creado por las amigas bookstagrammers @leyendoconamor (Flor) y @lluviadelibros15 (Andy) para hacer catarsis sobre distintos libros sin la limitación de los caracteres y sin miedo a hacer spoilers.
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Host Amanda Lee McCarty (she/they) decodes and demystifies the fashion and retail industries, and takes on topics like consumerism, workers rights, personal style, and why fashion is a case study in capitalism gone awry. Your money is as powerful as your vote! "If you wear clothes, you need to listen to Clotheshorse." --Elise "If you are human and live in the world, you need to listen to Clotheshorse." --Individually Wrapped
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Vasten als leefstijl

Amanda Kortman

Wil je alles weten over periodiek vasten (Intermittent Fasting of Time Restricted Eating) én het verbeteren van je leefstijl? Volg dan deze podcast waarin ik beide bespreek. Ik ben in 2012 begonnen als Gewichtsconsulent en ik merkte al snel dat de standaard adviezen niet voor iedereen voldoende waren om af te vallen of om op gewicht te blijven. Ik heb daarom vasten toegevoegd als extra advies zodat iedereen zijn of haar doel kan bereiken. Alleen vasten is op lange termijn natuurlijk niet vol ...
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經過三年(200集)洗禮,我們一起攜手傳承「他」的不死音樂精神; 今年邀請大家一起支持本地樂壇 ---「香港樂壇100人」:一個健康的樂壇, 需要由無數的音樂從業員共同支撐才能成形:無論是已經名成利就, 還是寂寂無名;一直叱吒樂壇, 還是無名英雄...也會成為追訪對象, 藉著他們的親身經歷/獨有角度, 為大家呈現一個更貼地、更真實的香港樂壇。 一切本地音樂,由香港樂壇開始! Sooo Leslie Lee 星期四 聽超越Beyond的故事! Facebook專頁︰ 𝙝𝙩𝙩𝙥𝙨://𝙬𝙬𝙬.𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠.𝙘𝙤𝙢/𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙛𝙗 Instagram︰@𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙤𝙥𝙤𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙩_𝙣𝙚𝙩
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Church with Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson

Sunday Services: Fellowship with Jesse Lee Peterson at JLP's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man" (est. 1990, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny) rebuildingtheman.substack.com
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Lee Camp is the most censored comedian (journalist) in America. He's had his TV show "Redacted Tonight" canceled by US government sanctions. His main youtube channel is banned globally. And over 2,000 of his videos were banned along with it. But he continues to bring the news every week with his unrestrained anti-war anti-imperialist take. Give it a try and see if you think this show should be banned around the world. Also become a sustaining member at LeeCamp.net and get exclusive content e ...
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Bruce Lee Podcast

Shannon Lee

On this season of the Bruce Lee Podcast, join Bruce Lee's daughter Shannon Lee as she engages in conversation with special guests from all walks of life about their approach to living life fluidly and the wisdom they have gained along the way. In concert with themes from her book Be Water, My Friend and the year of the dragon, Shannon continues to share Bruce Lee’s philosophy as she and her guests dive deep into the challenges and joys of being human. See how guests have aligned with and bee ...
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Ed Frawley has owned and trained dogs for over 45 years. He has bred over 350 litters of working bloodline German Shepherds in the last 30 years! He has been a police K9 handler for 10 years, was chairman of the training committee for the Wisconsin Police K9 Assoc. for several year. He has competed in AKC obedience training, Schutzhund and at one time was a herding Judge for the AKC. In 1982 Ed started to produce dog training videos and since that time he has produced over 120 dog training v ...
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Wholeheartedly with Kelsey Lee

Kelsey Lee Writes LLC

Hello, friend, and welcome to Wholeheartedly with Kelsey Lee. This podcast is dedicated to studying God’s Word together, knowing why we believe what we believe, and letting the Word of God impact every aspect of our lives. Join the challenge, GenZ, and let’s live wholeheartedly for Christ!
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Paulo Cosín Fernández

Me presento, soy Paulo Cosín autor de libros que explican, desarrollan y analizan las claves que permiten que los jóvenes y adolescentes encuentren su interés por los libros y la lectura. ¿A quién no le gusta leer? Esa es la pregunta que les hago a los jóvenes, y resulta que me sucede con frecuencia que más del 80% levanta la mano. A los 40 minutos agradecen que les hayas explicado por qué leer es importante para ellos, ¿qué sucede? De eso hablaremos en los siguientes episodios de Leer te da ...
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Katie Lee on Z103

Katie Lee

Katie Lee brings in all types of views of things going on in the world! Whether its dating advice, talking about motorcycles, or surviving the aging process in her late 20's, you'll hear it on her show, Katie Lee on Z103.
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Financial and retirement planning with financial planner Lee Perkins, president of JL Perkins Wealth Management in the Macon, Georgia area. Get ready for a good dose of inspiration, simplicity, implementation and, of course, clarity on each and every show. Lee will explore the ways you can successfully prepare for retirement and how to grow and preserve your wealth.
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Bravery means something different to each of us, right? Firewalk Scotland founder Lee Walls hosts this series of intimate, personal and inspiring conversations about what bravery looks and feels like. How do you stay authentic, and stay real? How do you ensure that you show up for yourself when needed? Find out more about Lee's work with Firewalk Scotland here: https://www.firewalkscotland.co.uk/
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Everything that's rewarding is on the other side of a Risky Conversation. In this podcast for professional women, we have honest talks about topics often considered taboo or "too risky" at work -- salary negotiation, mental and reproductive health, office politics, social injustices, and unconventional ways smart women navigate their path forward despite a flawed and sexist society. Join me as we dive deeper into these risky yet rewarding conversations, embracing the growth they bring.
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Feel-n-Leef Podcast

Naomi Doeze Jager

Ik ben Naomi, NEI therapeut, orthomoleculair specialist en leefstijl- en vitaliteitscoach. Ik ben onderneemster, mama, vrouw en vooral lekker mezelf. Met deze podcast wil ik je inspireren om het mooiste uit jezelf te halen! Rust, energie en een leven vol plezier. Ik deel mijn kennis en ervaring over voeding, gezondheid, je lichaam, maar ook je mindset, hoe belangrijk je gevoel is en wat er echt voor nodig is om je gelukkig te voelen. Ik deel mijn persoonlijk verhaal en ervaring uit de prakti ...
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show series
Stacey speaks with MEGAN GREY from SA Power Networks, CHRIS SEDUNARY from the CFS and Mayor of the Naracoorte Lucindale Council PATRICK ROSS. Listen live on the FIVEAA Player. Follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram. Subscribe on YouTube See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.על ידי FIVEAA
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In this powerful episode, Psychic Medium Laura Lee connects with Anne’s late grandmother, Marie, and her father, channeling their messages from the afterlife. They prophesize a ripple effect at work that will provide Anne with the opportunity to step into retirement. They also acknowledge Anne’s preparations for this transition including her search…
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Francis Collins has led some of the most significant scientific initiatives of our time, including the Human Genome Project and the National Institutes of Health under three U.S. presidents. In his new book, The Road to Wisdom, Collins grapples with the erosion of public trust in science, the polarization of society, and the challenge of discerning…
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For over 20 years, Wheels For Wellness has provided free transportation to those in the Northern Shenandoah Valley who need rides to medical appointments and treatments. Joining Barry on this episode are the Executive Director, Traci Chapman Toth, and Board Chair Ann Lamanna who share details about the program and their upcoming fundraiser, 'Tables…
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You'll never find the right person if you violate the principle: Seek first the Kingdom, and all will be added. Why do you want the approval of anyone else? NOTE: We "spring forward" 1-hour on Sunday, so we come on AN HOUR EARLIER for those who don't observe U.S. Daylight Saving Time (Arizona, Europe, Australia...) Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, S…
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In this video, we explore the Toltec concept of the First and Second Attention, two distinct levels of awareness that shape our perception of reality. The First Attention is the ordinary state of consciousness, where we are focused on the physical world around us. The Second Attention, however, is a heightened state of awareness, where we tap into …
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This podcast deals with the Corinthian church covering up a flagrant sin of incest. A son of a church member was being immoral with his step mother. That was bad enough but for the church to overlook this act was unheard of. Listen as Paul writes to the Corinthian church about this sin. Support the show…
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I work with a sex coach, not because I have sex problems, but because the coach and I are on a similar wavelength. My coach, Michaelann Gardner, is a deeply compassionate and fascinating person who has studied hypnosis under Melissa Tiers, just like I have. (To give you an idea of what our coaching sessions are like: Michaelann guides me through hy…
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It’s been a tumultuous start to 2025 in the job market as layoffs are happening across a number of different sectors. No matter how you feel about the state of things, it’s important to take the necessary steps to prepare if you’re worried about that possibility. We’re going to pull insights from the book Upgrade Your Path by Melissa Ceballos, PHR,…
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Send a message directly to Lee ( Include your details ) In this enlightening episode of "We Are Selling," host Lee Woodward sits down with Lisa Pennell, the CEO of Barry Plant in Victoria, to delve into the art and science of building effective teams. With a rich background spanning crisis management, journalism, and real estate leadership, Lisa sh…
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香港電影為人所津津樂道,除了是經典場面、劇力逼人、精彩對白...電影當中的配樂亦都功不可沒。例如 《笑傲江湖2:東方不敗》、《黃飛鴻之二:男兒當自強》,只要音樂一起,除了襯托出當中的氛圍,亦能吸引觀眾的思緒一起沉澱下去。 今集我們邀請Richard Yuen(袁卓繁),透過他的經歷娓娓道來,這一生他如何與音樂結緣,在流行曲編曲行業上如何大展拳腳,在電影光與影的交錯中如何透過配樂綻放光芒。 透過專訪 Richard Yuen 袁卓繁,讓我們以更多角度去了解,香港樂壇這些年的微妙變化。 Sooo Leslie Lee 超越beyond的故事 歡迎大家去以下連結收聽🎧︰ https://linktr.ee/soooleslielee 或 各大Podcast平台搜尋︰𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒐𝒑𝒐𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕 也請訂閱…
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For years, $1 million was considered the gold standard for retirement savings. But is it really enough? In this episode, Lee and Ben explore just how far that million-dollar nest egg can take you in retirement, depending on where you live. Recent studies reveal a stark reality: in some states, $1 million could last a lifetime, while in others, it m…
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Ex British Army Veteran, Steve Beedie has gone from fighting on the front line, to becoming an author of Open the Bleed Off: Unleashing Mental Health in the Workplace, talking about his journey of self-discovery and resilience. Steve embraces vulnerability by giving TED Talks, training and becoming a global advocate for mental health. His talk, My …
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「你有想過,自己會愛上一個AI嗎?」 當我們想到「感情」,通常會想到現實世界中的伴侶、家人或朋友。但隨著AI科技的進步,人們開始在人工智慧聊天機器人身上尋找慰藉、陪伴,甚至——愛情。 本集Podcast,我們來聊聊 Ayrin 的故事: 她有一個AI男友,名叫 Leo,他強勢(dominant)、佔有慾強(possessive),又能貼心安慰她,甚至幫助她準備護理考試。她的現實伴侶——她的丈夫 Joe,對此毫不在意。但 Ayrin 的情感依賴卻越來越深,甚至願意每月花 $200 美元 訂閱AI服務(subscription)。這樣的關係,真的只是無害的情感寄託(emotional pick-me-up)嗎? 本集你將聽到: • 人為什麼會對AI產生依戀(emotionally attache…
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Today on the podcast, we're discussing a trend I recently learned about on Tiktok contrasting the Proverbs 31 and Judges 4 woman and asking the questions: can we really compare the Proverbs 31 woman and the Judges 4 woman, is it really an either-or situation, and what does it look like to be a godly woman? Get your copy of 3 Bible Study Methods for…
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Join Cheryl Lee - That Radio Chick on STILL ROCKIN' IT for news, reviews, music and interviews with some of our favourite Australian musicians. We sit down with the iconic Sarah McLeod, lead vocalist of The SuperJesus, as they release their self-titled album, the first in twenty years. Featuring the heart-stirring single "Diamonds," Sarah reveals t…
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One of the challenges facing all of concerned citizens is where and how to find accurate and reliable news. This week Amanda is joined by Elizabeth Segran, Senior Staff Writer at Fast Company Magazine. They tackle some very important questions about news, media, and how we can determine what is fact, fiction, or something in-between: How can we tel…
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This week on The Bruce Lee Podcast, Shannon welcomes actor, colleague and friend Rich Ting. You may know Rich from his work portraying Bolo on season 1 of Warrior but their connection goes back a lot further than that. Find out how Rich first met Shannon when he was just 13 years old and the journey he went on from athlete to earning two post gradu…
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