Podcast Diet ציבורי
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The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK. Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media. Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally t ...
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Każdy z nas jest inny i potrzebuje innej strategii. Właśnie dlatego hasło przewodnie tego podcastu to "poczuj smak swobody". Bez względu na to czy mówimy o Twoim talerzu, planie treningowym czy wartościach, jakie wyznajesz w życiu - masz wybór i możesz rozsmakować się w wolności. Nie musisz wybierać między zdrowiem a smakiem. Nie musisz wybireać między fajną sylwetką, a radoscią z aktywności fizycznej. Możesz po prostu kierować się swoimi wartościami i przy okazji dbać o swoje ciało. W tym p ...
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Dietetycznie Zakręcony Podcast to podcast, w którym opowiem Ci jak zdrowo, skutecznie, a przede wszystkim pysznie zmienić swoje nawyki żywieniowe, jak odmienić swoje podejście do diety i jak w końcu (bez zbędnych wyrzeczeń) osiągnąć swoje wymarzone rezultaty! Znajdziesz tutaj dużą dawkę pozytywnej energii, motywacji i wsparcia! Zarażam bakcylem zdrowego stylu życia! Zapraszam! Dietetycznie Zakręcona Paula Jamróz dietetyk kliniczny & psychodietetyk
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Daily Dietitian Podcast

Stacy Mitchell, RDN, LD, CPT

My goal for this podcast is to break down the latest health topics and help clear the clutter in the messy world of nutrition and fitness. We hope to inspire, educate, and entertain all things wellness. We cut the bologna of the food shaming and keep the focus on making healthy habits that work for you! Join us as we talk with experts in their fields on how to feel our best in our own body and mind.
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The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich, Founder of Spin Sucks

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.
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Flex Diet Podcast

Dr. Mike T Nelson

Dr. Mike T Nelson gets geeky with the latest research and scientific findings in the fitness world. Visit www.flexdiet.com to get Flex Diet Certified and www.miketnelson.com for more geeky goodness.
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Urlaub machen kann jeder. Reisen muss man reisen. Und dafür muss man auch nicht bis ans Ende der Welt. Wir heißen Michael Dietz und Jochen Schliemann. Mehr als 100 Länder haben wir bereist – fertig sind wir noch lange nicht. Michael kennt man vielleicht als Moderator (WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 1LIVE, WDR 2) und Autor, Jochen eventuell als Musik- und Reise-Reporter und Autor. Als Reise-Experten des Radiosenders 1LIVE wurde uns erstmals bewusst, dass wir anderen helfen können bei ihren Reise-Plänen ...
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The official Dietitian Connection Podcast gives you access to the most influential and successful experts in the Dietetic profession and beyond. This podcast will inspire you; it will challenge you; and it will empower you to become a nutrition leader and realise your dreams. Visit dietitianconnection.com to subscribe to the FREE weekly newsletter. Dietitian Connection is a one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for nutrition, leadership and business resources, exciting job opportuni ...
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I'm Jo, I'm an anti-diet Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor from Ireland and I'm here to smash the taboo of binge eating. I have so so much to say about binge eating and I know you need to hear it. When you are struggling with your relationship with food, you can feel like you're the only person who knows how you feel. The truth it, lots of others are going through exactly the same as you, but thanks to binge eating being a taboo, you never get to hear about that. ...
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Dietetyczny Podcast

Jackowiak Marcin / Arkadiusz Matras

Żywienie odgrywa kluczową rolę w życiu każdego człowieka i wszyscy jesteśmy na diecie. Nie każdy jednak żywi się w ten sam sposób. W dietetycznym podcaście sprawdzamy jakie są zwyczaje żywieniowe osób rozpoznawalnych, sportowców, ale przede wszystkim osób ciekawych. Nad poziomem merytorycznym czuwa dyplomowany dietetyk. Zapraszamy do kombinacji rozrywki i edukacji!
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The Cancer Dietitian Podcast

Julie Lanford, , MPH, RD, CSO, LDN - The Cancer Dietitian

Welcome to The Cancer Dietitian Podcast! Join Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, a bonafide expert in oncology nutrition, as she guides you through the forest of nutrition and cancer information. Are you a cancer patient wondering what to eat to keep your body as healthy as possible during treatment? Are you a cancer survivor wanting to eat as healthy as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence? Are you sick of all the crazy info around nutrition and just want an evidence-based resource for ...
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Juicy Dietz: NFL Podcast

Alex Jensen and Zack Dietz

Alex "Juicy" Jensen and Zack Dietz, two buddies who both happen to write for Sports Illustrated talk about all things NFL in a draft-influenced podcast that spans both coasts. The duo cover betting lines, season predictions, draft crushes, schematic/scouting philosophy, fantasy and whatever else catches their eye.
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Steroid Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glor ...
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Learning from others is an important part of your development as a dietitian. In each episode, join Aaron, as he talks to guests about their endeavours in the world of dietetics. If you are a Dietitian, a Student Dietitian, or just want to hear about the world of dietetics, this is the podcast for you. Dietetics Digest Podcast is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Nutricia. We thank them for their support.
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Gezond oud worden en zo lang mogelijk van het leven genieten, dat wil iedere man. Maar hoe doe je dat? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je lichaam slank, gezond en sterk is? Echte Mannen Diëten Niet geeft je het antwoord op deze vraag. Met deze podcast help ik jou om af te vallen, een platte buik te krijgen en je lichaam gezond en sterk te maken. Dit doen we zonder dieet, zonder calorieën te tellen en zonder een streng regime te volgen.
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F* the Diet Podcast

Mariana Cadore

Mariana Cadore teaches and inspires you to reach your maximum potential in the realm of health.She interviews world-class experts in the health & wellness community. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, healing, sleep, meditation, and spirituality. This podcast is made to inspire and transform your life; let's take your health to the next level!
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Dieta z Głową Podcast

Monika Prusaczyk i Magda Słota

Rozmawiamy o tym, co jeść i jak jeść, ale przede wszystkim, co zrobić, żeby się chciało to robić. W tym podcaście dowiesz się jak budować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w oparciu o dobre relacje z jedzeniem. Przed mikrofonem Monika i Magda, jesteśmy dietetyczkami klinicznymi z psychodietetycznym podejściem.
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Welcome to the Dietitians Unplugged Podcast with Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston. Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming ...
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Escape Diet Prison is a podcast for women who want to stop battling food and are ready to embrace their energetic, fierce and sexy self in order to live the life they've always wanted to live. In this podcast, Anne-Sophie Reinhardt will share applicable advice to get you back to a place of harmony with your body, weight and food. You can look forward to discussions about emotional eating, binge eating, health, toxic beliefs, destructive habits, body image, self-love, freedom from obsession, ...
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The Ditch the Diet Podcast

The Ditch the Diet Podcast

Host Rachael Watson talks about her Walk the Talk anti-diet campaign, weight loss, nutrition, health, lifestyle and CrossFit as well as her personal journey to health. We welcome guests for interviews on all different types of nutrition and weight loss topics. Be inspired to change your body and change your life with this podcast!
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The Mind Diet Podcast

The Mind Diet Podcast

The Mind Diet Podcast is the brain child of renowned Muay Thai commentator and mind coach, Vinny Shoreman, alongside co-hosts Andreas Georgiou and Roberto Reid. Accompanying The Mind Diet book, the podcast will give further insight into the importance of having a healthy mind, with some of the biggest guests from Muay Thai, MMA and all other walks of life.
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The Mindset Diet is a podcast for those looking to heal their relationship with food and exercise, conquer emotional eating and figure out what healthy looks like for THEM! This podcast features host Stephanie Meinhardt, Certified Health and Life Coach, discussing her personal experiences and tips and tricks on how to up level your mindset. She also interviews many thought leaders in the physical/mental health and fitness field to bring you some of the best advice out there. Book a Discovery ...
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Just because someone can live with a disease doesn’t mean they should. The overwhelming majority of chronic diseases are a result of lifestyle. A whole food plant based diet is one of the most effective approaches to arresting these conditions. During these episodes Lisa simplifies the science behind the power of plants and pulls from her 9+ years of coaching experience to provide the proven strategies for success when making significant lifestyle and mindset changes. Your host, Lisa A. Smit ...
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Informativ, unterhaltsam, inspirierend: Autor:innen aus dem Dietz Verlag stellen ihre neuen Bücher vor und sprechen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen. Spannende, offene Diskussionen und neue Sichtweisen von unterschiedlichen Expert:innen für alle, die sich eine differenzierte Meinung bilden wollen. Jeden ersten Freitag im Monat hört Ihr hier ein Interview, eine Lesung oder eine Diskussion zwischen Autor:innen und ihren Gästen. Sie ordnen aktuelle Ereignisse in Zusammenhänge ein, e ...
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show series
Amid renewed calls for his cancellation, Chris Cutrone addresses his critics about an essay that was to be entitled "Why Not Greenland?" Also discussed: How can we understand this moment without tailing any capitalist party? What about the Labor Theory of Value? And did Fonzie even "jump the shark" in the sense the phrase is usually meant? Support …
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In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I sit down with Jennifer Broxterman from Prosper Nutrition Coaching to dive into the world of nutrition coaching. We cover everything from the pros and cons of macro counting to the importance of understanding a client’s history and staying curious in coaching relationships. Jennifer brings a wealth of know…
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Hey Rebel. Today we’re reframing the way we think about movement. Exercise doesn’t have to be disordered or a source of guilt and stress—it can be something that supports you physically, mentally, and emotionally. My hope is that this episode helps you move toward a healthier relationship with movement. One that isn't tied up in all-or-nothing thin…
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Excellence is not conditional. Many of us don’t hit our goals because we only take action when it aligns with certain conditions. To get your health in order, you have to do whatever is necessary, regardless of the circumstances. In today’s episode, Lisa shares her proprietary 4-step framework to make your obedience radical. The term “obedience” ha…
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Dawson Weiss on the Bodybuilding Podcast with Dan Bodybuilder from ThailandBodybuilder Dawson Weiss comes back to the bodybuilding podcast for a fourth episode with Dan the bodybuilder from thailand to discuss the science and chemistry of building muscle, getting ripped, and training hardcore bodybuilding in the gym. Video Podcast of This Episode i…
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In this episode of the Podcast, I share 7 tips on how to make Christmas a wonderful time, even if you're struggling with food and your body. The post 7 Ways to Conquer Christmas Food Anxiety (and Actually Enjoy the Holidays) appeared first on Mind-Body Eating Coaching - Anne-Sophie Reinhardt.על ידי Anne-Sophie Reinhardt
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Japan ist für Jochen ein zweites Zuhause geworden. Auch weil das Land mit jedem Besuch nicht etwa logischer für ihn wird, sondern immer rätselhafter. Manchmal sogar schon vor dem Frühstück. Jochen wollte doch nur einen Löffel ausleihen, und jetzt ist das ganze Hotel auf den Beinen. Die Geschichte „Der japanische Löffel“ stammt aus dem Spiegelbestse…
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Jacob Shell is a professor of geography and urban studies at Temple University. He is also addicted to X (Twitter) and a critic of the left and the Democrats. Shell insists he's not a leftist, but if the left were alive, I believe he would be. Support Sublation Media https://patreon.com/dietsoap
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Search is always changing, and as communications professionals, we don't always stay up to date on the latest. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is sharing how you should be updating your SEO strategy in 2025 to make sure that the people who need to find your content, do.…
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Welcome back to the Flex Diet Podcast! In this episode, I’m diving into some key concepts from my Flex Diet Certification, including the unique 8-intervention approach that combines metabolic flexibility and flexible dieting. I’ll share insights on the importance of actionable steps, research-backed nutrition strategies, and the innovative concept …
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In this episode of Sublation Magazine, we discuss Trump's intention to expand America. Is he trolling? Is he serious? How seriously should we take Chris Cutrone's defense of Trump's plans? Is there a chance for an "Empire of Liberty?" What does it take to be a Marxist (first or last) in the age of Trump? Also, what is the meaning of a Vanishing Ele…
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Spencer Leonard joins Douglas Lain for the first "Spencer Leonard Hour." Spencer will be appearing on the channel monthly going forward in order to educate us about the misunderstood and neglected history of Marxism. Support Sublation Media on Patreon https://patreon.com/dietsoap
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Hellblaues Wasser, weißer Sand, endlose Sonne, ein paar Fischerboote, phantastisches Tauchen, Schnorcheln oder Chillen plus ein Essens-Mix aus Indien, Afrika, Asien, Persien und Europa. Sansibar ist durch seine bewegte Geschichte und grandiose Lage vor der Küste Ostafrikas ein 1A-Reiseziel. Noch dazu von Mitteleuropa aus relativ schnell (auch im ka…
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On this episode, Bo recounts a 911 incident in the Bronx, a chance meeting with a hero Marine in New York, and expresses his strong opinions on safety and policing. Bo criticizes the MTA's financial mismanagement and corruption within New York's government, vehemently arguing against current city policies, bail reforms, and the handling of the ment…
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Odcinek o tym, jak wytrwać w postanowieniach noworocznych i skutecznie schudnąć w tym roku, a nie poddawać się na diecie po tygodniu. P.S. Trwa noworoczna WYPRZEDAŻ na WSZYSTKIE elastyczne diety, w których to Ty wybierasz posiłki, na które masz ochotę i… skutecznie chudniesz. Do wyboru wersje: ✅klasyczne ✅dla insulinoopornonych ✅wegetariańskie Kalo…
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I’m thrilled to kick off 2025 with an exciting episode: My Take on 2025 Nutrition Trends. Food trends are constantly changing, influenced by science, culture, and consumer priorities. This year, the focus is clear: health-focused, sustainable, and personalized eating habits. Today, we’ll unpack the 7 hot trends that experts predict will shape our p…
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Hey Rebel. Today we’re tackling a key step in healing your relationship with food: rejecting dieting. Diet culture isn’t just about big-name diets like Weight Watchers or Noom—it shows up in subtle food rules, social norms, and everyday conversations that impact how we think about food and our bodies. In this episode, we’ll explore: How diet cultur…
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Obserwuj mnie na Insta : http://www.instagram.com/okiem_dietetyka_ Zapisz się do newslettera i pobierz próbkę schematów za 0 zł : https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/w3l7c3 Dowiedz się więcej o moim autorskim Systemie Dietetycznej Swobody: https://sds.okiemdietetyka.pl/ A jeśli masz ochotę przekonać się jakiej strategii potrzebujesz, ku…
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There are things AI can do. Lots of them, in fact. But it can't do everything and it can't replace a solid communications plan and team. This week on the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how AI can enhance your PESO Model© Strategy in 2025 - complete with measurement and integration.…
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In this solo episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I announce the opening of the Flex Diet Certification and highlight its key features and benefits. I explain the difference between the Flex Diet Cert, which focuses on nutrition and recovery, and the Physiologic Flexibility Cert, which deals with advanced resilience and recovery strategies. Emphasizin…
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To be radically obedient, we need to fix things in our health. We need to do better and be better to overcome concerns like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and more. In today’s episode, Lisa reviews two significant milestones you need to hit in order to achieve your health goals. This topic is so important because it is the primary reason t…
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Send us a text WORK WITH ME 1:1 Thank you for listening to the Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast! As well as over 130 episodes, what else do I have in store for you? Grab my free CHECKLIST for a binge-free week here. Join me for a free WEBINAR on What Is Really Keeping You Stuck in Binge Eating here. Come say hi over on INSTAGRAM @binge.eating.dietiti…
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Hey Rebel. In this episode of the Diet Culture Rebel Podcast, I’m sitting down with my past client, Monica, to hear her inspiring story of transformation. With the support of the Diet Culture Rebel team, Monica learned to trust herself with food, let go of self-blame, and free herself from the pressures of diet culture. We dive into her personal st…
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🎙 Podcast Preview: Hey there, and welcome back to the podcast! Happy New Year! With a new year, it’s natural to think about goals and resolutions. But let’s face it—sometimes those goals are fueled by unrealistic expectations or habits that don’t truly serve us. That’s why in today’s episode, we’re cutting through the noise to focus on what really …
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Odcinek o tym, czego nie robić po Świętach, jak wrócić do diety i zdrowych nawyków, dbając również o swoje hormony. Oraz jak się zmotywować, aby zacząć działać teraz, a nie odkładać na później! P.S. Ruszyła noworoczna WYPRZEDAŻ na WSZYSTKIE elastyczne diety, w których to Ty wybierasz posiłki, na które masz ochotę i… skutecznie chudniesz. Do wyboru …
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Join me, Dr. Mike T. Nelson, on the Flex Diet Podcast as Coach Cal Dietz from the University of Minnesota and I discuss our new book, 'Triphasic Training 2.' We delve into advanced training methodologies, including the lateral sling method, periodized program setup, and Olympic lifting's pros and cons. Sponsors: Tecton Life Ketone drink! https://te…
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Your health has to be an asset, not a liability. Getting right from the neck down is essential to live a life of radical obedience. So, in today’s episode, Lisa talks about what it takes to do the hard things for your health. Lisa is joined by Shuquanda, who is one of the upcoming participants in the next Plant Protocol 30-day challenge. Shaquanda …
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Send us a text Find Emma's website here: Emma Humphrey ‣ Wellbeing Coaching & Healing Hypnotherapy Thank you for listening to the Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast! As well as over 130 episodes, what else do I have in store for you? Grab my free CHECKLIST for a binge-free week here. Join me for a free WEBINAR on What Is Really Keeping You Stuck in Bin…
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Der hipste Stadtteil & die berühmteste Kreuzung des Universums, die coolste Bar aller Zeiten (versteckt in einem U-Bahn-Eingang) plus eine Ode an den Central Park - willkommen in Teil 3 unserer New York Trilogie! Spaziert mit uns durch China Town, Little Italy, Soho und die Upper West Side (was für Namen!). Entdeckt kleine, alternative Parks, winzi…
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Umut Özkýrýmlý reveals how the Left has been sucked into a spiral of toxic hatred and outrage-mongering, retreating from the democratic ideals of freedom and pluralism that it purports to represent. Exploring the similarities between right-wing populism and radical identity politics, he sets out an alternative vision. It is only by focusing on our …
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In this special Festivus episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I delve into the components of feats of strength, discuss benchmarks for basic lifts for males and females and explain why performance goals are crucial even for body composition. I also share insights on ketone esters from Tecton, electrolyte needs for athletes, and the upcoming Flex Diet …
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Faith without works is dead. People of color and people of other marginalized communities are taught that they have to work ten times harder to be credible or worthy. But no matter how hard you work, no matter how long you go with no days off, put your head down and do the work, you will never get to where you want to be without activating faith. I…
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Send us a text BOOK YOUR 1:1 HERE Thank you for listening to the Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast! As well as over 130 episodes, what else do I have in store for you? Grab my free CHECKLIST for a binge-free week here. Join me for a free WEBINAR on What Is Really Keeping You Stuck in Binge Eating here. Come say hi over on INSTAGRAM @binge.eating.dieti…
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Douglas Lain and Chris Cutrone discuss György Lukács' "The Theory of the Novel: A Historico-philosophical Essay on the Forms of Great Epic Literature," which provides Doug an opportunity to reminisce on his long-lost vocation as a novelist. Link to Lukacs' Theory of the Novel https://analepsis.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/georg-lukacs-the-theory-…
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